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LLCC Board of Trustees Regular Meeting March 25, 2015 Justin Reichert, Chair Craig Findley, Vice Chair Jerry Wesley, Se...

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LLCC Board of Trustees Regular Meeting March 25, 2015

Justin Reichert, Chair Craig Findley, Vice Chair Jerry Wesley, Secretary Jeff Fulgenzi Kent Gray Wayne Rosenthal Dennis Shackelford Jefferson Gentry, Student Trustee Charlotte Warren, President


AGENDA REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, March 25, 2015 5:15 P.M. Lincoln Land Community College Robert H. Stephens Room


Preliminary Matters A. B. C. D.

Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Adoption of Agenda of the March 25, 2015 Meeting Introductions and Recognitions 1. Author Dr. Chris McDonald E. Hearing of Citizens II.

Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 25, 2015 ....... 6 B. Ratify Payments of Cash Disbursements for February and the February Treasurer’s Report .......................................................................... 32 C. Out-of-State Travel 1 Ratification of Out of State Travel.................................................. 33 2. Approval of Out of State Travel ..................................................... 34 D. Budget/Financial Items E. Purchasing 1. Tractor Truck and Semi-Trailer Purchase ..................................... 36 2. HIPSKIND TSG Storage Center & Servers .................................. 38 F. Contracts/Agreements 1. Monthly Training Contract/Clinical Agreement Status Report........ 39 G. Monthly Grant Status Report .............................................................. 45 H. Facility Leases 1. Capital City Training Center Parking Lot Lease ............................. 47 I. Construction Items 1. Taylorville Code Compliance and Renovation Change Orders ..... 49 2. Montgomery Hall Roof Replacement Bid Proposals...................... 51 J. Other Items


Action Agenda A. Policies B. Academic Services Division Item 1. Sabbatical Leave Recommendation for 2015-2016 ........................ 54 C. Student Services Division Items D. Administrative Services Division Items E. Information Technology Systems Items F. Workforce Development and Community Education Items G. Executive Division Items


Information Items A. Staff Reports 1. Academic Services 2. Student Services 3. Administrative Services a. Position Vacancies and Hires .................................................. 56 b. Construction Progress Update ................................................. 57 c. Monthly Financial Report 4. Information Technology Systems 5. Workforce Development and Community Education 6. Executive Division a. Review of Agenda Master Calendar......................................... 60 B. President’s Report C. Report from Faculty Senate D. Report from Faculty Association E. Report from Classified Staff F. Report from Professional Staff G. Report from Facilities Services Council H. Chairman’s Report I. Secretary’s Report J. Foundation Report K. Other Board Members’ Reports


Strategic Discussion A. Informational Presentation Regarding Goal 2 – Financial Strength .... 62


Executive Session


Actions from Open/Executive Session



I. Preliminary Matters

II. Consent Agenda


MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES LINCOLN LAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE ILLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT #526 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Land Community College, Illinois Community College District #526 was held on Wednesday February 25, 2015 at 5:22 p.m. in the Robert H. Stephens Room of the main campus with Chairman Reichert presiding. I.

Preliminary Matters A. Roll Call

Members present were Mr. Findley, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Reichert. Mr. Fulgenzi was absent. B. Pledge of Allegiance Chairman Reichert led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. Chairman Reichert indicated that Mr. Fulgenzi is out-of-town and unable to attend the meeting due to business obligations and has requested to join the meeting via teleconference.

MOTION NO. 02-25-15-1: Mr. Findley moved to allow Mr. Fulgenzi to join the February 25, 2015 Board of Trustees meeting via teleconference. Mr. Gray seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Findley, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Reichert. PASSED Dr. Warren stated that Agenda Item II.C.1, Ratification of Out-of-State Travel has one individual mistakenly listed and requested Jason Dockter’s name be removed from the listing, prior to adoption of the February 25, 2015 Board agenda. C. Adoption of Agenda of the February 25, 2015 Meeting



MOTION NO. 02-25-15-2: Mr. Findley moved to adopt the amended agenda of February 25, 2015 meeting. Mr. Wesley seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Gray, Mr. Findley, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Reichert. PASSED D. Introductions and Recognitions – None E. Hearing of Citizens Numerous members of the Springfield area soccer community were in attendance and several expressed a desire to address the Board in regard to an action item Board members will discuss later in the meeting, affecting continuation of the LLCC Soccer program. Five individuals, Mr. Ed Gower, Mr. Brad Carduff, Mr. Todd Hamerlinck, Mr. Chris Noonan, and Mr. Peter Christofilakos, addressed the Board sharing their background information and personal connection to the LLCC Soccer program. Each gave pleas for the Board and Administration to continue the LLCC Soccer program. They provided information on past and current players, explaining the foundational importance of this Soccer program in helping develop and guide the players into becoming successful adult community members. The speakers each pledged their personal commitment and support to the LLCC Soccer program. Mr. Reichert thanked the speakers and stated the Board would take their comments under consideration when this agenda item is addressed later in the meeting. II.

Consent Agenda

MOTION NO. 02-25-15-3: Mr. Rosenthal moved to: • • •

approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 28, 2015; ratify disbursements of the bi-monthly checks, E-Commerce Refunds, ACH and Wire transactions issued during January 2015 and ratify the January 31, 2015 Treasurer’s Report; approve ratification of out-of-state travel for the attached list of individuals with the previously noted change;



• • • • • • • •

approve out-of-state travel for the attached list of employees; approve the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Illinois State Board of Education in the amount of $177,600; approve the Memorandum of Understanding with Kendall College in the amount of $72,150; approve the Statement of Final Construction Compliance report to ICCB for the referenced projects; ratify the listed change orders in the amount of $2,726.76 for the Taylorville Code Compliance & Renovation project as presented; move to accept the fee agreement from GHR Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $38,650 to provide engineering services to replace the AHU motors on Sangamon Hall, Menard Hall and Cass Gymnasium; move to accept the fee agreement from GHR Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $27,588 to provide engineering services for an Arc Flash Study for multiple buildings at LLCC; move to accept the fee agreement from John Shafer & Associates, Inc. in the amount of $26,000 to provide architectural services to replace the roof at Montgomery Hall; and move to accept the fee agreement from Allen Henderson & Associates, Inc. in the amount of $26,780 to provide structural engineering services to replace the exterior stairs at Sangamon Hall.

Mr. Shackelford seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Gray, Mr. Findley, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Reichert. PASSED III.

Action Agenda A. Policies – None B. Academic Services Division Items - None 1. Summary of Changes for 2014-16 Catalog Addendum

This item seeks approval of changes for the 2015 – 2016 college catalog. An executive summary of substantive changes is provided as an external attachment.



MOTION NO. 02-25-15-4: Mr. Gray moved to approve the 2014-2016 College catalog addendum. Mr. Wesley seconded.

Those members voting aye were Mr. Gray, Mr. Findley, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Reichert. PASSED C. Student Services Division Items 1. Men’s Athletic Program

MOTION NO. 02-25-15-5: Mr. Findley moved to discontinue the LLCC Soccer program. Mr. Wesley seconded.

Dr. Warren explained this item was before the Board tonight as a request of the Board, following a brief discussion that took place at the January 28, 2015 Board of Trustees meeting regarding the viability of the Soccer program. The Board requested Administration provide additional relevant data and place the matter on the February 2015 Board of Trustees agenda. Dr. Warren discussed the financial shortfalls the college has had to absorb, and will continue to encounter, as the economy and the State of Illinois struggles financially. She reviewed the approximately $1.2 million cost reduction measures the College has undertaken and will continue to implement. She stated these cuts were difficult, but were made for the greater good of the College. The question now is, if it is time to discontinue the LLCC Soccer program, with only six returning players, allowing the College to recoup $108,000 annually in expenses and tuition waivers? Chairman Reichert recognized Soccer Coach, Shawn Dunas’ request to address the Board. Coach Dunas discussed why the Soccer team is currently down to six members, expressing his desire and commitment to the team, recruitment, and promotion of team fundraising efforts. As an example of his commitment and personal sacrifice, Coach Dunas stated a willingness to reduce his coaching salary just to see the LLCC Soccer program continue. Assistant Soccer Coach Tim Gonulsen addressed the Board and echoed the same sentiment and commitment as Coach Dunas, also offering to coach the team in a volunteer capacity, if it meant retaining the LLCC Soccer program.



MOTION NO. 02-25-15-6: Mr. Gray introduced a motion to amend or strike Mr. Findley’s motion and moved to place Soccer on a 2-year probationary period for the Fall 2015, 2016 seasons. Reevaluation of program to take place in December/January of 2017. Prior to 2017: Require Soccer team members to increase their overall team GPA to 2.3. Require the Soccer team to increase fundraising to equal or exceed $16,000 over the next two years. Reduce Soccer waivers to 12 for 2015, 14 for 2016 seasons. All sports budgetary cuts: Beginning July 1, 2016, LLCC will no longer budget and pay for assistant coaches for any team. The teams may fundraise to pay for assistant coaches. Every head coach will have their salary cut by 10%. Supplies for teams will henceforth be paid out of team fundraising. Mr. Shackelford seconded. Discussion ensued regarding the stipulations stated in Mr. Gray’s motion. Mr. Findley expressed concern Board members had only been introduced to Mr. Gray’s motion at this evening’s meeting and did not have sufficient supporting data or time to properly consider this motion and urged Trustees to not approve it. Additional discussion ensued with Mr. Fulgenzi expressing concern he did not have sufficient time to review the data provided by Administration in support of elimination of the LLCC Soccer program. Mr. Gray explained to the audience, it was his suggestion, at the January 2015 Board of Trustees meeting, that issues with the Soccer program be addressed in February, in hopes of allowing students/team members sufficient time to look at their options, if the Soccer program was discontinued. Mr. Gray stated since the January Board meeting he has been contacted by numerous community members in support of continuing the LLCC Soccer program, expressing their commitment and support if the Board would reconsider, which prompted the introduction of his motion. He went on to state that it is his personal belief the State’s financial situation will continue to deteriorate to the point that the College may be looking at cutting all athletic programs in the future.



Trustees continued to discuss the many aspects and deficiencies of the Soccer program that were instrumental in developing the original recommendation to discontinue the LLCC Soccer program. They expressed their desire to support the College administration while also providing every opportunity for students and athletes throughout the College district to excel at Lincoln Land Community College. Mr. Reichert called for a vote on Mr. Gray’s Motion 02-25-15-6. Those members voting aye were Mr. Gentry, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Gray. Those members voting nay were Mr. Findley, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley and Mr. Reichert. Mr. Fulgenzi abstained from the vote. FAILED Mr. Reichert called for a vote on Mr. Findley’s Motion 02-25-15-5. Those members voting aye were Mr. Findley, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Wesley, and Mr. Reichert. Those members voting nay were Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford, and Mr. Gray. FAILED Mr. Reichert announced as a result of the vote, the LLCC Soccer program will continue and suggested the Soccer coach, Administration, and soccer community will need to work together to find a path to make this program successful. The Board took a brief recess at 7 p.m. and reconvened at 7:20 p.m. D. Administrative Services Division Items - None E. Information Technology Systems Items - None F. Workforce Development and Community Education Items – None G. Executive Division Items - None IV.

Information Items A. Staff Reports 1. Academic Services - None 2. Student Services – None 3. Administrative Services a. Position Vacancies and Hires 11


Dr. Warren noted this item has been updated and now includes two new hires and one resignation. b. Construction Progress Update The construction at LLCC-Taylorville is on schedule and the College looks forward to holding the July 2015 Board meeting in Taylorville. 4. Information Technology Systems – None 5. Workforce Development and Community Education - None 6. Executive Division a. Review of Agenda Master Calendar This item stands as presented. B. President’s Report Senator Sam McCann was a guest speaker at the 3rd Annual Farmers Share Luncheon, held on February 25 on LLCC’s main campus. The luncheon is sponsored by the Ag Club. LLCC’s Campus Visit Day set a record with 491 attendees on February 16, 2015. Winter weather affected College operations twice in February. LLCC-Litchfield and Hillsboro were closed on Monday, February 16, and the entire College was closed on Saturday, February 21, 2015. African-American History month has been celebrated throughout the month of February, with musical presentations, lectures, concluding with Food and Vendor Day held in the LLCC Commons today. Ron J. Keller, Director of the Lincoln Heritage Museum and Associate Professor of History and Political Science at LLCC, was the speaker at LLCC’s 5th Annual Lincoln Lecture on February 12, 2015. He presentation was entitled “Who Does This Guy Think He Is?? 150 Years of Living, Loving and Loathing Lincoln’s Legacy”. LLCC celebrated Homecoming 2015 on Saturday, February 14, with a special recognition of former Athletic Director Dick Dhabalt, honoring him with the first annual Dick Dhabalt Athlete of the Year Award. This award has been established to recognize Mr. Dhabalt’s dedication to education, athletics, and the students of LLCC. The award 12


will be presented to one LLCC female and male athlete annually. A men’s basketball game and Homecoming dance were also held in celebration of Homecoming. LLCC’s Culinary Instituted hosted the 33rd Annual LaPetite Delta Academy Tea for young minority women, sponsored by the Springfield Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta. On February 13, 2015, guest chefs, Mike Aiello, President and CEO of R.W. Troxell Insurance and Sergio Pecori, President and CEO of Hanson Professional Services, prepared a “Joys of the Table” dinner fundraiser at LLCC’s Bistro, donating all proceeds to LLCC Foundation Culinary Art Scholarships. February 24, 2015 LLCC hosted the 12th Annual Central Illinois Composting Symposium at LLCC’s Trutter Center. Karla Carwile, Founder and President of One Patient and a LLCC 2014 Honored Alum, gave a presentation on Service Learning at a Soup and Stories event on February 18, 2015. Three LLCC staff members; Linda Chriswell, Mary DiMaggio and Amanda Wiesenhofer, were selected to participate in “Targeting Autism: A National Forum on Serving Library Patrons on the Spectrum”. Dr. Beth Wiediger, Professor of Psychology, was the guest speaker at the February World Affairs Council of Central Illinois meeting. Her presentation was entitled “The Role of Women in Brazil.” Congratulations to Men’s Basketball Coach, Chad Jones, who recently reached his 200th milestone win. The LLCC Choir performed in the Illinois State Senate Chambers at the State Capitol, for a ceremony commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Ratification of the 13th Amendment. LLCC hosted the 19th Annual Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering (WYSE) Academic Challenge on February 3, which was attended by more than 300 students from 19 high schools. The River Ramblers were featured in the LLCC Recital Series presentation on February 1, 2015. An exhibit entitled “Shift” featuring local artist Bernie White-Hatcher is currently on display in the James S. Murray Art Gallery through March 5, 2015.



Dr. Warren attended the Illinois Council of Community College Presidents’ Council (ICCCP) meeting on January 30 where they endorsed forwarding the ICCCP White Paper on Applied Baccalaureate Degrees to the Illinois Community College Trustees Association and Illinois Community College Board for their review. ICCCP also approved curriculum changes in the Associate of Science Degree program and basic cut-off scores for the PARCC exam. C. Report from Faculty Association - None D. Report from Classified Staff - None E. Report from Professional Staff - None F. Report from Facilities Services Council - None G. Chairman’s Report - None H. Secretary’s Report - None Mr. Wesley reported that the Illinois Community College Trustees Association’s (ICCTA) Baccalaureate Study Committee met during the February ACCT meeting in Washington, DC to review and discuss the Illinois Council of Community College Presidents (ICCCP) White Paper on Applied Baccalaureate Degrees. Mr. Wesley stated the meeting became quite lengthy and a motion was approved stating 2/3 of the voting delegates must approve the ICCCP White Paper on Applied Baccalaureate Degrees at the March 13-14 ICCTA meeting, for it to receive ICCTA’s support. Mr. Wesley is unable to attend the March 13-14 ICCTA meeting and Mr. Findley will represent him and LLCC, in his absence. I. Foundation Report - None J. Other Board Members’ Reports Mr. Gentry stated the LLCC Quiz Bowl Team will be competing in National competition; the Student Government Association (SGA) will be hosting a Jazz Performance for children, as they did last year; and commented the large Campus Visit Day turnout provided a large amount of interest in the SGA, from prospective students. He also stated that Phi Theta Kappa conducted an Express Yourself event with approximately 100 forms completed by students, indicating they expressed a good level of satisfaction with LLCC.




Strategic Discussion A. Informational Presentation on Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration, Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grants Program

Dr. Jozaitis, Vice President of Workforce Development and Community Education, Julie Rourke, Director of Workforce Development, Marnie Record and David Bowman, Workforce Coordinators provided a PowerPoint presentation on Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) Grants. Dr. Jozaitis provided an overview of the three TAACCT grants that LLCC has received, totaling $4,250,949 in funding, assisting in program development and equipment purchases for LLCC students. Ms. Record reviewed the partnerships that LLCC’s Workforce Development and Community Education department have established, resulting in two new certificate programs: Value-Added Foods; and Green Facilities Management. Ms. Rourke discussed their work with INAM: Mechatronics Advisory Members, the equipment purchased through the grant funding and the student outcomes, which include: Industry Certifications, New Stackable Certificate Programs and Career Pathways for students in Manufacturing Maintenance Technology and/or Mechatronics. Mr. Bowman explained the importance of the Agricultural Watershed Industry, and how the TAACCT grant has help fund curriculum development for two new certificates in this area: Agricultural Watershed Management; and Landscape Lake/Basin Management. He also reviewed the programmatic links between existing Agricultural and Horticultural programs that LLCC offers. V.

Executive Session

MOTION NO. 02-25-15-7: Mr. Gray moved to hold an executive session for the purposes of discussing personnel issues, collective bargaining, real estate, student discipline, pending or imminent legal issues. Mr. Findley seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Gray, Mr. Findley, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Reichert. PASSED



MOTION NO. 02-25-15-8: Mr. Gray moved to return to open session. Mr. Findley seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Gray, Mr. Findley, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Reichert. PASSED VI.

Actions from Executive Session

MOTION NO. 02-25-15-9: Mr. Gray moved to approve the attached employment recommendations. Mr. Findley seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Gray, Mr. Findley, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Reichert. PASSED

MOTION NO. 02-25-15-10: Mr. Gray moved to grant tenure (continuing status) for the 2015-2016 Academic Year to Sara Bachmann, Constance Costello, Christa Gorman, Jennifer O’Malley, Cindy Smock, Keven Tait, Allan Tomnitz, Jason Waddell, and Leon Williams and to re-employ Brian Earley, Ashley Green, Tameka Johnson-Tillman, David Leitner, Timothy McKenzie, Michael Meyers, Colin Suchland, and Anthony Tate for the 2015-2016 Academic Year. Mr. Findley seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Gray, Mr. Findley, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Reichert. PASSED

MOTION NO. 02-25-15-11: Mr. Gray moved to approve the listing of faculty positions for the 2015-2016 academic year. Mr. Findley seconded.



Those members voting aye were Mr. Gray, Mr. Findley, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Reichert. PASSED VII.


MOTION NO. 02-25-15-12: Mr. Gray moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Findley seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Gray, Mr. Findley, Mr. Gentry, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Reichert. PASSED The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

__________________________ Chairman Reichert

__________________________ Secretary Wesley





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Ratification of Out-of-State Travel


February 25, 2015

Name Dockter, Jason

Meeting Computers and Writing Conference

Fulgenzi, Jeff

American Association Miami, FL of Community Colleges Governance Leadership Institute American Association Miami, FL of Community Colleges Governance Leadership Institute

Reichert, Justin

Location Menomonie, WI

Date 2/12/15

Account Faculty Development

Amount $1,253











Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Approval of Out-of-State Travel


February 25, 2015

Name Coakes, Michelle Fischberg, Eve and LLCC Quiz Bowl Team

(Approx. 10 Students)

Frederick, Lesley Goetsch, Peggy and Environmental Club (Approx. 7 Students)

Kerr, Anita Shull, Al Vinzant, John and POS 165 (Approx. 10 Students)

Warren, Charlotte

Meeting National Council on Education of the Ceramic Arts National Academic Quiz Tournaments Community College National Championship American Association of Community Colleges Annual Convention Field Trip

Location Providence, RI

Account Faculty Development

Amount $1,605

Atlanta, GA

Club Trip


San Antonio, TX



Kearney, NE

Club Trip


College and Career Readiness Standards in Action Foundations in Art: Theory and Education Model IL Government Trip

Washington, DC

Springfield, VA

Class Trip


American Association of Community Colleges Annual Convention

San Antonio, TX



Paid by Central Illinois $0 Adult Education Service Center Indianapolis, IN Faculty Development $1,626

*Club Funds





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Employment Recommendations


February 25, 2015

We recommend the following personnel actions:



NAME Jan Terry

POSITION Executive Director

DEPARTMENT Education Service Area Jacksonville & Beardstown




NAME Eve Fischberg

POSITION Professor

DEPARTMENT Health Professions


PART-TIME STAFFING On & Off Campus 2015 Spring Semester Adjunct Name Ahmad, Munib Ahmad, Munib Akins, Nan Akins, Nan Akins, Nan

Class Section MAT-081-51 MAT-082-51 CMN-101-06 CMN-101-08 CMN-101-CIS1

Class Section Title Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Arithmetic II & Pre-Algebra Public Speaking Fundamentals Public Speaking Fundamentals Public Speaking Fundamentals 20


Al-Basha, Sam Al-Basha, Sam Al-Basha, Sam Al-Basha, Sam Al-Basha, Sam Allen, Jason Allen, Jason Armbruster, Justin Armbruster, Anne Armour, Gary Armour, Gary Avendano, Lisa Avendano, Lisa Avendano, Lisa Badgley, Lori Badgley, Lori Badgley, Lori Badgley, Lori Badgley, Lori Badgley, Lori Bantner-Dunn, Paula Barnard, Sandra Barr, Ralph Barr, Ralph Barton, Abby Beaty, William Beaty, William Beaty, William Benz, Terri Bernahl, Joni Bivens, Kenneth Bixby, Ruth Blanford, Amy Blasdell, Alison Bobbitt, Cynthia Bobbitt, Cynthia Bradbury, Kenneth Bradley, Joy Branham, Terri Branham, Terri Brayfield, Donna Brazzel, Travis Briney, Jennifer Briney, Jennifer

MAT-094-50 MAT-092-59M MAT-096-50 MAT-092-54M MTL-001-01DM BIO-101-02 BIO-101-10 EGL-098-50 CSS-100-OL BIO-220-51 BIO-220-T01 EGL-099-16 EGL-099-52 EGL-099-03 RCP-113-X01 RCP-115-X01 RCP-119-X01 RCP-241-X01 RCP-242-X01 RCP-249-X01 EMS-101-01 COS-200-OL ELM-103-50 ELM-105-50 CPC-140-OL FST-104-OL FST-200-OL FST-238-OL1 MUS-108-J01 CTC-150-OL BUS-121-L50 HLT-109-T50 BIO-176-40 ADN-201-01 MAT-088-J01 MAT-092-J01 THE-299-J01 PHI-201-50 CLA-141-01 CLA-142-01 BIO-101-HY2 MUS-104-L50 SOC-101-52 SOC-101-J50

Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Beginning Algebra II Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Developmental Beginning Algebra II Math Lab General Biology General Biology Basic English College Success Skills Microbiology Microbiology Basic Writing Skills Basic Writing Skills Basic Writing Skills Respiratory Care Practices & Procedures I Respiratory C Practices & Procedures III Clinical Practice I Advanced Cardio Diagnostics & Monitoring Neonatal/Pediatric Adv. Life Sup & Resp. Care Clinical Practice IV Emergency Medical Technician Office Correspondence Principles of Electricity and Principles of Transformers & AC Circuits Visual Basic Programming Lev I Fire Tactics and Strategy I Advanced Technician Firefighter Fire Service Leadership III Music in America Introduction to Help Desk and Software Introduction to Business Medical Terminology Human Anatomy & Physiology II Nursing III Developmental Beg Algebra I Developmental Beg Algebra II Touring Theatre Introduction to Logic Introduction to Bakeshop Pastry Arts General Biology Music Appreciation Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Sociology 21


Broderick, Victor Bucari, John Bucari, John Buckner, Jeri Buckner, Jeri Buckner, Jeri Burklow, Nancy Burklow, Nancy Butcher, Mark Butcher, Mark Campos, Hillary Carley, Colleen Changlani, Suravi Chriswell, Linda Chriswell, Linda Chriswell, Linda Churchill, Jonathan Chvala, Sandra Ciaccio, Joseph Ciaccio, Joseph Clancy, John Clancy, John Coady, John Coady, John Coderko, Maria Coderko, Maria Coderko, Maria Collings, Robert Collins, Steven Collins, Steven Collins, Steven Collins, Steven Collins, Todd Collins, Todd Collins, Steven Cousert, Rachel Cox, Cody Cox, Cody Cox, Cody Cox, Cody Cox, Cody Crews, George Crews, George Cross, William

PSY-101-L50 ITA-101-50 ITA-201-50 EGL-098-02 EGL-098-04 EGL-098-J30 ACC-103-J50 ACC-103-L50 MAT-092-T30 GEG-103-T30 EGL-099-T01 OTA-104-01 PSY-101-13 EDU-215-J50 EDU-201-J50 EDU-201-J50 Lab EMS-101-J50 CAS-101-20 ART-101-OL1 ART-103-50 HIS-101-J01 HIS-102-J30 CRJ-101-T01 POS-101-L50 MAT-141-04 MAT-141-05 MTC-001-01DM BDM-106-J01 MAT-094-04 MAT-096-04 MAT-087-01 MAT-097-01 MAT-141-50 MAT-141-L50 MTC-001-01DM CRJ-101-50 MAT-094-05 MAT-096-05 MAT-104-50 MAT-088-07 MAT-092-07 FST-218-OL EST-102-OL SOC-101-J01

Introduction to Psychology Elementary Italian I Intermediate Italian I Basic English Basic English Basic English Financial Accounting Financial Accounting Developmental Beg Algebra II Physical Geography Basic Writing Skills Occupational Therapy Assistant Field Work I Introduction to Psychology Students with Disabilities Introduction to Teacher Education Introduction to Teacher Education Emergency Medical Technician Introduction to Microcomputers Art Appreciation Drawing I History of Western Civilization I History of Western Civilization II Criminology Introduction to American Politics Introductory Statistics Introductory Statistics Math Center Basic Carpentry I Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Prep Math for Gen Ed Math I Prep Math for Gen Ed Math II Introductory Statistics Introductory Statistics Math Center Criminology Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II General Education Mathematics Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Beginning Algebra II Fire Service Instructor I Fundamentals of Emergency Services Introduction to Sociology 22


Cross, William Curry, Patricia Curry, Mary Curtis, Jennifer Daniel, Pamela Daniel, Pamela Davis, Monique Davis, Lisa Davis, Lee Davis, Regina Dawson, Mary Dawson, Mary Deabenderfer, Ronald Deabenderfer, Ronald Devine, Daniel Dhabalt, Daniel Dhabalt, Daniel Dhabalt, Daniel Dhabalt, Daniel Dhabalt, Daniel Dickey, Ashley Dickey, Ashley Disney, Floyd Disney, Floyd Disney, Floyd Disney, Floyd Dixon, Jonathan Dixon, Jerrilyn Doyle, Rodney Doyle, Rodney Durham, Deborah Durham, Deborah Durocher, Ryan Durocher, Ryan Eaton, Eric Ebbing, Scott Edwards, Alice Edwards, Kristi Elliott, Tiffany-Anne Elliott, Tiffany-Anne Elliott, Tiffany-Anne Elliott, Tiffany-Anne Evans, Ryan Evans, Ryan

SOC-101-J02 CAS-121-J01 MCS-152-OL CRJ-100-B50 CMN-101-B50 CMN-101-BCIS CMN-101-CIS6 EGL-101-J50 GEG-201-02 BUS-121-B01 BIO-175-T50 BIO-176-T01 EGL-101-L01 EGL-102-L01 ECO-131-J01 ESS-112-01 ESS-112-02 ESS-220-01 ESS-112-04 ESS-112-03 ART-102-01 ART-110-01 CMN-101-02 CMN-101-04 CMN-101-J02 CMN-101-T50 PHI-210-01 CRJ-140-T01 PSY-101-B02 SOC-101-B02 BIO-170-50 BIO-170-OL BIO-175-30 BIO-175-50 BIO-101-54 MAT-093-OL MUS-120-01 BIO-175-B50 EGL-102-07 EGL-102-10 EGL-102-13 WRI-001-01DM FST-207-OL FST-236-OL

Introduction to Sociology Computer Applications and Concepts Pharmacology for Coders Introduction to Criminal Justice System Public Speaking Fundamentals Public Speaking Fundamentals Public Speaking Fundamentals Composition I Introduction to Weather and Climate Introduction to Business Human Anatomy & Physiology I Human Anatomy & Physiology II Composition I Composition II Principles of Economics I Physical Conditioning Physical Conditioning Introduction to Coaching Physical Conditioning Physical Conditioning Two-Dimensional Design I Professional Practices in Art Public Speaking Fundamentals Public Speaking Fundamentals Public Speaking Fundamentals Public Speaking Fundamentals World Religions Introduction to Corrections Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Sociology Human Nutrition Human Nutrition Human Anatomy & Physiology I Human Anatomy & Physiology I General Biology Developmental Geometry Class Piano I Human Anatomy & Physiology I Composition II Composition II Composition II Writing Center Building Construction for Fire Protection Fire Service Leadership I 23


Ezeokonkwo, Francesca Fargo Ware, Charlyn Fargo Ware, Charlyn Fargo Ware, Charlyn Fargo Ware, Charlyn Fenton, Tami Fenton, Tami Ferreira, Nick Ferreira, Nick Finn, James Finn, James Finn, James Fletcher, Robert Frank, William Frank, William Freese, George Freese, George Freese, George Freese, George Freml, John Freml, John Freml, John Friend, Duane Friend, Duane Friend, Duane Gain, James Garmon, Mark Gobleman, Catherine Godek, Stephen Goleash, Joseph Goleash, Joseph Goleash, Joseph Graff, Andrea Graff, Andrea Green, Craig Green, Craig Grubbs, Dency Grubbs, Dency Grubbs, Dency Guerrero, Andrea Guthrie, Charles Hacker, B Hall, Laurie Hamilton, Sue

PCN-101-H01 CLA-141-50 HSP-107-01 HSP-107-03 HSP-116-50 MAT-088-L50 MAT-092-L50 EMS-201-50 MCS-251-X01 CAS-160-OL CAS-121-01 CAS-121-B01 FLM-101-01 BIO-101-40 BIO-220-50 MAT-104-T30 MAT-113-50 MAT-088-T02M MAT-092-T02M GER-101-30 HUM-102-50 HUM-102-OL GEG-103-50 GEG-103-J50 GEG-201-J50 ELM-115-50 BIO-175-L50 EMS-100-01 POS-101-B01 POS-101-J02 POS-201-J01 POS-201-J31 POS-101-OL2 POS-101-T01 PHI-201-51 PHI-204-50 EGL-099-09 EGL-099-12 EGL-099-20 EGL-099-T50 PSY-101-J02 NAS-101-54 EGL-099-L50 MUS-104-02

Practical Nursing I Introduction to Bakeshop Food Service Sanitation Food Service Sanitation Nutrition for Food Service Pro Developmental Beg Algebra I Developmental Beg Algebra II Paramedic - Pathophysiology Certificate Internship Presentation Graphics & Email Computer Applications and Concepts Computer Applications and Concepts Introduction to Film Art General Biology Microbiology General Education Mathematics College Algebra Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Beginning Algebra II Elementary German I Introduction to Women's Studies Introduction to Women's Studies Physical Geography Physical Geography Intro to Weather and Climate Residential and Commercial Wiring Human Anatomy & Physiology I Emergency Medical Responder Introduction to American Politics Introduction to American Politics State & Local Government State & Local Government Introduction to American Politics Introduction to American Politics Introduction to Logic Introduction to Philosophy Basic Writing Skills Basic Writing Skills Basic Writing Skills Basic Writing Skills Introduction to Psychology Basic Nurse Assistant Basic Writing Skills Music Appreciation 24


Hamilton, Sue Hampton, Dottie Happe-Shelton, Dorothy Happe-Shelton, Dorothy Harkins, Clinton Harris, Mark Hart, Robert Hart, Robert Hart, Robert Haverback, Stephanie Haverback, Stephanie Hayes, Richard Hazdra, Michael Heitz, Cheryl Heitz, Cheryl Hinkle, Edward Hinman, Carl Hrynewych, Alexander Huddleston, Keith Huddleston, Keith Huddleston, Keith Huddleston, Keith Humphrey, Joseph Huseman, George Huseman, George Iocca, Lorraine Jackson, Thomas Jamison, James Jensen, Catherine Johnson, Byron Johnson, Byron Johnson, Leslie Joiner, Vicki Joiner, Vicki Joiner, Vicki Jungjohann, Valerie Jungjohann, Valerie Kaye, Melinda Kaye, Melinda Kaye, Melinda Kean, Charles Kennedy, Daphne Kerr, Anita Kerr, Anita

MUS-110-01 NAS-101-T01 BIO-101-J01 BIO-101-J02 CRJ-140-L50 WEL-101-T01 MAT-094-B30 MAT-104-B50 MAT-096-B30 MAT-081-B50 MAT-082-B50 PSY-101-51 WEL-101-T50 BUS-101-OL BUS-231-OL CMN-101-J40 FST-111-50 BIO-175-J50 PSY-101-J01 PSY-101-J30 PSY-220-J01 PSY-101-J50 HUM-112-HH2 HIS-101-B01 HIS-111-B01 COS-130-HY BUS-101-01 PHI-204-J30 HIS-147-OL MAT-088-B50 MAT-092-B50 CSS-100-L30 EGL-098-05 EGL-099-L01 EGL-099-L02 FRE-101-01 FRE-201-01 MUS-108-01 MUS-108-02 MUS-108-OL EMS-101-50 BUS-202-T50 EGL-111-J01 EGL-098-J30

College Choir Basic Nurse Assistant General Biology General Biology Introduction to Corrections Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welding Developmental Intermediate Algebra I General Education Mathematics Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Developmental Arithmetic I Develop Arithmetic II & Pre-Algebra Introduction to Psychology Basic Shielded Metal Arc Welding Business Law I Organizational Behavior Public Speaking Fundamentals Basic Ops Fire Fighter I Human Anatomy & Physiology I Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Psychology Human Development Introduction to Psychology Leadership Development History of Western Civilization I United States History to 1877 Health Literacy II Business Law I Introduction to Philosophy Women in American History Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Begininng Algebra II College Success Skills Basic English Basic Writing Skills Basic Writing Skills Elementary French I Intermediate French I Music in America Music in America Music in America Emergency Medical Technician Principles of Marketing Introduction to Literature - Novel Basic English 25


Kibria, Mohammed Kitterman, Jay Koch, Gary Koch, Gary Kohaus, Robert Koller, Susan Krieg, Cynthia Krueger, Debra Kujawa, Tricia Lahr, Mark Lahr, Mark Lamb, Molly Lamble, Thomas Lamble, Thomas Lanham, Barbara Laub, Jill Laubersheimer, David Leamon, Patricia Leamon, Patricia Leamon, Patricia Leamon, Patricia Lesko, Daniel Lesko, Daniel Lesko, Daniel Lesko, Daniel Lewis, Shelley Lewis, Shelley Lewis, Harry Lewis, Ryan Linscott, Steven Lipcamon, John Lisnek, Sally Litterly, Jan Litterly, Jan Lohrasbi, Ardeshir Lothary, Britta Madson, Cheri Madson, Cheri Maeda, Toshihiro Maeda, Toshihiro Maley, Sarah Manker, Tyson Marsaglia, Joseph Marsaglia, Joseph

SOC-101-L01 HSP-120-01 FLM-101-50 FLM-101-51 HSP-201-50 RDG-099-T50 NAS-101-J01 CTC-123-T30 COS-226-OL CRJ-139-B01 CRJ-221-OL HLT-201-OL1 MAT-088-51 MAT-092-51 MUS-299-01 CAS-121-50 HUM-112-HH1 EGL-101-T02 HUM-101-02 HUM-101-T01 WRI-001-01DM EGL-101-L02 EGL-102-T30 EGL-111-L01 EGL-111-T01 EGL-101-06 EGL-102-51 HRT-102-50 CLA-136-01 PSY-250-T50 BIO-220-B50 CSS-100-03 MCS-213-50 MCS-219-50 BUS-101-50 ADN-110-01 RDG-098-B01 RDG-099-B01 JPN-101-50 JPN-201-50 RDG-098-T30 BUS-101-B01 MAT-094-T30 MAT-096-T30

Introduction to Sociology Hospitality Internship I Introduction to Film Art Introduction to Film Art Beverage Management Reading/Study Techniques Basic Nurse Assistant Microsoft Windows Operating System Professional Development Fundamentals of Investigation The Juvenile Offender Health in Today's Society Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Beginning Algebra II Class Piano XII Computer Applications and Concepts Leadership Development Composition I Introduction to Humanities Introduction to Humanities Writing Center Composition I Composition II Intro to Literature - Novel Intro to Literature - Novel Composition I Composition II Plant Science Garde Manger Abnormal Psychology Microbiology College Success Skills CPT Coding I ICD-10 Coding I Business Law I Nursing I Basic Reading Skills Reading/Study Techniques Elementary Japanese I Intermediate Japanese I Basic Reading Skills Business Law I Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II 26


Marsaglia, Joseph Marsaglia, Janice Marsaglia, Joseph Martin, Charles Marucco, Toni Marucco, Toni Marucco, Toni Marucco, Toni Marucco, Toni Mason, Brent Matthews, Gregory Matthews, Gregory Matthews, Gregory McClintock, Roger McCoy, Linda McCoy, Linda McFadden, Michael McFadden, Michael Mellor, Jessica Meyer, Arthur Miller, Martha Miller, Martha Miller, Martha Miller, Martha Miller, Marcus Mini-Reyman, Faye Missel, Todd Missel, Todd Mitchell, John Mohr, Carol Mohr, Carol Mohr, Carol Moldenhauer, Deborah Moldenhauer, Deborah Monroe-White, Mary Ellen Morrow, Wanda Morrow, Wanda Mose, Bryan Mose, Bryan Mose, Bryan Munro, Jennifer Musch, Randal Musch, Randal Musch, Randal

MAT-088-T50 MAT-251-50 MAT-092-T50 BUS-121-T50 CAS-104-OL CAS-106-OL CAS-107-OL CAS-108-OL BUS-126-OL BUS-204-OL HIS-102-L01 HIS-111-L01 HIS-101-51 MAT-141-J01 CAS-121-L50 COS-220-OL CRJ-101-J50 CRJ-100-J50 CHE-100-51 ECO-132-02 EGL-101-10 EGL-102-06 EGL-102-09 EGL-102-14 HRT-202-51 PSY-101-53 MAT-081-50 MAT-082-50 ELT-210-50 EGL-101-B50 EGL-102-B50 EGL-099-J51 RDG-098-05 RDG-099-51 ECE-121-01 EGL-098-B01 CSS-100-B02 CAS-102-50 COS-100-OL COS-101-OL COS-104-OL CHE-100-01 CHE-100-05 MTC-001-01DM

Developmental Beginning Algebra I Math for Elementary Teachers I Developmental Beginning Algebra II Introduction to Business Introduction to Microsoft Word Introduction to Microsoft Excel Introduction to Microsoft Access Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint Fundamentals of E-Business Management History of Western Civilization II United States History to 1877 History of Western Civilization I Introductory Statistics Computer Applications and Concepts Records Management Criminology Introduction to Criminal Justice System Contemporary Chemistry Principles of Economics II Composition I Composition II Composition II Composition II Pest and Pest Management Introduction to Psychology Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Arithmetic II & Pre-Algebra Advanced Circuits Composition I Composition II Basic Writing Skills Basic Reading Skills Reading/Study Techniques Introduction to Early Childhood Basic English College Success Skills MS Windows Operating Systems Introduction to Keyboarding Advanced Keyboarding Medical Transcription Contemporary Chemistry Contemporary Chemistry Math Center 27


Myers, Edward Myers, Edward Myers, Edward Myers, Edward Myers, Laurie Myers, Laurie Nelson, Jeffrey Nelson, Jeffrey Nelson, Jeffrey Nelson, Jeffrey Neuman, Stephanie Norwood, Stephanie Norwood, Stephanie Norwood, Stephanie Norwood, Stephanie O'Hare, Theresa Oliver, Sheryl Olmsted, Timothy Olmsted, Timothy Orisek, Timothy Pahde, Lori Pahde, Lori Pahde, Lori Parish, Marjorie Parish, Marjorie Perry, Denise Perry, Denise Pfaffe, Jeffrey Pier, Brett Power, Stacie Range, Adrienne Ray, Nancy Ray, Nancy Ray, Mary Reents, Julane Reichert, Randal Reichert, Randal Reichert, Randal Reilly, Kathleen Reilly, Kathleen Reilly, Kathleen Reilly, Kathleen Reynolds, Susan Reynolds, Susan

EGL-101-J01 EGL-101-T01 EGL-101-T50 EGL-102-J01 WRI-001-01DM EGL-101-52 MAT-082-01 MAT-081-01 MAT-081-03 MAT-082-03 ECE-204-01 MAT-094-L30 MAT-096-L30 MAT-081-L50 MAT-082-L50 MUS-104-01 GEG-102-50 POS-101-T02 POS-201-L30 BIO-101-J40 EGL-099-23 EGL-099-30 EGL-099-51 EGL-099-B30 EGL-099-B01 CLA-231-01 CLA-231-50 CHE-100-J50 WEL-103-50 CRJ-221-T50 BIO-176-51 RDG-099-07 RDG-099-31 PSY-220-OL1 NAS-101-50 EGL-101-B01 EGL-114-B01 HUM-101-B01 EGL-099-17 EGL-101-05 EGL-102-11 WRI-001-01DM BIO-101-16 BIO-101-17

Composition I Composition I Composition I Composition II Writing Center Composition I Developmental Arithmetic II & Prealgebra Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Arithmetic II & Prealgebra Creative Activities Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Arithmetic II & Prealgebra Music Appreciation World Regional Geography Introduction to American Politics State & Local Government General Biology Basic Writing Skills Basic Writing Skills Basic Writing Skills Basic Writing Skills Basic Writing Skills Food Production III Food Production III Contemporary Chemistry Advanced Metal Arc Welding The Juvenile Offender Human Anatomy & Physiology II Reading/Study Techniques Reading/Study Techniques Human Development Basic Nurse Assistant Composition I Introduction to the Film as Literature Introduction to Humanities Basic Writing Skills Composition I Composition II Writing Center General Biology General Biology 28


Rhoades, Brooke Rhoades, Brooke Rhodes, Laura Robinson, Doris Robinson, Doris Robinson, Doris Robinson, Doris Roche, Amanda Roseberry, William Roseberry, William Running, William Running, William Rusciolelli, David Ryan, Ronald Ryan, Ronald Ryan, Ronald Ryan, Ronald Salm, Coravonne Salm, Coravonne Salm, Coravonne Sanchez, Michael Sanchez, Michael Santini, Deborah Schatteman, Tracy Schatteman, Tracy Schrage, Toni Schwoerer, Brent Scobbie, Dennis Scobbie, Dennis Seidel, Howard Self, Gary Shaw, William Shaw, William Shaw, William Shepard, Kent Shoup, David Sim, Darlene Simpson, Gregory Simpson, Gregory Simpson, Gregory Sipes, Larry Sipes, Larry Sipes, Larry Sipes, Larry

EGL-098-T50 EGL-099-T30 ECE-219-50 RDG-098-J02 RDG-099-J01 CSS-100-J02 CSS-100-J01 ADN-201-02 HIS-101-05 HIS-101-08 CHE-100-52 CHE-101-50 HRT-215-50 MAT-081-L01 MAT-088-L01 MAT-082-L01 MAT-092-L01 EGL-099-J02 EGL-101-J51 EGL-102-J51 MAT-081-T30 MAT-082-T30 COS-111-OL BIO-175-J01 BIO-176-J02 RDG-098-50 HSP-201-50 BIO-101-L01 BIO-101-L50 HSP-138-50 FST-103-OL MAT-088-30 MAT-092-30 MAT-093-51 MAT-104-J01 MTC-001-01DM BUS-102-OL CAS-104-J50 CAS-106-J50 CAS-101-B01 MAT-081-06 MAT-082-06 MAT-081-J31 MAT-082-J31

Basic English Basic Writing Skills Infant and Toddler Care and Ed Basic Reading Skills Reading/Study Techniques College Success Skills College Success Skills Nursing III History of Western Civilization I History of Western Civilization I Contemporary Chemistry General Chemistry I Landscape Design I Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Arithmetic II & Pre-Algebra Developmental Beginning Algebra II Basic Writing Skills Composition I Composition II Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Arithmetic II & Pre-Algebra Office Procedures Human Anatomy & Physiology I Human Anatomy & Physiology II Basic Reading Skills Beverage Management General Biology General Biology Food Service Purchasing & Mathematics Fire Prevention Principles Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Beginning Algebra II Developmental Geometry General Education Mathematics Math Center Business Law II Introduction to Microsoft Word Introduction to Microsoft Excel Introduction to Microcomputers Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Arithmetic II & Pre-Algebra Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Arithmetic II & Pre-Algebra 29


Smith, Bradley Snyder, Gregory Snyder, Darlene Snyder, Darlene Snyder, Darlene Snyder, Thomas Snyder, Gregory Snyder, Gregory Snyder, Gregory Squibb, John Stahr, Ellen Stahr, Ellen Stallman, Scott Stallman, Scott Stallone, Brett Stalter, Clayton Stine, Mark Stine, Mark Stoecker, Sandra Stradt, Ronald Strohl, Steven Strohl, Steven Sullivan, John Sullivan, John Surratt, Stevi Surratt, Stevi Surratt, Stevi Swan, Martin Swan, Martin Sweet, Nancy Sweet, Nancy Talano, Catherine Thomas, Elaine Thomas, Elaine Thomas, Elaine Thomas, Elaine Tietjen-St Magnus, Carola Tietjen-St Magnus, Carola Trace, Rebecca Tuxhorn, Rebecca Tuxhorn, Rebecca Tuxhorn, Rebecca VanDeventer, D Lyle VanDeventer, D Lyle

CNC-135-OL CHE-100-50 MAT-092-20 MAT-082-04 MAT-081-04 PHY-201-50 MAT-094-55 MAT-094-20 MTC-001-01DM POS-101-09X EGL-099-J50 EGL-112-J30 CSS-100-T01 MAT-081-TSS01 BIO-101-01 ART-124-50 BIO-175-31 BIO-175-51 RDG-099-L01 ECO-131-T50 HIS-112-J01 HIS-102-B01 BIO-101-T01 BIO-101-T02 RCP-115-X01 RCP-119-X01 RCP-249-X01 BDM-106-T01 TEM-103-T30 CLA-100-50 HSP-201-50 BIO-101-30 EGL-101-L50 EGL-102-J40 EGL-102-L50 EGL-102-T50 CSS-100-50 CSS-100-04 HRT-217-50 SOC-101-03 SOC-101-T01 SOC-101-T50 HLT-109-41 HLT-109-50

Introduction to IIS/Networks Contemporary Chemistry Developmental Beg Algebra II Developmental Arithmetic II & Pre-Algebra Developmental Arithmetic I Physics I Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Math Center Introduction to American Politics Basic Writing Skills Introduction to Literature - Drama College Success Skills Developmental Arithmetic I General Biology Digital Photography I Human Anatomy & Physiology I Human Anatomy & Physiology I Reading/Study Techniques Principles of Economics I United States History Since 1877 History of Western Civilization II General Biology General Biology Respiratory Care Practices & Procedures III Clinical Practice I Clinical Practice IV Basic Carpentry I Vocational-Technical Math Culinary Essentials Beverage Management General Biology Composition I Composition II Composition II Composition II College Success Skills College Success Skills Landscape Design III Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Sociology Medical Terminology Medical Terminology 30


Vazzi, Lisa Verhulst, Bonnie Verhulst, Bonnie Verhulst, Bonnie Verhulst, Bonnie Verhulst, Bonnie Verhulst, Bonnie Voycheck, Gerald Wakefield, C Richard Walters, Donna Wasmundt, Donna Waugh, Dana Weck, John Weck, John Wheeler, Donna Wheeler, Donna Wheeler, Donna White, Melvin Wiediger, Matthew Wight, Timothy Wight, Timothy Wight, Timothy Wilker, John Williams, Randall Williams, Randall Winsel, Michael Wohlers, Donald Woodruff, Bradley Worrell, Leslie Worrell, Leslie Yarker, Dirk Yarrington, Larry Yates, Scott Young, Donna Young, Donna

CMN-101-L01 MAT-092-J02 MAT-094-J01 MAT-096-J01 MAT-094-J02 MAT-088-J02 MAT-096-J02 HSP-107-02 ELT-100-50 SPA-101-J01 CMN-101-J01 NAS-101-01 HIS-101-04 HIS-111-02 EGL-110-01 EGL-104-50 WRI-001-01DM HIS-101-T01 PSY-101-T30 ART-101-01 ART-101-B50 ART-101-J40 BIO-101-50 HSP-115-01 HSP-115-50 CAD-151-L30 CHE-100-T50 ESI-101-B01 BIO-101-08 BIO-101-53 HIS-102-OL PSI-101-OL MCS-160-50 EGL-101-51 EGL-102-52

Public Speaking Fundamentals Developmental Beginning Algebra II Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Food Service Sanitation Basic Electronics Elementary Spanish I Public Speaking Fundamentals Basic Nurse Assistant History of Western Civilization I United States History to 1877 Introduction to Literature - Poetry Career Communications I Writing Center History of Western Civilization I Introduction to Psychology Art Appreciation Art Appreciation Art Appreciation General Biology Restaurant Management Restaurant Management Fund of Computer-Aided Draft Contemporary Chemistry Employability Skills General Biology General Biology History of Western Civilization II Physical Science Pathophysiology for Coders Composition I Composition II





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Ratify Payments of All Cash Disbursements for February and the February Treasurer’s Report


March 25, 2015

In accordance with Lincoln Land Community College Board of Trustees Policy 6.1, the following items are available in the President’s Office and Vice President, Administrative Services Office for your review and subsequent action: A. The Cash Disbursement Register including the Check Register of bimonthly accounts payable checks, E-commerce refunds, ACH and Wire transactions issued during February 2015 (payments for purchase order payments, equipment, supplies, lease payments, maintenance agreements, travel, employee reimbursements, membership dues, subscriptions, club vouchers, medical claim payments, pre-paid purchase orders, and time sensitive payment due dates – generally, items included under Board Policy 6.6). B. The Treasurer’s Report for the month ending February 28, 2015.

MOTION: Ratify disbursements of the bi-monthly checks, E-commerce refunds, ACH and Wire transactions issued during February 2015 and ratify the February 28, 2015 Treasurer’s Report.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Ratification of Out-of-State Travel


March 25, 2015

Name Harmon, Bill and Ag Club (Approx. 6 Students)

Meeting National Postsecondary Agriculture Students Conference

Location Boise, ID

Date 3/10-3/14/15

Account Foundation Grant* Club Funds** Faculty Allocation***

Amount $7,539

*$3,700.00 **$3,392.00 *** $447.00






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Approval of Out-of-State Travel


March 25, 2015

Name Bixby, Ruth

Meeting American Occupational Therapy Association Concepts of Teaching Introductory Meteorology Computers and Writing Conference Phi Theta Kappa International Convention

Location Nashville, TN

Account Faculty Development

Dayton, OH

Faculty Development


Menomonie, WI Faculty Development


San Antonio, TX

Club Trip


2015 International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators Conference Association of Institutional Research th 97 Annual American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Conference Cite 2015-Online Learning Conference Gateway Course Experience Gateway Course Experience

Nashville, TN



Denver, CO


Denver, CO

Professional Development Faculty Development

Orlando, FL

Faculty Development


Charlotte, NC



Charlotte, NC

Faculty Development


Kramer, Ann and CEW 121 (Approx.

Kentucky Tour

Lexington, KY; Louisville, KY

Community Education Class Trip


Kujawa, Tricia

Association of Institutional Research

Denver, CO


Butzow, Dean Dockter, Jason Ecklund, Don and Phi Theta Kappa (Approx. 6 Students)

Gentry, Brad

Henry, Bobette Hoff, Joe

Hovey, Christie Humphrey, Tim Johnson-Tillman, Tameka

36 Students)


Amount $2,066*





Lovekamp, Janice

Szoke, Jan Tepatti, Eileen Vaughn, George Wright, Valerie Yenerall, Kirk and Robotics Club

Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting Site Visit Focus Spring 2015 American Association of Community Colleges Annual Convention American Literature Association Nursing Director Leadership Meeting Sumo Robot Competition

Atlanta, GA

Paid by Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting Administrative Administrative

$1,644* $2,437

Boston, MA

Faculty Development


Denver, CO


Cedar Falls, IA

Club Trip

Orlando, FL San Antonio, TX


$1,173* $336***

(Approx. 5 Students) *Grant Funds **Student Fees ***Club Funds






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Tractor Truck and Semi-Trailer Purchase


March 25, 2015

The Truck Driver Training Program has requested the purchase of a conventional tractor truck and a semi-trailer for its program. The new truck and trailer will enhance the credibility of the program and provide students with hands on training using newer equipment. The College recently sought proposals for (1) truck and (1) trailer. The following is a tabulation of that bid: Total Delivered Cost (Truck)

Make & Model of Truck

Total Delivered Cost (Trailer)

Make & Model of Trailer

Central Illinois Trucks #1 Springfield, IL

$ 117,185

2016 Volvo VNL64T780

No Bid

No Bid

Central Illinois Trucks #2 Springfield, IL


2016 Kenworth T680

No Bid

No Bid

Decatur Mack Decatur, IL


2015 Mack


2015 Wabash

No Bid

No Bid


2016 Great Dane Champion SE


2016 Freightliner Cascadia

No Bid

No Bid

No Bid

No Bid


2016 Wabash Duraplate

Vendor Name

Jim Hawk Truck Trailers East Peoria, IL Truck Centers, Inc. Springfield, IL Quality Trailer Sales, Inc Morton, IL

*All or none bid **Deviations from specs (9 speed transmission quoted) ***Deviations from specs (Aluminum or Chrome rims not available)




The following companies were mailed a Request for Proposal, but chose not to respond: Arrow Trailer & Equipment Co., Springfield, IL; BP Transportation LLC, Peru, IL; Chicago Trailer Pool, Bensenville, IL; Crossroads Truck Solution, Springfield, IL; Fleetco, Inc., Nashville, TN; Iloca Services, Inc., Aurora, IL; Pace Trailer Sales & Service, Inc., Byron Center, MI; Prairie International Trucks, Inc., Springfield, IL; Paschall Truck Lines, Murray, KY; Ryder Transportation, Normal, IL; Sharkey Transportation, Inc., Quincy, IL; Springfield Tractor & Trailer, Springfield, IL; Wabash National Trailer Centers, Lafayette, IL. Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:

$135,078 Truck Driver Training Program revenue n/a n/a

Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? Provide more equipment for students which will enhance the hands-on portion of the Truck Driver Training program. How will proposed agenda item be measured? Increase student pass rate on Illinois Secretary of State Exam. MOTION: Move to approve the purchase of one conventional tractor truck from Truck Centers in the amount of $106,117 and one semitrailer from Jim Hawk Truck Trailers in the amount of $28,961 in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of Request for Proposal #FY2015-7.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


HIPSKIND TSG Storage Center and Servers


March 25, 2015

Board approval is requested for the purchase of six PowerEdge R630 Servers, one PowerEdge R730 Server, and one 10 Gigabit Storage Center for developing a Disaster Recovery Plan and expanding Virtual Desktop Technology. Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:

$193,080.00 Technology Fee ($40,000) Liability Security Fund ($145,000) Operating Fund ($8,080) n/a n/a

Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? A Disaster Recovery infrastructure will protect all student data in the event the primary infrastructure fails. Virtual Desktop Technology will allow students to access their desktop session from any computer on campus adding flexibility to the learning environment. How will proposed agenda item be measured? It will be measured through the reliability and flexibility of student learning through new technology.

MOTION: Move to approve the purchase of seven PowerEdge Servers and one 10 Gigabit Storage Center from HIPSKIND TSG in the amount of $193,080.00.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Monthly Training Contract/Clinical Agreement Status Report


March 25, 2015

Attached is the current Training Contract/Clinical Agreement Status Report for LLCC. The Illinois Department of Transportation has requested that the Capital City Training Center partner with Novatech to provide eight Microsoft Office classes in the month of March. Approximately 80 employees will be trained in Springfield. The Illinois Department of Transportation has requested that the Capital City Training Center partner with Novatech to provide eight Microsoft Office classes in the month of April. Approximately 80 employees will be trained in Springfield. The Workforce Development Division entered into a contract with Xcessories Squared to provide AWS Welding Certification. The certification was provided to one Xcessories Squared employee at their facility in Auburn. The Community Education Division has entered into an agreement with the American Association of University Women to host the "Expanding Your Horizons Conference" at the Main Campus in Springfield. This one-day conference will provide Math, Science, & Technology workshops to a maximum of 300 young women in the 6th through 8th grades. The Workforce Development Division has entered into a contract with the Ardagh Group to provide Forklift Training and Certification to its employees. LLCC will provide four training courses throughout the month of March. The Community Education Division has entered into an agreement with Concordia Village to provide an educational lecture every other month for between six and twenty-five Concordia Village residents. All lectures will be held




at Concordia Village and the content will be determined by LLCC and Concordia Village staff. The Capital City Training Center has entered into an agreement to expand its Personal Instructor Training Course offerings currently provided through a partnership with the World Instructor Training School. No minimum or maximum enrollment is required, and all registrations and training will be handled by World Instructor Training School. The Capital City Training Center seeks approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with The Center for Legal Studies to provide an Online Paralegal Certificate Program. This 90 hour program would be offered twice per year, with a minimum enrollment of one and maximum enrollment of twenty-five participants. The Health Professions Department seeks approval to enter into a contract with Taylorville Care Center to provide Clinical Site Experience to students enrolled in LLCC's Associate Degree Nursing Program. Taylorville Care Center has clinical facilities suitable for the educational needs of the students. The Health Professions Department seeks approval to enter into a contract with Consonus Healthcare to provide Clinical Site Experience to students enrolled in LLCC's Occupational Therapy Assistant Program. Consonus Healthcare has clinical facilities suitable for the educational needs of the students. The Workforce Development Division seeks ratification for a contract with the U.S. Army Illinois National Guard to rent training space for the U.S. Army Cooks School. The U.S. Army Illinois National Guard will provide two separate trainings for its members, and will utilize the Culinary Labs and Bistro Verde in the Workforce Careers Center. All small wares, supplies and instruction will be provided by the U.S. Army Illinois National Guard.


Approve the Memorandum of Understanding with The Center for Legal Studies in the amount $30,936; approve the Clinical Site Agreement with Taylorville Care Center; Approve the Clinical Site Agreement with Consonus Healthcare. Move to ratify the agreement with the U.S. Army Illinois National Guard in the amount of $28,800.




The Illinois Department of Transportation has requested that the Capital City Training Center partner with Novatech to provide eight Microsoft Office classes in the month of April. Approximately 80 employees will be trained in Springfield.

AAUW Expanding Your Horizons Contract

The Community Education Division has entered into an agreement with the American Association of University Women to host the "Expanding Your Horizons Conference" at the Main Campus in Springfield. This one-day conference will provide Math, Science, & Technology workshops to a maximum of 300 young women in the 6th through 8th grades.

Contracts as informational: Items less than $10,000 Xcessories The Workforce Development Division entered into a Squared AWS contract with Xcessories Squared to provide AWS Welding Welding Certification. The certification was provided Certification to one Xcessories Squared employee at their facility in Auburn.


Contract Title Brief Description Contracts as informational under the CMS Master Agreement March IDOT The Illinois Department of Transportation has BOA requested that the Capital City Training Center partner with Novatech to provide eight Microsoft Office classes in the month of March. Approximately 80 employees will be trained in Springfield. Illinois Department of Transportation

American Association of University Women

Xcessories Squared

Community Education Division

Workforce Development Division

Capital City Training Center

Capital City Training Center


Illinois Department of Transportation

LLCC Dept / Program






Contract Total

March 21, 2015

January 24, 2015

April 2015

March 2015



The Workforce Development Division has entered into a contract with the Ardagh Group to provide Forklift Training and Certification to its employees. LLCC will provide four training courses throughout the month of March. Concordia The Community Education Division has entered into Village Speaker an agreement with Concordia Village to provide an Series educational lecture every other month for between six and twenty-five Concordia Village residents. All lectures will be held at Concordia Village and the content will be determined by LLCC and Concordia Village staff. World Instructor The Capital City Training Center has entered into an Training School agreement to expand its Personal Instructor Training Personal Trainer Course offerings currently provided through a Course Offering partnership with the World Instructor Training School. Expansion No minimum or maximum enrollment is required, and all registrations and training will be handled by World Instructor Training School. Contracts in excess of $10,000 Memorandum of The Capital City Training Center seeks approval to Understanding enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with The Center for Legal Studies to provide an Online with The Center for Legal Studies Paralegal Certificate Program. This 90 hour program would be offered twice per year, with a minimum enrollment of one and maximum enrollment of twenty-five participants.

Ardagh Group Forklift Training

Workforce Development Division Community Education Division

Capital City Training Center

Capital City Training Center

Ardagh Group

Concordia Village Senior Living Community

World Instructor Training School

The Center for Legal Studies


$6,365.7 0



April 1, 2015 through April 1, 2016

Date of Signing Indefinite

February through December 2015

March 2015



U.S. Army Illinois National Guard Cooks School

The Workforce Development Division seeks ratification for a contract with the U.S. Army Illinois National Guard to rent training space for the U.S. Army Cooks School. The U.S. Army Illinois National Guard will provide two separate trainings for its members, and will utilize the Culinary Labs and Bistro Verde in the Workforce Careers Center. All small wares, supplies and instruction will be provided by the U.S. Army Illinois National Guard.

U.S. Army Illinois National Guard

Workforce Development



March 714, 2015 June 1-8, 2015


Clinical Site Agreement with Consonus Healthcare

Agreement Title Clinical Site Agreement with Taylorville Care Center

Description The Health Professions Department seeks approval to enter into a contract with Taylorville Care Center to provide Clinical Site Experience to students enrolled in LLCC's Associate Degree Nursing Program. Taylorville Care Center has clinical facilities suitable for the educational needs of the students. The Health Professions Department seeks approval to enter into a contract with Consonus Healthcare to provide Clinical Site Experience to students enrolled in LLCC's Occupational Therapy Assistant Program. Consonus Healthcare has clinical facilities suitable for the educational needs of the students. Consonus Healthcare

Health Professions/Occupational Therapy Assistant Program

Contractor LLCC Dept / Program Taylorville Health Care Center Professions/Associate Degree Nursing Program


Date of Signing Indefinite

Term Date of Signing Indefinite




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Monthly Grant Status Report


March 25, 2015

Attached is the current Grant Status Report for LLCC. It includes all grant requests submitted and accepted during the month of March. It also includes a brief description of the purpose for which the funding is, or has been, solicited. The Workforce Development Division has been awarded the Local Food in Institutions Grant. Working with the Local Value Added Foods Program, the award will allow LLCC to train District #186 food service educators about how to cook from scratch with local farm food. The Adult Education Division seeks ratification for the Accelerating Opportunity Career and Technical Education Supplement Grant. A second round of funding for Fiscal Year 2015 was awarded by the Illinois Community College Board to supplement the Adult Education Career and Technical Education portion of the Accelerating Opportunities Project. The project strives to promote program planning, enhance curriculum development, and provide pathway implementation for Adult Education students enrolled in Career and Technical Education programs.


Ratify the agreement with the Illinois Community College Board in the amount of $20,000.




The Workforce Development Division has been awarded the Local Food in Institutions Grant. Working with the Local Value Added Foods Courses, the award will allow LLCC to train District #186 food service educators about how to cook from scratch with local farm food.

Brief Description


Accelerating Opportunity ICAPS CTE Grant

The Adult Education Division seeks ratification for the Accelerating Opportunity Career and Technical Education Supplement Grant. A second round of funding for Fiscal Year 2015 was awarded by the Illinois Community College Board to supplement the Adult Education Career and Technical Education portion of the Accelerating Opportunities Project. The project strives to promote program planning, enhance curriculum development, and provide pathway implementation for Adult Education students enrolled in Career and Technical Education programs.

Grants in excess of $10,000

Local Foods in Institutions Grant

Grants less than $10,000

Grant Title

Illinois Community College Board

Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education


Adult Education Division

Workforce Development/ Local Value Added Foods

LLCC Department / Program





LLCC Total Monetary Request



LLCC Match




January 1 through June 30, 2015

June 8 through July 30, 2015





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Capital City Training Center Parking Lot Lease


March 25, 2015

Board approval is requested for renewal of the lease agreement between Lincoln Land Community College District No. 526 and Giacomini Management Corporation for 36 parking spaces across from the Capital City Training Center located at 105 West Mason Street, Springfield, Illinois. The lease rate for years one and two of the agreement represents a 3.7% decrease as compared to the current lease rate. The terms of the lease are as follows: •

A 36 month lease agreement commencing April 1, 2015 and ending March 31, 2018.

The lease cost will be $15,120.00 in years one and two, and $15,422.40 in year three.

Two one-year options to extend the lease.

Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:

$45,662.40 FY2015, FY2016, FY2017, FY2018 Budgets n/a n/a

Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? It will provide additional parking spaces for students attending classes. How will proposed agenda item be measured? Overflow parking spaces will be available for students or conference attendees.




MOTION: Move to approve a 36 month parking lease agreement for the Capital City Training Center.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Taylorville Code Compliance & Renovation – Change Orders


March 25, 2015

During the course of any construction project, modifications to the agreement are necessary due to undiscovered conditions, existing conditions, or requests from the owner and the recognition that in any set of contract documents there will be the necessity for clarification. Therefore, in keeping with the policies of the Board of Trustees, the following change orders are submitted for ratification. RFP/CO# Description G-013 Provide evergreen screen around mechanical unit G-015 Install 1 1/2" hat channel and 5/8" GPDW on east wall of Computer Lab 1119 G-017 Relocate sprinkler heads in Classroom 1116 Total:

Cost $3,057.82 $1,327.80

Amount of project contingency: Less previously approved change orders: Change order(s) presented for ratification: Less other consultant fees/permits to date: Amount of contingency remaining:

$76,132.00 $41,550.98 $5,060.62 $0.00 $29,520.40

Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:


$675.00 $5,060.62

$5,060.62 Protection, Health & Safety n/a n/a



Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? By improving the physical environment in which instruction, study and leisure activities take place. How will proposed agenda item be measured? This project will be measured first by completion within the predetermined budget and time allotted for completion, and then by the satisfaction of the users and stakeholders.

MOTION: Move to ratify the above listed change orders in the aggregate amount of $5,060.62 for the Taylorville Code Compliance & Renovation as presented.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Montgomery Hall Roof Replacement – Bid Proposals


March 25, 2015

Sealed proposals were received by the Construction Managers Office on March 5th for the Montgomery Hall Roof Replacement Project. In addition to the Base Bid, Alternate Bid #1 replaces all of the existing insulation on the roof. A tabulation of those proposals is as follows: Contractor

Base Bid

Alt Bid #1

Total Bid

Designed Roofing Systems, Inc.




Henson Robinson Company




Meyer Roofing Inc.




*Non-responsive. Proposal had insufficient data.

Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:


($177,994 Bid Amount + $17,800 Contingency Amount)

Protection, Health & Safety n/a n/a

Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? By improving the physical environment in which instruction, administrative and leisure activities take place.





How will proposed agenda item be measured? This project is measured first by completion within the predetermined budget and time allotted for completion, and then by the satisfaction of the users and stakeholders.

MOTION: Move to approve the Base Bid and Alternate Bid #1 Henson Robinson Company in the total amount of $177,994, to complete the Montgomery Hall Roof Replacement Project at LLCC’s Main Campus and to establish a project contingency in the amount of $17,800, for an aggregate amount of $195,794.



III. Action Agenda




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Sabbatical Leave Recommendation for 2015-2016


March 25, 2015

Three (3) faculty members submitted a sabbatical leave request for academic year 2015-2016. The Sabbatical Leave Committee, composed of tenured faculty members, reviewed the requests and forwarded their review and comments. The following sabbatical leave request for the 2015-2016 Academic Year is submitted for your approval. Cara Swafford, Associate Professor of English, requests a sabbatical leave for the Fall 2015 semester. Cara’s sabbatical leave proposal is focused on the students at LLCC with learning disabilities and how they can be helped, specifically in the area of academic writing. She plans her focus to be on composition courses, but that knowledge will be applied to the academic writing experience at large. Cara would like to “better understand the challenges and the most effective methods for teaching, tutoring, and designing lessons and strategies for these students and share them with the LLCC community.” She plans to do this by compiling a bibliography of resources, consulting with other community colleges to determine how these students are assisted on their campus, attend conferences and symposiums, develop surveys and interview questions to obtain more insight from our students, and generate several applications to dispense the information to the campus community.


Move to approve a sabbatical leave for Cara Swafford for the Fall 2015 Semester.



IV. Information Items




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Position Vacancies and Hires


March 25, 2015

POSITION VACANCIES Classified Building Custodian (FT) Faculty Anatomy & Physiology Instructor (FT) Chemistry Instructor (FT) RETIREMENTS Charles Nichols

Community Service Officer (FT)


PROMOTIONS Mike Hanson Craig Meador

Police Sergeant (FT) Police Sergeant (FT)

3/16/15 3/16/15





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Construction Progress Update


March 25, 2015

Attached is the current Construction Project Status Report for LLCC. It includes all projects that are currently underway, projects that have formal plans and available funding but are not yet underway, and projects that have been requested for state funding but have no formal plans or available funding. The following information is intended to provide a brief overview of the progress of each of the projects since the previous Board Meeting:

Capital Renewal Projects – FY’13 Masonry Repairs to Sangamon, Menard and Cass Pulliam Masonry has been given a Notice of Award from the Capital Development Board. Work is expected to start after Commencement. PHS Projects – FY’11 Campus Boulevard Lighting Replacement The project is underway. Shop drawings have been reviewed and we are awaiting receipt of materials. PHS Projects – FY’14 Sangamon Hall Boiler Replacement Installation of the first four boilers is complete. remainder is underway.

Installation of the

Taylorville Code Compliance and Renovation Interior finishes are 90% complete. The exterior panel system is complete and roof work is 90% complete.




PHS Projects – FY’15 AHU Motor Replacement / Electrical Systems Development of Construction Documents is underway. Arc Flash Study Development of Construction Documents is underway. Sangamon Hall Exterior Stair Replacement Development of Construction Documents is underway. Montgomery Hall Roof Replacement Sealed bids were received on March 5th and our recommendation is before you this evening. Capital City Training Center Parking Lot Development of Construction Documents is underway. Child Development Center Septic System Replacement Development of Construction Documents is underway. Exposed Aggregate Concrete Replacement Development of Construction Documents is underway. Sidewalk Lighting Development of Construction Documents is underway. Workforce Careers Center Entry Slab Development of Construction Documents is underway. Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:

n/a n/a n/a n/a

Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? By improving the physical environment in which instructional, study and leisure activities take place. How will proposed agenda item be measured? Each of these projects is measured first by completion within the predetermined budget and time allotted for completion, and then by the satisfaction of the users and stakeholders. McDonald/Garvey



AHU Motor Replacements Arc Flash Study CCTC Parking Lot Rehab CDC Septic System Replacement Montgomery Hall Roof Replacement SGMN Exterior Stair Replacement SGMN South Exposed Aggregate Sidewalk Sidewalk Lighting- MCTR & Trutter WFCC Entry Slab Remediation

70932 70933 70934 70935 70937 70938 70936 70939 70940 L S,L


Funding Source


Sum of Original Contract Amount 46,978 46,978 818,983 818,983 2,148,051 2,148,051 38,650 30,347 3,200 9,527 26,850 26,780 3,000 10,400 4,180 152,934 100,000 608,647 708,647 612,728 612,728 4,488,321

Sum of Adjusted Sum of Contract Change Sum of Orders Amount Retainage 46,978 46,978 (177,547) 641,436 (177,547) 641,436 (272,690) 1,875,361 (272,690) 1,875,361 38,650 30,347 3,200 9,527 26,850 26,780 3,000 10,400 4,180 152,934 100,000 608,647 708,647 16,035 628,763 16,035 628,763 (434,202) 4,054,119 -

This summary page provides information pertaining to the contract payouts and balances. The back-up sheets may differ since the back-up sheets contain the contract amounts, payouts, as well as any interest that may have been earned.

Notations: + Indicates that the project is being monitored by an outside agency. In some cases, the outside agency has not provided the college with the necessary payout or final close out forms. As the information is received, the above information will be adjusted.

Sangamon Hall Boiler Replacement

Student Services/Testing Center S,L Renovation of Montgomery Hall for Adult and Community Education S,L

Menard Hall Carpet Replacement CDB SGMN MNRD CASS Masonry Repairs

Taylorville PHS Code Compliance Renovation Project


73907 73909


Generation Plant

70925 L


Colleague Dept # Project Name 70921 Campus Boulevard Lighting Replacement

NEW NEW ICCB Capital Budget Request Total PHS Balance Transfers 70931 PHS Balance Transfers Total Grand Total

Infrastructure Fee Total ICCB Capital Budget Request

FY2015 PHS Total Infrastructure Fee

Type / Year FY2011 PHS FY2011 PHS Total FY2012 PHS FY2012 PHS Total FY2014 PHS FY2014 PHS Total FY2015 PHS

Sum of Original LLCC Budget Approved / Estimated 100,876 100,876 728,354 728,354 1,900,541 1,900,541 298,613 27,588 30,700 51,037 384,400 204,450 117,332 124,800 41,080 1,280,000 100,000 901,600 1,001,600 4,000,000 1,290,200 5,290,200 786,220 786,220 11,087,791

The following information is a reflection of information that has been provided to the Finance Department as of February 24, 2015

All Capital Projects

430 1,685 12,803 42,951 42,951 484,974 484,974 2,299,123

1,407 850

Sum of Payments To Date 14,285 14,285 639,643 639,643 1,104,467 1,104,467 5,672 2,759

Sum of Contract Sum of Balance Contract % Remaining Remaining 32,693 69.59% 32,693 69.59% 1,794 0.28% 1,794 0.28% 770,894 41.11% 770,894 41.11% 32,978 85.32% 27,588 90.91% 3,200 100.00% 8,120 85.23% 26,000 96.83% 26,780 100.00% 3,000 100.00% 9,970 95.86% 2,495 59.69% 140,131 91.63% 57,049 57.05% 608,647 100.00% 665,696 93.94% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 143,788 22.87% 143,788 22.87% 1,754,996 43.29%



APRIL 2015

MAY 2015

JUNE 2015

Seating of New Student Trustee

Student Recognition Ceremony

Summer Adjunct Faculty Listing

Election of Board Officers

LLCC Foundation Gala 4/25/15

Employee Recognition Ceremony

Budget Workshop 6/24/15

Board Meeting 6/24/15

Board Meeting 4/22/15

Adult Ed Recognition Ceremony

Commencement 5/15/15

Board Meeting 5/27/15

AUGUST 2015 •

Board Meeting 8/26/15


Budget Adoption/Public Hearing

Mid-Year Tenure Listing

Board Meeting 9/23/15


Adopt CY’15 Property Tax Levy

Board Meeting 12/16/15

Board Meeting 1/27/16

FY’16 Tentative Budget

Off Campus Board Meeting LLCC Taylorville 7/22/15

OCTOBER 2015 •

Financial Audit Review

PHS Projects

Board Meeting 10/28/15

JANUARY 2016 •

JULY 2015



Board Meeting 11/18/15

MARCH 2016

Sabbatical Leaves

Administrative Contracts

Faculty Contracts and Position Listing

Board Meeting 3/23/16

Tenure Listing

Catalog Review and Adoption

Board Meeting 2/24/16


V. Strategic Discussion




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Informational Presentation Regarding Goal 2 - Financial Strength


March 25, 2015

Mr. Todd McDonald, Vice President of Administrative Services, will be presenting Goal 2 - Financial Strength. The presentation will focus on the key performance indicators and the College’s Strategic Planning dashboard.
