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LLCC Board of Trustees Regular Meeting March 26, 2014 Justin Reichert, Chair Craig Findley, Vice Chair Jerry Wesley, Se...

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LLCC Board of Trustees Regular Meeting March 26, 2014

Justin Reichert, Chair Craig Findley, Vice Chair Jerry Wesley, Secretary Jeff Fulgenzi Kent Gray Wayne Rosenthal Dennis Shackelford Garrett Belville, Student Trustee Charlotte Warren, President


AGENDA REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, March 26, 2014 6:15 p.m. Lincoln Land Community College 109 White Pine Lane Beardstown, IL


Preliminary Matters A. B. C. D.

Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Adoption of Agenda of the March 26, 2014 Meeting Introductions and Recognitions 1. LLCC – Beardstown Presentation E. Hearing of Citizens II.

Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of February 26, 2014 ....... 7 B. Ratify Payment of Bi-Monthly Checks and February Treasurer’s Report .............................................................................................. 33 C. Out-of-State Travel 1. Ratification of Out-of-State Travel 2. Approval of Out-of-State Travel ..................................................... 34 D. Budget/Financial Items E. Purchasing 1. Facilities Department Trucks ......................................................... 35 F. Contracts/Agreements 1. Monthly Training Contract/Clinical Agreement Status Report........ 37 2. State of Illinois – Local Debt Recovery Program ........................... 39 G. Monthly Grant Status Report .............................................................. 40 H. Facility Leases I. Construction Items J. Other Items


Action Agenda A. Policies 1. Revision to Board Policy 6.12 – Disposal of Capital Assets .......... 44 B. Academic Services Division Item C. Student Services Division Items D. Administrative Services Division Items E. Information Technology Systems Items F. Workforce Development and Community Education Items G. Executive Division Items


Information Items A. Staff Reports 1. Academic Services 2. Student Services 3. Administrative Services a. Position Vacancies and Hires .................................................. 47 b. Construction Progress Update ................................................. 48 c. Monthly Financial Report 4. Information Technology Systems 5. Workforce Development and Community Education 6. Executive Division a. Review of Agenda Master Calendar......................................... 51 B. President’s Report C. Report from Faculty Senate D. Report from Faculty Association E. Report from Classified Staff F. Report from Professional Staff G. Report from Facilities Services Council H. Chairman’s Report I. Secretary’s Report J. Foundation Report K. Other Board Members’ Reports


Strategic Discussion


Executive Session


Actions from Open/Executive Session



I. Preliminary Matters




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


LLCC - Beardstown Presentation


March 26, 2014

Shanda Byer, Assistant Director of Beardstown will welcome the Board and provide a brief introduction of the Western Region, highlighting what opportunities the Beardstown campus provides and what it means to the students attending there.



II. Consent Agenda


MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES LINCOLN LAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE ILLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT #526 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Land Community College, Illinois Community College District #526 was held on Wednesday, February 26, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. in the Robert H. Stephens Room of the main campus with Vice Chairman Findley presiding. I.

Preliminary Matters A. Roll Call

Members present were Mr. Belville, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Findley. Mr. Gray joined the meeting in progress. Mr. Fulgenzi and Mr. Reichert were absent. B. Pledge of Allegiance Vice Chairman Findley led the audience in the pledge of allegiance. C. Adoption of Agenda of the February 26, 2014 Meeting

MOTION NO. 02-26-14-1: Mr. Shackelford moved to adopt the agenda of the February 26, 2014 meeting. Mr. Rosenthal seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Belville (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Findley. PASSED D. Introductions and Recognitions - None E. Hearing of Citizens – None




Consent Agenda

MOTION NO. 02-26-14-2: Mr. Wesley moved to: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of January 22, 2014; ratify payments of bi-monthly checks issued during January 2014 and ratify, subject to audit, the January 31, 2014 Treasurer's Report; approve out-of-state travel for the attached list of employees; approve purchase order to Lincoln Electric for the approved U.S. Department of Labor, INAM TAA, Virtual Welder equipment at a total delivered cost of $49,000; approve a purchase order to Advanced Technologies Consultants, Inc. for the approved U.S. Department of Labor, INAM TAA, LAB VOLT Equipment; approval of the attached resolution abating taxes on the real estate commonly known as the Corner Block Building at 324 South Main Street, Hillsboro, Illinois; approve the contract with Dell for LYNC Phone System Implementation in the amount of $154,507.92 as part of the phone system upgrade project; approve the Statement of Final Construction Compliance report to ICCB for the referenced projects; ratify the listed change order in the amount of $8,059.07 for the Main Campus Front Entrance Upgrades – General Contractor project as presented; ratify the listed change order in the deductive amount of ($12,759.70) for the Main Campus Front Entrance Upgrades – Electrical Contractor project as presented; ratify the payment to CWLP for the relocation of utility lines in the amount of $135,795; ratify the listed change order in the amount of $1,055.25 for the New Generation Plant project as presented; and accept the proposal from John Shafer & Associates, Inc. in the amount of $143,738 to provide design services for the Taylorville Code Compliance Renovation Project.

Mr. Belville seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Belville (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Findley. PASSED III.

Action Agenda A. Policies - None



B. Academic Services Division Items 1. Sabbatical Leave Recommendation for 2014-2015 Dr. Warren reported four faculty members submitted sabbatical leave requests for the 2014-2015 Academic Year. Request is made to fund one Sabbatical Leave request for Professor Jason Dockter, for the Fall 2014 semester.

MOTION NO. 02-26-14-3: Mr. Shackelford moved to approve the Sabbatical Leave for Jason Dockter for Fall Semester 2014. Mr. Belville seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Belville (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Findley. PASSED 2. Summary of Changes for 2014-16 Catalog Addendum As a cost saving measure, the College catalog is printed every other year and the externally attached Executive Summary of substantive curriculum changes is the result of changes to programs and an in-depth look at program objectives. Request is made to approve the 2014-2016 College catalog addendum.

MOTION NO. 02-26-14-4: Mr. Rosenthal moved to approve the 2014-2016 College Catalog Addendum. Findley seconded.


Those members voting aye were Mr. Belville (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Findley. PASSED C. Student Services Division Items – None



D. Administrative Services Division Items 1. Variable Tuition Rates In 2007 the LLCC Board of Trustees adopted a variable tuition rate for current programs with higher than normal delivery costs. Following review, request is made to allow a phase-in variable tuition rate for all Automotive Technology sections (except 210) and all Building Maintenance programs. Due to increasing delivery costs in previously approved variable tuition programs, request is made to increase the variable tuition rate as stated, effective Fall 2014, for WEL (Welding), ARH (Air Conditioning, Refrigeration & Heating), AUB (Auto Body Repair), ELM (Electrical Maintenance), CLA (Culinary), AVI (Aviation), OL (On-line), HY (Hybrid), OE (Open Entry) and all sections of Private Applied Music (MUS) courses.

MOTION NO. 02-26-14-5: Mr. Belville moved to extend a phased-in variable tuition rate for BDM, AUT and AVI beginning with the Fall 2014 semester. Move to increase the variable tuition rate for ARH, AUB, CLA, ELM, MUS, WEL, OL, OE and HY classes as proposed, beginning with the Fall 2014 semester. Mr. Wesley seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Belville (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford and Mr. Findley. PASSED E. Information Technology Systems Items - None F. Workforce Development and Community Education Items – None G. Executive Division Items - None IV.

Information Items A. Staff Reports 1. Academic Services - None 2. Student Services – None



3. Administrative Services a. Position Vacancies and Hires This informational report has been updated since publication of the agenda. Dr. Warren stated that every vacancy/position is carefully reviewed, looking for opportunities to reorganize or re-configure, as a way to reduce College expenditures. b. Construction Progress Update Dr. Warren noted the projects continue as listed. c. Monthly Financial Report – None 4. Information Technology Systems – None 5. Workforce Development and Community Education – None 6. Executive Division a. Review of Agenda Master Calendar Dr. Warren noted the March 26, 2014 Board of Trustees meeting will be held at the LLCC-Beardstown campus, beginning at 6:15 pm, preceded by a 5:30 pm reception for local community members. B. President’s Report The Academic Quality Improvement Program (AQIP) Steering Team has begun work on organizing improvement opportunities identified in the Systems Appraisal Feedback Report. Poster sessions have been held on campus and at LLCC’s Education Centers seeking campus-wide faculty and staff input on prioritizing future Action Projects. The college received good news in the form of a recommendation from the AQIP Review Panel on Reaffirmation. The next step in the process will be a review by the AQIP Institutional Action Council, which will hopefully recommend full Affirmation. LLCC’s Strategic Planning and Budgeting Process for FY 2015 is fully underway, beginning with an initial kick-off at the Fall Institutional Improvement Day. A Leadership Roundtable for College Administrators was held in January, sharing ideas and promoting cross divisional work.



LLCC’s Respiratory Therapy program received full 10 year accreditation. Following their visit, accreditors noted LLCC graduate’s 100% exam passing rate and 100% employment rate over the last two year period. Bistro Verde, LLCC’s student run café is now serving lunch to the public on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s through April 26, 2014. This provides LLCC students hands-on experience in planning, serving and running a restaurant. Vice President Frederick and Dr. Warren recently met with Congressman Rodney Davis and his Higher Education Advisory committee to discuss Illinois higher education issues. At a recent meeting, Senator Andy Manar praised LLCC’s Workforce Development Careers Center. As a result the President and staff from Lewis and Clark Community College recently visited LLCC’s main campus, touring the Workforce Development Careers Center, hoping to gain insight for their own college construction/remodeling projects. LLCC’s Model United Nations Team was one of 42 colleges and universities who recently participated in the 54th Annual Model United Nations Conference in St. Louis. The LLCC Quiz Bowl “A-Team” won the Sectional tournament, which LLCC hosted on January 25. They now advance to the National Community College Championship in Atlanta, GA. On February 4, 2014 LLCC hosted more than 275 future students from 18 high schools who participated in the 18th Annual Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering (WYSR) regional level academic challenge. LLCC hosted area fifth graders on February 22, 2014, who displayed their “Outlandish Machines”, participating in the 8th Annual Springfield Area Rube Goldberg Competition. On February 24, 2014, LLCC hosted the 12th Annual Education Career Day, for students and community members interested in education as a career option. Abraham Lincoln’s Birthday was recognized and celebrated on the main campus with the 6th Annual Lincoln Lecture entitled “Behind the Scenes with the Lincoln Family”, featuring Kathryn Harris portraying, Elizabeth Keckley, Mrs. Lincoln’s dressmaker, whose character was featured in the 2012 movie “Lincoln”. LLCC’s other campuses also recognized Abraham Lincoln’s birthday with activities that included the showing of the movie “Lincoln”, and Lincoln themed contests.



The LLCC Choir performed at the February 12 unveiling ceremony for a new Lincoln stamp at the Old State Capitol. LLCC celebrated African American History Month with many activities concluding with a performance by LLCC Retired Business Law Professor and Jazz Musician, Virgil Rhodes and African-American Food and Vendors offering taste samples and wares. LLCC Homecoming was celebrated on February 8 with the theme “Carnaval”, which included women’s and men’s basketball games and a Homecoming dance. Other LLCC cultural events include: • Navigating Form: Book Artist of the Midwest, on display in the James S. Murray Gallery, February 3 – March 6. • A Recital on January 26, by Dr. Abigail Walsh on flute and Dr. Pei-I Wang on piano • A performance by Professor Jennifer Ramm and the River Ramblers on February 23. • Professor Paul VanHeulkom will perform a Native Flute concert on March 2. • LLCC’s Improvisational Group “i.e. improve” will present five performances, with the first scheduled on February 27. LLCC Student Life Office’s 5th Annual Volunteer Fair was a huge success, with 112 students pledging 2,300 hours of community service. Art Professor, Michelle Coakes and Assistant Director of LLCC-Taylorville have been selected by the College to receive the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Excellence Award. The LLCC’s Facilities Department has done an amazing job of dealing with the harsh winter weather which caused the College to close on February 1, close early on February 4 and remain closed on February 5. Dangerous weather conditions closed the education centers early on February 14, and for the entire day on February 17th. The main campus also closed early on February 17. The severe weather on February 17 called for the postponement of Campus Visit Day, which has been rescheduled for March 3. Mr. Gray joined the meeting at 5:20 p.m. C. Report from Faculty Senate - None D. Report from Faculty Association - None E. Report from Classified Staff - None



F. Report from Professional Staff - None G. Report from Facilities Services Council - None H. Chairman’s Report - None I. Secretary’s Report Mr. Wesley reported that he, Dr. Warren and several other Board members attended the Association of Community College Trustees National Legislative Summit earlier this month, in Washington D.C. Mr. Wesley, Dr. Warren and other trustees had the opportunity to meet with our Legislators to discuss concerns and critical issues of importance to Lincoln Land Community College. J. Foundation Report - None K. Other Board Members’ Reports Mr. Shackelford thanked Dr. Warren for her leadership during the recent National Legislative Summit and commented that he felt it was a very worthwhile conference. Mr. Findley stated the MAP cut-off date of February 28 is a cause of major concern for Trustees and community colleges. Dr. Warren said legislation is currently being drafted that could address these concerns if passed. There is opposition from ISAC. V.

Strategic Discussion A. Informational Presentation Regarding Goal 2 – Financial Strength and Goal 3 – Economic Responsiveness

Dr. Warren noted the information to follow is based on FY13 data, which feeds the current LLCC Dashboard. Vice President Vertrees provided an overview of Goal 2 – Financial Strength utilizing the LLCC Strategic Planning Dashboard. Mr. Vertrees explained the following four components, detailing the key performance indicators for each: • • • •

Revenue Contribution Ratios Demand Ratios Composite Financial Strength Ratios External Funding



Vice President Frederick presented an overview of Goal 3 – Economic Responsiveness utilizing the LLCC Strategic Planning Dashboard. Ms. Frederick explained the following five components, detailing the key performance indicators for each: • • • • • VI.

Successful Employment in the Workforce Within 6 Months of Completion Illinois Small Business Development Center Contract Training CTE/Workforce Development Impact on Local Economy

Executive Session

MOTION NO. 02-26-14-6: Mr. Gray moved to hold an executive session for the purposes of discussing personnel issues, collective bargaining, real estate, student discipline, pending or imminent legal issues. Mr. Rosenthal seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Belville (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Findley. PASSED

MOTION NO. 02-26-14-7: Mr. Gray moved to return to open session. Mr. Findley seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Belville (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Findley. PASSED VII.

Actions from Open/Executive Session

MOTION NO. 02-26-14-8: Mr. Gray moved approve the attached employment recommendations. seconded.

Mr. Wesley



Those members voting aye were Mr. Belville (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Findley. PASSED

MOTION NO. 02-26-14-9: Mr. Gray moved to grant tenure (continuing status) for the 2014-2015 Academic Year to Anthony DiMaggio and Joseph Hoff and to re-employ Sara Bachmann, Constance Costello, Brian Earley, Christa Gorman, Tameka Johnson-Tillman, Michael Meyers, Jennifer O’Malley, Cindy Smock, Colin Suchland, Keven Tait, Allan Tomnitz, Jason Waddell, and Leon Williams for the 2014-2015 Academic Year. Mr. Shackelford seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Belville (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Findley. PASSED

MOTION NO. 02-26-14-10: Mr. Gray moved to approve the listing of Faculty positions for the 2014-2015 Academic Year. Mr. Belville seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Belville (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Findley. PASSED VIII.


MOTION NO. 02-26-14-11: Mr. Findley moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Shackelford seconded. Those members voting aye were Mr. Belville (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Findley. PASSED



The meeting adjourned at 6:43 p.m.

__________________________ Chairman Reichert __________________________ Secretary Wesley





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Approval of Out-of-State Travel


February 26, 2014

Name Bixby, Ruth

Meeting American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Meeting Campus Market Expo 2014 University of Iowa Student & Radiographer Conference

Location Baltimore, MD

Account Restricted

Amount $1,880

Dallas, TX



Iowa City, IA

Chriswell, Linda

Illinois/Iowa AHEAD Regional Conference

Davenport, IA

Coakes, Michelle and Ceramics Club (Approx. 6 Students) Cruz, Esteban

National Conference on Education of the Ceramic Arts

Milwaukee, WI

Paid by University of Iowa Student & Radiographer Conference Professional Development and Restricted Faculty Allocation & Club Expense

Ellucian Live 2014 Executive Forum Conference on College Composition and Communication Community College Championship

Anaheim, CA



Indianapolis, IN

Faculty Development


Atlanta, GA

Club Trip

Branson, MO

Faculty Allocation

Denver, CO


Washington, DC

Paid by National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing

Blaylock, Andrew Callaway, William

Dockter, Jason Fischberg, Eve and LLCC Quiz Bowl Team (Approx. 9 Students) Kesinger, Tracy Lovekamp, Janice Maskey, Cynthia


14 Annual Nurse Educator Institute Association of Surgical Technologists National Conference National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing Board Meeting


$246 $1,025***


$780 $1,370 $0



McCoy, Jamie Nassirpour, Soodi Roehrs, Mark Roth, Joseph Tate, Anthony** and BIO 209 (Approx. 16 Students) Vaughn, George Warren, Charlotte Whalen, Lynn

Illinois/Iowa AHEAD Regional Conference Ellucian Live 2014 Society for Military History Ellucian Live 2014 BIO 209 HY Honors

Davenport, IA Anaheim, CA Kansas City, MO Anaheim, CA Belize

Staff Development $324 and Restricted Staff Development $2,189 Faculty Development $1,130 Staff Development $2,261 Class Trip $20,600*

Conference on College Composition and Communication Chamber of Commerce Meeting National Council for Marketing and Public Relations 2014 National Conference

Indianapolis, IN

Faculty Allocation

Washington, DC



New Orleans, LA




*Student Fees ** Tate, Anthony is replacing Dave Cox who was approved in October 2013 *** Club Funds




Whereas, the real estate located at 324 South Main Street, City of Hillsboro, Illinois, PIN 16-02-494-016, the property known as the “Corner Block Building” has not had the property taxes due and owing on it paid from 2007 through 2012; and Whereas, the titled owner of said property is in bankruptcy and has tendered said property to the bankruptcy trustee who, in turn, has filed a Motion to Sell said real estate to a certain willing buyer who has tendered funds to the bankruptcy trustee to purchase said property; and Whereas, the above sale will only take place if the accrued property taxes, penalties and interest due thereon are forgiven by the respective taxing bodies; and Whereas, it is in the best interests of Lincoln Land Community College to forgive the taxes thereon in the interests of restoring the property to said potential buyer in bankruptcy, who will pay future taxes; Now, therefore, be it resolved by Lincoln Land Community College that the taxes levied, extended and due and owing to the Lincoln Land Community College on PIN 16-02-494-016 for the years 2007 through 2012 are hereby waived and forgiven for the purposes of the sale of said property by the Bankruptcy Trustee to the Buyer who has tendered funds for said purchase. Signed this 26th day of February, 2014 ______________________________________ Chair, Board of Trustees ATTEST: Signed to and sworn by Jerry Wesley, this 26th day of February, 2014 ________________________________ Secretary, Board of Trustees





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Employment Recommendations


February 26, 2014

We recommend the following personnel actions:



NAME Ronald Gregoire


DEPARTMENT Student Services

Tyra Taylor

Associate Vice President

Enrollment Services

EFFECTIVE DATE 04/30/14 04/30/14


Approve the employment of Mr. Anthony Tate as Biology Instructor. Mr. Tate earned a MS in Plant Biology from Southern Illinois University–Carbondale and a BS in Biological Sciences from Eastern Illinois University. He is presently employed as a one-year temporary Biology instructor at LLCC. His employment will be effective August 22, 2014, and placement will be on Column Masters +30, Step 4 of the 2014-15 faculty salary schedule. A copy of his curriculum vitae is attached.



PART-TIME STAFFING On & Off Campus 2014 Spring Semester Adjunct Name

Adams, Stacey Agote-Robertson, Marcos Agote-Robertson, Marcos Ahmad, Munib Ahmad, Munib Aidich IV, Louis Akins, Nan Akins, Nan Al-Basha, Houssam Al-Basha, Houssam Al-Basha, Houssam Al-Basha, Houssam Al-Basha, Houssam Allen, Jason Allen, Jason Armbruster, Justin Armour, Gary Armour, Gary Avendano, Lisa Bade, William Badgley, Lori Badgley, Lori Badgley, Lori Badgley, Lori Bantner-Dunn, Paula Barnard, Sandra Barnard, Sandra Barr, Ralph Barr, Ralph Barton, Abby K. Beaty, William Beaty, William Bernahl, Joni Bernahl, Joni Berryman, Kenneth Berryman, Kenneth Blasdell, Alison Bobbitt, Cindy Bobbitt, Cindy

Class Section

PSY-220-L02 BIO-101-JHY BIO-101-THY MAT-081-50 MAT-082-50 FST-105-50 CMN-101-04 CMN-101-CIS7 MAT-088-50 MAT-092-50 MAT-092-59M MAT-094-59M Math Lab BIO-101-02 BIO-101-11 EGL-099-52 BIO-220-51 BIO-220-J01 EGL-099-15 MAT-092-46M RCP-123-X01 RCP-129-X01 RCP-252-X30 RCP-259-X01 EMS-101-01 COS-200-OL COS-225-OL ELM-103-01 ELM-105-01 CPC-140-OL FST-104-OL FST-238-OL CTC-150-OL CTC-245-OL PHI-210-01 PHI-205-T30 ADN-202-01 MAT-088-J01 MAT-092-J01

Class Section Title

Human Development General Biology General Biology Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Arithmetic II Vehicle/Machinery Operations Public Speaking Fundamentals Public Speaking Fundamentals Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Beginning Algebra II Developmental Beginning Algebra II Developmental Intermediate Algebra I & II Math Lab General Biology General Biology Basic Writing Skills Microbiology Microbiology Basic Writing Skills Developmental Beginning Algebra II Adv. Resp. Care Practices & Procedures II Clinical Practice II Selected Topics in Respiratory Care Clinical Practice V Emergency Medical Technician-Basic Office Correspondence Office Supervision and Management Principles of Elec., Batteries, & DC Circuit Principles of Transformers & AC Circuits Visual Basic Programming Level I Fire Tactics and Strategy I Fire Service Leadership III Introduction to Help Desk & Software Install Help Desk II: User Support World Religions Ethics: Morality & Contempt Val Nursing IV Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Beginning Algebra II



Bobbitt, Cindy Bobbitt, Cindy Bradbury, Kenneth Bradley, Joy Bradley, Joy Branham, Terri Branham, Terri Brayfield, Donna Brazzel, Travis Brazzel, Travis Broderick, Victor Burklow, Nancy Butcher, Mark Butcher, Mark Butcher, Mark Capps, Nicole Cecil, Joyce Chernowsky, Amy Chriswell, Linda Chriswell, Linda Chriswell, Linda Chriswell, Linda Churchill, Jonathan Ciaccio, Joseph Ciaccio, Joseph Clancy, John Clancy, John Coady, John Coady, John Coady, John Coderko, Maria Coderko, Maria Coderko, Maria Coet-Hanna, Debra Collings, Robert Collins, Steven Collins, Steven Collins, Todd Collins, Todd Collins, Todd Collins, Steven Cousert, Rachel Cox, Cody Cox, Cody Cox, Cody

MAT-094-J01 MAT-096-J01 THE-299-JSS01 PHI-205-L01 PHI-210-J01 CLA-141-01 CLA-250-01 BIO-101-HY2 MUS-104-J01 MUS-108-T01 PSY-101-52 ACC-104-L50 GEG-201-T30 MAT-094-T30 MAT-096-T51 CHE-100-T51 NAS-101-55 CSS-100-OL77 EDU-210-J50 EDU-215-50 EDU-220-J50 CSS-100-50 HLT-109-J40 ART-101-OL ART-103-50 HIS-101-J01 HIS-102-J01 LEA-201-T31 POS-101-L01 POS-101-L50 MAT-141-OL2 MAT-252-50 MAT-299-07 RDG-099-J50 BDM-106-J50 MAT-093-01 PSI-101-B20 MAT-088-L50 MAT-092-L50 MAT-141-50 MAT-094-50 CRJ-210-50 MAT-081-T50 MAT-082-T50 MAT-104-T01

Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Touring Theater Ethics: Morality & Contemp Val World Religions Intro to Bakeshop Cake Decorating General Biology Music Appreciation Music in America Introduction to Psychology Managerial Accounting Introduction to Weather and Climate Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Contemporary Chemistry Basic Nurse Assistant College Success Skills Instructional Technology Students with Disabilities Diversity of Schools & Society College Success Skills Medical Terminology Art Appreciation Drawing I History of Western Civilization I History of Western Civilization II Substantive Criminal Law Introduction to American Politics Introduction to American Politics Introductory Statistics Mathematics for Elementary Teachers II Math Center - Adjunct Reading/Study Techniques Basic Carpentry I Developmental Geometry Physical Science Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Beginning Algebra II Introductory Statistics Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Probation, Parole, & Comm.-Based Corrections Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Arithmetic II General Education Mathematics



Crabtree, Jerry Cray, Cris Crews, George Crews, George Cross, Bill Cross, Bill Curl, Joseph Curl, Joseph Curry, Mary Curry, Mary Curtis, Jennifer Dahlkamp, Carrianne Davis, Lisa Davis, Monique Davis, Monique Davis, Lee Dawson, Mary Dawson, Mary de Castro, Rey Deabenderfer, Ronald Deabenderfer, Ronald Dhabalt, Dan Dhabalt, Dan Dhabalt, Dan Dhabalt, Dan Dickey, Ashley Dickey, Ashley Dickson, Leslie Dickson, Leslie Dickson, Leslie Dipert, Cynthia Dipert, Cynthia Disney, Floyd Disney, Floyd Disney, Floyd Dixon, Jonathan Dixon, Jerrilyn Dow, David Dow, David Dow, David Doyle, Rodney Durbin, Rebecca Durham, Deborah Durham, Deborah Durham, Deborah

POS-201-OL2 POS-101-50 EST-102-OL FST-218-OL SOC-101-J01 SOC-201-J01 WEL-101-T01 WEL-101-T02 MCS-140-50 MCS-232-50 CRJ-201-B50 MCS-229-50 EGL-102-J50 CMN-101-CIS6 CMN-101-CIS5 GEG-201-50 BIO-175-T01 BIO-176-T50 GEO-101-HY EGL-101-L01 EGL-102-L01 ESS-107-55 ESS-112-09 ESS-112-10 ESS-112-12 ART-101-02 ART-102-02 ADN-102-01 ADN-101-30 ADN-102-04 RDG-099-T30 RDG-099-T50 CMN-101-J77 CMN-101-02 CMN-101-T02 PHI-204-50 CRJ-102-T01 PSY-101-J50 PSY-250-J01 PSY-101-J77 SOC-101-B01 NAS-101-H50 HLT-207-OL1 HLT-207-OL2 HLT-207-T51

State and Local Government Introduction to American Politics Fundamentals of Emergency Services Fire Service Instructor I Introduction to Sociology Sociology of the Family Basic Metal Arc & Oxy. Welding Basic Metal Arc & Oxy. Welding HIM for Electronic Health Records Medical Insurance Billing and Reimbursement The Juvenile Offender Advanced ICD-9-CM Coding Composition II Public Speaking Fundamentals Public Speaking Fundamentals Introduction to Weather and Climate Human Anatomy & Physiology I Human Anatomy & Physiology II Physical Geology Composition I Composition II Golf Physical Conditioning Physical Conditioning Physical Conditioning Art Appreciation Two-Dimensional Design I Nursing II Nursing I Nursing II Reading/Study Techniques Reading/Study Techniques Public Speaking Fundamentals Public Speaking Fundamentals Public Speaking Fundamentals Introduction to Philosophy Introduction to Corrections Introduction to Psychology Abnormal Psychology Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Sociology Basic Nurse Assistant Human Nutrition Human Nutrition Human Nutrition



DuRocher, Ryan DuRocher, Ryan Ebbing, Scott Ebbing, Scott Ebbing, Scott Edmonds, Christopher Edwards, Alice Edwards, Kristi Eickhoff, Katherine Elliott, Tiffany-Anne Elliott, Tiffany-Anne Elliott, Tiffany-Anne Evans, Ryan Evans, Ryan Ezeokonkwo, Francesca Fargo-Ware, Charlyn Fargo-Ware, Charlyn Fargo-Ware, Charlyn Ferreira, Nick Fetter, Andrea Fletcher, Robert Fletcher, Robert Folkerts, Kenneth Foutch, Pamela Frank, William Frank, William Freese, George Freese, George Freese, George Freml, John Friend, Duane Friend, Duane Gain, James Gain, James Garmon, Mark Garrett, Rebecca Garrett, Rebecca Garrett, Rebecca Godek, Stephen Godek, Stephen Godek, Stephen Goleash, Joe Goleash, Joe Goleash, Joe Gordon, Jonathan

BIO-175-30 BIO-175-50 MAT-093-OL MAT-094-OL2 MAT-096-OL2 AUB-104-50L MUS-120-01 BIO-176-B50 THE-101-01 EGL-099-T02 EGL-099-T30 EGL-105-01 FST-207-OL FST-236-OL PCN-102-H01 HSP-107-01 HSP-107-02 HSP-107-03 EMS-202-51 EDU-220-50 FLM-101-30 HUM-101-L01 MAT-104-L50 COS-226-OL BIO-101-40 BIO-220-50 MAT-088-T01M MAT-088-T20M MAT-141-T01 GER-102-01 GEG-103-B50 GEG-103-J50 ELM-107-50 ELM-114-50 BIO-176-L50 SOC-101-07 SOC-101-T01 SOC-101-T02 POS-101-B01 POS-101-B20 POS-101-B50 POS-101-J01 POS-101-J02 POS-201-J03 FST-112-50

Human Anatomy & Physiology I Human Anatomy & Physiology I Developmental Geometry Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Auto Body Painting Class Piano I Human Anatomy & Physiology II Theatre Appreciation Basic Writing Skills Basic Writing Skills Career Communications II Building Construction for Fire Protection Fire Service Leadership I Practical Nursing II Food Service Sanitation Food Service Sanitation Food Service Sanitation EMT Paramedic-Trauma Diversity of Schools & Society Introduction to Film Art Introduction to Humanities General Education Mathematics Professional Development General Biology Microbiology Developmental Beginning Algebra I & II Developmental Beginning Algebra I Introductory Statistics Elementary German II Physical Geography Physical Geography Motors & Generators AC Industrial Controls Human Anatomy & Physiology II Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Sociology Introduction to Sociology Introduction to American Politics Introduction to American Politics Introduction to American Politics Introduction to American Politics Introduction to American Politics State and Local Government Basic Ops Fire Fighter II



Graff, Andrea Graff, Andrea Green, Ashley Green, Ashley Green, Craig Gregoire, Ronald Grubbs, Dency Grubbs, Dency Grubbs, Dency Guerrero, Andrea Guthrie, Charles Guthrie, Charles Hacker, Dianne Hall, Laurie Hamilton, Sue Hamilton, Sue Hampton, Dottie Hampton, Dottie Harkins, Clinton Harkins, Clinton Harris, Mark Hart, Robert Hart, Robert Haverback, Stephanie Haverback, Stephanie Hazdra, Mike Hazdra, Mike Herring, Paul Hickey, Anna High, Robert Hinkle, Edward Hinman, Carl A Horne, Zachary Hrynewych, Alex Huddleston, Keith Huddleston, Keith Huddleston, Keith Iocca, Lori Jackson, Thomas Jamison, James Johnson, Leslie Johnson, Leslie Joiner, Vicki Jungjohann, Valerie Jungjohann, Valerie

POS-101-T01 POS-201-T01 EGL-101-J51 EGL-102-J51 PHI-201-50 ART-101-50 EGL-101-09 EGL-101-12 EGL-101-16 EGL-099-T50 PSY-101-J01 PSY-101-J02 NAS-101-55 EGL-099-L50 MUS-104-02 MUS-110-01 NAS-101-T01 NAS-101-T02 CRJ-104-L50 CRJ-201-OL WEL-102-T30 MAT-094-B30 MAT-096-B30 MAT-088-B30 MAT-092-B30 WEL-101-T50 WEL-101-T51 MAT-132-J01 PSY-210-51 COS-100-20 CMN-101-J50 FST-201-50 PHI-205-50 BIO-176-J50 PSY-101-02 PSY-101-11 PSY-220-J30 COS-120-HY BUS-101-50 PHI-205-J30 ESI-101-L30 CSS-100-L31 EGL-099-L01 FRE-101-01 FRE-102-01

Introduction to American Politics State and Local Government Composition I Composition II Introduction to Logic Art Appreciation Composition I Composition I Composition I Basic Writing Skills Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Psychology Basic Nurse Assistant Basic Writing Skills Music Appreciation College Choir Basic Nurse Assistant Basic Nurse Assistant Introduction to Human Services The Juvenile Offender Welding Blueprint Reading Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Beginning Algebra II Basic Metal Arc & Oxy. Welding Basic Metal Arc & Oxy. Welding Calculus and Analytic Geometry II Educational Psychology Introduction to Keyboarding Public Speaking Fundamentals Hazardous Materials for the First Responder Ethics: Morality & Contemp Val Human Anatomy & Physiology II Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Psychology Human Development Health Literacy I Business Law I Ethics: Morality & Contemp Val Employability Skills College Success Skills Basic Writing Skills Elementary French I Elementary French II



Kaye, Melinda Kaye, Melinda Kean, Charles Kitterman, Jay Knotts, Bonny Knotts, Bonny Koch, Gary Koch, Gary Kostrub, Jack Krieg, Cynthia Krueger, Debra Lahr, Mark Lahr-Well, Almeda Lamb, Molly Jo Lamble, Thomas Lamble, Thomas Lanham, Barbara Laub, Jill Lazenby, Debra Leamon, Patricia Leamon, Patricia Leamon, Patricia Leitner, David Leitner, David Lesko, Daniel Lesko, Daniel Lesko, Daniel Lewis, Shelley Lewis, Ryan Linscott, Steve Lisnek, Sally Litterly, Jan Llewellyn, Anita Lohrasbi, Ardeshir Lohrasbi, Ardeshir Lohrasbi, Ardeshir Lomelino, Kelsey Lomelino, Kelsey Long, Rebecca Lynn, Amanda Lynn, Amanda Madson, Cheri Madson, Cheri Maeda, Toshihiro Manker, Robin

MUS-108-01 MUS-108-OL EMS-101-52 HSP-120-01 EGL-101-14 WRI-001-01DM FLM-101-50 FLM-101-51 CLA-251-02 NAS-101-J01 CAS-109-OL CRJ-207-OL ITA-102-50 HIT-201-OL MAT-094-51 MAT-096-51 MUS-299-01 CAS-121-50 NAS-101-L01 HUM-101-01 HUM-101-T01 EGL-102-16 LIT-110-OL1 LIT-112-OL LIT-111-T01 LIT-111-T02 LIT-111-L01 EGL-101-L50 CLA-136-50L PSY-220-51 CSS-100-03 MCS-223-50 LIT-111-J01 BUS-101-T50 BUS-121-T01 BUS-125-T30 CAS-121-01 CAS-121-J01 LEA-106-B50 MAT-094-J30 MAT-096-J30 RDG-098-B01 RDG-099-B01 JPN-102-50 ESS-103-J01

Music in America Music in America Emergency Medical Technician-Basic Hospitality Internship I Composition I Writing Center Introduction to Film Art Introduction to Film Art Artisan Breads Basic Nurse Assistant Microsoft Software Applications Topics Drug Abuse, Alcohoism, the Law and Society Elementary Italian II Health in Today's Society Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Class Piano XI Computer Applications and Concepts Basic Nurse Assistant Introduction to Humanities Introduction to Humanities Composition II Intro to Literature - Poetry Intro to Literature - Drama Intro to Literature - Novel Intro to Literature - Novel Intro to Literature - Novel Composition I Gardge Manger Human Development College Success Skills Advanced CPT Coding and Modifiers Intro to Literature - Novel Business Law I Introduction to Business Organization Entrepreneurship Computer Applications and Concepts Computer Applications and Concepts Intro to Police Services Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Basic Reading Skills Reading/Study Techniques Elementary Japanese II Bowling



Marsaglia, Joe Marsaglia, Joe Marsaglia, Joe Marsaglia, Joe Marsaglia, Janice Marucco, Toni Mason, Brent Matthews, Greg Matthews, Greg McClintock, Roger McCoy, Linda McCoy, Linda McCoy, Linda McCoy, Linda McCoy, Linda McFadden, Mike McFadden, Mike McKenzie, Timothy McKenzie, Timothy Mehta, Manjula Mellor, Jessica Meyer, Tom Meyer, Art Meyer, Art Mhaskar, Yashanad Miller, Martha Miller, Martha Miller, Martha Miller, Darric Miller, Darric Miner, Linda Miner, Linda Missel, Todd Missel, Todd Mohr, Carol Mohr, Carol Mohr, Carol Moldenhauer, Deborah Monroe-White, Mary Ellen Morrow, Thad Morrow, Wanda Morrow, Wanda Mulvaney, Joshua Musch, Randal Musch, Randal

MAT-088-T30 MAT-092-T30 MAT-094-T50 MAT-096-T50 CNC-142-OL BUS-127-OL BUS-121-51 HIS-101-L01 HIS-102-L01 MAT-141-J01 CAS-104-OL CAS-106-OL CAS-107-OL CAS-108-OL CAS-121-L50 CRJ-104-J50 CRJ-201-J50 PHI-201-OL PHI-210-OL PSY-220-01 CHE-100-51 AUT-208-50 ECO-131-02 ECO-132-01 CHE-101-51 EGL-101-02 EGL-101-04 EGL-101-13 CRJ-101-01 CRJ-105-02 NAS-101-H50 NAS-101-50 MAT-088-51 MAT-092-51 LIT-111-B50 HUM-101-J50 HUM-101-B51 RDG-099-31 ECE-105-01 CLA-232-02L EGL-098-B01 CSS-100-B01 CNC-240-50 CHE-100-04 CHE-101-02

Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Beginning Algebra II Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Novell CNA Networking E-Business Strategy Introduction to Business Organization History of Western Civilization I History of Western Civilization II Introductory Statistics Introduction to Microsoft Word Introduction to Microsoft Excel Introduction to Microsoft Access Introduction to Microsoft PowerPoint Computer Applications and Concepts Introduction to Human Services The Juvenile Offender Introduction to Logic World Religions Human Development Contemporary Chemistry Air Conditioning Principles of Economics I (Microeconomics) Principles of Economics II (Macroeconomics) General Chemistry I Composition I Composition I Composition I Violent & Criminal Behavior Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems Basic Nurse Assistant Basic Nurse Assistant Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Beginning Algebra II Intro to Literature - Novel Introduction to Humanities Introduction to Humanities Reading/Study Techniques Curriculum & Planning Food Production IV Basic English College Success Skills Introduction to Microsoft Server Contemporary Chemistry General Chemistry I



Musch, Randal Myers, Edward Myers, Edward Myers, Edward Myers, Laurie Nelson, Jeff Nelson, Jeff Nelson, Jeff Nelson, Jeff Nicholson, Adam Nicholson, Adam Nicholson, Adam O'Connor, Beth O'Connor, Beth Ofcarcik, James O'Hare, Theresa Oliver, Sheryl Olmsted, Tim Olmsted, Tim Pahde, Lori Pahde, Lori Parish, Marjorie Payne, Stacy Pentzien, Christy Perry, Denise Pfaffe, Jeff Pilger, Britta Ploessl, Bridget Povse, Paul Ray, Nancy Ray, Mary Ray, Mary Ray, Mary Reichert, Randal Reid, Donald Reilly, Kathleen Reilly, Kathleen Reilly, Kathleen Reynolds, Susan Reynolds, Susan Rhoades, Brooke Rhoades, Brooke Rhodes, Laurie Robinson, Doris Robinson, Doris

MAT-299-05 WRI-001-01DM LIT-114-B20 LIT-114-J77 EGL-102-50 MAT-081-02 MAT-081-04 MAT-082-02 MAT-082-04 EGL-101-T30 EGL-101-J50 EGL-102-T01 COS-100-OL COS-101-OL ECO-132-51 MUS-104-03 GEG-102-50 POS-101-09X POS-101-J77 EGL-099-50 EGL-101-B03 EGL-099-B01 NAS-101-H50 EGL-102-T50 CLA-232-02 CHE-100-J50 ADN-102-04 CMN-101-01 JRN-101-03 RDG-099-30 PSY-101-09 PSY-220-OL2 PSY-220-OL2B EGL-102-B03 PSI-101-L50 EGL-101-18 EGL-102-18 WRI-001-01DM BIO-101-05 BIO-101-10 EGL-098-01 EGL-099-J50 ECE-225-50 RDG-098-J01 RDG-099-J01

Math Center - Adjunct Writing Center Intro to the Film As Literatr Intro to the Film As Literatr Composition II Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Arithmetic II Developmental Arithmetic II Composition I Composition I Composition II Introduction to Keyboarding Advanced Keyboarding Principles of Economics II (Macroeconomics) Music Appreciation World Regional Geography Introduction to American Politics Introduction to American Politics Basic Writing Skills Composition I Basic Writing Skills Basic Nurse Assistant Composition II Food Production IV Contemporary Chemistry Nursing II Public Speaking Fundamentals Beginning Newswriting Reading/Study Techniques Introduction to Psychology Human Development Human Development Composition II Physical Science Composition I Composition II Writing Center General Biology General Biology Basic English Basic Writing Skills Administration Basic Reading Skills Reading/Study Techniques



Robinson, Lyndell Robinson, Lyndell Robinson, Doris Robinson, Doris Roche, Amanda Roche, Amanda Roseberry, William Roseberry, William Rossini, Nina Running, William Rusciolelli, Dave Ryan, Ronald Ryan, Ronald Ryan, Ronald Ryan, Ronald Salm, Coravonne Salm, Coravonne Salm, Coravonne Santini, Deborah Schatteman, Tracy Schatteman, Tracy Schenk, Deana Schenk, Deana Schenk, Deana Schrage, Toni Schwabe, Ron Scobbie, Dennis Scobbie, Dennis Seidel, Howard Self, Gary Shelton, Dorothy Shelton, Dorothy Shepard, Kent Shepard, Kent Sheppard, Wendy Shoup, David Sichlau, Jim Sichlau, Jim Sichlau, Jim Sim, Darlene Simpson, Greg Simpson, Greg Simpson, Greg Simpson, Greg Sipes, Larry

BIO-101-32 BIO-112-50 CSS-100-J01 CSS-100-J02 ADN-202-02 ADN-201-HY HIS-102-T01 HIS-111-T01 CLA-136-50 CHE-101-51 HRT-216-50 MAT-088-L01 MAT-092-L01 MAT-094-L01 MAT-096-L01 EGL-099-J01 EGL-101-J01 EGL-102-J30 COS-111-OL BIO-175-J01 BIO-175-J02 EGL-101-ADHY EGL-102-ADHY EGL-102-OL4 RDG-098-30 SOC-101-J50 BIO-101-L01 BIO-101-L50 HSP-138-50 FST-103-OL BIO-101-J01 BIO-101-J02 MAT-104-J01 MAT-104-J02 GEG-105-HY MAT-299-10 PSY-101-01 PSY-101-05X PSY-101-05Y BUS-102-OL CAS-101-B02 CAS-101-J01 CAS-101-J02 CAS-130-J01 MAT-081-J01

General Biology Principles of Biology II College Success Skills College Success Skills Nursing IV Nursing III History of Western Civilization II United States History to 1877 Garden Manger General Chemistry I Landscape Design II Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Beginning Algebra II Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Basic Writing Skills Composition I Composition II Office Procedures Human Anatomy & Physiology I Human Anatomy & Physiology I Composition I Composition II Composition II Basic Reading Skills Introduction to Sociology General Biology General Biology Food Service Purchasing and Mathematics Fire Prevention Principles General Biology General Biology General Education Mathematics General Education Mathematics Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Math Center - Adjunct Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Psychology Business Law II Introduction to Microcomputers Introduction to Microcomputers Introduction to Microcomputers Word Processing Applications (MS Word) Developmental Arithmetic I



Sipes, Larry Sipes, Larry Sipes, Larry Smith, Denise Smith, Denise Snyder, Tom Sparks, Fallon Squibb, John Squibb, John Stahr, Ellen Stallman, Scott Stallone, Brett Stallone, Brett Stallone, Brett Stalter, Clayton Stoecker, Sandra Stolte, Amy Stolte, Amy Stolte, Amy Strohl, Steven Strohl, Steven Sullivan, Gina Sullivan, J. Cavan Surratt, Stevi Surratt, Stevi Swan, Martin Swartz, Nicole Swartz, Nicole Sweet, Nancy Sweet, Nancy Tanzyus, Barbara Tanzyus, Barbara Tarpley, Robin Thomas, Elaine Thompson, Emily Trace, Rebecca Tylman, Stanley VanBebber, Georgia VanDeventer, Lyle VanDeventer, Lyle VanMetre, Jo VanMetre, Jo Vazzi, Lisa Verhulst, Bonnie Verhulst, Bonnie

MAT-082-J01 MAT-082-J02 MAT-081-J02 ESI-101-J01 TEM-103-J01 PHY-102-50 PSY-101-L50 POS-101-08X POS-101-11 LIT-211-J30 ESI-101-T30 PSY-101-T01 PSY-101-T02 PSY-250-51 ART-124-51 RDG-099-L01 MAT-082-T01 CAS-121-T01 CAS-121-T30 HIS-111-J02 HIS-112-J01 ADN-102-01 BIO-101-T50 RCP-129-X01 RCP-259-X01 BDM-106-T51 CLA-141-50 CLA-252-50L CLA-100-01 CLA-139-51 MAT-093-50 MAT-094-46M ADN-101-30 EGL-101-T50 ART-124-50 HRT-219-50 POS-101-SS50 NAS-101-J01 HLT-109-40 HLT-109-50 MAT-094-04 MAT-096-04 CMN-101-L50 MAT-088-J02 MAT-088-J03M

Developmental Arithmetic II Developmental Arithmetic II Developmental Arithmetic I Employability Skills Vocational-Technical Math General Physics II Introduction to Psychology Introduction to American Politics Introduction to American Politics Survey Am Lit: Civil War to Present Employability Skills Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Psychology Abnormal Psychology Digital Photography I Reading/Study Techniques Developmental Arithmetic II Computer Applications and Concepts Computer Applications and Concepts United States History to 1877 United States History Since 1877 Nursing II General Biology Clinical Practice II Clinical Practice V Basic Carpentry I Intro to Bakeshop Restaurant Desserts Culinary Essentials Culinary Topics Developmental Geometry Developmental Intermediate Algebra I & II Nursing I Composition I Digital Photography I Landscape Sales Introduction to American Politics Basic Nurse Assistant Medical Terminology Medical Terminology Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Developmental Intermediate Algebra II Public Speaking Fundamentals Developmental Beginning Algebra I Developmental Beginning/Intermediate Algebra I



Verhulst, Bonnie Verhulst, Bonnie Wagahoff, Kate Wagahoff, Kate Wakefield, Richard Wakefield, Richard Walters, Donna Wasmundt, Wesley Waugh, Dana Waugh, Dana Weck, John Weck, John Weitekamp, Sue Ellen Welch, Mary Welch, Mary Wheeler, Mary Wheeler, Mary White, Melvin White, Melvin Wiediger, Matthew Wight, Timothy Wight, Timothy Wilker, John Wilks, Sarah Willett, Marlo Willett, Marlo Williams, Deana Williams, Randall Wintermeyer-Hobbs, Shannan Wohlers, Donald Wohlers, Donald Woodruff, Bradley Worrell, Leslie Wylie, David Wylie, David Yarker, Dirk Yarker, Dirk Yarrington, Larry Yarrington, Larry Yoggerst, Arthur Yoggerst, Arthur Young, Raymon Young, Raymon

MAT-092-J02 MAT-092-J03M CLA-143-50 CLA-252-50 ELT-100-01 ELT-100-50 SPA-102-50 CMN-101-J01 NAS-101-01 NAS-101-02 HIS-111-01 HIS-101-08 HRT-206-50 EGL-099-J02 EGL-098-J01 LIT-111-50 WRI-001-01DM HIS-101-03 HIS-102-02 PSY-101-B20 ART-101-01 ART-101-L01 BIO-101-50 ADN-202-02 MAT-081-B51 MAT-082-B51 ACC-104-L50 HSP-115-50 NAS-101-01 CHE-100-T50 CHE-100-T51 ESI-101-B02 BIO-101-51 MAT-082-L30 MAT-081-L30 HIS-102-B02 HIS-102-OL MAT-094-OL20 PSI-101-OL ACC-103-B01 BUS-204-B01 EGL-101-50 EGL-102-51

Developmental Beginning Algebra II Developmental Beginning Algebra II Advanced Pastry & Baking Restaurant Desserts Basic Electronics Basic Electronics Elementary Spanish II Public Speaking Fundamentals Basic Nurse Assistant Basic Nurse Assistant United States History to 1877 History of Western Civilization I Tree & Shrub Identification Basic Writing Skills Basic English Intro to Literature - Novel Writing Center History of Western Civilization I History of Western Civilization II Introduction to Psychology Art Appreciation Art Appreciation General Biology Nursing IV Developmental Arithmetic I Developmental Arithmetic II Managerial Accounting Restaurant Management Basic Nurse Assistant Contemporary Chemistry Contemporary Chemistry Employability Skills General Biology Developmental Arithmetic II Developmental Arithmetic I History of Western Civilization II History of Western Civilization II Developmental Intermediate Algebra I Physical Science Financial Accounting Management Composition I Composition II





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Ratify Payment of Bi-Monthly Checks and the February Treasurer’s Report


March 26, 2014

In accordance with Lincoln Land Community College Board of Trustees Policy 6.1, the following items are available in the President’s Office and Vice President, Administrative Services Office for your review and subsequent action: A. The Check Register of bi-monthly accounts payable checks issued during February 2014 (payments for purchase order payments, equipment, supplies, lease payments, maintenance agreements, travel, employee reimbursements, membership dues, subscriptions, club vouchers, pre-paid purchase orders, and time sensitive payment due dates – generally, items included under Board Policy 6.6). B. The Treasurer’s Report for the month ending February 28, 2014.

MOTION: Ratify payments of bi-monthly checks issued during February 2014 and ratify, subject to audit, the February 28, 2014 Treasurer’s Report.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Approval of Out-of-State Travel


March 26, 2014

Name Badgett, Janice Calloway, William and Student Radiographers Association (Approx. 2 students) Coakes, Michelle Cox, Dave and BIO 209 (Approx. 20 Students) Dunn, Bobbi Humphrey, Tim

Liesen, Diane

Simpson, Susan Warren, Charlotte

White, Tina

Meeting Location Assessment Technologies Orlando, FL Institute National Nurse Education Summit rd 23 Annual Iowa City, IA Student/Educator Seminar

Account Restricted

Making Pots Personal

Deer Isle, ME Belize Trip - January 2015 Belize

Faculty Allocation and Faculty Development Student Trip

Association for Institutional Research Greenleaf Center for th Servant Leadership 24 Annual International Conference American Board of Registration of Electroencephalographic and Evoked Potential Technologists Association for Institutional Research American Association of Community Colleges President’s Academy Summer Institute Assessment Technologies Institute National Nurse Education Summit

Orlando, FL

Professional Development


Atlanta, GA

Faculty Allocation and Faculty Development


Milwaukee, WI

Orlando, FL

Paid by American Board of Registration of Electroencephalographic and Evoked Potential Technologists Administrative


Napa, CA



Orlando, FL



Club Trip

Amount $1,807 $384

$3,310 $26,725*


*Student Fees






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Facilities Department Trucks


March 26, 2014

Facilities Services has requested replacement of two trucks currently used by the grounds crew. Both trucks are 2000 Chevy ¾ Ton Pickups, are not serviceable, and will require major repairs if retained by LLCC. The College recently sought bids for the purchase of two (2), 2013 Ford F-250 Super Duty Regular Cab 4x4 Trucks. The new trucks will be used for snow removal and maintenance trips to the regional centers. The following is a tabulation of that bid:

Total Delivered Cost Deviations from Specifications Warranty Estimated Delivery

Bob Ridings Ford, Taylorville, IL

Morrow Brothers Ford Inc., Greenfield, IL



2015 Model Year

2015 Model Year Whelen Strobe System

3 year/36,000 mile base plus 5 year/60,000 powertrain

3 year/36,000 mile bumper to bumper plus 5 year/100,000 powertrain

90 days from award date

70-90 days from award date

The College recommends the lowest responsible bidder, Bob Ridings Ford, for the purchase of the two 2015 Ford F-250 Super Duty Regular Cab 4x4 Trucks. The following companies were mailed an Invitation to Bid, but chose not to respond: Anderson Ford Mercury, Clinton, IL; B&B Motors, Inc, Havana, IL; Crossroads Ford Truck Sales, Inc, Springfield, IL; Dennison Ford, Inc, Bloomington, IL; Drew Ford, Gillespie, IL; Finish Line Ford, Peoria, IL; Jackson Ford, Inc, Decatur, IL; Jim Xamis




Ford Lincoln Mercury, Lincoln, IL; Kuhle Ford, Inc, Assumption, IL; Landmark Ford, Springfield, IL; Roland Rich Ford Mercury, Inc, Delavan, IL; Victory Lane Ford Mercury, Litchfield, IL; Wright Automotive, Inc, Hillsboro, IL. Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:

$59,848 FY’14 Budget n/a n/a

Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? n/a How will proposed agenda item be measured? n/a

MOTION: Move to approve a purchase order to Bob Ridings Ford for two 2015 Ford F-250 Super Duty Regular Cab 4x4 Trucks at a total cost of $59,848 in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of Invitation to Bid #FY2014-9.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Monthly Training Contract/Clinical Agreement Status Report


March 26, 2014

Attached is the current Training Contract/Clinical Agreement Status Report for LLCC. The Workforce Development Division has entered into a contract with Align Production Systems to provide Vertical Down-Hand Welding Certification to 4-7 employees. The training will be held at the Align Production Systems facility in Decatur. The Workforce Development Division seeks ratification for a contract with the U.S. Army Illinois National Guard to rent training space for the U.S. Army Cooks School. The U.S. Army Illinois National Guard will provide three separate trainings for its members, and will utilize the Culinary Labs and Bistro Verde in the Workforce Careers Center. All small wares, supplies, and instruction will be provided by the U.S. Army Illinois National Guard.

MOTION: Move to ratify the agreement with the U.S. Army Illinois National Guard in the amount of $57,600




Brief Description

Contracts as informational: items under $5,000 Vertical DownThe Workforce Development Division has entered into a Hand Welding contract with Align Production Systems to provide Vertical Certification Down-Hand Welding Certification to 4-7 employees. The training will be held at the Align Production Systems facility in Decatur. Contracts in excess of $10,000 U.S. Army The Workforce Development Division seeks ratification for a Illinois National contract with the U.S. Army Illinois National Guard to rent Guard Cooks training space for the U.S. Army Cooks School. The U.S. School Army Illinois National Guard will provide three separate trainings for its members, and will utilize the Culinary Labs and Bistro Verde in the Workforce Careers Center. All small wares, supplies, and instruction will be provided by the U.S. Army Illinois National Guard. TOTALS

Contract Title

Workforce Development

Workforce Development

U.S. Army Illinois National Guard

LLCC Dept./ Program

Align Production Systems






March 7-16, 2014, June 2-12, 2014, July 28August 7, 2014

$1,695.44 February 21March 30, 2014

Contract Total




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


State of Illinois – Local Debt Recovery Program


March 26, 2014

The College is requesting to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois Office of the Comptroller for their Local Debt Recovery Program. This program will allow the College to submit outstanding student debts to the state. In return the state will provide, if possible, a tax offset from the individual and submit the payment to the College. This agreement allows the College to: • • • •

Submit an outstanding student balance once the College has determined the balance is past due. The State will hold the debt for 7 years. Any debt older than 7 years will not be processed. There is no cost to the College for this program. The College will not have to pay our collection agency for any offset the State collects.

College counsel has reviewed this agreement.

MOTION: Move to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Illinois for the Local Debt Recovery Program.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Monthly Grant Status Report


March 26, 2014

Attached is the current Grant Status Report for LLCC. It includes all grant requests submitted and accepted during the month of March. It also includes a brief description of the purpose for which the funding is, or has been, solicited. The Workforce Development Division seeks ratification for an application submitted to the Environmental Protection Agency for an Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grant. The purpose of this grant is to work with the Illinois Recycling Association to develop a Sustainable Resource Management - Composting Certification. The program will also include HAZWOPER 40 and OSHA 10 certifications, and will recruit unemployed and underemployed populations. The Adult Education & Literacy Department seeks ratification for the Illinois State Library Adult Volunteer Literacy Grant, which is funded through the Illinois Secretary of State Literacy Office. This grant provides funding for programming for Adult Basic Education level students throughout the LLCC district. The Adult Education & Literacy Department seeks ratification for the Illinois State Library Penny Severns Family Literacy Grant, which is funded through the Illinois Secretary of State Literacy Office. This grant provides funding for programming for ESL students and their families at LLCC’s Beardstown location.

MOTION: Move to ratify the grant application with the Environmental Protection Agency in the amount of $200,000, ratify the Illinois State Library Adult Volunteer Literacy Grant in the amount of $63,078, and ratify the Illinois State Library Penny Severns Family Literacy Grant in the amount of $31,358.




Brief Description


Grants in Excess of $10,000 Environmental The Workforce Development Environmental Workforce Division seeks ratification for an Protection Development application submitted to the Agency and Job Training Environmental Protection Agency Grant for an Environmental Workforce Development and Job Training Grant. The purpose of this grant is to work with the Illinois Recycling Association to develop a Sustainable Resource Management-Composting Certification. The program will also include HAZWOPER 40 and OSHA 10 certifications, and will recruit unemployed and underemployed populations. Adult Volunteer The Adult Education & Literacy Secretary of Literacy Grant Department seeks ratification for State Literacy the Illinois State Library Adult Office Volunteer Literacy Grant, which is funded through the Illinois Secretary of State Literacy Office. This grant provides funding for programming for Adult Basic Education level students throughout the LLCC district.

Grant Title



Adult Education

LLCC Total Monetary Request

Workforce Development

LLCC Department/ Program




LLCC Match





July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2017



Total Submitted

Penny Severns Family Literacy Grant

The Adult Education & Literacy Secretary of Department seeks ratification for State Literacy the Illinois State Library Penny Office Severns Family Literacy Grant, which is funded through the Illinois Secretary of State Literacy Office. This grant provides funding for programming for ESL students and their families at LLCC’s Beardstown location.

Adult Education








III. Action Agenda




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Revision to Board Policy 6.12 – Disposal of Capital Assets


March 26, 2014

Attached is the proposed change to Board Policy 6.12 - Disposal of Capital Assets. The change to this policy is to place a threshold on items that require Board authorization to sell or dispose of, based on the estimated market value of the item. This change will allow the College to promptly dispose of surplus and obsolete items that can no longer be of use to the College. No action is required of you this evening. With Board concurrence, we will return this policy to you for action at the regularly scheduled April, 2014 LLCC Board of Trustees meeting.




Lincoln Land Community College


Subject: Disposal of Capital Assets Policy Number: 6.12 Officer Responsible: VP, Administrative Services Last Reviewed: 4/22/09 04/23/14 Last Revised: 04/23/14 Effective Date: 2/24/98 Old Policy Number: 4.1.11

Policy Statement: Except as provided by grant regulations, after Board approval, obsolete capital assets owned by the College with an estimated market value of less than $5,000, and no longer needed for College purposes, may be sold or disposed of. Any single item having an estimated market value of $5,000 or more shall have authorization from the Board of Trustees for its disposal. If capital assets owned by the College have a greater trade-in value than outright sale price, such capital assets may be traded when purchasing a similar or replacement asset. Such trade-in value shall be reflected in bid or quotation proposals received from vendors.



IV. Information Items




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Position Vacancies and Hires


March 26, 2014

POSITION VACANCIES Professional Academic Success Professional (FT) Administrative Vice President, Administrative Services (FT) Director, Admissions, Records and Registration (FT) Assistant Vice President, Student Success (FT) Faculty English Instructor (2) (FT) Journalism/Humanities Instructor (FT) RETIREMENTS Regina Hill Robert Smith

Coordinator, Employment & Training Program Information Technology Specialist

04/30/14 04/30/14





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Construction Progress Update


March 26, 2014

Attached is the current Construction Project Status Report for LLCC. It includes all projects that are currently underway, projects that have formal plans and available funding but are not yet underway, and projects that have been requested for state funding but have no formal plans or available funding. The following information is intended to provide a brief overview of the progress of each of the projects since the previous Board Meeting: Boiler Replacement We have begun planning for the replacement of eight boilers in the Physical Plant of Sangamon Hall. Front Entry Improvements The project is substantially complete. There are some landscaping improvements left to be completed in the Spring. PHS Projects – FY’11 Campus Boulevard Lighting Replacement Contract Documents are being prepared. Variable Frequency Drive Units Replacement We will receive bids on April 8th and will make our recommendation at the April 23rd Board meeting. PHS Projects – FY’12 Generator Project The project is substantially complete.




PHS Projects – FY’13 Menard Remediation The project is underway. Masonry Repairs to Sangamon, Menard and Cass The Contract Documents are complete. The Pre-Bid Meeting was held on the 27th of February. Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:

n/a n/a n/a n/a

Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? By improving the physical environment in which instructional, study and leisure activities take place. How will proposed agenda item be measured? Each of these projects is measured first by completion within the predetermined budget and time allotted for completion, and then by the satisfaction of the users and stakeholders.











Funding Source

187,500.00 646,674.00 564,763.94 362,676.00 1,574,113.94 3,457,704.94

Sum of Original Contract Amount 10,465.00 21,017.00 153,083.00 184,565.00 831,688.00 831,688.00 244,100.00 292,000.00 536,100.00 143,738.00 143,738.00 20,000.00 67,500.00 100,000.00

Sum of Adjusted Sum of Contract Retainag Amount e 10,465.00 21,017.00 153,083.00 184,565.00 651,641.05 651,641.05 248,927.22 292,000.00 4,827.22 540,927.22 143,738.00 143,738.00 20,000.00 67,500.00 100,000.00 187,500.00 15,228.00 661,902.00 3,299.37 568,063.31 6,159.05 368,835.05 24,686.42 1,598,800.36 (150,533.31) 3,307,171.63 Sum of Change Orders (180,046.95) (180,046.95) 4,827.22

This summary page provides information pertaining to the contract payouts and balances. The back-up sheets may differ since the back-up sheets contain the contract amounts, payouts, as well as any interest that may have been earned.

Notations: + Indicates that the project is being monitored by an outside agency. In some cases, the outside agency has not provided the college with the necessary payout or final close out forms. As the information is received, the above information will be adjusted.

Education Service Area Expansion Logan Hall Millennium Center ITS Student Services/Testing Center WDRC-Adult Ed/Comm Educ

Athletic Field Drainage Improvements Front Entry Improvements Parking Lot Striping & Resurfacing

Theatre Renovations Infrastructure Metal Building Menard Hall Carpet Replacement CDB SGMN MNRD CASS Masonry Repairs

73905 73906 73907 73909

77902 77903 77905

Taylorville PHS Code Compliance Renovation Project

Cass Gym Bleacher Replacement Menard Hall Subsurface Settlement

70928 70929


Generation Plant

Project Name Campus Boulevard Lighting Replacement Variable Frequency Drive Units Sangamon Hall Air Handler Replacement


Colleague Dept # 70921 70923 70924

Funding Bonds Total ICCB Capital Budget Request NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW ICCB Capital Budget Request Total Grand Total

Infrastructure Fee Total Funding Bonds

FY2013 PHS Total FY2014 PHS FY2014 PHS Total Infrastructure Fee

FY2011 PHS Total FY2012 PHS FY2012 PHS Total FY2013 PHS

Type / Year FY2011 PHS

Sum of Original LLCC Budget Approved / Estimated 100,876 204,571 186,682 492,129 728,354 728,354 339,000 435,520 774,520 1,900,541 1,900,541 20,000 67,500 100,000 901,600 1,089,100 662,000 720,000 402,000 1,784,000 4,235,000 3,404,000 635,000 2,740,000 1,445,000 12,459,000 19,227,644

The following information is a reflection of information that has been provided to the Business Office as of February 28, 2014

All Capital Projects

58,513.58 659,869.60 551,931.42 344,822.20 1,556,623.22 2,895,570.60

13,423.53 21,469.05 23,621.00

Sum of Payments To Date 917.00 18,215.32 143,970.17 163,102.49 632,126.57 632,126.57 223,928.23 261,276.51 485,204.74

Sum of Sum of Contract Contract Balance % Remaining Remaining 9,548.00 91.24% 2,801.68 13.33% 9,112.83 5.95% 21,462.51 11.63% 19,514.48 2.99% 19,514.48 2.99% 24,998.99 10.04% 30,723.49 10.52% 55,722.48 10.30% 143,738.00 100.00% 143,738.00 100.00% 6,576.47 32.88% 46,030.95 68.19% 76,379.00 76.38% 0.00% 128,986.42 68.79% 2,032.40 0.31% 16,131.89 2.84% 24,012.85 6.51% 42,177.14 2.64% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 411,601.03 12.45%



APRIL 2014

MAY 2014

JUNE 2014

FY’15 Preliminary Revenue Estimate

Employee Recognition Ceremony 5/8/14

Summer Adjunct Faculty Listing

Seating of New Student Trustee

LLCC Foundation Gala 5/03/14

Budget Workshop

Student Recognition Ceremony 4/29/14

Adult Ed Recognition Ceremony 5/14/14

Board Meeting 6/25/14

Board Meeting 4/23/14

Commencement 5/16/14

Board Meeting 5/28/14

AUGUST 2014 •

Board Meeting 8/27/14


Budget Adoption/Public Hearing

Mid-Year Tenure Listing

• Annual Board Evaluation

JULY 2014 •

FY’15 Tentative Budget

Board Meeting 7/23/14

OCTOBER 2014 •

Financial Audit Review

PHS Projects

Board Meeting 10/22/14


Board Meeting 11/19/14

• Board Meeting 9/24/14


Adopt CY’14 Property Tax Levy

Board Meeting 12/17/14

JANUARY 2015 • Board Meeting 1/28/15


MARCH 2015

Sabbatical Leaves

Faculty Contracts and Position Listing

Administrative Contracts

Tenure Listing

Board Meeting 3/25/2015

Catalog Review and Adoption

Board Meeting 2/25/15


V. Strategic Discussion