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LLCC Board of Trustees Regular Meeting June 24, 2015 Craig Findley, Chair Jerry Wesley, Vice Chair Dennis Shackelford, ...

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LLCC Board of Trustees Regular Meeting June 24, 2015

Craig Findley, Chair Jerry Wesley, Vice Chair Dennis Shackelford, Secretary Jeff Fulgenzi Kent Gray Wayne Rosenthal Justin Reichert Madison Baker, Student Trustee Charlotte Warren, President


AGENDA REGULAR MEETING Wednesday, June 24, 2015 5:15 P.M. Lincoln Land Community College Robert H. Stephens Room


Preliminary Matters A. B. C. D. E.


Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Adoption of Agenda of the June 24, 2015 Meeting Introductions and Recognitions Hearing of Citizens

Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of May 27, 2015 .............. 6 B. Ratify Payments of Cash Disbursements for May and the May Treasurer’s Report ........................................................................... 19 C. Out-of-State Travel 1. Ratification of Out-of-State Travel ................................................. 20 2. Approval of Out-of-State Travel ..................................................... 21 D. Budget/Financial Items 1. Prevailing Wage Resolution for Construction Projects .................. 22 2. Working Cash Fund Interfund Transfer to the Education Fund and Operations and Maintenance Fund ............................................. 24 3. Working Cash Fund Interest Transfer............................................ 26 4. Specific Stop-Loss Insurance ........................................................ 28 E. Purchasing 1. FY 2016 Bookstore Purchases ...................................................... 30 2. Storeroom Paper and Envelopes .................................................. 32 F. Contracts/Agreements 1. Monthly Training Contract/Clinical Agreement Status Report........ 34 2. Professional Services Contract ..................................................... 36 3. Montgomery County Tax Abatement ............................................. 37 G. Monthly Grant Status Report .............................................................. 39 H. Facility Leases I. Construction Items 1. Taylorville Code Compliance and Renovation Change Orders ..... 41 2. Truck Driver Training Lot Replacement – Bid Proposals ............... 43 3. Boulevard Lighting Replacement Change Order ........................... 45

4. Capital City Training Center Parking Lot Rehabilitation - Bid Proposals ................................................................................... 47 5. Sangamon Hall Exterior Stair Replacement – Bid Proposals ........ 49 J. Other Items III.

Action Agenda A. Policies 1. Proposed Language Change to Board Policy 8.16 - Employee Life, Medical, Dental Insurance ........................................................... 52 B. Academic Services Division Items C. Student Services Division Items D. Administrative Services Division Items 1. FY 2017 Capital Budget Request .................................................. 54 E. Information Technology Systems Items F. Workforce Development and Community Education Items G. Executive Division Items


Information Items A. Staff Reports 1. Academic Services 2. Student Services 3. Administrative Services a. Position Vacancies and Hires .................................................. 67 b. Construction Progress Update ................................................. 68 c. Monthly Financial Report 4. Information Technology Systems 5. Workforce Development and Community Education 6. Executive Division a. Review of Agenda Master Calendar......................................... 72 B. President’s Report C. Report from Faculty Senate D. Report from Faculty Association E. Report from Classified Staff F. Report from Professional Staff G. Report from Facilities Services Council H. Chairman’s Report I. Secretary’s Report J. Foundation Report K. Other Board Members’ Reports


Strategic Discussion


Executive Session


Actions from Open/Executive Session



I. Preliminary Matters

II. Consent Agenda



The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Land Community College, Illinois Community College District #526 was held on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 at 5:17 p.m. in the Robert H. Stephens Room of the main campus with Chairman Findley presiding. I.

Preliminary Matters A. Roll Call

Members present were Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford, Ms. Baker, Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Findley. Mr. Gray joined the meeting in progress and Mr. Reichert was absent. B. Pledge of Allegiance Chairman Findley asked Mr. Rosenthal to lead the audience in the pledge of allegiance. C. Adoption of Agenda of the May 27, 2015 Meeting

MOTION NO. 05-27-15-1: Mr. Rosenthal moved to adopt the agenda of the May 27, 2015 meeting. Mr. Fulgenzi seconded.

Those members voting aye were Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford, Ms. Baker (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Findley. PASSED D. Introductions and Recognitions Ms. Lyn Buerkett, Director of Adult Education and Literacy requested three students who have recently completed all of their GED requirements to come forward for recognition. Ms. Buerkett introduced Grayson Davis, Page McAlexander and Issac Schmidt, providing a brief review of each student’s background and future educational



aspirations. Chairman Findley expressed the Board’s gratitude to have the opportunity to recognize these students. Dr. Warren expressed her pride in these students, recognizing each had different starts and pathways that brought them to this momentous occasion and stated she looks forward to seeing them participating in a future LLCC Commencement ceremony. Mr. Gray joined the meeting at 5:20 p.m. E. Hearing of Citizens - None II.

Consent Agenda

MOTION NO. 05-27-15-2: Mr. Gray moved to: • approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 22, 2015; • ratify disbursements of the bi-monthly checks, E-Commerce Refunds, ACH and Wire transactions issued during April 2015 and ratify the April 30, 2015 Treasurer's Report; • approve ratification of out-of-state travel for the attached list of individuals; • approve out-of-state travel for the attached list of employees; • approve entering into an agreement with the Hilton Springfield for lodging and meal accommodations for the Elderhostel 2016 Program Year and may continue through the 2017 Program Year as per the terms, conditions, and specifications of Request for Proposal #FY2016-1; • approve Sentinel Pest Control to provide pest control services to LLCC for the period beginning July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018, with a total commitment of $28,440 in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of Incitation to Bid #FY2016-3; • approve Waste Management of IL to provide refuse hauling services to Lincoln Land Community College for the period beginning July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2018, with a total commitment of $54,594 in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of Invitation to Bid #FY2016-2; • approve the purchase of ink and toner cartridges from Bradfield’s Incorporated; • approve the contract with the State of Illinois in the amount of $78,600; approve the Affiliation Agreement with Memorial Health System; approve the Affiliation Agreement with St. John’s Hospital; • approve the annual maintenance contract for the Colleague System software at a total cost of $265,694;



• • •

approve the annual contract for the Blackboard Enterprise System and Data Integration at a total cost of $75,962.25; ratify the Adult Education & Literacy Department’s additional funding request with the Illinois Community College Board in the amount of $11,700; approve the base bid from Halverson Construction Company Inc. in the total amount of $26,328 to complete the Workforce Entry Slab Remediation Project at LLCC’s Main Campus and to establish a project contingency in the amount of $2,600 for an aggregate amount of $28,928; approve the base bid and alternate bid #1 from Bodine Electric of Decatur in the total amount of $80,775 to complete the Sidewalk Lighting Upgrade Project at LLCC’s Main Campus and to establish a project contingency in the amount of $8,100 for an aggregate amount of $88,875; and approve the resolutions authorizing submission of the listed Protection, Health and Safety Projects to the Illinois Community College Board.

Mr. Wesley seconded.

Those members voting aye were Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray, Ms. Baker (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Findley. PASSED III.

Action Agenda A. Policies 1. Proposed Language Change to Board Policy 1.11 – Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs

This proposed Board Policy change was submitted last month for a first reading and is presented at this time for approval, with no changes. The proposed language change will allow LLCC to be in compliance of Illinois State legislation, effective July 1, 2015, prohibiting smoking and the use of tobacco products on any College owned or operated property.

MOTION NO. 05-27-15-3: Mr. Gray moved to approve language change to Board Policy 1.11 – Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drugs. Mr. Wesley seconded.



Those members voting aye were Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray, Ms. Baker (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Findley. PASSED 2. Proposed Language Change to Board Policy 8.16 – Employee Life, Medical, and Dental Insurance This Board Policy change is proposed to allow the College flexibility in the selection of life insurance coverage. The current policy is outdated and the proposed language will allow LLCC to be in-line with current practice. This proposed policy change is presented this evening for a first reading and will be presented in June for adoption. B. Academic Services Division Items 1. Approval of 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020 and 20202021 Academic Calendars The Academic and Admissions Standards Team has reviewed and recommends Board approval of the following LLCC Academic Calendars: 2016-2017; 2017-2018; 20182019; 2019-2020; and 2020-2021.

MOTION NO. 05-27-15-4: Mr. Gray moved to approve the 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019, 2019-2020, and 2020-2021 Academic Calendars. Mr. Wesley seconded.

Those members voting aye were Mr. Wesley, Mr. Fulgenzi, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray, Ms. Baker (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Findley. PASSED C. Student Services Division Items – None D. Administrative Services Division Items - None E. Information Technology Systems Items - None F. Workforce Development and Community Education Items – None G. Executive Division Items - None




Information Items A. Staff Reports 1. Academic Services - None 2. Student Services – None 3. Administrative Services - None a. Position Vacancies and Hires

Dr. Warren reviewed this agenda item, noting three hires, two resignations, one retirement, and one promotion. b. Construction Progress Update The masonry repair work on Cass Gymnasium is complete and work has begun on Menard and Sangamon Hall which will continue throughout the summer. The Sangamon Hall Boiler Replacement project is complete and the Taylorville Code Compliance and Renovation project is basically complete, with only interior furnishing work yet to be completed. 4. Information Technology Systems – None 5. Workforce Development and Community Education - None 6. Executive Division a. Review of Agenda Master Calendar Dr. Warren stated the Board of Trustees Budget Workshop will be held immediately following the June Board meeting and reminded Trustees the July Board meeting will be held on LLCC’s Taylorville campus. B. President’s Report Commencement was held on May 15 with 337 students participating, conferring a total of 2,200 certificates and degrees. Allen Dixon was the Commencement speaker, with recognition of Cinda Edwards as Outstanding Alum and Sister Mary Gianna as LLCC’s Outstanding Graduate.



LLCC’s 21st Annual Employee Recognition Ceremony was held on May 7, honoring faculty, staff, and retirees. Dr. Michael Ramm, Professor of Chemistry, was named the 2015 Drs. Raymond and Ann Pearson Master Teacher. Distinguished Service Award recipients were Leslie Rios – Faculty, Susan Simson – Administrative Staff, Linda Cunningham - Professional Staff, and Robin Ackman – Classified Staff. Sharon Cheek, Professor of Radiography, and Paula Hermes, Programmer Analyst, were recognized as this year’s recipients of the NISOD (National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development) Excellence Awards. Dr. John Roberts, Professor of History, was honored for his 45 years of service to LLCC, a new milestone for the College, while other employees were also recognized for their service anniversaries. LLCC’s Gala was held on April 25 and Dr. Warren thanked those Trustees that were able to attend. Trustee Shackelford and Dr. Warren provided Mayor Langfelder a tour of the Workforce Center on April 23. Both the LLCC Softball and Baseball teams participated in the NJCAA World Series. The Softball Team finished their season with a ranking of 5th in the nation and a record of 45 – 14. The Baseball Team finished with a 42 – 16 record. LLCC’s 2000 World Series Champion Baseball Team, and former Athletic Director and Coach, Dick Dhabalt, were inducted in the Springfield Hall of Fame in April 2015. 400 individuals took part in the 8th Annual Brian McMillen Walk/Run on May 23. The event is sponsored by the LLCC Veterans Club to raise funds for the LLCC Veterans Scholarship and other charities. LLCC hosted the Illinois Community College Diversity Council on April 30. The LLCC Agriculture Club competed in the 2015 National Postsecondary Agricultural Student Conference in Boise, Idaho. The Livestock Specialist Team placed third and the Soils Specialist Team finished ninth. LLCC’s new Robotics Club competed in the Annual Robotics Competition at the University of Northern, hosted by the North American Robotics Association. Three LLCC Radiography students won awards at the Illinois State Society of Radiologic Technologists Conference, in Peoria, Illinois. May 29 through June 6, the LLCC Theatre will present a Shakespeare comedy entitled, Two Gentlemen of Verona, at Theatre in the Park, in Lincoln’s New Salem State Historic Site.



LLCC is now observing summer hours through August 7. The Summer semester begins on June 8 and Campus Visit Day will be held on June 16. C. Report from Faculty Senate - None D. Report from Faculty Association - None E. Report from Classified Staff - None F. Report from Professional Staff - None G. Report from Facilities Services Council - None H. Chairman’s Report - None I. Secretary’s Report - None J. Foundation Report Ms. Sanders, Executive Director of the LLCC Foundation reported the Scholarship Committee met on May 7, awarding 158 scholarships, which is an increase over the previous year. She also shared what a lovely and successful evening the April 25th Gala, raising a total of $69,514.67. She thanked everyone for their participation and support of this annual event. K. Other Board Members’ Reports Mr. Wesley recognized Dr. Warren for her appointment as President of the Illinois Council of Community College Presidents’ which will begin on July 1, 2015. He also mentioned that the Illinois Community College Trustees Association (ICCTA) continues to actively monitor legislation being debated and considered by the Illinois House and Senate. Mr. Fulgenzi left the meeting at 5:47 p.m. V.

Strategic Discussion A. Informational Presentation

Dr. Jason Dockter, Professor of English shared the experiences of his Fall 2014 Sabbatical leave. Dr. Dockter’s sabbatical leave allowed him the opportunity to



complete research, collect and analyze data, and also complete a draft of his Ph.D. dissertation, which he successfully defended and earned in Spring of 2015. He stated both his doctorate and sabbatical were based on his teaching discipline at the College. He explained how this leave provided him the opportunity to evaluate his on-line teaching methods utilizing feedback from his students, which provided him with data and insight to assist in transforming his future teaching process to benefit students. Dr. Dockter also plans to share knowledge and experiences from his research with other faculty, assisting them with their on-line teaching process in a multitude of ways. VI.

Executive Session

MOTION NO. 05-27-15-5: Mr. Gray moved to hold an executive session for the purposes of discussing personnel issues, collective bargaining, real estate, student discipline, pending or imminent legal issues. Mr. Findley seconded.

Those members voting aye were Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray, Ms. Baker (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Findley. PASSED

MOTION NO. 05-27-15-6: Mr. Gray moved to return to open session. Mr. Shackelford seconded.

Those members voting aye were Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray, Ms. Baker (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Findley. PASSED VII.

Actions from Executive Session

MOTION NO. 05-27-15-7: Mr. Shackelford moved to approve the attached employment recommendations. Mr. Gray seconded.



Those members voting aye were Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray, Ms. Baker (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Findley. PASSED VIII.


MOTION NO. 05-27-15-8: Mr. Gray moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Wesley seconded.

Those members voting aye were Mr. Wesley, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray, Ms. Baker (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal and Mr. Findley. PASSED The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.

__________________________ Chairman Findley

__________________________ Secretary Shackelford





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Ratification of Out-of-State Travel


May 27, 2015

Name Fischberg, Eve

Meeting American Occupational Therapists Association National Conference

Location Date Nashville, TN April 14-19, 2015

Marsaglia, John & Women’s Softball Team (Approx. 18 Students) Riggle, Ron & Men’s Baseball Team (Approx 29

Softball Trip to Nationals

Clinton, MS

May 11-16, 2015

Baseball World Series

Enid, OK

May 21-31, 2015

Account Paid by American Occupational Therapists Association and Employee Team Travel

Amount $0


Team Travel







Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Approval of Out-of-State Travel


May 27, 2015

Name Barry, Chris

Meeting On Course Workshop

Location Baltimore, MD

Ferreira, Nick

Emergency Medical Services World Expo


Green, David

Illinois Association for Career and Technological Education Regional III Conference Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education 2015 Annual Conference American Society of Electroneurodiagnostic Technologists-The Neurodiagnostic Society 2015 Community College Cyber Summit 2015 Community College Cyber Summit Blackboard Developers Conference & BbWorld American Psychological Association Chamber of Commerce Meeting

Las Vegas, NV Restricted and Professional Development Cedar Rapids, Administrative IA

Lexington, KY

Professional Development


Kansas City, MO

Restricted and Administrative


North Las Vegas, NV North Las Vegas, NV Washington, DC Toronto, Canada Washington, DC





Professional Development Faculty Development




Guthals, Elaine

Liesen, Diane

Marsaglia, Frank Mehan, Jeff Mitkos, Andy Nichols, Judith Ann Warren, Charlotte

Account Administrative

Amount $1,857







Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Employment Recommendations


May 27, 2015

We recommend the following personnel actions:

FACULTY A. Approve the employment of Ms. Britta Lothary as Nursing Instructor. Ms. Lothary earned a Master of Science in Nursing from Maryville University and a Bachelor of Science in both Nursing and Biological Science from the University of Missouri – Columbia. She has been an adjunct nursing instructor at LLCC since 2013. Her employment will be effective August 20, 2015, and placement will be on Column Masters, Step 5 of the 2014-15 faculty salary schedule. A copy of her curriculum vitae is attached. Please note that placement has been made on the current salary schedule and once faculty contract negotiations are complete, there may be an adjustment based on the new negotiated salary schedule for 2015-16.

ADMINISTRATIVE A. Approve the employment of Mr. Scott Stallman as Associate Vice President, LLCC Outreach. Mr. Stallman is presently in a doctoral program at Illinois State University. He earned a Master of Education in Adult and Higher Education from the University of Missouri-St. Louis and a Bachelor of Science from the University of Missouri-Columbia. Mr. Stallman is presently the Executive Director, LLCCTaylorville, Litchfield, Hillsboro. His employment would be effective June 1,



2015, with placement on salary grade O. A copy of Mr. Stallman’s resume is attached. B. Approve the employment of Ms. Keri Mason as Director, LLCC Jacksonville. Ms. Mason earned a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Truman State University. Ms. Mason is presently the Assistant Director, LLCC-Jacksonville. Her employment would be effective June 1, 2015, with placement on salary grade K. A copy of Ms. Mason’s resume is attached. C. Approve the employment of Ms. Dee Krueger as Director, LLCC-Taylorville. Ms. Krueger earned a Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies from the University of Illinois Springfield. Ms. Krueger is presently the Assistant Director, LLCC-Taylorville. Her employment would be effective June 1, 2015, with placement on salary grade K. A copy of Ms. Krueger’s resume is attached.





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Ratify Payments of All Cash Disbursements for May and the May Treasurer’s Report


June 24, 2015

In accordance with Lincoln Land Community College Board of Trustees Policy 6.1, the following items are available in the President’s Office and Vice President, Administrative Services Office for your review and subsequent action: A. The Cash Disbursement Register including the Check Register of bimonthly accounts payable checks, E-commerce refunds, ACH and Wire transactions issued during May 2015 (payments for purchase order payments, equipment, supplies, lease payments, maintenance agreements, travel, employee reimbursements, membership dues, subscriptions, club vouchers, medical claim payments, pre-paid purchase orders, and time sensitive payment due dates – generally, items included under Board Policy 6.6). B. The Treasurer’s Report for the month ending May 31, 2015.

MOTION: Ratify disbursements of the bi-monthly checks, E-commerce refunds, ACH and Wire transactions issued during May 2015 and ratify the May 31, 2015 Treasurer’s Report.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Ratification of Out-of-State Travel


June 24, 2015

Name Eades, Barbara

Till, Theresa

Meeting Council for Resource Development Summer Institute 2015 Quality and Safety Education for Nurses National Nursing Safety Meeting


Location Dallas, TX

Date June 24-26, 2015

Account Professional Development

Amount $1,520

San Diego, CA

May 25-29, 2015

Faculty Development






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Approval of Out-of-State Travel


June 24, 2015

Name Dockter, Jason

Meeting Accessibility in Digital Publishing


Location Morgantown, WV

Account Leadership Development & West Virginia University

Amount $887





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Prevailing Wage Resolution for Construction Projects


June 24, 2015

Illinois statute requires that all public bodies adopt a prevailing wage resolution. This resolution establishes prevailing wages for “public works” undertaken at the college. As we have in the past, I am recommending that we adopt the Prevailing Wage Schedule of the Illinois Department of Labor. I have attached a new resolution for your action. Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:

n/a n/a n/a n/a

Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? n/a How will proposed agenda item be measured? n/a

MOTION: Move to approve the resolution establishing the prevailing rate of wages for construction work completed at Lincoln Land Community College




RESOLUTION REGARDING PREVAILING WAGE RATE FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK AT DISTRICT FACILITIES PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ILLINOIS PREVAILING WAGE ACT WHEREAS, Lincoln Land Community College (the "District") is subject to the Illinois Prevailing Wage Act (the "Act"); Chapter 820 ILCS 130/1-12, Illinois Compiled Statues and WHEREAS, the District is engaged in construction work as defined in the Act; and WHEREAS, the Act authorizes the District to adopt the prevailing rate of wages as determined by the Illinois Department of Labor ("IDOL") for the county in which the District is located. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The District adopts the definitions and shall comply with the requirements as set forth in the Act for all public works projects undertaken by the District. 2 The prevailing rate of wages for all such public works shall be the rate as determined by the IDOL as of June of the current year and posted on the IDOL website under All Prevailing Wage Rates from time to time. 3. The District's construction management office, 5250 Shepherd Road, Springfield, Illinois, shall publicly post or keep available for inspection this determination of prevailing wage rates. 4. The District shall (a) promptly file a certified copy of this Resolution with the Index Division of the Secretary of State and IDOL and shall cause notice hereof to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the area of the District, (b) promptly mail a copy of this determination to any party who has or shall request a copy, and (c) otherwise perform in accordance with the requirements of the Act. Approved this 24th day of June, 2015. Signature: ___________________________________________ (Board Chair) Witness: _____________________________________________ (Board Secretary) McDonald/Longhta/Garvey





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Working Cash Fund Interfund Transfer to the Education Fund and Operations and Maintenance Fund


June 24, 2015

The spring of every fiscal year is the low point in the college’s cash flow cycle. Although we anticipate receiving state apportionment and some grant reimbursements prior to June 30, 2015, Board authorization for a Working Cash Fund transfer would assure that the college would have sufficient funds to meet its necessary cash obligations. Based on current projected revenue receipts and expenditures through July 2015, we may possibly need to do an interfund transfer of up to $3,500,000 from our Working Cash Fund to the Education and Operation and Maintenance Funds. The use of this transfer is identified as follows: • •

We will need up to $3,000,000 in the Education Fund to cover normal operating expenses such as payroll, supplies and miscellaneous services. We will need up to $500,000 in the Operations and Maintenance Fund to cover normal operating expenses such as payroll and service utilities, and to cover cash flow needs.

We have attached a resolution that authorizes the transfer. The form and substance are similar to previous resolutions passed by the Board. I will be happy to provide any additional information or details.

MOTION: Move to approve the resolution authorizing a transfer of up to $3,500,000 from the Working Cash Fund to the Education and Operations and Maintenance Funds.




RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF WORKING CASH FUND MONIES WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 526, Counties of Bond, Cass, Christian, DeWitt, Fayette, Greene, Logan, Macon, Macoupin, Mason, Menard, Montgomery, Morgan, Sangamon, Scott and State of Illinois has issued and sold working cash fund bonds and the proceeds thereof have been deposited in a Working Cash Fund; and WHEREAS, it is proposed to transfer $3,500,000 from the Working Cash Fund of said District to the Education Fund and Operation and Maintenance Fund of said District in anticipation of the 2014 property taxes in the sum of $26,037,540, the FY 2015 fourth quarter apportionment, grant payments for such Education Fund and Operation and Maintenance Fund; and and

WHEREAS, the proposed transfer will be reimbursed from such revenues;

WHEREAS, this District has issued no tax anticipation warrants. There are no receipts from personal property replacement taxes or debt retirement obligations as required by Section 12 of “An Act in relation to State Revenue Sharing with local governmental entities,” approved July 31, 1969 as amended, and only $0 has been transferred previously from said Working Cash Fund to the Educational Fund and Operations and Maintenance Fund in anticipation of collection of the aforesaid taxes or monies from other sources. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Treasurer of this District is hereby directed to transfer from the Working Cash Fund up to $3,000,000 to the Educational Fund and $500,000 to the Operations and Maintenance Fund as such monies become necessary to meet the ordinary and necessary disbursements of such Educational Purposes Fund. Dated this 24th day of June, 2015 Signature: ___________________________________________ (Board Chair)

Witness: _____________________________________________ (Board Secretary) McDonald/Longhta





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Working Cash Fund Interest Transfer


June 24, 2015

In the FY 2015 budget, we provided for interest earned in the Working Cash Fund to be recognized as revenue in the Operating Funds as provided by statute. Traditionally this transfer is completed in June for the interest earned during the fiscal year. This transfer does not have to be completed during the year the interest is earned. It can be applied to any fiscal year. The College will review the funds at year end and move the interest income to the appropriate funds as deemed necessary. I will be happy to provide any additional information or details.

MOTION: Move to approve the resolution transferring interest income from the Working Cash Fund to the Operating Funds.




RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE TRANSFER OF INTEREST EARNED ON WORKING CASH FUND MONIES WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of Community College District No. 526, Counties of Bond, Cass, Christian, DeWitt, Fayette, Greene, Logan, Macon, Macoupin, Mason, Menard, Montgomery, Morgan, Sangamon, Scott and State of Illinois has issued and sold working cash fund bonds and the proceeds thereof have been deposited in a Working Cash Fund; and WHEREAS, Section 3-33.6 of the Illinois Public Community College Act provides authorization for the transfer of monies earned as interest from the investment of said Working Cash Fund to the Education Fund or the Operations and Maintenance Fund without any requirements of repayment; and WHEREAS, the amount of interest earned July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 from the investment of said Working Cash Fund; and WHEREAS, it is proposed to transfer interest to the Education Fund of this District, and to the Operations and Maintenance Fund of this District; and WHEREAS, said interest monies so transferred will be used for necessary and ordinary expenses of this District. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Treasurer of this District is hereby directed to transfer interest from the Working Cash Fund to the Education Fund and to the Operations and Maintenance Fund as deemed appropriate. Approved and dated this 24th day of June, 2015 Signature: ___________________________________________ (Board Chair)

Witness: _____________________________________________ (Board Secretary)






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Specific Stop-Loss Insurance


June 24, 2015

As part of our self-insurance program, we purchase stop-loss insurance coverage to limit the college’s exposure to risk. Our current contract for this coverage is scheduled to expire on June 30, 2015. To continue providing stop-loss coverage for the college’s self-insurance program, Northwest Comprehensive, Inc., LLCC’s insurance consultant, sought quotations on our behalf. We are recommending that our stop-loss liability limit remain at $90,000 per claim. The following table outlines the responses received from eight insurance companies responding with complete bid information. Please note that we currently do not carry aggregate stop-loss coverage due to the extremely high attachment point at a significant cost to the college.

Vendor Sun Life (current carrier)
















*includes lasers


Annual Cost of Individual Stop-Loss Policy at $90,000 per Claim



The above listed costs are based on 333 currently insured employees with 56 electing dependent or family coverage. The final actual cost may differ based on the number insured at July 1 and the number electing to carry dependent or family coverage. Although the bids from HIIG/Gerber and IHC were less, they were unwilling to commit to a policy that had “no new lasers” and wanted to review another month of claims data before committing to firm rates, which puts the college at risk for a significant rate increase as well as the potential of acquiring additional lasers in the future. The quote from Sun Life, our current carrier, reflects a “no new lasering” clause just as it did last year and provides a firm quote using claims as of April 1. The only lasers included by Sun Life are those identified on last year’s contract. Based on the firm quote and the “no new lasering” clause, it is my recommendation that we accept the bid from Sun Life in the amount of $490,093.

MOTION: Move to approve the specific stop-loss policy for FY2016 proposed by Sun Life at an annual cost of $490,093.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


FY 2016 Bookstore Purchases


June 24, 2015

Board approval is requested to establish blanket purchase orders for the purchase of items for resale in the bookstore, as well as software maintenance agreements from the following vendors: VENDOR Assessment Technologies Cengage Learning D & H Education John Wiley & Sons Matco Tools MBS Service Company MBS Textbook Exchange McGraw-Hill MPS/McMillan Pearson Education

PURCHASE Nursing Access Codes New Textbooks for Resale Computer equipment for Resale New Textbooks for Resale New Tools for Resale Software Maintenance Agreement Used Textbooks for Resale New Textbooks for Resale New Textbooks for Resale New Textbooks for Resale

AMOUNT Up to $85,000 Up to $150,000 Up to $50,000 Up to $75,000 Up to $100,000 Up to $35,000 Up to $500,000* Up to $425,000 Up to $150,000 Up to $400,000

* amount includes purchases from students at buyback

Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:


Up to $1,970,000 Bookstore Auxiliary Funds n/a n/a



Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? Providing students with the required course materials is essential for student learning. How will proposed agenda item be measured? Learning materials required for class are available for the students to purchase in the LLCC Bookstore.

MOTION: Move to approve the establishment of blanket purchase orders for the purchase of textbooks, supplies, shipping, and software maintenance agreements from the previously listed vendors.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Storeroom Paper & Envelopes


June 24, 2015

Throughout the fiscal year, the college purchases a variety of paper products in quantity to obtain the best pricing. These products are used throughout the college in the regular course of business. The following is a tabulation of that bid. #10 Envelopes Letterhead (6 Cs)

#10 Window Envelopes Letterhead (8 Cs)

9x12 First Catalog Envelopes (8 Cs)

Recycled Copy Paper (30 Pallets)



No Bid

No Bid

Contract Paper Group

No Bid

No Bid

No Bid


Midwest Office





Staples Advantage

No Bid

No Bid

No Bid



No Bid

No Bid

No Bid


Name of Vendor

Bowers Envelope

*Vendor could not guarantee price for a year The following companies were mailed an Invitation to Bid, but chose not to respond: Midland Paper, Springfield, IL; Office Depot, Inc, Ottawa, IL; Production Press, Jacksonville, IL. The following company responded with “no bid”: Premier Print Group, Champaign, IL.




Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:

$36,503.10 (estimated with any additional purchases at the per case cost) FY 2016 Budget n/a n/a

Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? Provides basic paper and envelope needs for the entire campus. How will proposed agenda item be measured? n/a

MOTION: Move to approve the purchase of storeroom envelopes and paper from the lowest responsible bidders at the prices indicated as specified in Invitation to Bid #FY2016-4 at total estimated cost of $36,503.10.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Monthly Training Contract/Clinical Agreement Status Report


June 24, 2015

Attached is the current Training Contract/Clinical Agreement Status Report for LLCC. The Workforce Development Division has entered into a contract with the Salvation Army to provide seven Introductory Baking Courses between June and August of 2015. The courses will be held in the Baking/Pastry Lab in the Workforce Careers Center at LLCC Springfield.





Salvation Army

Salvation Army Introductory Baking Courses

The Workforce Development Division has entered into a contract with the Salvation Army to provide seven Introductory Baking Courses between June and August of 2015. The courses will be held in the Baking/Pastry Lab in the Workforce Careers Center at LLCC Springfield.


Contract Title Brief Description Contracts as informational: Items less than $10,000


Workforce Development

LLCC Dept / Program



Contract Total

June 1 through August 30, 2015





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Professional Services Contract


June 24, 2015

Under the provisions of the Illinois Public Community College Act, professional services may be acquired by colleges without seeking competitive bids. We are proposing the continuation of the following contract for Fiscal Year 2016: Eric Grenzebach – Brown, Hay and Stephens – Legal Services not to exceed $175,000. For Fiscal Year 2016, Attorney Grenzebach requests that fees reflect a $5.00/hour rate increase for Partner Rate, a $2.50/hour rate increase for Associate Attorney and no increase for Paralegal, which would make the Partner Rate $215.00/hour, Associate Attorney rate $157.50, and Paralegal rate $100.00. Brown, Hay and Stephens have been paid $74,183.10 to date for services during Fiscal Year 2015. Therefore, the following motion is recommended.

MOTION: Move to approve the Fiscal Year 2016 Professional Service Contract for Eric Grenzebach – Legal Services, not to exceed $175,000.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Montgomery County Tax Abatement


June 24, 2015

We were recently contacted by the Montgomery County Clerk with a request for tax abatement for Pioneer Hi-Bred International located in Litchfield, IL. Pioneer Hi-Bred International is a part of DuPont, and produces, markets and sells a variety of seeds to farmers throughout the world. Montgomery County passed a resolution in May that approved extending a 5 year abatement to any business expanding more than $4 million in increased assessed value and adding two jobs. Pioneer Hi-Bred International in Litchfield has been selected to expand the plant by approximately 14 acres and will be adding at least two full-time jobs. The Term of the abatement shall be as follows: • On 2016 taxes, payable in 2017, an abatement assessed valuation. • On 2017 taxes, payable in 2018, an abatement assessed valuation. • On 2018 taxes, payable in 2019, an abatement assessed valuation. • On 2019 taxes, payable in 2020, an abatement assessed valuation. • On 2020 taxes, payable in 2021, an abatement assessed valuation. • On 2021 taxes, payable in 2022, no abatement. will be payable.

of 100% of the extension on the of 100% of the extension on the of 100% of the extension on the of 100% of the extension on the of 100% of the extension on the 100% of the assessed valuation

MOTION: Move to approve the Intergovernmental Agreement authorizing abatement of taxes as requested.




ORDINANCE ABATING REAL PROPERTY TAXES Abatement of Property Taxes on a Parcel per The Guidelines Authorized in The State of Illinois Department of Revenue Act For General Abatements 35 ILCS 200/18-165 We the governing of Lincoln Land Community College, do hereby authorize and direct the County Clerk of Montgomery County to abate that portion of the property taxes accrued as outlined below on the following parcel located in: Parcel ID # 05-33-200-022 (new) Montgomery County - PT SE ¼ NE ¼ Section 33, Township 10 Range 5. (Combination of parcels 05-33-200-016, 05-33-200-019 and 05-33-200-020 Taxpayer – Pioneer Hi-Bred International C/O E I DuPont 18259 West Frontage Road, Litchfield IL 62056 Estimated Fair Market Value of Property (Tax Year 2015) AT 33.33% = $ 1,563,765 Land assessed value = $76,295 Improvements assessed value = $1,487,470 The abatement of taxes on this parcel is in acknowledgement of a request by Pioneer Hi-Bred located at 18259 West Frontage Road, Litchfield, IL 62056 and is authorized by Section 200/18-165 of the Revenue Act. The Term of the abatement shall be as follows: On 2016 taxes, payable in 2017, an abatement of 100% of the extension on the assessed valuation. On 2017 taxes, payable in 2018, an abatement of 100% of the extension on the assessed valuation. On 2018 taxes, payable in 2019, an abatement of 100% of the extension on the assessed valuation. On 2019 taxes, payable in 2020, an abatement of 100% of the extension on the assessed valuation. On 2020 taxes, payable in 2021, an abatement of 100% of the extension on the assessed valuation. On 2021 taxes, payable in 2022, no abatement, 100% of the assessed valuation will be payable.

PASSED THIS ___________day of _______________, 2015 AYES: ___________ NAYES: ______________

ABSENT: _____________

________________________________ Board Chairman Signature

________________________ Print Name

Date: _____________

________________________________ Clerk or Witness Signature

________________________ Print Name

Date: _____________






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Monthly Grant Status Report


June 24, 2015

Attached is the current Grant Status Report for LLCC. It includes all grant requests submitted and accepted during the month of June. It also includes a brief description of the purpose for which the funding is, or has been, solicited. The Adult Education and Literacy Division seeks ratification for the ICCB Adult Education and Family Literacy Continuation Plan. This continuation plan will allow for instructional and support services for adults age 17 and older who lack sufficient mastery of basic educational skills, who do not have a secondary school diploma or a GED, who have not achieved an equivalent level of education to a secondary diploma, or who are unable to speak, read or write the English language. The Workforce Development Division seeks ratification for application for the USDA Local Food Promotion Program Grant. If awarded, the grant funds would be utilized to establish a kitchen incubator to supplement the Value Added Local Food Program at LLCC.

MOTION: Ratify the grant agreement with the Illinois Community College Board in the amount of $581,240; ratify the application with the United States Department of Agriculture in the amount of $100,000.




Brief Description

The Adult Education and Literacy Division seeks ratification for the ICCB Adult Education and Family Literacy Continuation Plan. This continuation plan will allow for instructional and support services for adults age 17 and older who lack sufficient mastery of basic educational skills, who do not have a secondary school diploma or a GED, who have not achieved an equivalent level of education to a secondary diploma, or who are unable to speak, read or write the English language. USDA Local Food The Workforce Development Promotion Division seeks ratification for application for the USDA Local Program Grant Food Promotion Program Grant. If awarded, the grant funds would be utilized to establish a kitchen incubator to supplement the Value Added Local Food Program at LLCC. TOTAL

ICCB Adult Education and Family Literacy Continuation Plan

Grants in Excess of $10,000

Grant Title Adult Education Division

Workforce Development Division

Illinois Community College Board

United States Department of Agriculture


LLCC Department / Program





LLCC Total Monetary Request



LLCC Match




September 30, 2015 through September 30,2016

July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Taylorville Code Compliance & Renovation Change Orders


June 24, 2015

During the course of any construction project, modifications to the agreement are necessary due to undiscovered conditions, existing conditions, or requests from the owner and the recognition that in any set of contract documents there will be the necessity for clarification. Therefore, in keeping with the policies of the Board of Trustees, the following change orders are submitted for ratification. RFP/CO# Description G-014 Install casework on north wall of Reception 1121 and deduct for removal of accent panels G-018 Power to overhead door G-019 Cargo box rental Total: Amount of project contingency: Less previously approved change orders: Change order(s) presented for ratification: Less other consultant fees/permits to date: Amount of contingency remaining:

Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:


Cost $7,885.53 $849.48 $1,708.94 $10,443.95 $76,132.00 $49,975.57 $10,443.95 $14,406.36 $1,306.12

$10,443.95 Protection, Health & Safety n/a n/a



Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? By improving the physical environment in which instruction, study and leisure activities take place. How will proposed agenda item be measured? This project will be measured first by completion within the predetermined budget and time allotted for completion, and then by the satisfaction of the users and stakeholders.

MOTION: Move to ratify the above listed change order in the aggregate amount of $10,443.95 for the Taylorville Code Compliance & Renovation as presented.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Truck Driver Training Lot Replacement – Bid Proposals


June 24, 2015

Sealed proposals were received by the Construction Manager’s Office on May 28 for the Truck Driver Training Lot Replacement Project. A tabulation of those proposals is as follows: Contractor

Base Bid

Evans Construction Company


Halverson Construction Co., Inc.


Harold O'Shea Builders, Inc.


Otto Baum Company


Sangamo Construction Company


Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:


$411,897 Third Party Insurance (estimated at $263,749) Protection, Health & Safety (estimated at $148,148) n/a n/a



Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? By improving the physical environment in which instruction, administrative and leisure activities take place.


How will proposed agenda item be measured? This project is measured first by completion within the predetermined budget and time allotted for completion, and then by the satisfaction of the users and stakeholders.

MOTION: Move to approve the base bid from Harold O'Shea Builders, Inc. in the total amount of $411,897, to complete the Truck Driver Training Lot Replacement Project at LLCC’s Main Campus.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Boulevard Lighting Replacement Change Order


June 24, 2015

During the course of any construction project, modifications to the agreement are necessary due to undiscovered conditions, existing conditions, or requests from the owner and the recognition that in any set of contract documents there will be the necessity for clarification. Therefore, in keeping with the policies of the Board of Trustees, the following change orders are submitted for ratification.

RFP/CO# Description E-004 Provide and install pole base shrouds

Cost $3,431.69 Total:

Amount of project contingency: Less previously approved change orders: Change order(s) presented for ratification: Less other consultant fees/permits to date: Amount of contingency remaining:

Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:


$3,431.69 $35,000.00 $28,632.52 $3,431.69 $0.00 $2,935.79

$3,431.69 Protection, Health, and Safety n/a n/a



Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? By improving the physical environment in which instruction, study and leisure activities take place. How will proposed agenda item be measured? This project will be measured first by completion within the predetermined budget and time allotted for completion, and then by the satisfaction of the users and stakeholders.

MOTION: Move to ratify the above listed change order in the amount of $3,431.69 for the Boulevard Lighting Replacement project as presented.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Capital City Training Center Parking Lot Rehabilitation – Bid Proposals


June 24, 2015

Sealed proposals were received by the Construction Managers Office on June 3 for the Capital City Training Center Parking Lot Rehabilitation Project. A tabulation of those proposals is as follows: Contractor

Base Bid

P.H. Broughton & Sons, Inc.


Ron Furman’s


*Non-responsive. Proposal had insufficient data.

Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested:

$31,874.56 ($28,974.56 Bid Amount + $2,900 Contingency Amount)

Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:

Protection, Health & Safety n/a n/a

Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? By improving the physical environment in which instruction, administrative and leisure activities take place.


How will proposed agenda item be measured? This project is measured first by completion within the predetermined budget and time allotted for completion, and then by the satisfaction of the users and stakeholders. McDonald/Garvey



MOTION: Move to approve the Base Bid from P.H. Broughton & Sons, Inc. in the total amount of $28,974.56, to complete the Parking Lot Rehabilitation Project at LLCC’s Capital City Training Center and to establish a project contingency in the amount of $2,900, for an aggregate amount of $31,874.56.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Sangamon Hall Exterior Stair Replacement – Bid Proposals


June 24, 2015

Sealed proposals were received by the Construction Managers Office on June 3 for the Sangamon Hall Exterior Stair Replacement Project. A tabulation of those proposals is as follows: Contractor

Base Bid

Evans Construction, Co.


Halverson Construction Co. Inc.


Harold O’Shea Builders


R.D. Lawrence Construction Company, Ltd.


Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested:

$162,800 ($148,000 Bid Amount + $14,800 Contingency Amount)

Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:

Protection, Health & Safety n/a n/a

Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? By improving the physical environment in which instruction, administrative and leisure activities take place.





How will proposed agenda item be measured? This project is measured first by completion within the predetermined budget and time allotted for completion, and then by the satisfaction of the users and stakeholders.

MOTION: Move to approve the Base Bid from Halverson Construction Co., Inc. in the total amount of $148,000, to complete the Sangamon Hall Exterior Stair Replacement Project at LLCC’s Main Campus and to establish a project contingency in the amount of $14,800, for an aggregate amount of $162,800.



III. Action Agenda




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Proposed Language Change to Board Policy 8.16 – Employee Life, Medical, and Dental Insurance


June 24, 2015

This change is being proposed in order to allow flexibility in the College’s selection of life insurance coverages. Therefore, the following policy change is being presented for your approval this evening.

MOTION: Move to approve language change to Board Policy 8.16 – Employee Life, Medical, and Dental Insurance.




Lincoln Land Community College



Employee Life, Medical, and Dental Insurance 8.16

Policy Number: Officer Responsible: VP, Administrative Services Last Reviewed: 4/22/09 5/27/15 Last Revised: 5/27/15 Effective Date: 7/01/11 7/01/15 Old Policy Number:

Policy Statement: Subject to the other provisions of this policy, College employees who hold a benefit-eligible position shall be eligible for life insurance in the amount of two (2) times their most recent fiscal year salary (rounded to the nearest thousand to a maximum of $150,000), medical, and dental insurance, together with available coverage offered for additional cost to dependents. Costs of any optional coverage and any dependent coverage shall be borne by the individual employee, the amount of which shall be deducted from the employee’s paycheck by the College. The College retains the right to select and change insurance carriers for employee insurance or otherwise provide for coverage.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


FY 2017 Capital Budget Request


June 24, 2015

Each year colleges are permitted to submit requests for state funding for construction projects. If approved, state funding provides for 75% of the funding needed for the project. The 75% funding comes in the form of Capital Development Bonds authorized by the General Assembly, hence the projects are administered by the Capital Development Board on the college’s behalf. This year, the requests are due by July 1. The projects listed below are those currently contained within the recent update to the Facilities Master Plan presented to the Board of Trustees in May 2014. The projects recommended for consideration by the Board to be submitted for state funding are as follows (in priority order): 1. Project Outreach: Regional Center Expansion – Phase Two involves phase two renovation of the original permanent building at LLCC – Taylorville (the former EREC) at an estimated cost of $4,672,400 of which $3,504,300 would be state funds. 2. Classrooms, Testing Center, and Student Services Renovations involves renovations of areas in Sangamon Hall, Logan Hall, Menard Hall and the Millennium Center at projected cost of $4,245,000 of which $3,184,000 would be state funds. 3. Renovation of Montgomery Hall for Adult and Community Education involves repurposing of the West side of Montgomery Hall (the former Workforce Development Resource Center) to serve as an office and classroom suite for the Adult Education and Community Education programs. Total cost of the project is estimated at $1,585,300 of which $1,189,000 would be state funds.




MOTION: Move to authorize the request for State funding for Fiscal Year 2017 of the projects defined herein.






District #526, Lincoln Land Community College Project Outreach: Regional Center Expansion – Phase Two

FULL NAME OF BUILDING (IF REMODELING): EXACT LOCATION (INCLUDING ADDRESS AND CITY): Lincoln Land Community College - Taylorville 800 South Spresser Street Taylorville, IL 62568

The scope of work narrative should explain the nature of the work to be performed, general building conditions, and a site analysis. Nature of work to be performed: Lincoln Land Community College - Taylorville: Second phase improvements to LLCC’s existing buildings in Taylorville would involve additional renovation and would address code compliance issues including emergency egress, ADA, indoor air standards and would correct deficiencies in plumbing and electrical systems. Additionally, the recently completed Facilities Master Plan identifies a need for updating of the building envelope including roofing, siding, windows and doors. General building conditions: The main building on the property is a 30-plus year old manufacturing facility that has been partially renovated in the first phase of improvements and is in great need of the second phase of improvements to complete the redesign and renovation of the original building to accommodate continued use for instructional purposes. All systems and finishes in the second phase area of the building are at the end of their useful lives and various code compliance issues related to ADA, emergency egress, and indoor air standards must be addressed.






District #526, Lincoln Land Community College Project Outreach: Regional Center Expansion – Phase Two

The programmatic justification should clearly describe the project explaining the rationale, the instructional areas affected and functional relationships between instruction and the project. The regional center expansion project is designed to improve Lincoln Land Community College’s regionalization concept and its ability to deliver services to those students who do not live within a reasonable commuting distance to the Springfield campus. This project would improve and expand services at Lincoln Land Community College’s center in Taylorville by allowing the College to complete the second phase of renovation in Taylorville. The primary permanent building at the site in Taylorville is a 30+-year-old partially renovated (phase one is complete) manufacturing facility. This facility houses offices, student study space, general classroom space and lab space for Construction Occupation and Welding Programs. This facility was partially remodeled in phase one and the College now needs to complete phase two renovations if it is to remain a quality educational facility for use by LLCC. While the remodeling in phase one addressed many concerns, the facility does not meet building codes in all areas with some hallways lacking the necessary width for ADA compliance and emergency egress and inadequate ventilation systems. Building systems, including wiring, HVAC and plumbing are at the end of their useful lives in the remaining original portions of the building and portions of the building envelope still require an update. Phase two involves a complete demolition down to the basic shell of the remaining areas of the original building followed by reconstruction in order for the college to continue offering classes in an environmentally safe, code compliant atmosphere. Some of the renovations would include new building systems, rejuvenation of the building envelope, space realignment to correct ADA and egress issues and complete interior reconstruction for classrooms, student areas, offices and hallways.





I hereby certify that the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Land Community College, District #526, meeting in their regular session on the 24th day of June, 2015, with a quorum present, officially authorized the submission of the attached Fiscal Year 2017 RAMP Community College Capital Project Request. •

I certify that the board reviewed and approved the attached programmatic justification, scope of work, and related forms for the project identified below.

I further certify that board has made a commitment to either use available assets and/or credits, or to make local funds available for the project requested as indicated below, should the project be approved.

PROJECT NAME: Project Outreach: Regional Center Expansion – Phase Two

Proposed Source(s) of Local Funding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Available Local Fund Balance Protection, Health, and Safety Tax Levy Protection, Health, and Safety Bond Proceeds Other Debt Issue State Certified Construction Credits (remaining from 1987) Other (Please specify) TOTAL LOCAL MATCH

(List the Dollar Amount) $1,168,100


Signed __________________________________________________________ (Chair of the Board of Trustees)

Signed__________________________________________________________ (President of Lincoln Land Community College) McDonald





District #526, Lincoln Land Community College Classrooms, Testing Center, & Student Services Renovations


Logan Hall, Menard Hall, Sangamon Hall, and Millennium Center

EXACT LOCATION (INCLUDING ADDRESS AND CITY): Lincoln Land Community College 5250 Shepherd Road Springfield, IL 62794

The scope of work narrative should explain the nature of the work to be performed, general building conditions, and a site analysis. Nature of work to be performed: This project would accomplish the following: • • • • • •

Complete renovation of Classroom 0105 in Sangamon Hall including removal of asbestos. Convert Room 1140 in Logan Hall from a flexible computer lab to a classroom space with flexibility to hold 50 students. Convert Rooms 1165, 1166, and 1167 in Menard Hall into a consolidated/ centralized testing center for the college. Convert Rooms 1120, 1104, 1129, 1130, 1122, and 1105 in the Millennium Center into three midsized classrooms and two offices. Expand the study skills center located in Millennium Center 1117 into Rooms 1118 and 1119 in order to accommodate some CTE program computers. Renovate and reconfigure the existing student services space in Menard Hall to more accurately reflect current staffing patterns and our emphasis on student success.






District #526, Lincoln Land Community College Classrooms, Testing Center, and Student Services Renovations

The programmatic justification should clearly describe the project explaining the rationale, the instructional areas affected and functional relationships between instruction and the project. Classroom 0105 in Sangamon Hall previously served as a dedicated distance learning classroom. As distance learning and technology evolved, the equipment became obsolete and the room is now being used mostly for storage and some infrequent ad hoc program needs. We propose a complete renovation of the space, including removal of asbestos, and conversion of the space into a reading classroom. The location is ideal for this purpose due to adjacency to our other reading classroom and the study skills center. Room 1140 in Logan Hall is currently used as a large flexible computer lab used somewhat by students in office and computer programs, but mostly used as an open lab on campus. Computing has also evolved with many students now connecting to the campus Wi-Fi with their own laptops or tablets. This lab is no longer effectively utilized and the space would better serve the needs of the college and our students as a general purpose classroom with the flexibility to accommodate students. LLCC currently tests students in various locations on campus. We have a very small testing center in the lower level of Sangamon Hall which students utilize to make-up missed exams. We have a small testing center in Menard Hall that is used to conduct placement testing of entering students. We also have a dire need of a larger monitored testing center which can be used to conduct computerized testing of students in various programs such as allied health. The best solution is to combine all of the various testing functions in one larger location which can be appropriately staffed and monitored and offer a centralized service to our students. We propose to convert rooms 1165, 1166, and 1167 in Menard Hall, currently used as classrooms, into a centralized testing center. Rooms 1120, 1104, 1130, and 1122 in the Millennium Center are now vacant due to relocation of the CNA program to Montgomery Hall. Classroom 1105 is currently used as a Reading Classroom but will be relocated to Sangamon 0105 to achieve adjacency to our other reading classroom and study skills center. We propose to gut the space and construct three classrooms and two offices. As part of the remodel in Millennium, we will expand the Millennium study skills McDonald



center into rooms 1118 and 1119, which are currently used as offices, in order to accommodate some CTE computer resources. Student Services at LLCC has been undergoing a shift in focus to place the emphasis on ensuring the success of our students, particularly first time students with significant risk factors. This, along with significant reorganization due to retirements and the discontinuation of grants over a period of several years that funded certain student service programs, has resulted in space that no longer meets the need for the services our students now require. Therefore, we wish to reconstruct the space to meet current needs in a manner befitting current best practices in student services.





I hereby certify that the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Land Community College, District #526, meeting in their regular session on the 24th day of June, 2015, with a quorum present, officially authorized the submission of the attached Fiscal Year 2017 RAMP Community College Capital Project Request. •

I certify that the board reviewed and approved the attached programmatic justification, scope of work, and related forms for the project identified below.

I further certify that board has made a commitment to either use available assets and/or credits, or to make local funds available for the project requested as indicated below, should the project be approved.

PROJECT NAME: Classrooms, Renovations






Proposed Source(s) of Local Funding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Available Local Fund Balance Protection, Health, and Safety Tax Levy Protection, Health, and Safety Bond Proceeds Other Debt Issue State Certified Construction Credits (remaining from 1987) Other (Please specify) TOTAL LOCAL MATCH

(List the Dollar Amount) $1,061,000


Signed __________________________________________________________ (Chair of the Board of Trustees)

Signed__________________________________________________________ (President of Lincoln Land Community College) McDonald





District #526, Lincoln Land Community College Renovation of Montgomery Hall for Adult and Community Education

FULL NAME OF BUILDING (IF REMODELING): Montgomery Hall EXACT LOCATION (INCLUDING ADDRESS AND CITY): Lincoln Land Community College 5250 Shepherd Road Springfield, IL 62794

The scope of work narrative should explain the nature of the work to be performed, general building conditions, and a site analysis. Nature of work to be performed: Montgomery Hall (the former Workforce Development Resource Center) at Lincoln Land Community College was originally constructed as a cooperative facility to bring together in one place many of the programs designed to advance workforce career education. Space was originally leased to the Sangamon County Regional Office of Education, Illinois Office of Educational Services, Illinois Community College Board, and the Illinois Association for Career and Technical Education. The space was designed with individual office suites and three shared classroom/conference rooms. Funding for many programs/agencies housed in the building has been reduced or eliminated resulting in vacancies. Needs of the college have changed considerably over time with a pressing need for expansion of space for our Adult Education and Community Education Programs. This project would renovate the west side of the building to house our Adult Education and Community Education programs and would transform the area from an office suite with a large open area to seven classrooms and the individual offices necessary for the staffs of these programs. Demolition of all interior partitions and reconstruction of classrooms and offices with resulting relocation of utilities will be required. However, no structural changes to the building are anticipated.

General building conditions: This building is a well-constructed eleven-year old facility in excellent condition. There is no current need for updates to the mechanical systems or building envelope. McDonald





District #526, Lincoln Land Community College Renovation of Montgomery Hall for Adult and Community Education

The programmatic justification should clearly describe the project explaining the rationale, the instructional areas affected and functional relationships between instruction and the project. The Adult Education, Continuing Education, and Community Education programs are currently located in the Millennium Center in space that is not adequate to meet current and planned future program needs. Due to enrollment growth in LLCC credit offerings, classroom space is not available when needed to support these programs. The college desires to relocate these programs to redesigned space in Montgomery Hall (the former Workforce Development Resource Center) which is adjacent to the Workforce Careers Center. This adjacency is desirable since numerous planned non-credit offerings will be able to utilize occupational program labs in the Workforce Careers Center during off-peak hours. Space in Montgomery Hall is currently leased to the Illinois Office of Educational Services. Due to an on-going need for space, we desire to discontinue this arrangement and repurpose the space for LLCC program needs. Since the space is currently leased to an outside agency, no disruption of other LLCC programs would occur. Construction of dedicated classrooms for these programs, along with the offices necessary to house program staff, would allow the program expansion desired by the LLCC Board of Trustees and President and supports the LLCC mission of life-long learning.





I hereby certify that the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Land Community College, District #526, meeting in their regular session on the 24th day of June, 2015, with a quorum present, officially authorized the submission of the attached Fiscal Year 2017 RAMP Community College Capital Project Request. •

I certify that the board reviewed and approved the attached programmatic justification, scope of work, and related forms for the project identified below.

I further certify that board has made a commitment to either use available assets and/or credits, or to make local funds available for the project requested as indicated below, should the project be approved.

PROJECT NAME: Renovation of Montgomery Hall for Adult and Community Education

Proposed Source(s) of Local Funding 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Available Local Fund Balance Protection, Health, and Safety Tax Levy Protection, Health, and Safety Bond Proceeds Other Debt Issue State Certified Construction Credits (remaining from 1987) Other (Please specify) TOTAL LOCAL MATCH

(List the Dollar Amount) $396,300


Signed __________________________________________________________ (Chair of the Board of Trustees) Signed__________________________________________________________ (President of Lincoln Land Community College) McDonald


IV. Information Items




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Position Vacancies and Hires


June 24, 2015

POSITION VACANCIES Classified Accounting Specialist (FT) Educational Services Representative, LLCC-Beardstown (PT) Program Assistant, Advising & Counseling (FT) Public Safety Assistant, LLCC-Taylorville (PT) Professional Career Development Professional (FT) Administrative Program Director, Occupational Therapy Assistant (FT) Faculty Occupational Therapy Assistant Instructor (FT)

HIRES Sarah Klebe Christine Lang Theresa Olson Lucas Ostendorf Patricia Petersen

Human Resources Assistant (FT) Administrative Assistant, LLCC-Litchfield (FT) Police Officer (FT) Police Officer (FT) Program Assistant, Nursing (FT)

07/06/15 06/16/15 08/01/15 06/15/15 06/29/15

RESIGNATIONS Steve Lane Deanna Tarter

Public Safety Assistant, LLCC-Taylorville (PT) Administrative Assistant, LLCC-Litchfield (FT)

05/26/15 06/18/15





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Construction Progress Update


June 24, 2015

Attached is the current Construction Project Status Report for LLCC. It includes all projects that are currently underway, projects that have formal plans and available funding but are not yet underway, and projects that have been requested for state funding but have no formal plans or available funding. The following information is intended to provide a brief overview of the progress of each of the projects since the previous Board Meeting:

Capital Renewal Projects – FY’13 Masonry Repairs to Sangamon, Menard and Cass Pulliam Masonry has completed Cass Gym and has moved to the south elevations of Sangamon and Menard Halls. PHS Projects – FY’11 Campus Boulevard Lighting Replacement The project is substantially complete. PHS Projects – FY’14 Sangamon Hall Boiler Replacement The project is substantially complete. Taylorville Code Compliance and Renovation The project is complete.




PHS Projects – FY’15 2015 Miscellaneous Road and Parking Lot Repairs Bids were received on June 2nd. The only proposal exceeded the project budget. This project will be re-bid in 2016. AHU Motor Replacement / Electrical Systems Development of Construction Documents is underway. Arc Flash Study Development of Construction Documents is underway. Capital City Training Center Parking Lot Bids were received on June 3rd and a recommendation is before you this evening. Child Development Center Septic System Replacement Development of Construction Documents is underway. Exposed Aggregate Concrete Replacement Development of Construction Documents is underway. Montgomery Hall Roof Replacement Work is underway. Sangamon Hall Exterior Stair Replacement Bids were received on June 3rd and a recommendation is before you this evening. Sidewalk Lighting Board approved recommendation at the May meeting. Work is underway. Removal and Replacement of Sidewalk to Hamilton Area Development of Construction Documents is underway. Truck Driver Parking Lot Replacement Bids were received on May 28th and a recommendation is before you this evening. Workforce Careers Center Entry Slab Board approved recommendation at the May meeting. Work is underway.




Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:

n/a n/a n/a n/a

Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? By improving the physical environment in which instructional, study and leisure activities take place. How will proposed agenda item be measured? Each of these projects is measured first by completion within the predetermined budget and time allotted for completion, and then by the satisfaction of the users and stakeholders.




AHU Motor Replacements Arc Flash Study CCTC Parking Lot Rehab CDC Septic System Replacement SGMN South Exposed Aggregate Sidewalk Montgomery Hall Roof Replacement SGMN Exterior Stair Replacement Sidewalk Lighting- MCTR & Trutter WFCC Entry Slab Remediation

70932 70933 70934 70935 70936 70937 70938 70939 70940 L S,L L



Funding Source

Sum of Original Contract Amount 46,978 46,978 818,983 818,983 2,148,051 2,148,051 38,650 30,347 3,808 9,527 3,000 223,257 28,408 91,777 32,159 460,932 100,000 608,647 5,366 714,013 612,728 482,784 64,174 1,159,686 5,348,643

Sum of Adjusted Sum of Contract Change Sum of Orders Amount Retainage 22,330 69,308 22,330 69,308 (177,547) 641,436 (177,547) 641,436 (264,265) 1,883,786 (264,265) 1,883,786 38,650 30,347 3,808 9,527 3,000 223,257 28,408 91,777 32,159 460,932 100,000 608,647 5,366 714,013 16,035 628,763 482,784 64,174 16,035 1,175,721 (403,447) 4,945,196 -

This summary page provides information pertaining to the contract payouts and balances. The back-up sheets may differ since the back-up sheets contain the contract amounts, payouts, as well as any interest that may have been earned.

Notations: + Indicates that the project is being monitored by an outside agency. In some cases, the outside agency has not provided the college with the necessary payout or final close out forms. As the information is received, the above information will be adjusted.

Sangamon Hall Boiler Replacement Truck Driver Lot Rehabilitation Hamilton Area Sidewalk Removal & Replacement

Student Services/Testing Center S,L Renovation of Montgomery Hall for Adult and Community Education S,L

Menard Hall Carpet Replacement CDB SGMN MNRD CASS Masonry Repairs Main Campus Parking Lot Resurface/Restriping

Taylorville PHS Code Compliance Renovation Project


73907 73909 73910


Generation Plant

70925 L


Colleague Dept # Project Name 70921 Campus Boulevard Lighting Replacement

NEW NEW ICCB Capital Budget Request Total PHS Balance Transfers 70931 70941 70942 PHS Balance Transfers Total Grand Total

Infrastructure Fee Total ICCB Capital Budget Request

FY2015 PHS Total Infrastructure Fee

Type / Year FY2011 PHS FY2011 PHS Total FY2012 PHS FY2012 PHS Total FY2014 PHS FY2014 PHS Total FY2015 PHS

Sum of Original LLCC Budget Approved / Estimated 100,876 100,876 728,354 728,354 1,900,541 1,900,541 298,613 27,588 30,700 51,037 117,332 384,400 204,450 124,800 41,080 1,280,000 100,000 901,600 1,001,600 4,000,000 1,290,200 5,290,200 786,220 482,784 64,174 1,333,178 11,634,749

The following information is a reflection of information that has been provided to the Finance Department as of MAY 31, 2015

All Capital Projects

Sum of Contract Sum of Sum of Balance Contract % Payments To Date Remaining Remaining 38,445 30,864 44.53% 38,445 30,864 44.53% 639,643 1,794 0.28% 639,643 1,794 0.28% 1,686,924 196,861 10.45% 1,686,924 196,861 10.45% 14,180 24,470 63.31% 2,759 27,588 90.91% 2,628 1,180 30.99% 1,407 8,120 85.23% 2,520 480 16.00% 22,841 200,417 89.77% 13,858 14,550 51.22% 8,832 82,945 90.38% 4,920 27,239 84.70% 73,944 386,988 83.96% 49,090 50,910 50.91% 608,647 100.00% 5,366 0.00% 54,456 659,557 92.37% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 599,613 29,150 4.64% 858 481,926 99.82% 64,174 100.00% 600,470 575,250 48.93% 3,093,882 1,851,314 37.44%



JULY 2015 •

FY’16 Tentative Budget

Off Campus Board Meeting LLCC Taylorville 7/22/15

AUGUST 2015 •


Board Meeting 11/18/15

Administrative Contracts

Board Meeting 3/23/16

Budget Adoption/Public Hearing

Mid-Year Tenure Listing

Board Meeting 9/23/15


Adopt CY’15 Property Tax Levy

Board Meeting 12/16/15

MARCH 2016 •

Board Meeting 8/26/15


OCTOBER 2015 •

Financial Audit Review

PHS Projects

Board Meeting 10/28/15

JANUARY 2016 •

APRIL 2016

Board Meeting 1/27/16


Sabbatical Leaves

Faculty Contracts and Position Listing

Tenure Listing

Catalog Review and Adoption

Board Meeting 2/24/16

MAY 2016

JUNE 20196

Seating of New Student Trustee

LLCC Foundation Gala 5/7/16

Summer Adjunct Faculty Listing

Election of Board Officers

Student Recognition Ceremony

Budget Workshop 6/22/16

Board Meeting 4/27/16

Employee Recognition Ceremony

Board Meeting 6/22/16


Board Meeting 5/25/16


V. Strategic Discussion