SUSIE & TYLER’S CURRENT EVENTS October 7, 2014 THE BASICS Topic: Hong Kong Protests http://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/...

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SUSIE & TYLER’S CURRENT EVENTS October 7, 2014 THE BASICS Topic: Hong Kong Protests


Vocabulary • • • •

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HKSAR: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China C.Y. Leung: Hong Kong chief executive Tiananmen Square: large city square located in Beijing, China; massive demonstration for democratic reform begun on Tiananmen Square in 1989 Rule of Law: the principle that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced; the principle of government by law Basic Law: the constitutional document for the HKSAR “Understanding the symbols of Hong Kong’s ‘Umbrella Revolution’” (CNN)

Articles • • •

“Hong Kong Protests Fueled by Resentment, Money and Job Worries” (NBC News) “The umbrella revolution won’t give Hong Kong democracy. Protesters should stop calling for it.” (The Washington Post) “Tensions Ease in Hong Kong as Student Leaders and Government Agree to Talks” (Time)

“Hong Kong civil servants return to work as pro-democracy protests continue past deadline” (ABC News) “Hong Kong Protesters Vow to Step Up Pro-Democracy Campaign” (NPR)

“The anger behind the Hong Kong uprising, in one chart” (Vox)

“Why Hong Kong’s protests matter to the global economy” (Higher level) (Quartz)

“Why Hong Kong’s protests are a very big deal” (Excellent background!) (The

Washington Post)

Questions to Consider Protest Basics • Where is Hong Kong? What was the history of Hong Kong as a part of the British Empire? As an autonomous region within China? • How did the protests in Hong Kong start? What is the relationship between the government in Beijing and Hong Kong? • Are the Hong Kong protests similar to or different from the 99% demonstrations in 2011? • Why is the protest complicated? Why is democracy often complicated? Government/Constitution/Laws • Is there a right to free speech and public demonstration in Hong Kong? If yes, how are the protesters protected by the law? If not, why not? • Is the “One Country, Two Systems” arrangement working? • Has the impact of the protests made a change in how elections will be conducted? If yes, how? If no, why not? • What is “unlawful assembly”? Does it apply to Hong Kong? Involvement/Perspectives • Who is the current leader of Hong Kong? How did he become the head of the government? Who selected this governor? • What is the role of the financial industry in Hong Kong? • Who are the demonstrators? How are students involved in the leadership of the protest? • What is the role of the international community in supporting the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong? • Is dialogue a crucial element of a democratic society? Does dialogue necessitate a conversation between participants with equal power?

THE EXTRAS Pre-teaching, Extensions & Further Reading “‘One country, two systems’: How Hong Kong remains distinct from China” (CNN) “Protesters Challenge Police Officers in Hong Kong” (NY Times) “The New Constitutional Order under the Basic Law Speech by Secretary for Justice, Miss Elsie Leung” Lesson Plans • “Hong Kong protests for greater democracy” (PBS) • • •

What’s the connection? Constitution • “Why America Must Stand Up for Hong Kong’s Democracy Movement” (opinion) (The Heritage Foundation) •

“Introduction to the Basic Law and Principles of Constitutional Development”

Students • “Meet Hong Kong’s 17-year-old protest leader” (BBC) • “Hong Kong Parents Protest China Patriotism Lessons” (teachhub.com) Oregon • Hong Kong Student Association, Portland State University (Facebook)

Oregon State Social Science Standards/CCSS 8.14. Explain the rights and responsibilities of citizens. 8.21. Analyze important political and ethical values such as freedom, democracy, equality, and justice embodied in documents such as the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. HS.28. Evaluate how governments interact at local, state, tribal, national, and global levels. HS.31. Describe United States foreign policy and evaluate its impact on the United States and other countries. HS.33. Explain the role of government in various current events. HS.35. Examine the pluralistic realities of society (e.g., race, poverty, gender, and age), recognizing issues of equity, and evaluating need for change. CCSS Anchor Standards 2. Determine central ideas or themes of a text and analyze their development; summarize the key supporting details and ideas. 4. Interpret words and phrases as they are used in a text, including determine technical, connotative, and figurative meanings, and analyze how specific word choices shape meaning or tone.

We the People Lesson Connections Middle School, Level 2 • Unit 6, Lesson 28: What is the relationship of the United States to other nations in the world? High School, Level 3 • Unit 6, Lesson 38: What are the challenges of the participation of the United States in world affairs?