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LLCC Board of Trustees Regular Meeting November 16, 2016 Craig Findley, Chair Jerry Wesley, Vice Chair Dennis Shackelfo...

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LLCC Board of Trustees Regular Meeting November 16, 2016

Craig Findley, Chair Jerry Wesley, Vice Chair Dennis Shackelford, Secretary Jeff Fulgenzi Kent Gray Wayne Rosenthal Justin Reichert Brandon Lewis, Student Trustee Charlotte Warren, President



Preliminary Matters A. B. C. D. E.


Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance Adoption of Agenda of the November 16, 2016 Meeting Introductions and Recognitions Hearing of Citizens

Consent Agenda A. Approval of Minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 26, 2016 ........ 6 B. Ratify Payment of All Cash Disbursements for October and the October Treasurer’s Report ............................................................. 17 C. Out-of-State Travel 1. Ratification of Out-of-State Travel ................................................. 18 2. Approval of Out-of-State Travel ..................................................... 19 D. Budget/Financial Items E. Purchasing 1. Spring Athletic Travel .................................................................... 20 2. Furniture for New Aviation Building ............................................... 22 F. Contracts/Agreements 1. Monthly Training Contract/Clinical Agreement Status Report........ 24 G. Monthly Grant Status Report .............................................................. 27 H. Facility Leases I. Construction Items J. Other Items


Action Agenda A. Policies 1. Revision to Board Policy and Procedure 2.8 – Compensation/ Reimbursement of Expenses, Board of Trustees and Board Policy 6.13 - Employee Travel ................................................... 30 B. Academic Services Division Items C. Student Services Division Items

D. E. F. G. IV.

Administrative Services Division Items Information Technology Systems Items Workforce Development and Community Education Items Executive Division Items

Information Items A. Staff Reports 1. Academic Services 2. Student Services 3. Administrative Services a. Position Vacancies and Hires .................................................. 38 b. Construction Progress Update ................................................. 39 c. Monthly Financial Report 4. Information Technology Systems 5. Workforce Development and Community Education 6. Executive Division a. Review of Agenda Master Calendar......................................... 42 B. President’s Report C. Report from Faculty Senate D. Report from Faculty Association E. Report from Classified Staff F. Report from Professional Staff G. Report from Facilities Services Council H. Chairman’s Report I. Secretary’s Report J. Foundation Report K. Other Board Members’ Reports


Strategic Discussion A. Work on Learning Disabilities .............................................................. 44


Executive Session A. Personnel Matters B. Student Matters C. Pending/Imminent Matters


Actions from Open/Executive Session



I. Preliminary Matters

II. Consent Agenda


MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES LINCOLN LAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE ILLINOIS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT #526 The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Land Community College, Illinois Community College District #526 was held on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 at 5:19 p.m. in the Robert H. Stephens Room of the main campus with Chairman Findley presiding. I.

Preliminary Matters A. Roll Call

Members present were Mr. Lewis, Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Findley. Mr. Reichert, Mr. Wesley and Mr. Fulgenzi were absent. B. Pledge of Allegiance Chairman Findley requested Mr. Rosenthal lead the Board and audience in the pledge of allegiance. C. Adoption of Agenda of the October 26, 2016 Meeting MOTION NO. 10-26-16-1: Mr. Gray moved to adopt the agenda of October 26, 2016 meeting. Mr. Rosenthal seconded.

Those members voting aye were Mr. Lewis (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Findley. PASSED D. Introductions and Recognitions Dr. Frederick, Vice President of Student Services announced that LLCC’s Student Trustee, Brandon Lewis has been named as the recipient of the Lincoln Academy of Illinois’ Student Laureate Award. Brandon has been chosen as the one student recipient representing all 48 Illinois community colleges. Awards recognize student’s excellence in leadership, community service, and academic achievement. Brandon will be presented his award during the Annual Student Laureate Convocation on Saturday, 6


November 12, at the Old State Capitol in Springfield, IL. Each Student Laureate will receive a Medallion, Certificate of Achievement and a $1,000 educational grant. E. Hearing of Citizens - None II.

Consent Agenda

MOTION NO. 10-26-16-2: Mr. Gray moved to:        

approve the minutes of the Regular Meeting of September 28, 2016; ratify disbursements of the bi-monthly of checks, E-Commerce Refunds, ACH and Wire transactions issued during September 2016 and ratify the September 2016 Treasurer’s Report; approve ratification of out-of-state travel for the attached list of individuals; approve out-of-state travel for the attached list of employees; authorize the Administration to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement between Southern Illinois Center for Workforce Development and Lincoln Land Community College; authorize the Administration to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement between the Regional Office of Career and Technical Education (ROCTE) and Lincoln Land Community College; ratify the listed change order in the amount of $9,851.04 for the 2016 Miscellaneous Road and Parking Lot Repairs Project as presented; and ratify the listed change orders in the amount of $15,429.61 for the Chiller Replacement at Sangamon Hall Project as presented.

Mr. Shackelford seconded.

Those members voting aye were Mr. Lewis (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Findley. PASSED III.

Action Agenda A. Policies – None 1. New Board Policy 6.27 – Business Enterprise Compliance Act

This proposed new Board Policy was presented in September for a first reading and is presented at this time seeking approval. Creation of the new Board Policy allows Lincoln 7


Land Community College to comply with the Business Enterprise for Minorities, Females and Persons with Disabilities Act, 30 ILCS 575/0.01. This act requires colleges to set goals and submit reports on female, minority, and persons with disability hiring in contracting projects.

MOTION NO. 10-26-16-3: Mr. Gray moved to approve new Board Policy 6.27 – Business Enterprise Compliance Act. Mr. Rosenthal seconded.

Those members voting aye were Mr. Lewis (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Findley. PASSED B. Academic Services Division Items - None C. Student Services Division Items – None D. Administrative Services Division Items 1. FY 2016 External Audit Ms. Christine Mower, from Crowe Horwath LLP, provided a brief review of the Fiscal Year 2016; Comprehensive Annual Audit, Single Audit Report, Advisory Comments/Management Letter, and the IBHE/LLCC Illinois Cooperative Work Study Program. Ms. Mower stated LLCC received an unmodified opinion on the entire Audit, which is the best opinion possible. The auditors had no suggested adjustments or findings, and felt the entire audit was supported with accurate documentation. The College will again submit its financial information to the National Association of School Business Officials for the Certificate of Excellence in Financial Reporting. This Certificate of Excellence has been awarded to LLCC for the past 16 consecutive years.

MOTION NO. 10-26-16-4: Mr. Shackelford moved to receive and file the Fiscal Year 2016 Comprehensive Annual Audit, Fiscal Year 2016 Single Audit Report, Fiscal Year 2016 Advisory Comments, and the Fiscal Year 2016 Coop Work Study Report. Mr. Rosenthal seconded.

Those members voting aye were Mr. Lewis (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Findley. PASSED 8


E. Information Technology Systems Items - None F. Workforce Development and Community Education Items – None G. Executive Division Items - None IV.

Information Items A. Staff Reports 1. Academic Services - None 2. Student Services – None 3. Administrative Services a. Position Vacancies and Hires

This item stands as presented. b. Construction Progress Update Steady progress has been made on the projects currently underway. c. Discussion of Potential Bond Refinancing Dr. Warren sought Board members input into possible opportunities to lower LLCC’s bond debt. Mr. McDonald, Vice President of Administrative Services, introduced Mr. Kevin McCanna of Speer Financial, the College’s bond advisor. Mr. McCanna stated the College District has $19,950,000 of outstanding unrefinanced Series 2008A Bonds. He explained there are two options to refinance the debt; 1) refinance the entire amount by selling one issue in November/December, to be dated January 2017. This bond sale would not be bank qualified and expected savings would net approximately $3,200,000, after costs; 2) refinance half of the debt now and half at the end of 2017. Each portion would qualify to be designated bank qualified, but the savings would be unpredictable on the second half refinanced, due to the sale being a year away. Mr. McCanna also stated there is one additional variable to consider; conducting a Competitive Sale or a Negotiated Sale. He explained a Competitive Sale, which was conducted for the January 2016 bond sale, would not guarantee local banks the opportunity to buy the bonds. A Negotiated Sale, could require local banks be given the opportunity to participate in the bond sale, if they chose to. Following discussion with Administration and Mr. Spears, the Board of Trustees asked Dr. Warren to proceed with work on bond refinancing of the entire $19,950,000, utilizing a Negotiated Sale. The Administration 9


plans to have this bond sale presented for approval at the December 2016 Board of Trustees meeting. 4. Information Technology Systems – None 5. Workforce Development and Community Education - None 6. Executive Division a. Review of Agenda Master Calendar Dr. Warren reminded everyone the November meeting is earlier in the month, due to the holiday and the December Board meeting has been moved to Monday, December 12, at 3:30 pm, to compensate for a schedule conflict. B. President’s Report Registration for the spring semester began last week. LLCC’s fall Campus Day drew approximately 350 participants, who viewed presentations, exhibits, and participated in College tours. LLCC’s Institutional Improvement Day served as a kick-off in developing the College’s next five year Strategic Plan. Faculty and staff participated in a college-wide Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) exercise which identified strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) in their specific departments and then for the College as a whole. Another important part of the Strategic Planning Process is a Campus Climate Survey for employees, and also a Community Survey, to gauge the public’s opinion of the College. The Co-Chairs leading the Strategic Planning Process will present information at a future Board meeting, allowing Trustees the opportunity to share their thoughts and ideas. LLCC received another three-year certification as a “Storm Ready” campus by the National Weather Service. In 2013, LLCC was the first downstate college to earn this recognition. In an effort to promote our employees’ health and well-being, LLCC hosted a Wellness Screening, Benefits Fair, and Flu Shot Clinic on October 11. It was reported last month that LLCC received a $10,000 Green Genome Award. As part of the College’s “green” focus, Campus Sustainability Day was held today, October 26. It included a campus tour, which highlighted LLCC’s community garden, high tunnels, the native prairie areas, recently acquired bee hives, and concluded with a “Lunch and Learn” presentation held in the outdoor classroom.



A presentation by Inspirational speaker, Inky Johnson, a former NFL player, provided a message of hope and perseverance to a large and engaged audience. The Sexual Assault and Violence Education (SAVE) Task Force has had an active month; in recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Week approximately 100 students, staff, and faculty participated in “Take a Stand Tuesday”. Additionally nearly 100 community members pledged to use their education, experiences, and voices to be active in the fight against sexual violence. The LLCC Police Department sponsored their first-ever “Coffee with a Cop” on October 25, allowing the students and campus community an opportunity to meet, interact, and build connections with LLCC Police Officers. LLCC sponsored an “On My Own Time” art exhibit in October, which provided an opportunity for faculty and staff to showcase their artistic talents. Artwork that received a “first place” judging by the Springfield Area Arts Council will move on to the citywide exhibit/competition in December. Edwardsville artist, Jason Bly’s artwork is currently on display in the James S. Murray Gallery. A show highlighting the work of LLCC art professors was displayed earlier this month in the Gallery. As part of a new partnership with the Springfield Art Association and local businesses, Art Professor, Thom Whalen, has been selected to display his artwork on bus stop benches throughout Springfield. The LLCC Choir held a fall concert in the A. Lincoln Commons which featured gospel and international music. The LLCC Stolen Moments Improvisational Jazz Ensemble held a concert on October 23, as part of the LLCC Recital Series. On October 18, published student authors had an opportunity to share their works during a reading of the 2016 edition of the Lincoln Land Review, held in the A. Lincoln Commons. Tim Humphrey, Dean of Arts and Humanities, recently graduated from the Chair Academy for Leadership and Development. Dr. Warren had the opportunity to honor a special graduate by awarding a diploma to former LLCC student Chris Call, who is battling stage IV cancer. A surprise private ceremony was arranged after Chris’ LLCC professor, Beth Hoffmann, did some research and determined Chris had earned enough credits to graduate from LLCC; which was



always a dream of Chris’. The ceremony was attended by Chris’ family members, several of his previous LLCC professors and a few LLCC Administrators. C. Report from Faculty Senate - None D. Report from Faculty Association - None E. Report from Classified Staff - None F. Report from Professional Staff - None G. Report from Facilities Services Council - None H. Chairman’s Report - None I. Secretary’s Report - None J. Foundation Report - None K. Other Board Members’ Reports Mr. Lewis reported the Student Government Association (SGA) held their first live streaming of a presidential debate, which proved to be a good event. Mr. Lewis, along with other members of SGA, and TRIO students, recently attended an ICCSAA Student Leadership Conference in Elgin, IL. The Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA), the Feminist Activist Coalition (FAC), and the Psychology Club, are hosting a Zombie Prom on October 29. V.

Strategic Discussion A. TRIO Presentation

Dr. Deanna Blackwell, Director for the TRIO Student Support Services Program gave a presentation highlighting the stages of development of LLCC’s TRIO Program, services offered through TRIO, the TRIO staff, and a brief overview of the 2016 TRIO Summer College Connection Program. TRIO student, Tayo Ajenifuja, gave his own personal account of how the TRIO Program has helped him succeed as a student and an individual, and supported him to setting aspirational future education goals. VI.

Executive Session


Actions from Executive Session





MOTION NO. 10-26-16-5: Mr. Gray moved to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Rosenthal seconded.

Those members voting aye were Mr. Lewis (advisory), Mr. Rosenthal, Mr. Shackelford, Mr. Gray and Mr. Findley. PASSED The meeting adjourned at 6:20 p.m.

__________________________ Chairman Findley

__________________________ Secretary Shackelford




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Ratification of Out-of-State Travel


October 26, 2016

Name Riggle, Ron

Stout, Jamie

Meeting National Junior College Athletic Association Meeting Association of Leadership Programs

Location Dallas, TX

Date October 20-23, 2016

Houston, TX October 26-29, 2016

Account Amount Paid by $0 National Junior College Athletic Association Paid by the $0 Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Approval of Out-of-State Travel


October 26, 2016

Name Blaylock, Andrew

Cheek, Sharon and Student Radiographers Association

Meeting Missouri Book Service Systems Training Fall Forum 42nd Association of Collegiate Educators Annual Conference

Location Columbia, MO

Account Administrative

Amount $365

Las Vegas, NV

Club Trip and Faculty Allocation


National Black Student Union National Academic Conference

Whitewater, Wisconsin

Club Trip


Civil War Trip

Oxford, MS

Community Education Class Trip


Lincoln’s Kentucky

Lexington, KY

Community Education Class Trip


Southern Indiana

Ferdinand, IN

Community Education Class Trip


Missouri Book Service Systems Training Fall Forum 42nd Association of Collegiate Educators Annual Conference Missouri Book Service Systems Training Fall Forum Organization of American Historians Annual Meeting

Columbia, MO

Staff Development


Las Vegas, NV



Columbia, MO

Professional Development


New Orleans, LA

Faculty Allocation and Faculty Professional Development and Recognition Committee


(Approx. 8 Students)

Hudson, Paul and Black Student Union (Approx. 4 Students)

Kramer, Ann and CEW (Approx. 30 Students)

Kramer, Ann and CEW (Approx. 30 Students)

Kramer, Ann and CEW (Approx. 30 Students)

Le Grant, Katie

Murphy, Janelle

Reardon, Cheri

Roehrs, Mark



Shull, Al Vinzant, John

Foundation in Art: Theory Kansas City, and Education Conference MO Upper Midwestern Regional Iowa City, IA Moot Conference Tournament

Faculty Chair Allocation


Expenses paid by employee


*$4,611 Club Funds & $275 Faculty Allocation **Club Funds ***Student Fees ****$425 Faculty Allocation & $1,034 and Faculty Professional Development and Recognition Committee




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Ratify Payments of All Cash Disbursements for October and the October Treasurer’s Report


November 16, 2016

In accordance with Lincoln Land Community College Board of Trustees Policy 6.1, the following items are available in the President’s Office and Vice President, Administrative Services Office for your review and subsequent action: A. The Cash Disbursement Register including the Check Register of bimonthly accounts payable checks, E-commerce refunds, ACH and Wire transactions issued during October, 2016 (payments for purchase order payments, equipment, supplies, lease payments, maintenance agreements, travel, employee reimbursements, membership dues, subscriptions, club vouchers, medical claim payments, pre-paid purchase orders, and time sensitive payment due dates – generally, items included under Board Policy 6.6). B. The Treasurer’s Report for the month ending October 31, 2016.

MOTION: Ratify disbursements of the bi-monthly checks, E-commerce refunds, ACH and Wire transactions issued during October, 2016 and ratify the October 2016 Treasurer’s Report.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Ratification of Out-of-State Travel


November 16, 2016

Name Dietz, Jim and Volleyball Team (Approx. 16 Students) Rothering, Anthony





Volleyball National Tournament

Charleston, WV November 15-20, 2016

Team Travel

Inland Bird Banding Association Annual Meeting

Connersville, IN

Expenses paid by employee and Lincoln Land Association of Bird Banders

November 11-13, 2016

Amount $14,539*


*Institutional Funds & Fundraising






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Approval of Out-of-State Travel


November 16, 2016

Name Maskey, Cynthia Murphy, Janelle

Meeting Organization for Associate Degree Nursing Radiology Educators of the Midwest

Location Houston, TX

Account Amount Paid by Organization $0 for Associate Degree Nursing Davenport, IA Program Improvement $204 Grant





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Spring Athletic Travel


November 16, 2016

The college recently sought bids to select vendors to provide transportation needs for its Spring Athletic Travel. The spring athletic teams consist of Men’s Baseball and Women’s Softball. The required mode of transportation is a motor coach to accommodate 47 passengers and a driver. The following is a tabulation of that bid. Trips

Cavallo Bus Lines Gillespie, IL

Party Time Limousine Peoria, IL

Peoria Charter Coach Co. Peoria, IL

$23,935.00 $14,563.00 $12,440.00

$20,250.00 $12,746.70 $11,358.00

$20,705.00** $12,650.00 $12,979.00




In State Travel Baseball Spring Trip Softball Spring Trip Total Cost to Provide ALL Transportation for ALL Trips (In State & Out of State) *ALL OR NONE bid **Some dates sold out/no bid

The following companies were mailed an Invitation to Bid, but chose not to respond: J.D. Transit, Cowden, IL; USA Bus Charter, San Diego, CA and Vandalia Bus Lines, Caseyville, IL. Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:

$44,354.70 Institutional Equipment Rental n/a n/a




Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? By providing appropriate means of transport to off-campus athletic competitions for students participating on these athletic teams How will proposed agenda item be measured? Transportation will be provided.

MOTION: Move to approve a purchase order to Party Time Limousine/IL Charter to provide transportation for in-state and out-of-state Spring Athletic Travel in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specifications of Invitation to Bid FY2017-5.





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Furniture for New Aviation Building


November 16, 2016

As the completion of the Levi, Ray and Shoup, Inc. Aviation Center at Lincoln Land Community College begins to draw near, there is a need to furnish the building. The Aviation Center will house classrooms, a computer room, a lobby, a storage/tech library and offices. We have once again decided to take advantage of joint purchasing provisions that allow the College the opportunity to procure quality furniture at discounted prices that have already been successfully bid. We are seeking Board approval to purchase the necessary furniture at a total delivered cost of $57,695.43. Description of Item Tables (27), sled-base chairs (56), chairs on rollers (27), instructor stools (3)

Total Delivered Cost $34,321.93

Vendor Henricksen

In tandem workstations (12)

$12,896.00 Krueger International

LaCasse office furniture, file cabinets (3), lobby furniture, bookcase (1)

$10,477.50 Resource One

Joint Purchasing Network National Intergovernmental Purchasing Alliance Illinois Public Higher Education Cooperative U.S. Communities

Costs include freight, delivery, & installation.

Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:


$57,695.43 FF&E n/a n/a



Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? n/a How will proposed agenda item be measured? Adequate furnishings being purchased.

MOTION: Move to approve purchases of furniture for the Levi, Ray and Shoup, Inc. Aviation Center at Lincoln Land Community College from the designated vendors at the cost indicated.






Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Monthly Training Contract/Clinical Agreement Status Report


November 16, 2016

Attached is the current Training Contract/Clinical Agreement Status Report for LLCC. The Workforce Development Division entered into an agreement to provide the annual Chaine de Rotisseurs Dinner. 30 people attended the dinner at the Bistro Verde in Springfield. The Community Education Division has entered into an agreement with Concordia Village to provide an educational lecture every other month for between six and 25 Concordia Village residents. All lectures will be held at Concordia Village and the content will be determined by LLCC and Concordia Village staff. The Workforce Development Division has entered into an agreement with NUDO Products to provide a Blueprint Reading Class for up to 12 NUDO Products employees. The training is to be held at the NUDO Products site in Springfield. The Capital City Training Center seeks approval to enter into an Externship Agreement with Brush College Animal Hospital for students enrolled in the Veterinary Assistant Program. Brush College Animal Hospital has facilities suitable to the educational needs of the students. The Capital City Training Center seeks approval to enter into an Affiliation Agreement with St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield to provide clinical site experience to students enrolled in the Phlebotomy Technician Program. St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield has facilities suitable to the educational needs of the students.





Move to approve the Externship Agreement with Brush College Animal Hospital and approve the Affiliation Agreement with St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield.




Contract Title

Brief Description

Brief Description

The Capital City Training Center seeks approval to enter into an Externship Agreement with Brush College Animal Hospital for students enrolled in the Veterinary Assistant Program. Brush College Animal Hospital has facilities suitable to the educational needs of the students. The Capital City Training Center seeks approval to enter into an Affiliation Agreement with St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield to provide clinical site experience to students enrolled in the Phlebotomy Technician Program. St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield has facilities suitable to the educational needs of the students.

Externship Agreement with Brush College Animal Hospital

Affiliation Agreement with St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield

NUDO Products

Workforce Development

Community Education

Workforce Development/ Culinary Arts

LLCC Dept / Program


St. Francis Hospital in Litchfield

Brush College Animal Hospital





CCTC/ Phlebotomy Program

CCTC/ Veterinary Technician Program



January – December, 2017

October 21, 2016


November 16, 2016 through Indefinite

January 2, 2017 through Indefinite

Contract Total

LLCC Dept / Program


The Workforce Development Division has entered into an agreement with NUDO Products to provide a Blueprint Reading Class for up to 12 NUDO Products employees. The training is to be held at the NUDO Products site in Springfield.

Concordia Village Lutheran Senior Services

Chaine de Rotisseurs


Contract Title


NUDO Products Blueprint Reading Class

Contracts as informational: Items less than $10,000 Chaine de The Workforce Development Division entered into an Rotisseurs Dinner agreement to provide the annual Chaine de Rotisseurs dinner. 30 people attended the dinner at the Bistro Verde in Springfield. Concordia Village The Community Education Division has entered into an Speaker Series agreement with Concordia Village to provide an educational lecture every other month for between six and 25 Concordia Village residents. All lectures will be held at Concordia Village and the content will be determined by LLCC and Concordia Village staff.




Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Monthly Grant Status Report


November 16, 2016

Attached is the current Grant Status Report for LLCC. It includes all grant requests submitted and accepted during the month of November. It also includes a brief description of the purpose for which the funding is, or has been, solicited. The Workforce Development Division has applied for the Sustainable Agriculture Youth Workforce Development Grant. If awarded the funds would be utilized to provide a sustainable agriculture training program for low-income, disadvantaged youth in the community. The Workforce Development Division seeks ratification for the application of the WIOA Out of School Youth Programs Grant. If awarded, the funds would help address basic skill deficits and provide pathways for educational certification and employment for youth in the district. The Adult Education and Literacy Program seeks ratification for the FY17 Federal Adult Education Grant. This grant will allow for instructional and support services for adults age 16 and older who lack sufficient mastery of basic educational skills, who do not have a secondary school diploma or a GED, who have not achieved an equivalent level of education to a secondary diploma, or who are unable to speak, read, or write the English language.


Move to ratify the application of the WIOA Out of School Youth Programs Grant and to ratify the FY17 Federal Adult Education Grant.



Brief Description

Grants less than $10,000 Sustainable The Workforce Development Division has applied for the Sustainable Agriculture Youth Agriculture Youth Workforce Workforce Development Grant. If awarded the Development Grant funds would be utilized to provide a sustainable agriculture training program for low-income, disadvantaged youth in the community. Grants in excess of $10,000 WIOA Out of The Workforce Development Division School Youth seeks ratification for the application of Programs Grant the WIOA Out of School Youth Programs Grant. If awarded, the funds would help address basic skill deficits and provide pathways for educational certification and employment for youth in the district. FY17 Federal Adult The Adult Education and Literacy Education Grant Program seeks ratification for the FY17 Federal Adult Education Grant. This grant will allow for instructional and support services for adults age 16 and older who lack sufficient mastery of basic educational skills, who do not have a secondary school diploma or a GED, who have not achieved an equivalent level of education to a secondary diploma, or who are unable to speak, read, or write the English language. TOTAL

Grant Title Workforce Development

Workforce Development

Adult Education

Land of Lincoln Workforce Alliance

Illinois Community College Board

LLCC Department / Program

Sustainable Agriculture Research Foundation


GRANT SUMMARY November 2016






LLCC Match




LLCC Total Monetary Request





July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017

January 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018

January 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017


III. Action Agenda



Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Revision to Board Policy and Procedure 2.8 Compensation/Reimbursement of Expenses, Board of Trustees and Board Policy 6.13 - Employee Travel


November 16, 2016

The State of Illinois recently approved the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act. This Act requires that the college make modifications to two existing policies. Policy 2.8 - Compensation/Reimbursement of Expenses, Board of Trustees and Policy 6.13 - Employee Travel, govern the reimbursement of travel expenses incurred by trustees and employees of the college. Both policies have been revised to include a reference to the Act and to include elements required by the Act. In addition, Board Procedure 2.8 has been revised. The revised policies and procedure are attached for your review. No action is required of you this evening. With Board concurrence, we will return these policies to you for action at the regularly scheduled December, 2016 meeting of the Board.



Lincoln Land Community College



Compensation/Reimbursement of Expenses, Board of Trustees 2.8

Policy Number: Officer Responsible: Board of Trustees Last Reviewed: 4/22/09 11/16/16 Last Revised: 4/22/09 Effective Date: 2/24/98 12/12/16 Old Policy Number:

Policy Statement: Members of the Board shall serve without compensation but shall be reimbursed for their reasonable expenses incurred in connection with their service as members. Pursuant to the Act*, such expenses may be charged to a bank credit card owned by the College. Expenses of Board members shall be reimbursed in accordance with procedures established by the Board of Trustees. Trustees traveling to business-related conferences, seminars, and meetings or otherwise traveling on behalf of the college shall be reimbursed for expenses in accordance with established procedures. Reimbursement of Trustee travel expenses shall be done in accordance with the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (Public Act 99-0604) as enacted or amended. This policy also applies to college President when traveling with Trustees. The maximum allowable reimbursement for meals and incidental expenses shall be the reasonable actual amount incurred. The maximum allowable reimbursement for lodging expenses shall be the GSA Per Diem lodging rates plus applicable taxes and fees. Recognizing that much of Trustees travel is to attend conferences, seminars, or other professional development and that the rates charged by host hotels for these events are often significantly higher than the GSA per diem lodging rate, the maximum allowable reimbursement for lodging will be 150% of the GSA per diem lodging rate plus applicable fees and taxes. The maximum allowable reimbursement for travel or transportation expenses will be the actual amount incurred for the most efficient travel option at the lowest cost. Reimbursement for business related mileage driven in a personal vehicle will be at the current rate as determined by the Internal Revenue Service. All requests for reimbursement of travel expenses shall be made using the current Travel Form or Mileage Log in the case of reimbursement for mileage only. Legal Citation: * 110 ILCS 805/3-7


Lincoln Land Community College


Policy Number: Officer Responsible: Last Reviewed: Last Revised: Effective Date: BOARD PROCEDURE Old Policy Number:

Compensation/Reimbursement of Expenses, Board of Trustees 2.8 Board of Trustees 4/22/09 11/16/16 4/22/09 2/24/98 12/12/16

In accordance with College policy, the following guidelines will apply: Credit Cards  College credit cards will not be distributed to Trustees. General Guidelines  All Board Members traveling on college business are expected to travel in as economical a manner as reasonably available to accommodate their personal and professional schedules.  Travel advances will not be issued.  The College will “direct pay” airline tickets, hotel expenses and registration fees when sufficient notice is provided.  Travelers will request the governmental rate offered by the hotel when requesting lodging. College-issued identification will be provided upon request of a Board Member.  Original receipts, when available, are required for reimbursement of college-related expenses (this requirement does not apply to meals if the Per Diem option is selected). The purchase of alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed.  Those traveling with students must also follow established procedures for field trips, athletic travel and/or student organization travel. Before Traveling  Trustees will contact the President’s office to request the pre-travel estimated expenses section of the travel form be completed and submitted for approval. Out-of-state travel requires Board of Trustees approval in advance of the travel. Vehicular Travel  Reimbursement of mileage for use of a personal vehicle in furtherance of College business will be at the most recently established IRS rate and will be reimbursable from the Board Member’s home.  Parking and toll charges will be reimbursed with documentation.  Parking tickets and other traffic violations will not be reimbursed.  When driving for college business, mileage reimbursement is limited to the cost of a 14-day advance purchase airfare to the destination.


Rental Cars  Rental cars will be reimbursed when deemed economical for group travel and with either Board Chair or Board of Trustees approval.  The collision damage waiver and personal accident insurance on rented vehicles are reimbursable expenses. Airline Travel  Airline travel will be at coach, economy class or the lowest logical fare. Board Members may upgrade their class of air service at their own expense.  LLCC prefers use of the designated travel agency that will direct bill the cost to the College. Contact the Purchasing Department for the name of the designated agency.  Travelers will be allowed to retain the frequent flyer miles.  If a ticketless option is used, a copy of the itinerary or a copy of the airline confirmation will suffice as documentation.  LLCC will reimburse the airline fee charged for checking one bag and the airline fee charged for one carry-on item (if applicable). Lodging  Payment or reimbursement for lodging will be limited to the number of days necessary to attend the approved meeting/conference.  Payment for an extra days lodging will be allowed if the lodging cost is less than the additional cost of airline ticketing on a subsequent day.  Any additional expenses due to a spouse or travel companion will be the responsibility of the Trustee.  Reasonable tips for luggage handling will be reimbursed.  Room upgrades, early check-in fees, late check-out fees, child care, movie rentals, dry cleaning, non-business related personal phone calls, and other personal items or services will not be reimbursed. Meals Trustees will be reimbursed for meals the reasonable actual cost of meals. The U.S. General Services Administration (U.S. GSA) Per Diem Rates may be used as a guideline for reasonableness. Such reimbursement will be made under one of the two options listed below. Option 1  Reimbursement will be for the reasonable actual cost of the meals plus reasonable gratuity.  Original receipts are required when available.  The cost of alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed.  Breakfast is reimbursable for travel before 8:30 a.m.  Dinner is reimbursable for travel after 5:00 p.m.  If a receipt is not available, the reimbursement amount will be the amount for the applicable meal per the U.S. GSA per diem rates.


Option 2  Per Diem/Meal Allowance – The College will reimburse at the Per Diem or Meal Allowance rate as specified at the time of travel by the US General Services Administration Per diem rates vary by location and reimbursement for partial days will be at the percentages indicated below applied to the applicable rate:

Breakfast allowance Lunch allowance Dinner allowance Per Diem - each quarter day     

Percentage 20% 20% 60% 25%

Per Diem will be paid for travel in excess of 18 continuous hours or which requires overnight lodging. Each quarter shall be 6 hours commencing at midnight, 6:00 a.m., noon, and 6:00 p.m. A portion of a quarter is eligible for a full quarter’s allowance. No receipts are required. Meal allowances are to be used when per diem does not apply, such as when travel is less than 18 continuous hours. Breakfast is reimbursable for travel before 8:30 a.m. Dinner is reimbursable for travel after 5:00 p.m.

Post-Travel Reimbursement Process  Upon completion of the travel activity, Trustees shall forward the original receipts, when available, to the President’s office for completion of the Post-Travel section of the Travel Form and subsequent approval.  The Business Office will issue a check within two weeks of receipt of approved travel documentation. The College will reimburse a Trustee for any late fees or interest incurred by the failure of the Business Office to make such timely payment. Other Expenses  Trustees shall be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in conjunction with their services. An original receipt, along with an explanation of the purpose of the expense and the names of other persons for whom costs were incurred, must be included with the request for reimbursement.  If a spouse or travel companion accompanies the Trustee, the College will only pay for expenses associated with the Trustee. Special Considerations  The College understands that there may be rare instances in which exceptions to these procedures may need to be considered in order to meet special circumstances.  Last minute bookings or changes to an itinerary are strongly discouraged.


A request for an exception to these procedures must be documented, explained, and authorized by either the Board Chair or the Board of Trustees.

Incidental Expenses  Defined by the U.S. GSA as fees and tips given to porters, baggage carriers, hotel staff, and staff on ships. Entertainment  No reimbursement will be made for any type of entertainment expense as defined by the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (Public Act 99-0604) as enacted or amended. Maximum Allowable Reimbursement  Any expenses that exceed the maximum allowable reimbursement amounts may be reimbursed. To be reimbursed for expenses exceeding the maximum allowable reimbursement amounts, the amounts must be documented, explained and authorized by either the Board Chair or the Board of Trustees.


Lincoln Land Community College


Subject: Employee Travel Policy Number: 6.13 Officer Responsible: VP, Administrative Services Last Reviewed: 4/22/09 11/16/16 Last Revised: Effective Date: 2/23/00 12/12/16 Old Policy Number: 4.1.12

Policy Statement: Employees are encouraged to attend conferences, seminars, and meetings for the purposes of professional growth and/or providing required or desired representation on behalf of the College. Employees traveling to business-related conferences, seminars, and meetings or otherwise traveling on behalf of the college shall be reimbursed for expenses in accordance with established procedures, provided that  the employee has prior approval of the appropriate supervisory personnel, including the budget manager and executive staff member;  the expenses are for transportation, lodging, meals, meeting costs (e.g. registration fees), and other incidental expenses directly related to attendance at the conference, seminar or meeting;  the mileage is for normal job-related responsibilities. Reimbursement of employees travel expenses shall be done in accordance with the Local Government Travel Expense Control Act (Public Act 99-0604) as enacted or amended. The maximum allowable reimbursement for meals and incidental expenses shall be determined by using the current U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) Per Diem Rates. The maximum allowable reimbursement for lodging expenses shall be the GSA Per Diem lodging rates plus applicable taxes and fees. Recognizing that much of employees travel is to attend conferences, seminars, or other professional development and that the rates charged by host hotels for these events are often significantly higher than the GSA per diem lodging rate, the maximum allowable reimbursement for lodging will be 150% of the GSA per diem lodging rate plus applicable fees and taxes. The maximum allowable reimbursement for travel or transportation expenses will be the actual amount incurred for the most efficient travel option at the lowest cost. Reimbursement for business related mileage driven in a personal vehicle will be at the current rate as determined by the Internal Revenue Service. All requests for reimbursement of travel expenses shall be made using the current Travel Form or Mileage Log in the case of reimbursement for mileage only. Reimbursement of travel expenses which exceed the maximums defined above may be made; however, such reimbursement request will require approval by the President.


IV. Information Items



Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Position Vacancies and Hires


November 16, 2016

POSITION VACANCIES Professional Lab Safety Coordinator (PT) Programmer Analyst I (FT) Systems Administrator II (FT)





Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Construction Progress Update


November 16, 2016

Attached is the current Construction Project Status Report for LLCC. It includes all projects that are currently underway, projects that have formal plans and available funding but are not yet underway, and projects that have been requested for state funding but have no formal plans or available funding. The following information is intended to provide a brief overview of the progress of each of the projects since the previous Board Meeting: PHS Projects – FY’ 16 Child Development Center Septic System/Sewer Scope Revision The project is underway. Chiller Replacement at Sangamon Hall The project is substantially complete. The punch-list and project close-out documents are being finalized. HVAC Replacement Litchfield Resource Center The project is substantially complete. The punch-list and project close-out documents are being finalized. Upgrade Cooling and UPS System in IT Data Room The project is underway. PHS Project (O&M Restricted Funds) Millennium Center Boiler Installation The project is substantially complete. The punch-list and project close-out documents are being finalized.




Small Projects – General Institutional Energy Sub-Metering The project is substantially complete. Budget Impact: Total Funds Requested: Source of Funds: Projected Revenue: Projected Savings:

n/a n/a n/a n/a

Student Learning Impact: How will proposed agenda item impact student learning? By improving the physical environment in which instructional, study and leisure activities take place. How will proposed agenda item be measured? Each of these projects is measured first by completion within the predetermined budget and time allotted for completion, and then by the satisfaction of the users and stakeholders.





MCTR Boilers

Funding Source

145,618 145,618 1,707,794

Sum of Original Contract Amount 90,059 90,059 649,619 377,615 151,086 1,178,319 293,798 293,798 -



43,759 9,851 9,851 -

Sum of Change Orders (5,627) (5,627) 23,421 20,339

This summary page provides information pertaining to the contract payouts and balances. The back-up sheets may differ since the back-up sheets contain the contract amounts, payouts, as well as any interest that may have been earned.

Notations: + Indicates that the project is being monitored by an outside agency. In some cases, the outside agency has not provided the college with the necessary payout or final close out forms. As the information is received, the above information will be adjusted.





Student Services/Testing Center Renovation of Montgomery Hall for Adult and Community Education Project Outreach: Regional Center Expansion- Phase Two EREC

Main Campus Parking Lot Resurface/Restriping

Chiller Replacement at Sangamon Hall HVAC Replacement Litchfield Resource Center Upgrade Cooling & UPS System in IT Data Room

70943 70944 70945


Project Name CDC Septic System Replacement

Colleague Dept # 70935

NEW NEW NEW ICCB Capital Budget Request Total PHS Balance Transfers 70946 PHS Balance Transfers Total Grand Total

FY2016 PHS Total Infrastructure Fee Infrastructure Fee Total ICCB Capital Budget Request

Type / Year FY2015 PHS FY2015 PHS Total FY2016 PHS

Sum of Original LLCC Budget Approved / Estimated 89,620 89,620 809,500 380,250 151,086 1,340,836 293,798 293,798 4,245,000 1,290,200 4,672,400 10,207,600 144,990 144,990 12,076,844 Sum of Adjusted Contract Amount 84,432 84,432 673,039 397,953 151,086 1,222,078 303,650 303,650 145,618 145,618 1,755,777 -



Sum of Retainage

The following information is a reflection of information that has been provided to the Finance Department as of October 28, 2016

All Capital Projects

20,194 20,194 1,115,294

Sum of Payments To Date 17,078 17,078 425,115 362,979 9,978 798,072 279,950 279,950 -

Sum of Contract Sum of Balance Contract % Remaining Remaining 67,354 79.77% 67,354 79.77% 247,924 36.84% 34,974 8.79% 141,108 93.40% 424,007 34.70% 23,700 7.80% 23,700 7.80% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 125,424 86.13% 125,424 86.13% 640,484 36.48%





Adopt CY’16 Property Tax Levy

Board Meeting 3:30 pm 12/12/16

APRIL 2017


Faculty Emeritus

Sabbatical Leaves

Administrative Positions

Board Meeting 1/25/17

Faculty Positions

Board Meeting 3/22/17

Spring Adjunct Faculty Listing

Tenure Listing

Catalog Review

Founders Day 2/18/17

Board Meeting 2/22/17

MAY 2017

JUNE 2017

Seating of New Student Trustee

Employee Recognition Ceremony

Summer Adjunct Faculty Listing

Board of Trustees Election/Reorganization*

Student Recognition Ceremony 5/2/17

Budget Workshop 6/28/17

Board Meeting 4/26/2017

LLCC Foundation Gala 5/6/17

Board Meeting 6/28/17

Commencement 5/12/17

Board Meeting 5/24/17

*Deadline to seat New Trustees 5/2/17

AUGUST 2017 


Board Meeting 8/23/17

Budget Adoption/Public Hearing

Mid-Year Tenure Listing

PHS Projects

Board Meeting 9/27/17


MARCH 2017

JULY 2017 

FY’18 Tentative Budget

Board Meeting 7/26/17

OCTOBER 2017 

Financial Audit Review

Board Meeting 10/25/17


Board Meeting 11/15/17


V. Strategic Discussion



Members, LLCC Board of Trustees


Charlotte J. Warren President


Work on Learning Disabilities


November 16, 2016

Cara Swafford, Professor of English, will provide a brief presentation on the results of her research on learning disabilities and writing instruction, and the ensuing professional activities she has conducted that address learning disabilities and writing.
