74717 Pat Bacon Pat Bacon for House

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    Ruralcommunities communities Rural needlegislators legislatorslike like need Patthat thatunderstand understand Pat thestrong stronglinks links the amongagriculture, agriculture, among ruralsmall smallbusiness, business, rural educationand and education healthcare. care. health Pat an agricultural agriculturalcommunity, community, PatBacon Bacon lives in an led Board, grew grewaarural ruralHealth HealthCare Care ledaarural rural School School Board, business Administratorand andisisa aNurse Nurse business as as its Administrator Practitioner rural health healthcare carefacilities. facilities. Practitioner in rural Pat will work with our farmers and rural businesses Pat will work our farmers and rural businesses to for them themtotobe beprofitable. profitable. toclear clear the the path for

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Martin and Faribault Faribaultcounties counties Martin and and andWatonwan Watonwancounties. counties. andparts parts of of Jackson Jackson and [email protected] [email protected] 74717

Paid MN House HouseCommittee,695 Committee,695Summit Summit Dr., Paidby byBacon Bacon for MN Dr., Fairmont,MN MN56031 56031 Fairmont,