USEFUL WEB SITES NSW Health Multicultural Communication Service http://www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au/mhcs/languages.html Br...

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USEFUL WEB SITES NSW Health Multicultural Communication Service http://www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au/mhcs/languages.html Brochures about a variety of health issues in 60 languages, for example:  Breastfeeding: Best for Babies and Mothers  Healthy food + active lifestyle = happy life for my family  Nutrition for Kids  Lunchbox checklist Health Translations Online Directory Over 7000 resources available in 58 languages www.healthtranslations.vic.gov.au Good Food for New Arrivals http://www.asetts.org.au/nutrition.htm A variety of resources developed for promoting healthy eating and the issues for new arrivals around food  Lunchbox poster  Cultural Food Information  Food card set ( 150 images)  Background papers on food insecurity for new arrivals Market Fresh http://www.marketfresh.com.au/mf.asp Extensive information about fruit and vegetables  Brochures include lots of great photos to prompt discussion  Lots of recipes ideas  Seasonal availability of foods Go For Your Life http://www.goforyourlife.vic.gov.au A variety of fact sheets  Photos of healthy lunch boxes

Nutrition Australia http://www.nutritionaustralia.org/  Healthy pyramid poster Australian Guide to Healthy Eating http://www.health.gov.au/internet/wcms/publishing.nsf/Content/healt h-pubhlth-strateg-food-resources.htm Brochures and posters outlining easy to understand information about what Australians should be eating; the types of food and quantities, what is a serving etc  You can order quantities of up to 50 per brochures for free. The Nutrition Education for New Americans Project http://monarch.gsu.edu/multiculturalhealth Diabetes and nutrition handouts in 36 languages Easing the Transition – Resource Guide http://www.survivorsvic.org.au/pub_transition.htm  

Book developed by Deakin and Foundation House. A resource guide for health and settlement workers supporting recently arrived to Australia to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle – good resource to outline amount of fat and sugar in common foods and some that would be best avoided.

Foundation House Foundation House develops publications and resources to enhance the understanding of the needs of people from refugee backgrounds http://www.foundationhouse.com.au/resources/publications_and_reso urces.htm FOODcents FOODcents aims to teach people how to get value for money and achieve a balanced diet. Many useful tips and resources for food budgeting http://www.foodcentsprogram.com.au/

The Heart Foundation http://www.heartfoundation.org.au Click on ‘Healthy Living’ for resources Diabetes Australia Diabetes information resources, also available many languages http://www.diabetesaustralia.com.au/Resources/ Healthy Kids Information on healthy eating and being active for home, school, child care & OOSHC. http://www.healthykids.nsw.gov.au/ Fresh for Kids Fun and interactive website promoting fresh fruit and vegetable consumption among children. Includes seasonal fruit and vegetable guide, tips for purchasing and storage, recipes, lunch box ideas and interactive games for kids. http://www.freshforkids.com.au/index.html Go for 2 and 5 (Fruit and Vegetables) Find out about the benefits of fruit and vegies, ways to get more fruit and vegies into your day, plus some simple tasty recipes. http://www.gofor2and5.com.au/ Centre for Health Promotion Health information brochures for the community on various topics mostly for children, youth and women http://www.chdf.org.au/ New Zealand Ministry of Health – “Health Ed” Health information resources, posters, brochures on a wide variety of topics http://www.healthed.govt.nz/resources/thehealtheddatabase.aspx U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants Nutrition outreach toolkit – Healthy Eating, Healthy Living Flipchart available in 16 different languages. http://www.refugees.org/article.aspx?id=1818