april 2010

Central Baptist Church of Westerly, 16 Elm Street, Westerly, RI 02891 The Good Word Carrying news of God’s work into th...

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Central Baptist Church of Westerly, 16 Elm Street, Westerly, RI 02891

The Good Word Carrying news of God’s work into the Community and World April 2010 Worship With Us At Central Baptist

Sunday School 9:00 AM Worship 10:30 AM Fellowship Hour 11:30 AM

Volume 3

Issue 4

AS OF JUNE 1 MARILYN TAYLOR WILL YIELD CHAIRMANSHIP OF FLOWER MINISTRY TO JEAN SMITH Marilyn has faithfully served as Chairperson of this ministry for seven years. Our thanks to her for her dedication.

Jean Smith and Marilyn Taylor

What is the purpose of the Flower Committee? The Flower Committee is responsible for scheduling and coordinating the donations of flowers that adorn our sanctuary for Sunday morning Worship Services, Easter Services, and Christmas Services. We offer these in a spirit of worship and praise to our Lord and Creator of all. Why are flowers donated? Arrangements are given in Memory or in Honor of Loved Ones, or for a special occasion. How can I donate flowers? You can telephone Marilyn Taylor 401 322-7879, Jean Smith 401 315-5358, contact the church office at 401 596-4929 or place a note in the offering plate on a Sunday morning. What is the cost of an arrangement and how am I billed? Broadview Nursery will bill you directly. They are so kind to provide these beautiful arrangements to Central Baptist at their cost, with no mark-up or delivery charge. The current cost to you is $16.00.

Church Meetings

April 7 7 PM Boards of Missions, Deacons, and Christian Education April 14 7 PM Board of Trustees April 27 7:PM Church Council

What happens to the Flowers after the Sunday morning worship service? Members make the choice to take the flowers with them after the service or the flower committee will deliver the flowers to a member of the church who is shut-in or ill. Who are the members of the Floral Committee? Committee Members for the 2009-2010: Marilyn L. Taylor Jean Smith Sylvia Pierce Ellen James Catherine Knight Arlene Stellmaker Linda Engler Ellen James

Central Baptist Church of Westerly

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Rev. Thomas Hiltsley, Pastor Lynn Dowding, Music Director Laurie Miller, Office Manager Walter Dugas & Paul Arnold, Custodians

Tiffani Kaminski—Editor Nancy Balentine Linda Engler Marcia Erskine Todd Higgins Judy Lathrop Dot Marra Laurie Miller

Church Office Hours Mon—Thurs 9AM—1 PM


Friendship Circle

April 1 - 7:00 Worship Service

Will Meet On Monday April 19 at 6:30 PM


Circle 2

10:00 AM Stations of the Cross in (Wilcox Park )

Meetings are held monthly On the third Tuesday of the month at 9:30 AM Church Parlor.

Noon Worship Service CBC


2:00 PM Prayer Vigil Begins

SATURDAY, APRIL 3 2:00 PM Prayer Vigil ends

He is Risen Risen Indeed EASTER SUNDAY SCHEDULE 8:00 AM Sonrise Service Avondale Chapel 9:00 AM EASTER MORNING BREAKFAST Fellowship Hall (NO Sunday School) 10:30 AM Worship Service 11:30 AM Fellowship Hour

All Church Pot Luck Supper Wednesday, April 7 - 5:30 PM

Bring a dish to share:

Last name

A-F G-L M-S T- Z

Main Dish Dessert Vegetable Starch (not bread)

Wednesday, May 5, - 5:30 PM Last name


Starch (not bread) Main Dish Dessert Vegetable

Wednesdays, April 7 & 21 9:30 AM at Nancy Balentine’s Home 35 Spruce Street

Come join us! Needleworkers offers LEARN TO KNIT in church parlor Saturday, April 10, 9:30 to 11:00. Teens to Ninety year olds welcome. Needles and yarn provided.

April 15 is the deadline for items and articles to be included in the May Issue of the Newsletter

Submissions can be e-mailed to: [email protected] or brought to the church office.

No men’s breakfast For the month of April

Central Baptist Church of Westerly

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Pastor’s Tom’s Corner The sign on the lawn of St. Pius school, just down the street from Central Baptist, calls all passersby to Lenten repentance. It is an important call. I drive by that sign a couple of times each day as I come and go from house to office. The Lenten theme of ―choice‖ which we have been following together, is based squarely on the concept of turning from selfobsession to God-obsession – repentance. Again I want to share with you an excerpt from my reading. The following is reprinted from an article by Gordon MacDonald, titled ―Clean Out the Sludge.‖ His biblical text is from Revelation chapters 2 & 3. ―In most of these letters there are pointed accusations or warnings. talk.

This is no positive, encouraging pep

He does not speak in vague generalities, hoping people will read his mind and feel badly about his upset.

No, he says what has to be said.

He goes straight to the heart.

―The other day I took someone I love very dearly to the hospital thinking we had an emergency on our hands. I watched the physicians and nurses run test after test. about what they saw.

Never once did they mince words; they spoke truthfully

While this run to the hospital turned out not to be an emergency, it was comforting to me to

know that these people pulled no punches, did not try to impress or entertain or placate us.

The truth was all

important. ―And so it is important here in these letters. ―The allegations: you’ve forsaken your first love; repent!... you’re going to suffer… you’re tolerating

immorality… you’re fooling with legalism and flirting with Satan’s ways…your deeds are incomplete ; wake up!... you’re neither hot nor cold…you’re blind to reality , to the truth.

―W.E. Sangster wrote a wonderful biography or Alexander Whyte, the Scottish preacher who—preacherwise—was one of the very best of the best in the early 20th century.

He tells about the day when an elder in

Whyte’s church came to report that an American evangelist, holding meetings the night before in another part of the city, had told the crowd that one of Whyte’s closest friends was not a converted man. ―Hearing this, Whyte fairly exploded and stomped about his study as he contemplated this slander of his friend.

Finally, when Whyte had settled down, the elder when on. 'That is not all, Dr. Whyte,' he said.


preacher told the people that you are not a converted man.' ―Perhaps the elder expected Whyte’s reaction to this report to be even worse. But it wasn’t. retreated to his desk, covered his face in his hands and appeared to be weeping. elder, ―Leave me, leave me, my friend. I must examine my heart.‖


Then, looking up, he said to the

―I imagine an entire church in need of turn-around acting like Whyte. Instead of louder publicity, or immediate denials, I imagine a church, having head the allegations, becoming quiet before God, hiding its face, examining its heart. Good theology there.‖ (Gordon MacDonald -“Clean Out the Sludge-A theology of turnaround‖ pub. in Leadership, Fall 2005. )

Pastor Tom

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Central Baptist Church of Westerly

If you love Him, why not serve Him? From African-American Spiritual—We are Climbing Jacob’s ladder

The Nominating Committee has started its search to obtain names of members to submit to the congregation for a vote at the annual meeting in May. Their mission is to fill vacancies for church officers, boards and committees. Someone from this committee may be calling upon you soon to offer you an opportunity to serve our church and our Lord by filling one of these vacancies. Here is a brief explanation of the responsibilities of each board. BOARD OF DEACONS has nine members who serve for three year terms. Their duties include coordinating the worship services with the Pastor, prepare and serve the ordinances of communion and baptism, visit the sick, welcome visitors, and receive the Fellowship Fund offerings and confidentially distribute them to the needy. BOARD OF TRUSTEES consists of nine members who serve for three year terms. They have charge of the business affairs, which includes preparing an annual budget and submitting it to the congregation for approval, the hiring of all employees except the Pastor of the church and they are also in charge of repairs and improvements to church property. BOARD OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION is made up of three to nine members to serve for three year terms. Their duty is to organize and administer the educational program of the church and to appoint a Sunday School Superintendent. BOARD OF MISSIONS consists of seven members who serve for a three year term. They plan and develop the missionary program and keep the congregation informed of its activities OTHER OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE Committees under jurisdiction of Church Council are: Historian Pastoral Relations Committee Audit Committee Floral Ministry Nominating Committee Avondale Chapel Committee Committees under jurisdiction of the Board of Deacons are: Parish Ministry Head Usher Committees under jurisdiction of the Board of Trustees are: Memorial Committee Stewardship Committee Kitchen Committee Committees under jurisdiction of the Board of Education are: Librarian Sunday School Superintendent Scholarship Committee


Judy Lathrop Marty Champlin Alan Caval Carole Frasier Marie Bertsch Tiffani Kaminski

Central Baptist Church of Westerly

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Across The Boards The Board of Deacons WHAT IS PRAYER FOR? The purpose of prayer is for us to get closer to God. When we tell God that we are sorry for our sins, thank him for all He has done, and ask for his help, God begins to change us. He changes our thoughts and desires, and he shows us what he wants us to do. We come to love him more and to see things from his point of view. Also, prayer gives us an opportunity to say, "Your will be done." It is a way for us to work with God to change the world. Think about it this way: God is our Father, He loves us and wants to meet our needs, to teach us how to live, to take care of us, and to utilize us. He wants to be our friend. Prayer asks him to do that in our lives. We pray because it invites our loving Father to work in our lives and in our world. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV) Excerpt from 801 Questions Kids ask about God

Pray, Pray and pray some more! Pray for the search committee and their tasks, pray for the Minister God has planned for us; pray for our community; pray for National and regional leaders; pray for our church and its ministries that God will show us where our individual passions are to be used for his glory; pray about whatever the Holy spirit places in your heart and in your mind (and not necessarily in the aforementioned order). For the Board of Deacons, Kathy Caval

The Board of Trustees Our Church men’s group has completed virtually all of the painting and repair projects in preparation for Easter. As we move forward into spring, landscaping and capitol building projects now must be scrutinized. Among these will be the demolishing of our old garage storage shed, and exactly what to replace it with. Still other projects might be to repair/replace the nine sanctuary windows along with repair and repaving of our driveway and parking lot areas. Your Trustee Board will continue to maintain business as usual as we help guide the Church through these challenging financial and spiritual times. Please keep us and our church family in prayer as we continue on the pathway that the Lord is preparing for us. Yours in Christ, George Champlin

PASTOR WESLEY SMITH ACCEPTS NEW CALL Rev. Wesley Smith accepts a call to serve as pastor of First Baptist Church of Hamilton, NY. For the past eleven years he has served Phillips Memorial Baptist Church in Cranston, RI as their senior pastor and in the early 1990’s served as pastor of Central Baptist Church in Westerly. May God bless him as he takes on this new challenge in his home state of New York.

Treasurer’s Report Total 2010 Plan: Income Expenses Expected deficit As of February 28: Income Expense

$ 214,335.00 242,907.00 $ ( 28,572.00) $ 16,335.33 23,351.34 $ (-7,016.01)

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Central Baptist Church of Westerly

The Board of Missions As I write the April newsletter we are in the middle of the Lenten Season...a time of repentance and soul searching. Next we look forward to Easter and the Good News it brings! At our March meeting the Mission Board gave much consideration as to where the Easter offering should go this year. We chose to go through ABCORI and to designate half of the offering for Haitian Earthquake Relief and half to Chile’s Earthquake Relief Fund . Because we are going through ABCORI, all the money given will go directly for earthquake relief. Thank you for your continuing support. May you have a Blessed Easter and Spring.

Kay Perrone, Chairperson Mission Board

Spirited Rides Spirited Rides’ ministry participants, Randy Day, Carl Brown and David Smallridge are willing to help people who need a hand with minor jobs around the house such as putting air conditioners in or removing windows. We are offering our services to help those who need a helping hand. We would love to help. Call David, 860 599-5703 to make date and time arrangements . We will arrive on our motorcycle. In Christ, David J Smallridge

HABITAT for HUMANITY DONATION At the worship service on February 28 Walter Harvey presented a check from Central Baptist to representatives from Habitat for Humanity. Art Olsen and Lucy Mueller accepted the check in the amount of $1,444.93 on behalf of Habitat.

There is still time to sign up for the bus trip.

Lancaster PA Bus Trip May 14-15, 2010 See “Joseph” at the Sight and Sound Theatre. Contact Linda Engler 401 596-3310. $243 for a single room $200 for sharing a double room Price includes bus, hotel, ticket for show, meals and snacks on the bus.

Art Olsen

Lucy Mueller

Walter Harvey

Central Baptist Church of Westerly

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The Board of Christian Education WANTED People/person to help with the Children's Moment during worship. Do you feel like trying something new or like helping children understand God's word? Then we need you. The Board of Deacons is looking for a few people to take turns hosting the Children's moment You don't need a lot of qualifications, just the ability to share a simple (5 minute or less) object lesson with the children on Sunday morning during worship. If you have an interest or questions please call Kathy Caval 401-322-9049

Pastoral Search Committee Report

April 2010

Our committee has continued to gather information and is working on writing our church profile. By the time you read this, I hope we will be finished with that, or nearly finished. Once we have the profile completed, we will be submitting information to ABCORI to be used to do a computer database search for names of pastors that match our priorities. That information includes a list of eight ministry activities that are ourhighest priorities for involvement by the pastor. We were given a list of 31 possible choices. The eight that we choose must also be placed in order of highest to lowest priority. That list and information about what we are able to pay as salary and benefits will be used to find names that are best matches. Once we receive the names and profiles for each match, we will contact those people to ask if they are interested in pursuing our opportunity and wish to receive a copy of our church profile. Those pastors who ask for a profile will be sent one and asked for more detailed information about their backgrounds, beliefs and priorities. When we have received that information back from them, we can finally start to make decisions about who are truly good candidates for CBC. If some good candidates are found, then there will be more contact involving interviews, observations, etc. As you can see, there are many steps to the process and each step has to be taken carefully, thoroughly and done well. Otherwise we might miss that one best person. You will also realize that the process is going to take time. It may even need to be repeated using a wider ranging list of possible candidates. You may also see that the process is set up so the Lord has maximum control over the outcome. We have to be continuously reminding ourselves that He is in control and we should not try to force things to go our way. He has a plan and He knows our needs. We only need to keep our hearts open to His leading. In that regard, the committee is in constant need of your prayers, expressing our belief in His power and His love for us and asking for His continuing guidance. We are always very thankful for your support, patience and prayers. Ron Rodehorst, Search Committee Chairman Adult Class l Sunday, 9:00 AM In the Parlor

CRAZY LOVE Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn’t working harder at a list of do’s and don’ts - it’s falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis Chan describes it, you will never be the same, because when you’re wildly in love with someone, it changes everything. This is a 10 week study based on the book by Francis Chan, Crazy Love. Come learn about God’s Crazy Love for us! Meredith Eckel, Leader

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Central Baptist Church of Westerly

In The Spotlight By Nancy Balentine Alyssa Carin Smallridge lives with her mom, Vicki, and her yellowLab/springerspaniel/beagle, Rosie. Daughter of David Smallridge and step-mom Beth, she is big sister to Ethan (4) and Colin (1). At Stonington High her favorite activity has been crew, but an ankle injury has sidelined her for this season. Her team practiced at Mystic Seaport and played mostly private schools like the Pomfret School, crew being an unusual public school sport. She is continuing horseback riding lessons at the Mystic Valley Hunt Club, an activity she started at eight years old. Her favorite school subject is precalculus. A college dean of business encouraged Alyssa to study business in college; he said,"You have ACCOUNTANT written across your forehead." She has also liked her biology class enough to consider future study in that area. At 16, as a junior, she is beginning Evan is the younger son of Alan and Kathy Caval; brother Jason is studying at the University of Advancing Technology in Tempe, Arizona. Evan works part-time as a cook on the weekends at Burger King thus keeping his Evan Caval 1997 Honda Accird on the road, his license to drive being very newly acquired in February. His favorite school subject is A.P. American History. While participating in the Johnstown Flood mock trial, he enjoyed the research and the extemporaneous speaking as an expert witness for the defense. He particularly likes to learn about military history, specifically World War II. This and a family history of military service has led

to make important decisions. Alyssa loves travel. She speaks enthusiastically of swimming with dolphins in the Bahamas, visiting Quebec and Montreal, and Colorado. Having visited the Cathedral of the Pines several times, she speaks with real regret of the loss of most of the pines to recent storms. On her "bucket list" is sky diving. Typical of teens she owns a laptop, a cell phone, and an iPOD Touch and thinks of herself as using technology in moderation. She regards some friends as "non-functional", absorbed in their texting. When Alyssa was eleven she initiated Operation Fuzzy Feet at Central Baptist, collecting dozens of pairs of slippers for children at Hasbro Hospital and Connecticut Children's Medical Center, an effort she continued for several years. She is on the scene at Central's worship and its activities. She hopes to work in the recreation department in Stonington this summer. If so, she will represent her family, her school, and her church exceptionally.

to his considering an Army career. To help him decide, he has accepted an opportunity to spend a week at West Point in late May. Currently a junior at Westerly High, Evan has played quarterback for the JV team for two years with a record of 18 wins, 0 losses and 1 tie. This year he saw action in several varsity games. He also throws the javelin and shot put for the track team admitting to a love/hate relationship with the sport. He likes classic rock and enjoyed the a cappella group contests on television. He, too, is technologically savvy, owning a cell phone, an I Pod, and an X BOX. He prefers to communicate face to face, but realizes texting is the easier way. His family's interest in politics and a class in World Affairs prepared Evan for a two week tour of four cities in China last summer. He particularly enjoyed architecture in Beijing,

Alyssa Smallridge

Xi'an, Shanghai, and Hong Kong, remarking that one building looked like a bottle

opener. Competition for heights of buildings and a massive outdoor light and music show impressed him. Evan belongs to the youth group and Mr. Gibson's Sunday School class. He notes that living out Christian values at school is sometimes difficult - mostly being nice to people he doesn't really like. This young man's earnest concern for his country, his honesty, and his philosophical bent made an admirer of me.

Marissa Jacklyn Bertsch is the daughter of Max and Marie Bertsch, sister of Max Jr. (7) and Vanessa (11). She also lives with a Golden Retriever named Riley. A sophomore at Westerly High, she especially enjoys her A.P. United States History class. This year in that class she participated in a mock trial of the Sacco -Vanzetti case. In another mock trial held in the courtroom of the Town Hall she dressed as a man to appear as an expert witness in the proceedings to determine responsibility for the Johnstown flood. Her second favorite class, biology, has prompted thoughts of a career as a veterinarian or marine biologist. Her extracurricular activities include playing on the volleyball team and playing second base on the softball team. As a Student Council representative Marissa helps raise money for activities like proms. Recently a dress-up day brought in $1,000 for local families at Christmas. She is selling beads, some with local themes, for Pandora bracelets, Marissa Bertsch another fundraiser. Marissa's neighborhood has enough small children to keep her busy babysitting. She does dog-walking and has tutored a 3rd grader in math. When she is not in school,playing sports, in church, raising money for school, or earning money for herself, she likes to spend time with friends. She likes computers, has her own phone, and enjoys texting.She regards her parents' skills in technology as not on a par with her generation's (she says with a smile). She is very experienced in working with children in the church nursery, as a crew leader at VBS, and with Truth Trackers. She cites her many Christian friends as helpful in feeling mostly comfortable living out her Christian values in school. Her grandparents, Max and Barbara Bertsch, are fortunate to live near enough to participate in her teen years.

Central Baptist Church of Westerly

Just For Kids By Marcia Erskine

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APRIL 2010

Central Baptist Church of Westerly

SMILES AND SO FORTH Humor, Wisdom, Poetry, Quizzes, and So Forth

From Stumbling on Happiness by Daniel Gilbert


GO TO CHURCH Churchgoers are happier than non-churchgoers, but not for the reasons people expect. Our best indication is that it’s not the religion part that makes people happy. It’s the going-tochurch part. It’s the community part. It’s the holding hands and singing. It’s the knowing-folks-who-would-bring-you-soupif-you-got-sick part.

God’s Thoughts The mountains are God’s thoughts piled up. The ocean is God’s thoughts spread out. The flowers are God’s thoughts in bloom. The dew drops are God’s thoughts in pearls. by Sam Jones

A recent study showed that when people were given money to spend, those who spent it on others were happiest. Giving is literally a joy. If you want to feel better about your day, buy the guy in back of you at Starbucks a cup of coffee. Watch the look on his face. That’s a long-lasting hit of happiness for you.

EARTH DAY - April 22 Everyday is Earth Day Everyday is Earth Day, If it's cold or wet or hot Pitch in to save the planet It's the only one we've got.

WHEN JESUS WALKED UPON THE EARTH When Jesus walked upon the earth He never talked with kings; He talked with simple people Of doing friendly things. He never praised the conquerors And all their hero host; He said the very greatest Were those who loved the most. His words were not of mighty deeds; But many times he spoke Of feeding hungry people And cheering lonely folk. I’m glad his words were simple words Just meant for me and you; The things he asked were simple things That you and I can do. Marion Sheldon Brown

Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes

Peter takes hold of John and calms him down. "Take it easy, John. What is it? What's the good news?" John says, "The good news is Christ is risen." Peter says, "That's great! But, what's the bad news?" John, looking around, says, "He's really steamed about last Friday."

Which book of the Bible has: “Vanity Which book of the Bible has: “Wine is a mocker and strong drink vanities, saith the preacher, all is vanity” Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes is raging” Psalms Proverbs Ecclesiastes

2– P 3– E

“To every thing there is a season”?

It was following the resurrection and disciples were still somewhat scattered about Jerusalem and the surrounding villages. John finds Peter and runs up to him. Excitedly he says, "Peter, Peter! I've got some good news and some bad news."

Answers: 1—E

Which book of the Bible has:

3 Days After Resurrection

Central Baptist Church of Westerly

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Those in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living


Virginia Champlin - Westerly Health Center Jane Lawson - Westerly Health Center Jessie Mearns - Watch Hill Manor Fern Queen - Golden Years Assisted Living Lois Terranova - Westerly Health Center Betty Eckel - The Elms Dorothy Hickey - Westerly Health Center

Kathy Caval’s Uncle Dalton Henry, Dot Gallagher’s friend Kristen Pracniak Arlene Stellmaker Leon Boole, Julie’s uncle Chris—M Champlin’s friend Richard & Cathy, Lisa M’s friends Arlene Stellmaker

Those in the Military

3 8 10 16 17 21 22 24 28 29 30

Captain Kevin Lowther, II (son of Kevin & Dianne Lowther) Maj. Eric Larkin (son of Charles & Jane Larkin) A. Kathy McCormack, SP4 (step-granddaughter of Beverly McCormack) Jonathan Goodwin (Joyce Duerr’s son) Douglas Lowe (Gary Lowe’s nephew) Travis White (Ed White’s nephew) Lt. Commander Roy Wilson Greg McAvoy Jeff McAvoy Kenneth Sampler (LuFern Hudson’s grandson)


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Sympathy is extended to the families of: Sharra Culver, Marcia Erskine’s sister-in-law Ray Lanphere friend of Dave Smallridge

Our Shut Ins Elita Giorno Virginia Higgins Cheryl Hunt



Harriet Schilke Olivia Lathrop Sandra Christina Evan Cabal Janet Gerbutavich Emma Lloyd Gertrude Smith Marjorie Duerr William Zembruski David Smallridge Dale Frey Dale Peck James Beames, Sr. Roy Smith Marilyn Taylor LuFern Hudson


Ellen Rodehorst Judy Lathrop Evelyn LeBlanc 4 Marjorie Smith 8 Sara Champlin 9 Joelle Caiola Allison Dennis Hannah Gibson 12 Beverly McCormack 13 Stephen Day Linda Engler Madeline Short 14 Ronald Rodehorst

Easter Morning

Central Baptist Church 16 Elm Street Westerly, RI 02891 Phone [401] 596-4929 FAX [401]596-4244 [email protected]


Return Service Requested We join together to nurture Christ-centered faith, foster Christ-like maturity, and share Christ’s ministry within our Family, community and world.

The Avondale Bible Fellowship’s Spring Session “Basic of Faith” What and Why We Believe meets on Thursdays, Coffee is at 8 AM, Bible Study begins at 8:30 AM.



9:00 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship 11:30 AM Fellowship Hour


9:00 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship 11:30 AM Fellowship Hour


9:00 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Worship 11:30 AM Fellowship Hour





7:30 AM Men’s Bible Study In the Parlor 4:45 Spirited Rides 7:00 Church Council


7:30 AM Men’s Bible Study In the Parlor 4:45 Spirited Rides


7:30 AM Men’s Bible Study In the Parlor 4:45 Spirited Rides

7:30 AM Men’s Bible Study In the Parlor 4:45 Spirited Rides




8:00AM Sonrise Service at Avondale Chapel 9:00 AM Easter Breakfast in Fellowship Hall 10:30 AM Worship 11:30 AM Fellowship Hour

Easter Sunday




9:30AM Needleworkers at Balentine home


7:00PM Trustee Bd . Meeting


9:30AM Needleworkers at Balentine home 5:30 PM All Church Pot Luck Dinner 7:00 PM Deacon, Mission & Christian Ed Board Meetings



7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal


7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal


7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal


7:00 PM Choir Rehearsal


7PM Service in CBC Chapel


Warm Meal 6:00 PM Truth Trackers



6:00 PM Truth Trackers


10AM Stations of the Cross in Wilcox Park 12PM Good Friday Worship Service in CBC Chapel 2PM Prayer Vigil begins


2 Good Friday

1 Maundy Thursday



9:30 AM—11:00 Learn to Knit—Parlor


2PM Prayer Vigil ends




April 2010