BCPE Brochure Oct2014

        BCPE’s BCPE’sMission Mission ToTo provide provide ergonomics ergonomics cerƟcaƟon cerƟcaƟon toto protect pr...

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BCPE’s BCPE’sMission Mission

ToTo provide provide ergonomics ergonomics cerƟcaƟon cerƟcaƟon toto protect protect the the public, public,the theprofession, profession,and anditsitsprofessionals professionalsbyby assuring assuring standards standards ofof competency competency and and advocaƟng advocaƟng the the value value ofof cerƟcaƟon. cerƟcaƟon.                                                                                                             Professional. Professional. Credible. Credible. Recognized. Recognized. DisƟnguish DisƟnguish yourself yourself today today with with one one ofof our our gold gold standard standard credenƟals. credenƟals.

CerƟcaƟon CerƟcaƟonfor for Ergonomists Ergonomists// Human HumanFactors Factors// User UserExperience Experience Professionals Professionals 2950 Newmarket Street 2950 Newmarket Street SteSte 101 PMB 244 101 PMB 244 Bellingham, WA 98226 Bellingham, WA 98226 Phone: Phone: 888.856.4685 888.856.4685 Fax: Fax: 866.266.8003 866.266.8003 Email: Email: [email protected] [email protected] www.bcpe.org www.bcpe.org

Board Board of of Certification Certification in in What What Whatisisisthe the theBCPE? BCPE? BCPE?     

The The TheBoard Board Boardofof ofCer�ca�on Cer�ca�on Cer�ca�oninin inProfessional Professional ProfessionalErgoErgoErgonomics nomics nomics(BCPE) (BCPE) (BCPE)isisisan an anindependent, independent, independent,non non nonprot prot protorororganiza�on ganiza�on ganiza�onfounded founded foundedinin in1990 1990 1990to to toprovide provide provideprofessionprofessionprofessionalalalcer�ca�on cer�ca�on cer�ca�onfor for forprac��oners prac��oners prac��onersdemonstra�ng demonstra�ng demonstra�ng exper�se exper�se exper�seand and andcomprehensive comprehensive comprehensiveunderstanding understanding understandingofof of the the theHFE HFE HFEdiscipline. discipline. discipline.We We Weare are aregoverned governed governedby by byaaaboard board boardofof of elected elected electedvolunteers volunteers volunteersand and andmanaged managed managedby by byan an anExecu�ve Execu�ve Execu�ve Director Director Directorand and andExecu�ve Execu�ve Execu�veAdministrator. Administrator. Administrator.We We Weare are areenenendorsed dorsed dorsedby by bythe the theIEA IEA IEA(Interna�onal (Interna�onal (Interna�onalErgonomics Ergonomics ErgonomicsAssoAssoAssocia�on) cia�on) cia�on)and and andaaacorporate corporate corporatemember member memberofof ofICE ICE ICE(Ins�tute (Ins�tute (Ins�tute for for forCreden�aling Creden�aling Creden�alingExcellence). Excellence). Excellence). The The TheCPE, CPE, CPE,CHFP CHFP CHFPand and and CUXP CUXP CUXPcreden�als creden�als creden�alsare are arerecognized recognized recognizedfor for forProfessional Professional Professional membership membership membershipinin inthe the theAmerican American AmericanSociety Society Societyofof ofSafety Safety Safety Engineers Engineers Engineers(ASSE). (ASSE). (ASSE).     

What What Whatdesigna�ons designa�ons designa�onsare are areoffered offered offeredby by bythe the the BCPE BCPE BCPEand and andwhat what whatare are arethe the therequirements requirements requirements for for forcer�ca�on? cer�ca�on? cer�ca�on?     

 CPE CPE CPE(Cer�ed (Cer�ed (Cer�edProfessional Professional ProfessionalErgonomist)/ Ergonomist)/ Ergonomist)/

CHFP CHFP CHFP(Cer�ed (Cer�ed (Cer�edHuman Human HumanFactors Factors FactorsProfessional/ Professional/ Professional/ CUXP CUXP CUXP(Cer�ed (Cer�ed (Cer�edUser User UserExperience Experience ExperienceProfessional) Professional) Professional) Requirements: Requirements: Requirements:  Bachelor’s Bachelor’s Bachelor’sdegree degree degreeand and andacademic academic academiccoursework coursework coursework covering covering coveringthe the theBCPE BCPE BCPEcore core corecompetencies. competencies. competencies.  Minimum Minimum Minimumofof ofthree three threeyears years yearsfull-�me full-�me full-�meequivalent equivalent equivalent HFE HFE HFEwork work workexperience.* experience.* experience.*  Completes Completes Completesand and andsubmits submits submitsan an anapproved approved approvedprofesprofesprofessional sional sionalcer�ca�on cer�ca�on cer�ca�onapplica�on. applica�on. applica�on.  Passing Passing Passingscore score scoreon on onthe the thecomprehensive comprehensive comprehensivecer�cacer�cacer�ca�on �on �onexam. exam. exam. *One *One *Oneyear year yearofof ofwork work workexperience experience experienceequivalency equivalency equivalencyisisis granted granted grantedto to tograduates graduates graduatesofof ofaaaHFE HFE HFEPhD PhD PhDprogram program program from from fromaaaregionally regionally regionallyaccredited accredited accrediteduniversity. university. university.

 AEP* AEP* AEP*(Associate (Associate (AssociateErgonomics Ergonomics ErgonomicsProfessional)/ Professional)/ Professional)/

AHFP* AHFP* AHFP*(Associate (Associate (AssociateHuman Human HumanFactors Factors FactorsProfessional)/ Professional)/ Professional)/ AUXP* AUXP* AUXP*(Associate (Associate (AssociateUser User UserExperience Experience ExperienceProfessional) Professional) Professional) Requirements: Requirements: Requirements:  Bachelor’s Bachelor’s Bachelor’sdegree degree degreeand and andacademic academic academiccoursework coursework coursework covering covering coveringthe the theBCPE BCPE BCPEcore core corecompetencies.* competencies.* competencies.*  Less Less Lessthan than thanthree three threeyears years yearsHFE HFE HFEexperience. experience. experience.  Interim Interim Interimstatus status statuslimited limited limitedto to to666years years yearsto to toallow allow allowthe the theindiindiindividual vidual vidualto to togain gain gainthe the theexperience experience experienceand and andwork work workproducts products products needed needed neededto to totransi�on transi�on transi�onto to tofull full fullprofessional professional professionalcer�cacer�cacer�ca�on �on �on Completes Completes Completesand and andsubmits submits submitsan an anapproved approved approvedassociate associate associate cer�ca�on cer�ca�on cer�ca�onapplica�on. applica�on. applica�on. *Graduates *Graduates *Graduatesofof ofan an anIEA IEA IEASociety Society SocietyAccredited Accredited AccreditedHFE HFE HFE Program Program Programcomplete complete completeaaashortened shortened shortenedapplica�on applica�on applica�onform form form and and andpay pay payaaareduced reduced reducedapplica�on applica�on applica�onprocessing processing processingfee. fee. fee.

 CEA CEA CEA(Cer�ed (Cer�ed (Cer�edErgonomics Ergonomics ErgonomicsAssociate) Associate) Associate)

We We Weno no nolonger longer longeraccept accept acceptapplica�ons applica�ons applica�onsfor for forCEA CEA CEAcer�cacer�cacer�ca�on, �on, �on,but but butcon�nue con�nue con�nueto to tosupport support supportand and andmaintain maintain maintainthe the theproproprofessionals fessionals fessionalswho who whohave have haveachieved achieved achievedCEA CEA CEAstatus. status. status.

Why Why Whyshould should shouldIIbecome Ibecome becomecer�ed? cer�ed? cer�ed? Cer�ca�on Cer�ca�on Cer�ca�onisisisincreasingly increasingly increasinglyimportant important importantinin inaaaworld world world where where whereexper�se exper�se exper�seisisisever ever evermore more morevaluable valuable valuableto to toemployers, employers, employers, consumers consumers consumersand and andindividuals. individuals. individuals. Employers Employers Employersare are areatat atease ease ease hiring hiring hiringaaacer�ed cer�ed cer�edprofessional, professional, professional,knowing knowing knowingthat that thatthey they they have have haveaaarecognized recognized recognizedbaseline baseline baselineofof ofknowledge knowledge knowledgeand and andcompecompecompetence. tence. tence.InIn Inaaacrowded crowded crowdedeld eld eldofof ofprac��oners, prac��oners, prac��oners,BCPE BCPE BCPEcercercer�cants �cants �cantsdis�nguish dis�nguish dis�nguishthemselves themselves themselvesby by byearning earning earningan an aninterinterinterna�onally-recognized na�onally-recognized na�onally-recognizedcer�ca�on. cer�ca�on. cer�ca�on.

Why Why Whyhire hire hireaaaCer�ed Cer�ed Cer�edErgonomist/ Ergonomist/ Ergonomist/ Human Human HumanFactors/User Factors/User Factors/UserExperience Experience Experience Professional? Professional? Professional? BCPE BCPE BCPEcer�cants cer�cants cer�cants have have havedemonstrated demonstrated demonstratedexper�se exper�se exper�se and and andaaacomprehensive comprehensive comprehensiveunderstanding understanding understandingofof ofthe the theHFE HFE HFE discipline. discipline. discipline.Our Our Ourcer�ed cer�ed cer�edprofessionals professionals professionalscontribute contribute contribute to to tothe the thedesign design designofof ofmany many manykinds kinds kindsofof ofsystems, systems, systems,using using using knowledge knowledge knowledgeofof ofpeople’s people’s people’scogni�ve cogni�ve cogni�veand and andphysical physical physicalcacacapabili�es, pabili�es, pabili�es,needs needs needsand and andlimita�ons. limita�ons. limita�ons. BCPE BCPE BCPEprofesprofesprofessionals sionals sionalstake take takeaaasystems systems systemsapproach approach approachto to todesign, design, design,the the the goal goal goalofof ofwhich which whichisisisop�mal op�mal op�malhuman human humanwell-being well-being well-beingand and and performance performance performancewith with withoverall overall overallsystem system systemeffec�veness. effec�veness. effec�veness.     

How How Howdo do doIInd Ind ndaaaCer�ed Cer�ed Cer�edErgonomist/ Ergonomist/ Ergonomist/ Human Human HumanFactors/User Factors/User Factors/UserExperience Experience Experience Professional? Professional? Professional?     

We We Wehave have haveawarded awarded awardedover over over1,500 1,500 1,500CPE, CPE, CPE,CHFP, CHFP, CHFP,CUXP, CUXP, CUXP, AEP, AEP, AEP,AHFP, AHFP, AHFP,AUXP, AUXP, AUXP,and and andCEA CEA CEAdesigna�ons designa�ons designa�onsworldworldworldwide. wide. wide.The The Thenames names namesand and andselect select selectcontact contact contactinforma�on informa�on informa�on ofof ofthese these thesehighly highly highlyqualied qualied qualiedindividuals individuals individualsare are arepublished published published on on onthe the theBCPE BCPE BCPEweb web website site siteatat atwww.bcpe.org www.bcpe.org www.bcpe.organd and andcan can can be be besearched searched searchedby by byaaanumber number numberofof ofdifferent different differentparameters parameters parameters including including includingcer�ca�on cer�ca�on cer�ca�ontype, type, type,geographic geographic geographicloca�on loca�on loca�on and and andareas areas areasofof ofspecializa�on specializa�on specializa�onand and andexper�se. exper�se. exper�se. These These These professionals professionals professionalscan can canhelp help helpinin inmany many manyareas areas areasincluding including including designing designing designingproducts, products, products,complex complex complexprocesses processes processesand and andso�so�so�ware ware waresystems, systems, systems,as as aswell well welladdressing addressing addressingsafety safety safetyand and and health health healthconcerns. concerns. concerns.

Professional Professional Ergonomics Ergonomics