Black Friday

Black Friday© by Brenda Tymecki [email protected] Message: Mom struggles through the shopping to find what is ...

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Black Friday© by Brenda Tymecki [email protected]


Mom struggles through the shopping to find what is really important at Christmas, amid the buying, the giving and getting.

Bible Reference: Cast:





shopping bags, gifts



Script: (comes in with shopping bags) I can’t believe I did this, what was I thinking. Doing the 5am shopping with my sister on Black Friday. Maybe it’s a good thing I don’t host Thanksgiving every year. I was on a high because the day was going so well I just did not think when I said sure I’ll go shopping with you. And out so early for what, these few things. Every year I tell myself I am going to get my shopping done before Thanksgiving to avoid the crowds and the pushing and shoving and the “holiday cheer”. And every year here I am, Thanksgiving weekend and no shopping has happened. I guess because each year it gets harder and harder to figure out what to get people. And it normally is the mom’s job to do all the gift shopping. It was so much easier to buy gifts years ago. When the kids were little it was so easy. I bought outfits I liked and wanted to see them in. And the toys were the ones I wanted to play with. Steve and I would just buy little trinkets for each other since we did not have much money and as they say Christmas is for the children, (at least that is what everyone says). Now as we get older and the kids get older it just gets harder to find gifts. The kids don’t like anything I buy for clothes (they may actually like it but it is not cool to say so). And I refuse to pay $40.00 for a video game they may play once or twice then move on to a new one. And our friends and ourselves, well if we want something during the year we just go and buy it, we don’t wait until Christmas and ask someone else to buy it for us. And now some of the gifts we get from friends just so they can give us something. How many times have you gotten gifts and just don’t know what to do with it. And what do you say to the fried if you open it in front of them. “Wow, who would have thought of giving this, but you did , wow”. And then you hope the kids don’t blurt out something rude about the gift if they are in the room. The older I get the simpler I want life to be. Now a days I would rather spend time with my friends instead of giving a gift just for the sake of giving a gift. I don’t want to think how many recent gifts from friends and family are now in a box in the basement or in the regift box. I want to suggest to friends that instead of gifts we go to dinner or a show or movie. Or have them just come over to the house for dinner and talk or games. Same Black Friday© Page 1 ©Copyright Brenda Tymecki 2007 Published with permission by DramaShare®

thing with the kids. Take them out to dinner and a movie or a day at the museum or amusement park. I may suggest to Steve that for his Aunt June I make a stew and or casserole and get those disposable containers and make up individual meals for June. I am sure she does not do much cooking being alone. Or make a gift and make it personal. A blanket in their favorite colors or a favorite picture of them and a note why you love the picture so much. Giving from the heart instead of the wallet. The retailers are still going to do fine with everyone else shopping, and besides would still need supplies for food or crafts. I just think now a days we get too caught up in the materialism of Christmas versus the real reason for Christmas, the birth of Jesus. God’s gift to us was not ties or TV’s but his son, a life so precious. And how many of us on Christmas Day actually think about that fact. Come on admit it, you do on Christmas Eve at church service but come Christmas Day presents and dinners take over our thoughts. How many of us say thank you God. A simple couple, Mary and Joseph, a simple birth in a manger, a simple life, maybe we need to get back to that way of life. Just a thought.

Black Friday© Page 2 ©Copyright Brenda Tymecki 2007 Published with permission by DramaShare®