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Leilani G. There is a girl named Virginia and a girl named Adriana they are best friends. And they known each other se...

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Leilani G.

There is a girl named Virginia and a girl named Adriana they are best friends. And they known each other sense they were about three years old. And they both love unicorns a lot! They are both in fouth grade and share their feelings with each other as well as their free time. One day Virginia finds a new friend so Virginia showed Adriana her new friend named Riana had a friend come she introduced her friend Alissa. They played together and talked together and ate lunch together. One day Alissa grew jealous of Riana liking Virginia and Adriana more. So Alissa decided to become more bossy and she thought that the more powerful she got Riana would like to be her friend forever. Hey Alissa! Riana shouted excitedly. What Riana! Alissa angrily shouted. Hey what’s wrong. Nothing. Are you sure. Yes, I’m fine! BOOM! The crowd gasped around them. Hey Alissa what was that for. You dropped all my books. While Riana was picking up her books Virginia and Adriana asked what happened to Riana. Oh you little friend dropped her books. said Alissa. Virginia Adriana used words to stand up for as well as Alissa until Alissa pushed Adriana and was about to push back. Riana, Adriana, and Virginia decided to not be friends with Alissa. And the three girls had their way. Bus Alissa had it her way. And the three girls were never friends with Alissa again.