Bubbles of Sin© Copyright Carol Warren aka Bobo Published by DramaShare® Characters: Bubbles the whale, and Squeekers t...

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Bubbles of Sin© Copyright Carol Warren aka Bobo Published by DramaShare®

Characters: Bubbles the whale, and Squeekers the Mouse Satan (balloon head to pop) Donk the Mule Rover the Dog Bobo the clown. Bobo:

(blows a few bubbles from pink bubbles necklace) Oh I just ran out of bubbles. Well that’s OK, because I bought a whole bottle of bubbles at the store the other day. (searches everywhere, bump bottom) Oh no they’re gone. I know they were right here. Who would want to steal my bubbles. Oh here is Donk maybe she knows. Hi Donk.

Donk: (talks very low and very slow)

Hel_lo Bo_bo.


Donk, my bubbles are gone and I think someone has taken them. Have you seen anyone with bubbles.


No_oo I Hav_en’t. Here comes Ro_ver, why do_n’t you ask her.


Ok Donk. Thanks anyway.



Rover: (pants , barks and growls every once in a while) Pant, rrrr Hi Bobo. Bobo: (sigh)

Hi Rover.


(pant) rrrr bark bark what’s the matter Bobo. Did you lose your bone. Rrrrr bark makes my tale lose it’s wag when I lose my bone.


No Rover, but my bubbles are missing and I think someone took them. Have you seen anyone with bubbles that might look suspicious.


rrrrrr bark bark No I haven’t but rrrrr I’ll keep a watch out. I’m a watch dog you know. But Squeeker was saying something about bubbles. Rrrrr bark bark Squeeker come here. Bark bark, come quick.

Squeeker: (comes up and eeeeks – Squeaker doesn’t say words, Squeaker just squeaks) Bobo:

Yes, hi Squeeker.


rrrrr Bark Bark Bobo thinks someone took her bubbles rrrrr have you seen anyone with bubbles.

Squeeker: (nods head) Bobo:

eeeeeek eeek eeeeek

Noooo are you sure.

Squeeker: (nods)

eeeek eeek eeeek

Bubbles of Sin© Page 1 Copyright Carol Warren aka Bobo Published by DramaShare®

Bubbles of Sin© Copyright Carol Warren aka Bobo Published by DramaShare®


Bubbles the whale was playing with bubbles. But I thought he told me he ran out of bubbles and his mom wasn’t going to buy him anymore because he gets them all over the rocks and then people slip and fall.


eeeeek eeeek eeek


Oh ok Squeeker thanks for your help. Careful and don’t get stepped on.


rrrrrr bark you want I should go bite him.


No Rover thanks for your help though. I’ve known Bubbles for a long time. I’ve never known him to do anything like this before. Times like this is when friends need you to be a friend the most.


RRRRrr Bark OK but don’t forget the offer.


OK, thanks Rover, bye. Boy I can’t believe Bubbles would do something like this. Lord show me how to handle this in a way that will help Bubbles stop sinning.

Satan: (As soon as Bubbles appears, Satan starts sticking his head out here and there, laughing softly with glee) Bubbles: (every time he talks, bubbles come out)

Oh hi Bobo what’s the matter.


Oh hi Bubbles, I seem to have uhhhh misplaced, yeah that’s it misplaced the bubbles I just bought, do you have any idea what might have happened to them.


Gulp, no why would you think I would know. (Satan appears and snickers, then dives back down)


Oh I’ve been asking everyone if they’ve seen anyone with bubbles. I asked Donk, and Rover, and Squeeker. Have you seen anyone with bubbles.


Me gulp Nooooo. Not me. (Satan appears and laughs again)


Aren’t those bubbles coming out of your mouth.

Bubbles: (turns the other way) Bbbbbubles in my mouth, wwwwhy don’t be silly. (Satan appears again, laughs) Bobo:

Because if you did make a mistake, I would understand. Because we’ve been friends forever. (Satan pops up and looks at Bobo – “humph”, goes down) I mean I would forgive you and pray with you because I wouldn’t want something silly like sinning over bubbles to give Satan entrance into your life. Because I love you and your more important than my dump old bubbles.

Bubbles: (whimpering)

You would understand and forgive me. I mean if it were me.

Bubbles of Sin© Page 2 Copyright Carol Warren aka Bobo Published by DramaShare®

Bubbles of Sin© Copyright Carol Warren aka Bobo Published by DramaShare®


Why of course I would.


Wellll (looks around) I did, I took your bubbles. I’m so sorry. You know how I love bubbles. Well I was just going to blow a few and put them right back honest, but when I set them back on the table, my flipper hit the table and they all spilled into my blow hole. I was hoping no one would notice. (Satan appears a couple of times, makes disgusted noises)

Bobo: (starts laughing) Bubbles:

You’re not mad?


No that’s one of the funniest stories I’ve heard in the long time. I forgive you Bubbles. Now let’s pray so Satan can’t hurt you.

Bubbles: (scared) Bobo:

Satan can hurt me.

Yes Bubbles, when you sin, like lying and stealing, that give Satan an open door to attack you and maybe even your family.

Bubbles: (really scared) Oh no, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m really really sorry. What do I do to get rid of him. (Satan pops up and glares behind Bubbles and stays there) Bobo:

Let’s hurry and pray to shut that door. You repeat after me OK.



Bobo: (Bobo prays and Bubbles repeats) Lord Jesus forgive me of my sins, I am truly sorry, and ask for your forgiveness. And Lord please shut the door in my life I opened to the Devil and help me never do it again. In Jesus name Amen. (when they say, “Amen”, pop the devils head and then drop him) Bubbles:

Whew I sure feel better. Thanks Bobo for being such a good friend.


That’s OK Bubbles - let’s go see how many bubbles you can blow. You go on down, I’ll be along in a minute. (Bubbles leaves) Thank you Jesus for helping me help Bubbles instead of getting mad. Amen - Hold up Bubbles I’m coming.

The End

Bubbles of Sin© Page 3 Copyright Carol Warren aka Bobo Published by DramaShare®