CIA 4 20 1977

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Sidnay D. Stenbridt~ Acting piroctor of Security


Justice DepaTtaent IAquiry ~garding Rafael Quintero et at



Gon•ral Counsel

Wr. John D.



APR 1977


· 1.

~ ·'4\ · ~ ....




None; for J.tlfor=at1on only •

keferonce ls aade to your request o£

12 ~)ril 1D77att 77•2l20) which was pr~sed on a u. s. Justice Depart~ent inquiry for any aad All in!oraatioa this Aiency Aight -bave regardioe Ralael Quintero •~d five other 1nd.1Tidunls-·Rafao1 Villave1'de• laul Villaverde• Jeaus Laso. Vale:ttino i iellntaude~. and Anthony Nestor t&quierclo 1Jla1. 3. ~cords of the Office of Security han boon sear'Clt~d la the nanes of the above 1nd1Y1duals and the followiag represents a sUlli1&ry of



Rafael Aurelio Quintero lbarbia vas of in~orest to the Diroctor&tft of Oporatlons/Wostelll HeQisphere (Dj,)()/liH) frena lS.S9 to 1967. He also vas of interest to DI>a/Spocial OI,eratlona Division cil'Ca 1970. Rafael Villaverde


vas of interest to

iJOO/lfii fro• February to Sej'torabor 1965.

Raul V1ll~Ye1'do Laaa4ri: ~•• of 1ntoroat to DDO/~! from 1960 un~il 1967. Vlllavo1'do had contact with DDO/Douestie Colleetlo~ ntvision on several occoslon5 fro~ 196~ to 1974. Filos of


throe indivicluals alao contaln tho re•ults· of na~ caocks iuvesti&ations. and polygraph exa~nations. Addition:1l Information regardlnc the above three individuals is also contained in Tab~ of a kemorandua sont to ~~o Federal Bureau of I.nvc:stigation on 21 Septoaber 1976 • subject: El J).iPDE'i'

CL BY 010249 OS 7 1796/A •


W11liaa DaYid Weisenburior. A copy of that eoaorandua was furnished the Office of General Counsel and contains tho full identity of t.ho ''Toa" roforrecl to lD tho Departaeut of Justic~ request as llaTillJ beeD lD contact vltll ••Qulatero and the Villaverde brothers" oa lt September lt76.

record was found of Jesus La&o or Valentino Uomandes. Ho

Due to tAe lack of bio&raphlc clata. ao ldentlfl· able inforaatioe could be located reaardlDJ Anthony hestor Izquierdo Dia~ •

.&. Office of Security records wore also searcbe4 re,ard· 1n1 throe ot'ber persons referenco0 in the Justice ~paruaeat attachDent to your roqt.test·-GuUlerao Novo • .Jose Dloaislo Suarez. and Orlaado Bosch. A aeanln&ful search was not possible regarding ~e first tvo without a~dltlonal tdontifyinl iaformatlon. Office of Security records dld dlaclose that Orlaado Iosch Avila was of interest to DDO/WH from Pebruary to Noveaber 1961. This Office has DO iaforaa~ton pertiaeat to tbe Justice Department question ln the paracraph el~lD& these individuals .



The above is for your laforaatiou oaly aad the fact that any of these individuals has had a covert relationahlp witb the A&oney should aot be dissealaated without tho concurrence of tho Deputy Director for Operations. A4dlt1oaal details regarding tbe nature of their relationship an4 duties of these indlTiduals could aost accurately be obtalDed frOA Directorate of Operatioal recor,js. As a final point. the ~ i.Dciivldual referred ~o as "loa'· in tho Dopartaent of Justice request is a Directorat• of Opera· tious officer currently under cover &Ad slated for au oyors••• assi&llllent. Therefore. any release of his identity to the Departaent of Justice shculd also bo subject to prior coordina tion with the Deputy Director r Operations. 6.


~~... ...J.}t.. Stembrid,e DistributlOil : Orig G 1 - Addressee 1 1 1 1 1 1



D/Security OS Registry SAG Quintero File Villaverde Pile OS/PSI/SAG/RMRBARDON:jan (lJ~


· Bosch Pile

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