conference brochure 20083

YOU ARE INVITED TO … The 19th Annual APSE National Conference The only nationwide supported employment conference for SE...

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YOU ARE INVITED TO … The 19th Annual APSE National Conference The only nationwide supported employment conference for SERVICE PROVIDERS, PROFESSIONALS, PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES, EDUCATORS and EMPLOYERS! Marriott Downtown Louisville — July 9-11, 2008

Early Registration Deadline— June 9 Hotel Discount Deadline— June 16 On-line registration and information:

Inside find conference information, registration, sponsorship and exhibitor information & more!

Everybody Works . . .Everybody Wins! Welcome Letter APSE Executive Board Teresa Grossi President Indiana Ron Rucker Vice President Pennsylvania Jon Alexander Secretary Minnesota Katherine Inge Treasurer Virginia Suzanne Hutcheson Past President Florida Becky Brink Delegates Chair Minnesota Cesilee Coulson Member Washington Chris Davies Member Minnesota David Hoff Member Massachusetts Robert Lawhead Member Colorado T.J. Monroe Member Ohio Wendy Quarles Member New York Deborah Reed Member Florida Frederic Schroeder Member Virginia Myrna Torres Member Ohio Byron White Member Alabama Leslie Wilson Member Kentucky

Dear APSE Friends, When Everybody Works, Everbody Wins! The theme for the 19th annual APSE conference says it all. I am happy to again have the pleasure of inviting you to join us as we celebrate our supported employment successes of the past year, meet and greet friends (old and new), network and share information, and learn new skills from the top leaders in the field. All of this, and more, will take place in Louisville on July 9, 10, 11, 2008. The setting is the lovely Marriott Downtown Louisville, in the midst of the lively restaurant, nightlife area of downtown Louisville. APSE: The Network on Employment continues to be recognized for hosting the most informative and stimulating conference and training events on disability and employment in the country. It is the only national annual meeting that focuses exclusively on cutting edge employment practices for individuals with more challenging disabilities. A few conference highlights: Theme Tracks that will explore winning strategies for achieving communities in which everybody indeed works! Outstanding keynote speakers A celebration of entrepreneurship with a focus on small business owners and artists with disabilities and opportunities to purchase the goods and services Derby Day Awards Banquet SE 101 will again be offered to a limited number of participants on a first come basis. BE SURE TO REGISTER EARLY ! We truly believe that Everybody Wins when Everybody Works, and we invite you to join us in setting a “high bar” for all. We do hope to see you in Louisville. Sincerely, Celane McWhorter Celane McWhorter—Executive Director

We will welcome . . . .


A virtuoso pianist, vocalist and trumpet player, Patrick Hughes , who was born with blindness and the inability to walk, started playing the piano at nine months. At an age when other toddlers would use the piano as a banging toy, Patrick was picking tunes. He has won or finished very high in numerous competitions, and has been recognized for outstanding accomplishments. Currently a student at the University of Louisville, he uses his musical talent as member of the school marching band, along with his father who joins him as the marching part of the “Hughes team” on the field. He has been featured on ESPN, ABC-TV, Oprah, CBS-TV, FOX-TV, CSTV, People Magazine, Sports Illustrated, and many, many other venues. Patrick has made appearances nationwide and in South America and Europe. On Feb. 17, 2008 Extreme Makeover Home Edition features the Hughes family and their home renovation by the shows design team. APSE is proud to welcome Patrick to the 2008 conference to entertain and inspire us at the Exhibitor’s Reception on July 9. (For more go to and search for Patrick Henry Hughes Inspirational Story.

Winners’ Circle KEYNOTES Opening Keynote “From Raymond’s Room” Dale DiLeo Thirty years ago, as a young man working at a facility for children with autism, Dale DiLeo was shown a tiny, hot and smelly bedroom. Reserved for up to four young men with autism, this room was locked—from the outside—all night long. It was named after Raymond, the room’s perennial resident. This is the backdrop for Dale’s highly acclaimed book, Raymond’s Room – a challenging look at how today people with disabilities are still locked away from the rest of society - not necessarily housed in rooms like Raymond’s but “placed” by a public monopoly unwilling to change. Dale’s talk is a highly engaging presentation of the obstacles outlined in the book and strategies to address the full inclusion of people with disabilities in our communities as neighbors, friends, co-workers, and classmates. DiLeo is a widely sought-after speaker, writer, and consultant, and wellknown advocate for people with disabilities. An early leader in the SE movement, he is the Past-President of the APSE Board, the lead author of our highly respected Ethical Guidelines in Supported Employment, has written numerous books and manuals, and is recognized for innovative trainings, including web courses on SE and transition.

Closing Keynote “If Everybody is Already Doing it How Come It Never Gets Done?” Joe Marrone Joe Marrone receives rave reviews for a tough message delivered with energy and enthusiasm, sprinkled with more than a touch of humor. We are pleased to introduce him to the APSE conference as the closing keynote speaker. He is a Senior Program Manager for Public Policy at the Institute for Community Inclusion (ICI)/ UMASS BOSTON and is also Director of Training/ TA for the RRTC on Vocational Rehabilitation Best Practices based at ICI. A member of the National Board of Directors of the US Psychiatric Rehabilitation Assn, the editorial boards of both the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal and the American Journal of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, he has consulted, trained, & lectured in 50 states, Canada, Puerto Rico, Asia, and Europe. Mr. Marrone is currently most involved in projects related to national technical assistance and keynote presentations on policy and programmatic design issues related to generic and specialized employment services for people with disabilities. He has over 30 years direct service/administrative experience in delivering rehabilitation services and in community mental health.

Keynote “Diversity in the Workplace” Dr. Shirley Davis As Director of Diversity Initiatives for the Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM), Shirley Davis acts as the “thought leader” for her organization on global diversity issues. With more than 15 years of experience in Human Resources, Organizational & Leadership Development and Diversity Management, she has provided leadership in Training & Education, Leadership Development, Performance Management, Recruiting, Change Management, Strategic Planning and Global Diversity. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Pre-Law, a Master’s Degree in Human Resources Management, and a Ph.D. in Business and Organization Management. Prior to her position at SHRM, she was Director of Diversity at Constellation Energy; held several leadership positions at Capital One, including Senior Manager of HR & Diversity; Training Director, Sr. Change Consultant, and Sr. HR Consultant; Sr. HR Analyst and Management Development Consultant at Circuit City Headquarters. She also worked in the banking industry for 10 years. She travels across the country and internationally, speaking to business and community leaders, corporate executives and other professionals. She’s a former Ms. American United States, Miss District of Columbia and Ms. Oklahoma. In a very engaging manner, Dr. Davis will share with the conference attendees as keynote speaker on Day Two the latest in diversity research as well as national and local cutting edge trends in workplace diversity. In addition, Davis will serve as featured speaker at the Business Roundtable, the annual breakfast APSE hosts for local businesses as part of the annual conference.

Everybody Works! . . . . . . . Everybody Wins ! General Sessions

Concurrent Sessions

We start each day in general session—each session carefully planned to entertain, motivate and energize us for the remainder of the day. Dale DiLeo, will open the conference with a keynote that will both challenge and inspire the audience to “keep our eyes on the prize” - a world in which Everybody Works has true meaning for all! On Day Two, APSE’s President and board will meet with the membership over breakfast with a state of the state discussion, followed by a keynote address by Shirley Davis. Joe Marrone, promises to send us home with a dose of laughter and challenge for change in our portfolios. A note from the planners “If you have not heard these three keynote speakers, you have a treat in store!”

To take us all the way to the Winners’ Circle, break out sessions are organized around nine theme tracks. Best Practices What gets you to the employment winner’s circle? Innovative and creative best practice strategies for achieving high quality integrated employment for people with significant disabilities, including planning, assessment, placement and support strategies, and effective program models. Job Development Jobs that truly fulfill dreams and aspirations. Job search strategies including marketing to employers and developing effective business partnerships. School to Career Transition Ready for employment when you cross the finish line. Facilitating integrated employment outcomes post graduation including transition planning, community work experiences during the school years, creating interagency partnerships, and working with families through the transition process. Public Policy Working with the thoroughbreds! Legislative, policy, and legal issues and trends, including how public systems can best support integrated community employment. Program Management Operating an organization that’s a Gold Cup! Tools for program directors and managers to achieve quality outcomes, including such topics as managing a person-centered program, finding and maintaining a direct service workforce, data as an effective management tool, meeting the needs of diverse cultures, and staff supervision issues. Placement Support Ensure a smooth ride for long-term employment success. Support strategies such as job coaching, natural supports, benefits management, accommodations, assistive technology, behavior supports, and transportation. Family and Consumer Issues A sure bet for individuals and families to take charge. Strategies to empower individuals and family members including consumer-driven service strategies, personcentered planning, facilitating consumer choice, selfadvocacy, individual control of funding, working with families, and overcoming resistance to employment. Customized Employment Winning Innovations in disability employment. Includes such topics as negotiating individualized jobs with employers, the discovery process, selfemployment, and braided funding . Research to Practice How the latest research leads to triple crown jobs. The latest research findings and their application to enhancing integrated community employment.

Other Conference Features Exhibits and Silent Auction

Check out the latest tools and products for enhancing and expanding integrated employment in the Exhibit Hall. Enjoy the art and welcome and support our entrepreneurs with disabilities. And, while you are there, be sure to place a bid for your favorite silent auction item.

Exhibitors’ Reception

Day One ends with a reception in the exhibit area. Enjoy great food, a cash bar, and one last chance to bid on the auction. Meet and greet old friends and new before heading out for a night on Fourth Street Live!

Membership Breakfast

Accept the APSE board’s invitation to breakfast and the annual membership meeting. Hear APSE’s new Board President on the “state of the state”, followed by a facilitated discussion.

Awards Banquet

The annual award winners will be celebrated in style at a Derby Day Banquet in the Downtown Marriott Ballroom. Join your colleagues in recognizing outstanding SE talent in a moving Award Ceremony, followed by fine dining and entertainment.

SE 101

The 9th annual Supported Employment 101 Institute features 3 days of training on SE by some of the best and brightest in our field. Space is limited so sign up early!

Chapter Leadership

In a pre-conference day summit, state chapter members meet to network, learn and exchange best practices. National leaders facilitate breakout sessions on Chapter Development, Public Policy, and Marketing. On Day One Chapter Delegate Representatives join for lunch and the opportunity to discuss issues of importance to their own chapter, network with other chapter leaders, and participate in a rich exchange of information and ideas.




Early Registration Chapter Summit SE 101 Orientation Early Bird Reception

4:00 pm 2:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm

Registration Opening General Session Concurrent Sessions SE 101Institute Exhibits & Silent Auction Lunch Break Chap. Delegates Lunch SE 101 Institute Concurrent Sessions Exhibitors’ Reception

7:30 am - 4:30 pm 8:30 am - 10:00 am 10:15 am - 11:45am 10:15 am - 12 noon 10:15 am - 7:00 pm 12 noon - 1:15 pm 12 noon 1:30 pm 1:15 pm - 5:00 pm 1:15 pm - 5:00pm 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

DAY TWO Thursday July 10, 2008

Registration Membership Breakfast/ General Session Exhibits Concurrent Sessions SE 101 Institute Lunch Conc. Sessions/SE 101

7:30 am 5:00 pm 8:30 am 9:15 am 9:15 am - 10:15 am 10:00 am - 3:00 pm 10:30 am - 12 noon 10:30 am - 12 noon 12 noon 1:30 pm 1:30 pm 5:00 pm

Thursday July 10, 2008

Awards Banquet

6:30 pm—until

DAY THREE Friday July 11, 2008

Registration Concurrent Sessions SE 101 Closing General Session

7:30 am - 10:15 am 8:30 am - 10:45 am 8:30 am - 10:45 am 11:00am - 12:30 pm

DAY ONE Wednesday July 9, 2008


LOCATION 9:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:30pm

Marriott Downtown Louisville

Marriott Downtown Louisville

Marriott Downtown Louisville

Marriott Downtown Louisville

SE 101—Supported Employment Institute

19th Annual APSE National Awards

For the eighth consecutive year, APSE is offering the popular SE 101 training. The SE Institute introduces the concept of integrated, community-based employment and provides training on the essential elements from some of the best and most accomplished trainers in our field. Topics include:  Philosophy, history and development of integrated community-based employment, (supported, customized and self-employment)  Person-centered assessment and planning  Job development and marketing  Job site training and instruction  On-the-job support strategies

APSE will recognize award winners in specific categories at the APSE Awards Banquet. APSE members are encouraged to nominate individuals for the following categories:  Best Practice Award  Professional Award  Supported Employee of the Year Award  Employer Awards (Large and Small)  Entrepreneurship Award  Rebecca McDonald Award  Transition Award (new this year)  Wendy M. Wood Emerging Leadership Award

Registration is limited to 30 individuals, so be sure to register early! Participants must attend each session instead of concurrent sessions to receive a certificate of completion.

Go to for more information on the award competition.

Off to the Races in Louisville! Hotel Information APSE has arranged special rates for conference attendees at the conference headquarters—the lovely Marriott Downtown Louisville, located in the middle of the exciting downtown Louisville restaurant and entertainment district. Marriott Downtown Louisville 280 West Jefferson Street Louisville, KY 40202 Tel: 502-627-5045 The room rate is $147.00, single/double plus; $157.00, triple; quad $167.00. Reservations must be made by June 16, 2008 to receive the APSE rate. Reservations must be guaranteed with a major credit card. Check in time is 4 pm. Check out time is 11 am. To make reservations at the special rate, call 1-800533-0127 and mention the APSE conference room block or register on-line at Parking at the hotel is available for $17.00 self park and $21.00 valet per night.

THERE ARE MANY EXCITING THINGS TO DO IN LOUISVILLE ! If you can't enjoy the thundering hooves of the world's fastest thoroughbreds during race season, you can enjoy tours of Churchill Downs and the pageantry of the Kentucky Derby year-round at the Kentucky Derby Museum. But it isn't just horse racing that the city of Louisville, Kentucky is known for. There are more than 120 Louisville attractions to enjoy. The Louisville Science Center is the largest hands-on science center in Kentucky, including a four story IMAX! The Louisville Slugger Museum & Factory is home to the world's largest bat and features exhibits and a factory tour. Glassworks, a space designed to house and showcase the work of 50 glass artists, and Frazier International History Museum round out the available entertainment opportunities. And warmer weather brings The Belle of Louisville and Spirit of Jefferson, the city's two riverboats, to the waterfront for daily excursions. Don't stop there, visit Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom for a fun-filled day. If baseball is your game, visit Louisville Slugger Field, home of The Bats. Afterwards, enjoy one of the new eateries at Fourth Street Live!, a $70 million entertainment district. And speaking of tastes, with over 2,500 restaurants, there's a great deal of tasting to be done. Visitors from around the world are astounded by the variety and quality of fine dining in the area by Chefs who have taken regional cuisine to a nationally recognized level. There are also quiet cafes, coffee houses, ethnic restaurants and casual eateries to choose from. This is just a sampling of Louisville's rich and diverse offerings. With easy accessibility, affordable hotels and fascinating attractions, it remains one of the country's best values.

In Louisville, there is something for everyone—the shopper, the gourmet, the sports buff, the art lover, kids, adults, just everyone! Come and Join the Fun!

CONFERENCE SPONSORS AND ADVERTISERS Levels of Sponsorship $25,000 WINNERS’ CIRCLE SPONSOR Full Conference Full-page ad in conference booklet Three complimentary registrations Complimentary booth in Exhibit Hall Special Recognition in multiple APSE venues

$10,000 TRIFECTA SPONSOR Awards Dinner Business Roundtable Breakfast Full-page ad in conference booklet Three complimentary registrations Complimentary booth in Exhibit Hall

$5,000 EXACTA SPONSOR Keynote Speaker Scholarship Full page ad in conference booklet Two complimentary registrations Complimentary booth in Exhibit Hall

$2,000 DAILY DOUBLE SPONSOR Refreshment/Break

All Conference Sponsors will be recognized in the conference booklet and on the conference registration display board, and offered a complimentary advertisement spot on the APSE website and in one issue of the APSE quarterly newsletter.

Half-page ad in conference booklet One complimentary registration Complimentary booth in Exhibit Hall

$1,000 ON THE NOSE SPONSOR Session

Quarter page ad in conference booklet Complimentary booth in Exhibit Hall OR CONFERENCE ADVERTISING All sponsors receive recognition in the conference booklet, on the APSE website, One complimentary registration Enhance your visibility at the conference with an and in the APSE newsletter. (theAdvance), and the registration display board.

APSE conference booklet advertisement!

Donations to The APSE Foundation are tax deductible.


Conference Bag Inserts 7.5” x 10” Larger materials

$250 $500

For more information contact: Willie Byrd 502-955-7271 [email protected] Celane McWhorter 703-946-6793 [email protected]



Rear Cover

7.5” width x 10”


Front Inside Cover

7.5” width x 10”


Rear Inside Cover

7.5” width x 10”


First Front Page

7.5” width x 10”


Full Page

7.5” width x 10”


Half Page

4.5” height x 7”


Quarter Page

3.5” width x 4.5”


CONFERENCE EXHIBITORS APSE: The Network on Employment Nineteenth Annual National Conference The Winners’ Circle Everybody Works! Everybody Wins! July 9– 11, 2008 Downtown Louisville Marriott Louisville, KY Join many other national and local organizations and companies meeting in Louisville, KY this July to exhibit at the largest annual conference dedicated to integrated employment for persons with disabilities in the United States! Our attendees come from all 50 states and several foreign countries to acquire the latest information in the field and learn what our exhibitors have to offer. Based on past conference attendance, we anticipate over 600 participants including CEOs, employment providers, researchers, advocates, consumer and family members, One-stop operators, mental health agency personnel, transition specialists, university faculty, vocational rehabilitation counselors and other state agency personnel and scores of other professionals.

As an exhibitor your organization/company will receive:      

One skirted table and two chairs Your company’s/organization’s contact information and description of services and products in the conference program Recognition on the APSE website including contact information and description Link to your company’s/organization’s website from the APSE website Recognition in theAdvance, APSE’s quarterly newsletter Recognition on the Registration Display board

Exhibit hours Wednesday, July 9 from 10:15 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. Exhibitor’s Reception: Wednesday Evening from 5:30—7:00 Exhibitor Fees One Day: $500 Two Days: $550 Take One Table: $100

For more information, please contact: Alex Scholtz 502-491-4001 [email protected] Celane McWhorter 703-946-6793 [email protected]

APPLICATION Sponsors, Exhibitors and Advertisers Please complete and return this application to: APSE, 1627 Monument Ave., Richmond, VA 23220 or fax to: 804-278-9377 NOTE: If you plan to register and attend the conference, please use the Conference Registration Form for payment, but send us this form as well. Name _________________________________________________________________________ Company/Organization Affiliation _______________________________________________ Street Address ________________________________________________________________ City _________________________________ State ________ Zip _____________________ Telephone Number ______________________ Fax Number _______________________ E-mail Address _________________________________________________________________

Conference Sponsorships and Exhibit Booth Please check your level of participation



Winners’ Circle Sponsor


Trifecta Sponsor


Exacta Sponsor

Daily Double Sponsor


On The Nose Sponsor


Exhibit Booth (1 day/2 days)

Take One Please Table

$500/$550 $100

Program Book Advertisements Please check

Ad Size


 Rear Cover

7.5” width x 10”


 Front Inside Cover

7.5” width x 10”


 Rear Inside Cover

7.5” width x 10”


 First Front Page

7.5” width x 10”


 Full page

7.5” width x 10”


 Half page

4.5” height x 7”


 Quarter page

3.5” width x 4.5”


 Bag insert

7.5” width x 10”




 Larger materials



Total Amount: ______ I will pay this by:

Check enclosed (make payable to The APSE Foundation if you are not registering for the conference)

 Purchase Order (P.O. #: __________) 

Visa/MasterCard Card Acct. # __________ Card Expiration Date: (month ___ year _____) Name on card: ___________ __________

 I plan on attending the

conference sessions,and will use the registration form for payment. For information, contact the APSE office at 804-278-9187.

Donations to The APSE Foundation

(e.g. booklets)


APSE 2008 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM On-line conference registration available at Name: ________________________________________________ APSE Membership Number: _________________________________ Job Title: _______________________________________________ Company/ Organizational Affiliation: ___________________________ Address: _______________________________________________ City: ______________________ State: _________ Zip:_________ Phone: __________________ Fax: __________________________ E-mail ________________________________________________ Please check here if you are a conference presenter ___________ Special Accommodations—Must be submitted by June 20, 2008 ! Please list disability related accommodation needs as we plan the conference sessions: (e.g. sign language interpretation, Braille or large print materials, etc.) and special dietary needs that we should know about as we plan coffee breaks, receptions, etc.

Conference Fee Table* Early Registration on or before June 9, 2008

DISABILITY RELATED ACCOMMODATIONS: ________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ SPECIAL DIETARY NEEDS: ___________________________________________ Regular Registration June 9 – June 24

Late Registration June 25 – July 9 Nonmember


APSE member


APSE member







APSE member $360

Non- Professional






 Please register me for SE 101 Institute and send me the additional registration questionnaire for completion so I can participate in this 2.5 day training program.  I will attend the awards dinner on Thursday night, inlcuded in my registration fee. Guests are welcome at $40 per person.


*Conference fees include Thursday Membership Breakfast and Awards Banquet. **Non members may submit membership application with registration to secure member rate.

 ____ Vegetarian Meal(s) requested 

Please Note: Professional rates are intended for anyone who works in supported employment, rehabilitation, or related fields. Non-professional rates are for supported employees, nonprofessional family members or students and others. Scholarships are available for supported employees through the APSE Foundation. For information call the APSE office at 804-278-9187.

Other Rates

Conference Sponsorships ___ $25,000 Winners’ Circle Sponsor ___ $10,000 Trifecta Sponsor ___ $ 5,000 Exacta Sponsor ___ $ 2000 Daily Double Sponsor ___ $ 1000 On the Nose Sponsor Conference Booklet Ads ___ $2000 Rear Cover Page Ad ___ $1500 Front Inside Cover Page Ad ___ $1200 Rear Inside Cover Page Ad ___ $1000 First Front Page Ad ___ $500 Full Page Ad ___ $350 Half Page Ad ___ $200 Quarter Page Ad ___ $250 Bag Insert ___ $500 Larger materials Exhibitor Booth ___ $500/$550 Exhibit booth (1day/2 days)

 I will attend the APSE Membership breakfast on Thursday morning, inlcuded in my registration fee.

Conference Payment:

If you need help calculating your conference fees or have other questions, contact Gracie at 804-278-9187. 1. Conference fee (see fee table) ________ 2. Add any of the following that apply: Conference Sponsorship ________ Exhibit Booth ________ Advertising ________ Dinner Guests @ $40 each ________ 3. TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ________ 4. I am paying by: ___ Check enclosed payable to APSE ___ Purchase Order # _____________________ ___ MasterCard or Visa Account Number: _________________ Expiration Date: month ____year______ Name on card: ____________________ Card Signature: __________________________

Fax this form to 804-278-9377 or mail to APSE, 1627 Monument Ave., Richmond, VA, 23220

2008 APSE MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Individual Membership Fees (1 copy of theAdvance/1 vote) Individual Income and Membership Rate:  Professional - $26,000 or more $105  Professional - $17,000 - $25,999 $ 85  Professional - less than $17,000 $ 60  Nonprofessional, family member, or student $ 45  Supported employee $ 25 (Non U.S. or Canadian members add $20.00 to the rates listed below.)

Membership and Payment Information

Name____________________________ Organization ________________________ Address____________________________ City______________State____Zip_______ Telephone (___)______ Fax (___)________ E-mail __________________________ Membership Enhancements

I am a(n):  Family Member  Consumer  Family Member  Student (not yet working in the field)  Employer  Professional (please give your job title): _____ My organization is a (n):  SE Provider  School  Advocacy Organization  University  State Agency  Federal Agency  Federal Agency  Local Agency  Other, please specify: _______________________________

Organizational Membership  Basic Organizational Membership—$700 Includes member benefits and copies of theAdvance for up to 8 people, and 1 vote in elections or other voting issues. Benefits of membership and discounted conference/training registration limited to 8 names provided with the membership.

 Contributing Membership—$900 Includes copies of theAdvance for up to 8 people and 1 vote in elections or other voting issues. Other membership benefits apply to anyone in your organization using your organization’s membership number. Plus unlimited discounted registrations to state and national conferences and training events for anyone in your organization using your organization’s membership number. This constitutes significant savings over a year.

 Gold Contributing Membership—$1200 Includes copies of theAdvance for up to 8 people and 1 vote in elections or other voting issues. Other membership benefits apply to anyone in your organization using your organization’s membership number. Plus you get an added benefit unlimited discounted registrations to state and national conferences and training events for anyone in your organization by using your organization’s membership number. This benefit constitutes significant savings in over the year. Plus Gold Contributor listing in newsletters and website, and certificate of recognition honoring your contribution for front office display. Please designate 8 individuals for your org. membership below: 1. _______________________________________________________ 2. _______________________________________________________ 3.________________________________________________________ 4. _______________________________________________________ 5. _______________________________________________________ 6. _______________________________________________________ 7. _______________________________________________________ 8. _______________________________________________________

Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation (JVR) Web access to JVR is free to APSE Members.  $48.00—In addition to web access to JVR, I want to receive a print copy of the 6 issues. InfoLines Discount  $79.00 - Apply my APSE discount and start my monthly email subscription to InfoLines, the newsletter on supported employment.  $89.00 - Apply my APSE discount and RENEW my mail subscription toInfoLines. (Note: The regular price is $99 for email delivery and $109 for mail.) In addition to my membership, I wish to support APSE in the following way(s):  Support a consumer membership—$20.00  Contribute to the APSE Foundation in the amount of __________ Total contributions: $___________

Payment Instructions Total amount enclosed (U.S. currency only) $___________ MasterCard  Visa Account Number ________________________________ Name on Card __________________________________ Expiration Date (month_____year ________)

 By checking this box, you authorize APSE to break your payment into evenly divided monthly installments over the next year. Please circle how many installments you wish the payment to be: 12, 6, 4, or 2. This payment method will continue for future annual membership renewals, with notification sent with each renewal —unless you otherwise notify the APSE office.

 Check/money order enclosed (make payable to APSE)  Purchase Order (#____________) Send application and payment to: APSE, 1627 Monument Avenue, Richmond, VA 23220 You may fax credit card information to 804-278-9377 APSE Federal ID # 54-1470501 APSE dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution.

Contact Information: 804-278-9187

19th Annual APSE Conference July 9-11, 2008 Marriott Downtown Louisville Louisville, KY