
Dandelion Visualization By Amy Karp Lie on your back. Close your eyes and be very still. Place the palms of your hands o...

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Dandelion Visualization By Amy Karp Lie on your back. Close your eyes and be very still. Place the palms of your hands onto the earth to help you feel more grounded. Imagine that you are walking through a meadow. Feel the blades of the green, dewy grass tickling the bottom of your feet. Feel the gentle breeze blowing your hair as the warmth of the yellow sun shines down on you. You continue walking listening to the sounds of the blue birds chirping, taking in all the sights and sounds around you. You stop when you come to a field of dandelions. There are hundreds, thousands, maybe even a million dandelions, each one bigger, whiter, and puffier than the next. You spend a moment looking at the dandelions. Slowly you bend down and pick one. What will you wish for? Will you wish for peace? Happiness? Good grades? You take the stem of the dandelion in your hand and bring it close to your mouth. You then take the biggest inhale, close your eyes tightly and exhale your wish onto the dandelion. You open your eyes and watch your wish floating out into the world as each seed of your flower dances in the gentle breeze. The seeds twirl in the wind. Some float higher than others, further than others, yet on each seed you see your wish. You stand there watching your wish going into the world until you can no longer see it. Begin to imagine what it would feel like if your wish came true. Repeat your wish to yourself three times. Slowly begin to wiggle your fingers and toes. Rotate your wrists and ankles. Stretch your arms over head, roll to one side and slowly make your way to a seated position.