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Dissertation Workshop - Tampa Bay - 04-28-2015 by Melissa Moran - Statistics Solutions - http://www.statisticssolutions...

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Dissertation Workshop - Tampa Bay - 04-28-2015 by Melissa Moran - Statistics Solutions - http://www.statisticssolutions.com

Dissertation Workshop - Tampa Bay by Melissa Moran http://www.statisticssolutions.com/dissertation-workshop-tampa/ Click here for to get help with your Thesis or Dissertation. Click here for FREE Thesis and Dissertation resources (templates, samples, calculators).

Join Dr. Lani and the Statistics Solutions Team for our one-day intensive session:

Summer 2015 Dissertation Workshop Grand Hyatt Tampa Bay, Florida 2900 Bayport Dr, Tampa, FL 33607 Saturday, August 15th 10am - 4 pm Eastern Time Just $99 Limited class size. Register Now! The Statistics Solutions Workshop is designed for students who are at any point in the dissertation process. During this workshop, you’ll get the guidance and tools you need to get through the dissertation process quickly and smoothly.

Complete your Dissertation in One Year Dr. James Lani, the workshop leader and founder of Statistics Solutions, developed the workshop based on 20 years experience in working with graduate students on their dissertations. Using our proprietary methodology, we'll help you develop a plan to complete your dissertation within a year.

Co-Creation with Experts and Peers You'll be grouped with other students who are in approximately the same phase of the dissertation process. This workshop will be interactive, you'll have the chance to ask and hear questions from other students who are also working through the dissertation process. You’ll gain valuable insight and experience from the instructors and your fellow students while you create the roadmap to dissertation completion. With your customized plan, you won’t have to ask the question “Well, what do I do next?”


Dissertation Workshop - Tampa Bay - 04-28-2015 by Melissa Moran - Statistics Solutions - http://www.statisticssolutions.com

Defining what “Great” Looks Like You’ll save time by learning what the end result must look like in order to move to the next phase in your dissertation process.

Attend and Get these 5 Key Workshop Takeaways: #1 Dissertation Process Roadmap - Save time and work more efficiently by developing your own personal roadmap to dissertation completion #2 Faculty Communication - Learn how to select and effectively incorporate feedback from faculty #3 Strategy for Overcoming Roadblocks - Anticipate the most common roadblocks and how to leverage them to your advantage #4 Workbook - Get our exclusive, user-friendly workbook that gives you expert guidance on how to successfully complete each chapter of your dissertation. #5 Free Membership - Your workshop registration entitles you to unlimited access to the Statistics Solutions Dissertation Toolbox, including our 24-page Dissertation Template, Sample Size Calculator, Data Analysis Plan Templates and Video Tutorials.

Register Now!

Agenda Note: You will receive a Workshop Workbook on-site. Chapters 1-5 will be reviewed at the Workshop. 8:30 - 9:00 am 9:00 - 11:00 am

Check-in and Continental Breakfast * Dissertation Mindset * Selecting a Topic * Chapter 3: Methodology

11:00 - 11:15 pm

Mid-Morning Break

11:15 - 12:30 pm

* *

12:30 - 1:30 pm

Lunch (vegetarian option available)

1:30 - 3:00 pm

* *

Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Literature Review

Chapter 4: Data Analysis & Results Chapter 5: Conclusions


Dissertation Workshop - Tampa Bay - 04-28-2015 by Melissa Moran - Statistics Solutions - http://www.statisticssolutions.com

& Discussion 3:00 - 4:00 pm


Break and Afternoon Snack Questions and Answers


Pre-Meeting Questions? Please feel free to pre-submit questions to Dr. Lani by emailing [email protected]. Dr. Lani will use questions and examples from attendees in the Workshop. Please also come prepared with your current dissertation topics and info on your progress.

Here is what our clients are saying... “Dr. Lani and the Statistics Solutions staff supported the statistical efforts for my dissertation. From assisting me with the data analysis plan through presentation of the findings, this group does exactly what they say they will do. Timelines and deliverables are exact. And support was given till my final oral defense was achieved. For students struggling with Chapters 3 and 4, Statistics Solutions will guide you on the path that is needed for approval. I highly recommend." Carrie Taylor, MHS, Ph. D., Walden University

Limited Class Size. Register Now

Vimeo Video

About Dr. James Lani Dr. Lani founded Statistics Solutions in 1995 by tapping into his experience of completing his own dissertation and helping students. Having now worked with over 2,000 dissertation clients, Dr. Lani utilizes his time to develop teams of professionals dedicated to helping students graduate. Dr. Lani holds a Ph. D. in Clinical Psychology from Miami University in Oxford Ohio, a Master of Science degree in Psychology with an emphasis in Experimental Methods from California State University in Long Beach, and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering with a minor in Mathematics from California State University in Fullerton.


Dissertation Workshop - Tampa Bay - 04-28-2015 by Melissa Moran - Statistics Solutions - http://www.statisticssolutions.com


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