2012 October

Date Task Hours 10/1/2011 10/2/2011 10/3/2011 10/4/2011 10/5/2011 10/6/2011 10/7/2011 10/8/2011 10/9/2011 10/10...

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10/1/2011 10/2/2011





10/7/2011 10/8/2011 10/9/2011


10/11/2011 10/12/2011 10/13/2011

10/14/2011 10/15/2011 10/16/2011

Programmed the pages section of the admin panel by referencing the events.php and other sections. Worked on news_detail and event_detail for the front-end of the dalton website. Worked with Jake on misc tasks related to the new CMS administration. Created a function for flat link urls and worked with Jake on setting up friendly urls for seo. Made changes to some pages for the filter box modification. Worked some in Photoshop and gathering images for a banner mockup. Site copy and public page for Kernersville. Added fields to the features table (feature_from_dtm and feature_to_dtm). Finished modifying the filters boxes like events in the admin panel. Updated GRPA tournament bid form.Modified the api to pull a featured item for the front-end(may need changed) Other misc tasks Created nobnorth banner for the dalton website. Created a new section in the cms for a ticket system. A new tab is called "Tickets" that only shows up, if specified in "modules". New functions added to the admin.php are get_tickets(), save_ticket(), render_ticket(), render_tickets(), etc... Two new toggle switches will show up called "Open Tickets" and "Closed Tickets" only if you login as superadmin with adminadmin as the password. This user has an access level of 300. When the user clicks remove ticket, it only sets the ticket as inactive. When the super user removes the ticket, it deletes it from the database. Modification of the ticket system to add a priority field and days open field. Changed functions in the admin to prevent deleting of tickets, but (active=0) instead. Began the notes section of the ticket system.

Continued to work on the new ticket system with the notes section. Added the ability to click the ticket and view notes from an accordion interface drop down. Added the ability to add notes from that drop down. Other misc tasks related to the ticket system. Worked on revisions to the front-end of dalton. Added a CRUD interface for the "Important Notices" module int he CMS. Updated GRPA, worked with Landon and moved to Dalton updates Wrote a function for cropping images and began to implement jCrop into the CMS. Continued to work on the CMS and modifying the images section of the name dialog. Finished implementing jCrop into the admin panel. Added a CRUD interface for the new Gallery table.

Implemented uploadify into the new Gallery module. Created interface for adding,editing and removing 10/17/2011 images. Modified uploadify to accept multiple uploads.







8.00 6.00 6.00




10/19/2011 10/20/2011

10/21/2011 10/22/2011 10/23/2011





10/28/2011 10/29/2011 10/30/2011

Made some revisions to the Gallery module. Created unique classes for each module in the CMS by pulling them out of the admin.php file. Created Johns Creek and Lisbon public pages. Worked on dlcra.org to create a galleries.php page. Modified gallery.php to pull a different query on the images and not pull (404s). Began to move over news articles from nobnorth to the new cms. Added the api call to the front of nobnorth.com. Worked on modifications with the cropping system and 1 update for nobnorth.com. Updated nobnorth.com both the news page and the index page to pull the news from the new cms. Updated the htaccess file to use the flat_links from the new cms and created an api pull for the pages.

Did the public page for wecmrd.org (Got stuck on their cufon plugin, because their font was encrypted in some way) Changed the front-end of nobnorth's events section to pull from the new api. Began the implementation of the new calendar plugin for the frontend. Finished programming the calendar section with the new calendar jquery app for dprdsports.com. Changed nobnorth.com's features section to pull from the new cms. Migrated the calendar system over to nobnorth. com. Created public pages for goldboro parks and recreation and municipal golf course. Worked with the rec1_api to pull activities to Dalton website. Created Activities detail page. Created users management module for new CMS. Modified permissions for that module. Modified activities detail page to pull descriptions, gender, reg start, reg end, min age, max age. Added a new function in rec1_api to pull parks and facilities to mydprd.com. Created a facility detail page that has a yahoo map, the address and driving directions link. Modified .htaccess file for friendly urls on new pages.


7.00 6.00







Created a facility map page that places markers for all locations. Modified the map to have unique markers with the dalton logo. Cleaned up the footer, added youtube, 10/31/2011 weather and facebook icons.


Total Hours
