The future of money and the impact of fintech and cryptocurrencies Date: Monday 26th November 2018 Organi...

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The future of money and the impact of fintech and cryptocurrencies Date: Monday 26th November 2018 Organisers: Jon Danielsson (SRC, LSE Finance), Eva Micheler (SRC, LSE Law) Venue: Conference Suite, 9th Floor, Tower 2, Clement’s Inn, LSE, London WC2A 2AZ 08.45 – 09.15

Registration and refreshments

09.15 – 10.15

John Moore – LSE Econ & The University of Edinburgh

10.15 – 10.30

Coffee break

10.30 – 11.10

Catherine Schenk – University of Oxford, Faculty of History

11.10 – 11.50

Rosa Lastra ‐ Queen Mary University of London Jason Allan – Humboldt University of Berlin & UNSW Faculty of Law

Inside money and liquidity (joint with Nobu Kiyotaki)

Historical reflections on the transition between money technologies

Virtual currencies in the Eurosystem: challenges ahead (joint) 11.50 – 12.30

Edmund Schuster – LSE Law Cloud crypto land: why smart contracts and crypto assets won't change the world

12.30 – 13.30


13.30 – 14.10

Igor Makarov – LSE Finance

14.10 – 14.50

Co‐Pierre Georg – University of Cape Town, Economic Research Southern Africa and Deutsche Bundesbank

14.50 – 15.10

Coffee break

15.10 – 15.50

Jon Danielsson – LSE Finance & Systemic Risk Centre

Trading and arbitrage in cryptocurrency markets

Financial inclusion and technology

Cryptocurrencies do not make sense 15.50 – 16.30

Eva Micheler – LSE Law & Systemic Risk Centre Money as a technology ‐ a legal perspective

16.30 – 17.00

Drinks and nibbles reception

Free WiFi: Select “The Cloud” from the network list. Open your browser and follow instructions to register/log on.