286 pdfsam Foundations Of Ajax (2005)

APPENDIX B ■ INTRODUCING AJAX FRAMEWORKS Ruby on Rails Rails is an exciting new Web framework based on the Ruby languag...

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Ruby on Rails Rails is an exciting new Web framework based on the Ruby language. Rails has been getting a tremendous amount of attention these days (just “google” rolling with Rails to find out more) because of its ability to allow rapid development of Web-based applications. While developing Basecamp, the team at 37signals pulled out a framework called Rails. Basecamp is a prime example of an Ajax application, so it should come as no surprise that Rails has excellent support for Ajax baked right in. Rails has several built-in JavaScript libraries that wrap many common features; it also contains a module that wraps JavaScript calls in Ruby. If you’re working in Rails, you’ll find Ajax a snap. You can find more information at www.rubyonrails.org.