3 thanksgiving readings

Thanksgiving Readings Readings appropriate for Thanksgiving Costumes: Normal clothing Sound and Lighting: Standard lig...

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Thanksgiving Readings Readings appropriate for Thanksgiving Costumes:

Normal clothing

Sound and Lighting: Standard lighting. Run Time - (approx) 15 minutes Prayer # 1 Family and Friends This reading drama involves two readers, male or female. Reader 1: Let us pray together as we give thanks to our Heavenly Father. Today we are going to unite our hearts in prayer through a Christian reading. If you prefer, you may bow your head as you meditate on these thoughts. Our Lord, We come to You today full of love and thanksgiving in our hearts. We come to you today with complete respect and reverence for You, our almighty Creator. Allow us to set aside the cares and concerns of our minds, and permit our hearts to be opened and filled with the power and love that can only be provided by Your Holy Spirit. For this we give thanks. Reader 2: Today, Father, we want to thank you for the many people that enter in our lives. People of all different backgrounds and experiences. For these are the people You have purposely placed in our path to forever change and shape us. For this we give thanks. Thank you, Father, for our families. While you were still forming us in our mothers' wombs, you were also forming the families and lives that would play an integral role in our physical and emotional development. You saw the needs that we as children would require and you sought out to fill those needs. For this we give thanks. Reader 1: We come to you with eternal thanks for forming those who would be central to our spiritual development. We know that when physical needs are addressed, only a small portion of the body's needs are complete. We understand that through your love and perfect timing, you place believers in our lives who will be fundamental in implementing the eternal relationship we now have with You. For this we give thanks. Thank you, dear Jesus, for those who do not have families, for these people are part of our family. Because you saw worth in us when no one else did, you made us part of the grand family of God. With or without immediate members in our family, we are all one in the body of believers. Friends and family, praising as one. For this we give thanks. Reader 2: Family. Whether we are tied by ancestors or by grace - for this we give thanks. Amen. Thanksgiving Readings Copyright DramaShare 2000

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Thanksgiving Readings Prayer # 2 Health This reading drama involves three readers, male or female. Reader 1: Let us pray together as we give thanks to our Heavenly Father. Today we are going to unite our hearts in prayer through a Christian reading. If you prefer, you may bow your head as you meditate on these thoughts. Our Lord, We come to You today full of love and thanksgiving in our hearts. We come to you today with complete respect and reverence for You, our almighty Creator. Allow us to set aside the cares and concerns of our minds, and permit our hearts to be opened and filled with the power and love that can only be provided by Your Holy Spirit. For this we give thanks. Reader 2: Heavenly Father, we approach you with humility as we think of all that you have bestowed on us through your amazing power. We strive to become a learned people and use our God-given gifts and abilities to further our knowledge in areas that you, the Creator of all, have already perfected. Thank you for allowing us to make mistakes as we discover and learn what You could reveal for us. For it is through these mistakes that we truly understand your greatness and sovereignty. For this we give thanks. Reader 3: Lord we pray constantly for health for our bodies. Allow us, dear Father, to pray for health for our souls. For it is with a healthful soul that we may one day approach Your throne of grace and hear Your beautiful voice expressing satisfaction in us, your humble servants. We praise you for physical health, yes, but more so we praise you for spiritual health. For this we give thanks. Reader 1: Health - physical, but even more importantly, spiritual, we give thanks. Amen.

Thanksgiving Readings Copyright DramaShare 2000

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Thanksgiving Readings Prayer # 3 Freedom This reading drama involves three readers, male or female. Reader 1: Let us pray together as we give thanks to our Heavenly Father. Today we are going to unite our hearts in prayer through a Christian reading. If you prefer, you may bow your head as you meditate on these thoughts. Our Lord, We come to You today full of love and thanksgiving in our hearts. We come to you today with complete respect and reverence for You, our almighty Creator. Allow us to set aside the cares and concerns of our minds, and permit our hearts to be opened and filled with the power and love that can only be provided by Your Holy Spirit. For this we give thanks.

Reader 2: We use the word freedom often too casually, Father. When we speak of freedom to worship, we believe it to mean that there is complete allowance to praise our living God freely. This alone would make us thankful. But Father forgive our simple minds when we forget that freedom also works another way. By selflessly sacrificing Your Son to die for the sins of strangers you have given us a freedom unlike any we could imagine. For this we give thanks. Reader 3: We come to you full of burdens and sin, waiting for your loving touch that will lift the despair and fill our emptiness with peace. This is true freedom. Please help us set aside the pompous pride and callous conceit that we have come to accept as basic human nature. Forgive us Lord, and thank you for allowing us Your overpowering grace and freedom that comes if only we would ask. For this we give thanks. Freedom - physically and spiritually. For this we give thanks. Amen. Exit stage.

Thanksgiving Readings Copyright DramaShare 2000

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