3j Pending History Tabs

Training Vignette Script Tabs  Pending & History Tabs This vignette covers the Pending and History tabs of the Contact...

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Tabs  Pending & History Tabs This vignette covers the Pending and History tabs of the Contact Record window, what data they contain, as well as how to extrapolate and manipulate the data. ®

When using GoldMine to handle your schedule, there are three locations to manage it, each with a specific purpose: the Pending and History tabs, the Activity List, and the Calendar. The Pending and History tabs let you schedule, review, and manage activities at the contact record level. First, we’ll discuss the Pending tab. It shows all activities that have been scheduled for a contact and are ® not yet completed. It also shows e-mails that are linked to a contact and are still in your GoldMine Inbox or Outbox because they are messages still pending to be filed or sent out. The Pending tab is organized ® into columns for the “Activity” Type, the “Date,” “Time,” and GoldMine “User” name an activity is ® scheduled for. This means that you could open the GoldMine Calendar, for that username, on that date, and see the same activity there as well. There are also columns for the Activity “Code” and the “Reference” text for a quick description of the activity. Each row of data represents a separate activity that is scheduled on the calendar and linked to the contact record. If you wanted to zoom in to see more detail on a particular activity, right-click on it and select Zoom. The “Scheduled Activity Zoom” window appears which, again, shows you the activity type and its code as well as the contact information of who it is linked to. It tells you if an alarm is turned on, who/when it is scheduled for, who/when it was first scheduled, and who/when it was last updated/changed. The “Reference:” line appears right above the large area that holds any “Notes:” pertaining to the activity you might be keeping track of. ™

As a best practice, Carson Wealth and PEAK put a carrot at the end of the “Reference:” field to indicate that there are notes to review. The greater-than sign (>) points to the right as if telling the user that there is more to read before meeting with or calling up the client. You can make changes to the pending activity by double-clicking on it, or right-clicking and selecting Edit. The window that pops up will look similar to the window you saw when you scheduled the activity originally. Here you can make any desired changes and then click OK when you have finished making the edits. Delete an activity by right-clicking on it and selecting Delete. Or, as long as it is highlighted, you can hit ® the key on your keyboard. GoldMine will ask you to confirm your decision. ®

GoldMine also lets you reply to activities using the right-click menu. If you reply to an activity that is a Message (i.e., E-mail) you will be replying to the person who originally sent the e-mail, but if you are ® replying to an activity like an appointment, you would be replying to the GoldMine username that scheduled the activity for you. This is a very important distinction to make so please refer to the vignette titled, “Sending E-mail” for more information. You can also schedule new activities straight from the Pending tab. Right-click anywhere inside the tab and select Schedule, then pick the appropriate activity type. There are three more vignettes on scheduling activities that you can refer to for more information. One is called, “Scheduling Appointments, Calls, Next Actions, Other Actions, Events and To-Dos.” Another is called, “Scheduling Literature Requests.” The last one is called, “Scheduling Forecasted Sales.” If you right-click inside the Pending tab and select Options, you get two choices: Auto Update and Filter. We’ll discuss Filter near the end of this vignette because it’s also available in the History tab. The Auto Update selection offers two ways to delete or complete activities in bulk. This option is also ® available from the GoldMine Activity List and is discussed further in the vignette titled, “Activity List.”

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Completing an individual activity can also be done from the Pending tab by right-clicking on the desired activity and selecting Complete. For more information on how to properly complete a scheduled activity please refer to the vignette title, “Completing Scheduled Activities.” Note that once an activity is completed, it is removed from the Pending tab and transferred over to the History tab. The History tab shows us all activities that have been completed for the contact. It also shows us emails that are linked to the contact that have been filed or sent. The History tab is organized into ® columns for the “Date” the activity was recorded as being completed, the GoldMine “User” name on whose calendar the completed activity resides, the “Activity” Type, “Result” Code, and “Reference” text. ®

GoldMine does let you edit completed activities. This comes in handy if you use CopyTalk, a service that e-mails you a transcription of your phone dictations. After a meeting with a client, complete the ® activity in GoldMine , call CopyTalk, and record the key points discussed and any follow-up actions needed. Once their e-mail comes in to you, copy its text, right-click on the respective history record and select Edit. Then paste the text into the “Notes:” section for an easy to find historical record of what took place. Don’t forget to put a carrot at the end of the “Reference:” line to indicate there are notes to read. You can also delete erroneous completed activities by right-clicking on them individually and selecting Delete. In general, however, history records should not be deleted in order to help ensure that the History tab contains a comprehensive audit trail of correspondence pertaining to the contact. If you want to zoom in on the activity to see more detail (e.g., to read the notes or determine who it was actually completed by and when) either right-click on it and select Zoom or double-click on it. Note the difference between double-clicking on a history record and a pending record: Double-clicking on a history record zooms in on the completed activity for reviewing, while double-clicking on the pending record opens the scheduled activity for editing. This is done intentionally due to their distinct natures. A lot of information will eventually build up in the History tab. You can get a quick overview of general statistics regarding the contact record by right-clicking inside the tab and selecting Options Analyze. Clicking on Print will display a GoldMine System Report with all of the same information in a similar format, ready to be printed to the printer of your choice. For more in-depth information regarding data mining, refer to the vignettes titled “GoldMine Reports,” and “Crystal Reports.” ®

If you notice that GoldMine moves slow whenever you come to a certain contact record while viewing the ® History tab, it may be caused by GoldMine trying to display a large number of history records (1,000 is ® the default number). You can tell GoldMine not to display so many history records at once by rightclicking and selecting Options Maximum number of records shown. Reduce the number and click OK. This is a per user setting that applies to all contact records. Now let’s discuss some other similarities and differences in the way data is displayed between the Pending and History tabs. For starters, the Pending tab orders its activities ascending according to the “Activity” column (meaning Appointments are on top and Other Actions are at the bottom of the list), but the History tab orders its activities descending according to the “Date” column (meaning the newest date on top). By default, both have “column filtering” turned on, viewing all records. As opposed to filtering on individual columns, you can activate a filter on several columns by right-clicking and selecting Options Filter. First, check the box titled “Activate Filter,” then check the boxes for the fields you want to filter by and populate them as desired. You can select multiple activity types, but all the other fields can only have one entry each. The Reset All button will clear all fields and checkboxes for you to start over. Click OK when you are satisfied. Only the records that meet all of the criteria will be displayed. ® This filtered view stays active for all contact records until you log out of GoldMine or release it by right-

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clicking and selecting Options Release Filter. The ability to filter history records, in particular, can be a tremendous asset when trying to find or research a specific type or instance of correspondence once the History tab fills up with many records. Also in both tabs, you can select a column to group the list by, get a quick count of how many entries are in each tab, or use the Find feature to search for text that is visible in any of the columns, and also output the current list to the Printer, Excel, Word or the Clipboard.

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