7b 2017AGO2 Biography A

    ne L. Grave es, Ph.D. was w coopted d to the Board of Direc ctors of Niccox in Augu ust 2014. Adrienn She is a globa...

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    ne L. Grave es, Ph.D. was w coopted d to the Board of Direc ctors of Niccox in Augu ust 2014. Adrienn She is a global in ndustry lea ader in oph hthalmology y. From 2002 to 20100, Dr. Grav ves was ent and Ch hief Executtive Officerr of Santen n Inc., the US arm of Japan’s s largest Preside ophthalmic pharma aceutical co ompany. Prrior to joining Santen, Dr. Gravees spent nin ne years atories, Inc c., progresssing through various s roles, inccluding Director of with Alcon Labora halmology. Dr. Gravess serves as Director on n several C Corporate Boards B in Internattional Ophth the United States,, including Akorn, Inc.., TearLab Corporation, Aerpio, Encore Vis sion and undation Bo oards, inclu uding the ASCRS Fouundation, Glaucoma Envisia Therapeutic, and Fou Researcch Founda ation and AAO A Found dation (eme eritus). Dr. Graves reeceived he er AB in Psychology with honors h from m Brown Un niversity (R Rhode Island d, United S States), herr PhD in m the Unive ersity of Micchigan (Mich higan, Unite ed States), and she co ompleted Psychobiology from octoral fello owship in vis sual neurosscience at th he Universitty of Paris ((France). a postdo *Board member un ntil May 16 6, 2017; ma andate up for f renewal at the Auggust 21 (first call) / Septem mber 4, 2017 7 (second call) Genera al Meeting