Action in Social Enterprise Education

IEEC 2010 ACTION IN SOCIAL ENTERPRISE EDUCATION – simple tools to promote and support Social Enterprise at your universi...

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IEEC 2010 ACTION IN SOCIAL ENTERPRISE EDUCATION – simple tools to promote and support Social Enterprise at your university. Rhiannon Horsley Development Manager (HEI Social Enterprise Programme)

Jim Ineson Executive Director

Social Enterprise •

“Organizations which apply market-based strategies to achieve a social purpose.”

“A business or service with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for shareholders and owners.”

“A socially-oriented venture (non-profit/for-profit or hybrid) created to solve a social problem or market failure through entrepreneurial private sector approaches that increase effectiveness and sustainability while ultimately creating social benefit or change.”

“Provide entrepreneurial solutions to social problems.”

“Businesses that trade in the market with a social purpose, using business tools and techniques to achieve social aims.” •

• Organization or Business Commercial activity aimed at more than profit • End result – social benefit • If it looks like a duck …………………

UnLtd HE Social Entrepreneurship Awards Rhiannon Horsley UnLtd Development Manager

What does UnLtd do? • We provide support and funding to individuals who want to set up a social enterprise – Funding – Individualised support – Access to networking opportunities – Access to Pro-Bono support from experts

What do we have to offer?

What are we looking for? • • • •

Innovation Projects that are tackling a social problem Projects that will provide a social impact Projects that have identified a need that is not currently being fulfilled • Projects that can demonstrate there is demand for what they are providing

What are we looking for?

How do I apply?

What do we need to know? • • • • • • •

Social impact – what will change as a result of your project? Is there a need and demand for your project? Clear outputs: how many, how long etc. What you hope to learn What support you will need How will you spend the money – detailed budgeting Will the project continue beyond an UnLtd award?

I’ve applied, what next?


SIFE Click UK to edit Master titleAstyle A head for business. heart for the world. SIFE – Students in Free Enterprise “bringing economic opportunity to others” A global network of business executives, academic leaders and university students, creating a better, more sustainable world through the positive power of business. SIFE UK Sponsor Companies

SIFE International 40 countries 1,500 universities 42,000 students Albania













Puerto Rico






United Kingdom





United States








New Zealand

South Africa


El Salvador





SIFE UK 2010 38 universities

2,000 active SIFE students 200 projects

Aston University

University of Liverpool

University of Reading

University of Bath

London Metropolitan University

Regent’’s College, London

University of Birmingham University of Cambridge

London School of Economics

Royal Holloway, University of London

Cardiff University

Loughborough University

Salford University

City University, London

University of Manchester

University of Sheffield

Durham University

Manchester Metropolitan University

University of Southampton

Newcastle University

University of Surrey

University of Nottingham

Sussex University

Nottingham Trent University

Swansea University

University of Oxford

University of Warwick

University of Essex Glasgow University Imperial College, London King's College London Lancaster University University of Leeds Leicester University

Plymouth University Queen Mary, University of London Queen’’s University, Belfast

University of Strathclyde

What is a SIFE Team? • University students who are: • Enrolled in full-time undergraduate or graduate studies. • From all years of study. • From any discipline. • A University Adviser • The teams are also mentored by a Business Advisory Board (BAB)

What do SIFE Teams do? •

They do social and commercial projects

They present their projects at National and International Competitions

Four basic elements of a SIFE project: • Identifying a need • Teaching/Knowledge Transfer of business skills • Empowerment • Measurable & sustainable impact

) ) ) = Economic Opportunity ) for others

• “Give me a fish, I will eat for a day; teach me to fish and I will eat for a lifetime.” • All competitions are judged against the SIFE criterion.

SIFE criterion • “Considering the relevant social, economic and environmental factors, which SIFE team most effectively empowered people in need by applying business and economic concepts and an entrepreneurial approach to improve their quality of life and standard of living.” • • • • • •

1 Establish a team (the business) 2 Recruit students (the employees) 3 Raise money for projects (capital) 4 Undertake projects (the product) 5 Measure their results 5 Report to stakeholders (SIFE UK and business supporters)

Project Examples

Project Examples

Project Examples

Project Examples

Judging elements In carrying out its project(s), did the SIFE team: • Consider the relevant economic, social and environmental factors? • Effectively empower its target audience(s)? • Target people in need? • Apply business and economic concepts and an entrepreneurial approach? • Improve the quality of life and standard of living for its project beneficiaries?

Practical benefits - students • Professional Development • Entrepreneurial Experiences • Community Involvement “Business helping to develop the potential of university students in a way that is both effective for them, and meaningful to the community.”

Open for Discussion, Comments, Abuse.