bell 1853

- ' ~"".:,:-".. ~~': .."~':~:~'~~~:~r~;:~~~~f? ~':" . :' .... :" ". :1:­ Are we t~ á_¿.qui~e tll~l isl,3.n~_ by e~llq...

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Are we t~ á_¿.qui~e tll~l isl,3.n~_ by e~llquest.?: by. t¡:~3:.tyi .or.. olhe~ pe~eeful rangcme!lts? :The;Ltion of these qu~stlOps)'equiresUS lb loo'k ,at tl1C poll­ (:y Lile Gó"ernment mu!\t aclopl to aeeomplish the proposeu obJect by either means. Th~ firs1 is; is it the idcresl or the duty of this nation to pursue the conrs(; of policy rceommcnded by :lnu earried out in the administration oC Washington, and the·fatllers orthiseountry, aúd eontinúed from the organization of tbis Gov ernment dowll to the present time;' 01' are.,we to .ehange' that .¿ourse of poliey 'Il.'bich has rendered us so prospero liS as a natiOll, and launch .oul' boat-upon the wide aiíd' boi.J.Adlcss 'óceano'f imnexation' aiJdconq~e'st?": .We"rriU-st a'dopl one Ol' the oth~r; Wll.y; ~jr; \vhat/in fórm~'r tjrnes'.'waseón:sjdcf~u'tIIC,r€rúblican, the dctrlQcratic, the n ationa! doctrines :lncli'nterests of this 'cquntry? .'..'Y lIS a peaeefd :lc1miJ~ ¡stra~ ion oUhe Goycrnment repudiatcd? Were colonial p~sscssions~oughl? VIere cntangli!lg alEanccó with un)' n:dións'reconlfiJcndcd as lIie j'lPJic}' bcncficia! to ~hc republic? . No, sir. Tlle oppo:,ite poliey was incu1::.ated, and practica}Iy <:3rrlctl out, by the framcl's o[ the Govcrnmcnt; and in the pursuit of that rolie)' -thisn.díoti. has-gl'o\'.'n--(i:iboe ~il'!üíJ it j~, \l'h~rc :evcricitizenisjiroúa-too uekñówn as an Arheij¿an ei,lizeiJ, 'ÍvIJet:cver he may bdoun~:,nrr;)vhatever.quárteroC th~ warld llcrnai be, lhose'st~rs anddripcs, wílh',IIí~¡t.:;¡.mp!~ft.>lds~il~'olect hi!)); aúd s'Ccure tq hir~ his' I'ights,: J sa):the advocates of ·\v' doc~l'ine ll1l!;;( adop! onc of'these two coursesofpolicy.<· l~ley' a:¡~ iri}:i.'vo~; of ab'andollinf: lhe policy ofWashingtbü; 'and of ~hal1glng the c?tire p-olicy of tMcountry,anrl seek by eonquest the .e.xl,ensiori ()u r terrjtorjalli.dJÍtg;,a:~d' as'·á.b;i¡is~que.llée '\'.ith hold­ ing lhe lJp.c~8sarY prote~tion:andpromotioxí'otfhe i.Í'~~t~·of.:':r.' cJ(¡".~ O'JI' ea1'::', to the ('\,idcnc0 on all h:mds ",hich cOll\'inces' m" t!¡¡,f :b-:- ~'f:G:!ih~ion ()[ simik:' (j:¡.::sliolls n~t.::,l ~ha\;e the na!ion to jt" celltl'C. Y;:JI;~, ~:~~"; '!:(:~"r. ~~~ J:~;(l!.'" ~n~~' (l!:r' \\'!;ll ccr~tC'lnpJat(~:5 thc ~ul.>j(;('.L ·wh01oc.'~:·"



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~t the latitude and 10caliori of that ísland, 'v]¡o kno"\\'s .the characler of ils io- . lJabibinlsandtheir CalJt!'cily, that would. hole attention? lE we eo~ld I~~\;e hel:'peaé~a1?lr; aúd, ·at ~otir, own ~ptiOJ1, ·,ancf t~ké' ~er to~?ay, . WOuJ~l,lt a bl~ssl~g ;to,u~? ..1 t,hlnk n~tr 1 am bold t.o declare that Ibc~lCve that lf.,we e,ould· have 'Cuba wltliollt'war, wllh 'aH .lhe .-advantages and '. dJsad­ 'this Govel'limcht, i t h'onld 'bd"a curse, ' :in .'inJlirj·; allll 'j>rcj ÍJdiCiaI ·to:our iristitutio·ns:':'," : ;" _','1' . . . ,.':;.; ·l','" . • .'~" . . ;But; sil';hvish toi'ead thú~piniol;·s~t~soti{h'~I'Il·máü,.iiJc'e'diloroffIjcCh¡;rles­ ton Mercury, a~ describc¡] in his owiJ language, of his oppoó;ilion to the ¡¡cquisiLions 'oí' Cuba, c"cn if jt could be acquirt'J l)taceabJy, Bis language is as folJows:

men; a¿d w]¡ich~ve may find,for o·ur intcIest :to re~ei~c among:us-I mean· pca¿ealily~anclallo\;/the¡Jl''tóbecome a p'a'¡'cárici.p~r'éer'of tbis;coú'ntry, :ánc1 1 ::'cire'ii&t how· sOQ~: ·;'..rrefer~\Mr~' Chairma'n; ItO'. die· ~ljóle ··Br,ítislt,possessioll s ;'upon thc north~ :conbinin·g an' ¡ÚC¡1 of two mlllió'ns):\vo'.~liuñ~r~(and:fifty~twc . t~~usal1d t~li'ee bU!l~red and ninety-fivc' :squar·~',mile~;..·,~T~eréj~ són:lething wortb 100klOg al. ,fhere are two mil1ions six hugdred: and f¡(ty,-,two, ~housand ._ofpp;ople~bon,e, a~ it.were, orour,bone, flesh9.f oúFf1,e~h. ~(le'r~ving ti¡'eir.o.rigi!l ·[r0111 the. samé Anglo~Saxon:solll'ée.;a,laige.dass' aL them' 'discip.l.incd' in ; that seho01 ,,:hich i:-; ca¡¿Ul~ted t6 train' théin.~ up·'as·: indepéndeo( f!e~lne,n·i;'and aH anxiou'sand rcadj ·to ¿ome.into,tti~ posscssion··of thecnjoymen;tof, thosc. great }Jrinciples which we are no\V énjo)'ipg'... I say:it .Jj1ay beJorour' advantagc ,~o acquirc thatcountry and that people, if ,vc cilll'peaceably. They are, near . thrce,miJ!iollS, scattered ovú a .lurge te:l'l'itori, sUffi.cient in. e~tent ,to makc· :oeyera¡'Stalc:,; aridj)Qssessing?-~ healthy a Clima~e;·:aiida,!a~ge 11>art ,of il ;:s :richá soiJ,. as any in the world... . . : . . . , . , : .:" .. ' . Ana tben, sir, by the accomplislíl11E llor,thcl'!l.~crr!tor.r ,lo.~hc ?;a~d :x~~ WC1l.~?IJ?;~,r\~~r tbree. ,!~Jlll~on~..of peppl.9,..W.110 ,arc l~I,{c,b~ethl:eIh lP.t~¡tl~~s {a.~!11Y;:~?lo!p.t~p~~ ~J?~ par­ quc.stlOn fal)'l)', frank)y., .a.qd.say 10,.them,:we,are.pot-goIl10":to W:l'·· ¡¡'it}l' YOll.·for thi~ terrilor}'- arí(OJ¡és'():~'eopl.e; 'y,oú lia\~~;~J·ights.tq.. t)Jcse . , 'Wouldnot the intercsts of thesc; great1natíons .be;.pronioteq. and .bencfitlcd hy yonr withJi'awing .;).I! c1aim to ·the,m,:.'or·::ovcr··.thc 'lerrifbry; ¡uí~ ·iJermit'thc~c 'coloriic~, if the)',c)lOose, to bccome :a.'pal'CaJid 1)arc'Cl~~~qhi5.Cló"ci-Ú1pcul, und: .," 1 1 . 1 ,.. . J J" ... ¡. • . . \. P. ,'o • , , ' _l~l':) lClr l CSlJl1lCS \'nt 1 t llS :n:!ttón. ',1:. ·'.".h ,:1'; .':'; .... , . . ' Ily tho uilMxalion oí' this tenilory·on the .JlorLh, you.'would .,increasc YOUl' })aYig'ation 2nll commC'rcial illt~rest,·':and th~ value oC c\'cry fúofof soil in til:ll conntry tour,fold. Jt i~ a fad kno·wn to· those 'who reside on'·om llurthe!l1 .land willlin U~C fr(,nliei', t1Jai, hlld willlill Canada; :.0( thc ~ame· .quality Dnile<1 S!:l!c"; ~;ep:lra{f'd OllJy by a ¡ine of the nature 01' thc one which di"idc~: o~n' town~bip', i~ onl,:' \'.orlJ¡ ¡¡bout oac'


.;.». ,

. "Be~itle~¡, in whál COlllJilíOll \\'oultl Cub:l. be 10 ju~tif;'

hc" tllllllist.ioll illlo lhe Unioll?


í~ :l.while populalioll, Ilalive to tho i~lanJ, 01' perlDllnclllly ~cllletl, 111nOllnling' lo nosr ~ix hun­ clrc
In p.llulir. fiO:,;r•• olhe)' thnn 1.0 s·ubmil lO lhc power and sholllnrounJ ¡hc· ch •. rio! whcels of cs­ 1.1bJ¡~helm;1 illlo lhe Un;,)ll Il S¡.,tC ",hic" h,,,1 !lll powcr of ~cll' g:o\'crOlllcnl, I!UI ·was j'l ¡hc hund" of tll<: Un;I",1 Slnl":; ;mll)' lInd 1I11\')'? Herc, .)1'11'. Chairman, i~ the opinion of a' ;;ol,l!lc·rn lJiall, \\,¡JO i~ :wdl ac­

'luaintetl with the charader, the condilioll, tlJe habit~, olld tite feeling~ oftll.Jt people. He .says that thej' are unfit lo bc ilttached to IlJis Go\'crnrnent, aou ,hat Ihos(, ",lio lay an.r.c1:;;Ú1S ta illlcllígCllce ;tild illformatioll, :l,e of that cJas~ \1'/10 I'.'ould bc balli,lJcri frolll (be:: island, whencI'cr il ch:wgcd ilo !;o\crnmcnt. Tt is 1I0\\" proJlused, hy the ~d\'ocatc~ of tilat measun~, lhai wc shall tak~ that c1~s, of popnJation, anu makc thcm ;1 Jl'!l't anu pareel uf lhi~ counlry-a. ~Ia~, of peo;)le wor~c 111;)11 slay!.'s, 1l1nrc yjc.i(1u~ ;Jnd ¡¡',S illi'or!)J<:d-an(] Ihat 1:' cbil1lcd ¡'y ~OJnC lo be demo;:ralic ,¡,'c.lrinl'. \Vhal. aUac~J a cJ:l:'s of )leo­ 1)le th:l.l, 50 bl';¡S tbcy h:iyc allY knowll'dgll: are antagollisl(C in t]¡eil' prrnci­ plr,', Ihcir prejl1uicc,;, anll their fr.cling" ro eYf:ry p;'jncipal ()f i!lis republicl)J!",:jbilitit):-· (,1' ~~r"e-

















5 .

] shoulu wish this Govcrnment to, ad unuerthe 'circumstances asour national interests', a~ld hO~9~ shouid req'ui~é; and ,jfn~ces~aryto'p,l:eserve'the~e to ac­ of iluo!hr; that tbe southern Staté~, lheireilizclls and their propr,rty, ll11del' lhe:r luol ínslitlllio,ns,.8,S ,guál'allticd tu thcin 1,y l.he Conslilulion and bws oi this c':unlr)',~!Jalrenjoy eq~

1",'úu?d ihcy n:ll (li:~pla)' lhe ~:.ln;c con1prt:tnis;ng 3:1(1 n(lli()1~:Jl :-.pirit? ,i\'ír, J3El.L. J ""iJl t'lIrlr}"(: cOlnp:'orni~cll 0\11' pr('.iudirc~, :'illd fl:·L:iilg:.., .;>:j" ~i~c rll:r).(h(' dJ' :lJ:lj!i~(JjniJL"" t}l\~ i!it·.~~Tj~\" (1}id ~~I{).1 ft.('¡;;.~r n{ nJis C{ .. ;!':·'.', ~:.,J • . ,:'~:1,il~; "(\:'.' :;l.~: :·:"~ti';·. . .; a:!"':' ¡~~;". ;"¡i('F~:JTt' :'1:-:' ',\Jl:'~ 1 \.. ,.,·1 .. ,·.·.

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.Jo lo }1iescrve t!lis Unian; but 1 wóuld avoid lestilltr lhe 10'calptejudices' of the different seclions of Ihis coun!r)', .. When you se~ brcakel:s ahead, 'kCep the craftnear Ihe sbore. Th:Jt is lhepoliey we adópt as, indi\'iuuals) and which vie o;hould carry out a.s a nalion. \Vhellever the r:¡ue~lionof the annexation, of ,CLiba arises, il,~iJl not come.alone: it wiP b,e ,ac90!'llpalli~d by tbe 'questi,?n of -tlle annc;xation l?fthe' ,vast terrítorj tO tM horth;;anCI it m~y be that the equi­ p.oise of addilio~s:pf~e~ritory':vill 9q,~a\~ay' ",it~ :,ap.p~ehenged,da~,ger' :'. ~ut, 811' ,1 wOllld avol1 i11e altc~nal1ve of rpalnng Ihe expcrlme,nt" ,,' I " I\'Ir.Chairmán~'lny h'oilo¡:iJ.ble fi'icnd from .Qeorgia, o'n:'¡i former occasion, if I:unueJ'stooG him'eon:'ectly) to quietthe' fears"'that 'solTi'e:honorab]c members 'might have us~o thedangcl' to be cl)p,tchended froll1,the"annexalion of CUb2, 'said t1J





l.l~JtiJl.r SOlJ1C 1):1.l'ticula¡·cu0.:-:tion. nllt the ~. (')}~leI11~n. ~r:j\l th:~t i:1C o~·dina~h.'.e ".,:;.., ' " 1" ., .-, ',' l':nl'~ '1< ¡,,[ oCe':­ ,', :)l 11~li W:"i llo1 p,u:oel] :~¡:.'_'r (ltc.aU)¡>!II)!Il'[ Ull: ""O¡¡~tlt11110Il, ",,;('!".l!!" f';'l\:n ~h{' ).~:j:-:(ln;i~) f('rt·:,i~~bl~ :1~h3 :~I'in~:ipl<:s oí' {ha! C~.)l":~r('.:.~ ~l:-: !t'fJ~;­ :1'. '; :1'.' :~'l :'·!:~!'''7. ·1'~·· !~"':""': ,(,.,'.~ >~\ i .;.>(........ :(~.:' ..:.... ~¡ )"'" ,i: (: ,­




gress Hall, thc haJ) of indepelldence, breathing as it v,'ere lhc spirit ()f líberly ;. :lnd milJions of human beings., will hcrpaftcr, ;l.~ lhcy havc·. bcfore~ ,ble~s· lb: Congres s for Iaying clown lhe lahdmarks lhal'lorbi~ slavcr/\\,jlhin this Tcr~j~ torY. . ,IJ_·~:·'·i,.I.~:~:,: . , ).t ... :.::: .. ":~'I!' "~;;' .~ .~'. ~'" ,'. : But, t;ir; what eays the thiid'alid fOGí·lh see1ions of .thc fourlh úticlc.of thet, Constitlltion that mi ¡Janorablc' Ífiend l)a~ ftferr.9d ·lo?",~·· .,'. . , :';', 'le \~ .. ':'.'. ~'.;....





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• •

·SEe,:·S. NC\l,~.Statesmay ben·drililled by th~· C¿ngr~~s 'jnt~~ thise:U.niót;·; ·búl;lío¡liii\v~Stat';:.'

shall be formed 9r c(cclcd wilhin tb~ jlirísdiclion or· llUY olhcr ,SlálC ¡.l1or :lny Slale .bé.fi)rme



:, .






':Tlién, sir,iccol'ding to ¡ji], 'co¡j~ln;cii\liJ ~f thal instnimentj. Congl'css-lJas [ul! power (lver I;el' tcrrilory l~'lrohibi! ~l~ y,éry ~or ~ot,.a.s the wisdom o~ th~t ~ody may dctermlUe, und tha~ rJgllt .has ne\'e~ be en cha'nged .01' t~l~en a\\:ay. by the aetlOIJ of Congress al' the people, by any' chánge 7n o"ur orgáOJc·law., .. , ' .. ' . 1:havc·already.':lddressed. the :con'Ímiltce 'longe( thim.I ¡iMendc'd. '¡"When 1: 'heard· the remarks(o{iriY"fr¡en.~ fron{Oeórgia; (Mi:' STÚl-Íiiz-s;) bt,: ihe,gentJe~. man' [mm Orcgon;(MI'. L.Ü~E,). ancr :the'gcntleimin from' GalJforni.a, (Mr:' ~J>f"RSHÁLL~) 1 onlv "had it in.-view'"to·rise aild .enteriny prot~sl,.ilS une of lhe ,. '~~cm ~·~.i·s~~9f, ..t!) !S~~~r? ~$é" .~g~~~:sn~\~.i/Ro.~~ir.~ffi?!1;RnI.llit"Có~ pr9!Íi i~~:. ':;,:,. .... '. ..' ·:.:M:r:""" Sn':l'UANs. ¡ Pel'naps' lhe gentleman, was·never.a partY,to IL. ''', .. . ":+~m; ~J,~LL~;;;.~~f)t ,~J,ÓnbE~9,I,f1lri~~·d~.r~pi~:~.q4~¡.g¡~~f~.ó,\~inh~t·.~:.ha~,\nál. tli.S'; lJODor .0[, a' .sellt mtlllsHouse· at tbnt"'ülM.'·'H-iad,! been a member bere at lhe". '1 ii~é'" for~·I)~av.~ ¡ \nothilJg-t~l!c,ó'iic~~Jf~~'ii'~l: ~h:OS1i~\vl~o.:. ~!1,6\\: :rne hel';; :·.,vilI givf: mc:'.tllat'cl'edlt,:at leasl~rshould:,)'l"0 !I111ch excikmcnt :ll1': r(~("{'in;i;¡tdioJl o: fe(,)jlJ~_ ?';¡', (~L::¡rJ1!:1n, t~)(:re are' ,.om<- olhcr c¡ul'~(iolls th~f ]¡:¡ye IJ,,('n di~cu,>"ed be· [«fe tLis c<.>:nmit[(·(; tktt r ~ltould li);<: lo ~ay ::;omellJlllg abOll!: O\;! my liDIC J¡;¡,; ncarly c;¡pired J :lild r can 01)1.)' rc[(~r to lhc:m orjct~y. 1 regn:t, "ir, tllat smnc (lf tb: (>IJJ'OIlC!lt~ el tl]!": ·¡;JCa~UfC rropo~in::; l.; confcr Lhe í¡tlc 01' liw!o;(!;:~ .~.!; ..':.'.;':;' ~~'~-;(l:'~ (~('::I.'!·:~! ,l..:·c:c

. . . !.?:>:::Y ~.:/ ~ ";;;\i,:~~ :,;. í .;.•.~~,:~;}} :~}:i.·~· ~;~¿t:/~~V~t~~~1~~i~:~;:~·"~::;~~;1~~·I.;t\~;.i;i~;~\·

alt_ac~l(~,<~~~~i.d.~lllt~,~J'~~v,.~J~·,c~.~ra.S\e{,%; lh.~~;~~N·'l1fA!lKpn)rf!f.h,e~p,·h'~j;;F,~V .t {};sf·:'

· h.3:r.~: ~~,~.~~It~ty ~~p.~f~!~~:;l~, ,thl~-tc~!'tnl~.Y,r:·:~~~rl?lll? ;1& ~~B:-Bw:,~~,e;p ,J.r~2·W~;·?

.~ '-ou~;cltIzen:~ :J:.I1d
· }~~nt,~r:'l'~f'P.toht ~;/~},~~~ l a.~l; ~oJ!tYH:re~,t:~~tRi"::~j;~\Yd,~PcW~t~~"r]1;;h.a,;~g'kP¡~P'~~t~~;'tt.~~,~ . ns b"rj!~.o,'· IS- uuvernmenL,,· ': IS serVlces. an ·,sacn cell~··ar~·. no'!.vn. (>" 11e ·, p??p.!~~:?~·it!lis:S~un~rJ';.~rl,~t,t~~·,hiHt~:~t~~Y:;~i-~·c~Y~$..¿d~·~ª-1~~j~#j~~~;9 ..~~~ .. hlgh~rfW ~n!I,~!J ey,. ~e,.:a pJ?r~~lated ~,:by;: his:ic~~n,~ry.f.n~~rt~~t~f~,~14$1e,1~~1,·be~~<

1~fe~,t~~.'.(.O~.:,~9~~9.}gh.h,12~~~~r.~m~~ fo~\J~P.·!f~~~~~b!f'~~!I~~~\ifg~~~<~.l~g~~d)"f.}·a,~t~Fb'~~lt?;¡

'1Il:~~ml]1~~~?!1 t·'y~!! .~!«:':u,.a~~;!>een~~s~~c~~¿ ~;,;?r,~~"~~~~~lWffl,!,!I,'~.,~l~~.,, i, ~~;.. ··tqe. ·1~:lJ.~71iJo/i·~óJJi:tl:a1¡ ~1J,:c.r;~f! ib;:?;~¡'!:\1~i!:"i'~:~> :.:/,':,;j. ;~~+'1{(.!··d;~.z~".íf~t~"~~7~~'~;0,~'.!~(~: ; ~ ·Some·, héinorabIc\m.e!1lber~.~71ia ,¡ e;
teq n ,att~~~ ·.ul)~n :.t~e.Ijr~S;ri ~ ,Ad:mirtistr~~¡J¡W' ~s,:~;~n\ ii~.;I:~ii:. 10~';¡; lfi"reg¡lrd;--t<;¡-'qur-.-forelgn:':l'clatlpns;·.:_' But/ o\vb~!L.!h~/~lf1,S1~l.. p'apE:r~~~;,

·COtD Jlli.t



·3;'aY)or~,CÚ',·J;re~id~ptjFiJI.rii~re?!:,ri,/if.f,;!l)e;Y;~iljjiYé";"3.. !)y';f9U)}!l:~t1?!:ka:ttlf ~.II\·aré'~ licabl" ""ohl .'''and·~·a ') ) ¡,to ~tlicir:'6.w"!;:;Ji i"n ·;»;·"'d;:the.ír:Qwif)jaitv-. ... ,-•..• ~I"., ... ,y" ... :"lfl~.) PGYr ··~"::'8¡T··'·':'1·Jm~~}¡8\··',l'··,l}~·''''., ",o "':t"0' .':1:;.-:"" a . 'd'!;tl.1.:t,.J>P" t the' resent ',as'·we·as eIJera~'" a OJ)S·'.\J~ Ufl.ll.:ij J¡e, ;y¡'IA1"pla ~r .. . ~';¡' ~.p., ~"P,t:·;''':;::I3. ·""f·"t;·~·"·;t'· .~., .'(<1·:Jt""y""~!'""~.·,,,~,,.,L, ...!.-t Ifr'." ·"··-t· }i··"f ·1;l1t~ .." wI,,.;,,,,om·':m8.1IJwlUcu.;¡our:lQ e,e" s',an ~·~urCI;' '¡:.J.l ,q."";1> ....\ .• ~...". '·nu .,tru y;::~.nmerlcane~8nJnB.~ .. ul'w,liy .slr -smce~t:~"elecl0J.!'lr;:ana.· '-'-h' .,.,..... ,o:, ' .. .'·'·í J..'T'-¡-il!"·~~,.·!~f!· ~'·l·t:;:.·'·l· ,. ·i.":";t"l~·t··' '.''1'-.l\.íP.'''' r:1'tik"hF~:ª,¡';;l··ht·h·'''1.' ~l'!"'~ V. L ere:1S¡nOW;no¡: on
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uil~l aft~~;t.h:~/~IsiJ~hla:b~'~;diYi$¡'OJ1:Of)~~'?pOil§;~·~K&éY~~~ji~;~t~fiW8pt~~;

~belr;:I)al'~y,"·f;.~~~~ .~ gat?~,~.p~_~f.~.vp'~~ •.\:{I,u '.~~lt¡!}rq!te~'~I.I.S,}~J!1~,; i.~),,)\'Q~l~ )~~t:, suy,,!q .0.u,r,~.()IRoE!'P:~~q'i~f¿1~n~s,\0~i~he;~I)I.~¡;~~!.~t;::~fAh~J!.!l.~ll.~,~ ·~!npl?y'lpg~:!hc ~~rnü·.\I~~~ ..l5y ~I~~e'; ~h~V:dc.slt~y:"~,,, ~as, ~ctt~eH;:th~;!.9I.t,:sp'?J!,~lJ~lt :tlielepilff);·;. lstÓ' be·dl~!??d; an~¡hr~1'~~.llJl ~~?ut ~S,rO?~:a;>, 11,>~~H~¡r.0r1!l~~,;:a~db~.fó!;e}alt of-four}'~al'~ s1Jal~,·i. '\ .;, ,,',' '.;.' .:,·~.i;l':);,h· ',,:,:':, ':- . Mr:' Ch'aiI'Jn\l.ó; somc· honorable members llpon lbe;olner slde of the House have spó~~~~(a9~;pi, 1.1;~1; defeat. arid di.~ba?diJl~\ orJh~}YNg,;l)~rtY~.'.;,' I.~l~S;; hlle~ SIr, \Ve llave beclI ·dcfe:ilec1, Dut not conqlw'eil..:. ~~.~person ls."de~ervmg· tbe r:amc ,o(lYVJ'liÚ, v'nle'~ No',' "jI'; no,.sir«.As long :lsthG p¡;illciJ{le:; of)Vashingtóú,andour:reyolutíoiJiiy, orm:::60}oi"ún,:. sircs are rev~reu .:t~ld ~steemed-a~. long as.' .o~l1~::·r.~PPWii:a/1i X mcnl ~halllast~thé I'VIíig'.imtv wil] éoiJtiñ.U'c··to:exlst;:'to':súJipor(~i1a'iriaiIitain. ¡hos~ f'l'lJl(:iples~5u~tairland sümodilie Re:r~¡j)li'A'i¡,'¡'td,oül'glcrióÚs' institulions:· ¡)I(\/c U;':!.lH~'ú11rJc~· :'(:n;'J : ~." ·:~';.:;~t:-;'.'·,·· -.' '..,' ,1 : "~:.l. ' .~. " .L l.,
