Chartered ABS Annual Conference 2016 draft programme

14-15 November, Hilton Wembley, London Provisional programme #CABS2016 Chartered ABS Annual Conference 2016 14-15 Nov...

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14-15 November, Hilton Wembley, London

Provisional programme #CABS2016

Chartered ABS Annual Conference 2016 14-15 November, Hilton Wembley, London The Chartered ABS Annual Conference brings together the deans and directors of UK business schools and representatives of government and industry for discussion, debate and networking.

Keynote Speakers include:

Business schools make a substantial contribution to economy and society through teaching, research and direct business engagement. However, the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, the Teaching Excellence Framework, a volatile international student market, the proposed changes to the REF and greater competition from new and alternative providers are presenting many practical challenges. The in-depth forward-looking programme tackles these critical issues head on: The impact on UK business schools of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU James Sproule, Chief Economist and Director of Policy, Institute of Directors Professor Rolf Tarrach, President, European University Association

Dame Helen Alexander Chair, UBM; Non-Executive Director, Huawei UK; former President, CBI

Professor Madeleine Atkins CBE Chief Executive, Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE)

Lord Karan Bilimoria Chairman Cobra Beer Partnership; Co-Chair, APPG for International Students; President, UK Council for International Student Affairs

Lord David Young Chairman, Young Associates and Patron, Small Business Charter

Lord Stern’s Review of the REF, the opportunities for interdisciplinary research and the role of business schools in commercialising research Professor Alistair Bruce, Dean, Nottingham University Business School Professor Andrew Burke, Dean, Trinity Business School, University of Dublin Alun Evans, Chief Executive, British Academy Paul Mason, Interim Director, Emerging and Enabling Technologies, Innovate UK Nick Starkey, Deputy Director, Science and Research (Strategy & Impact), Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy The finer points of the Teaching Excellence Framework Professor Madeleine Atkins, Chief Executive, HEFCE Debra Leighton, Executive Dean, University of Bedfordshire Business School Iain Mansfield, Deputy Director, HE TEF and Quality Unit, Department for Education Dr Joan O’Mahony, Academic Lead, Student Retention, Higher Education Academy Professor Jerry Forrester, Hertfordshire Business School

Provisional programme Day one: Monday 14 November 10:00

Pre-conference working groups: The Deans & Directors Meeting The wide ranging discussion focuses on those issues that are of critical interest to the attendees and participants will have the opportunity to shape the agenda ahead of the meeting. Discussions are under Chatham House Rules and attendance is restricted to heads of business schools. Small Business Charter Workshop For SBC award holding schools, and those thinking of applying, to network, share knowledge and ideas. The Teaching Excellence Framework: a deep dive A roundtable discussion on the key aspects of the TEF and critical issues facing Year Two Providers


Commencement of the Chartered ABS Annual Conference Conference registration and lunch


Welcome Professor Simon Collinson, Dean, Birmingham Business School and Chair, Chartered ABS Anne Kiem, Chief Executive, Chartered ABS


Keynote Address: What does business need from business school graduates? Dame Helen Alexander, Chair, UBM, Non-Executive Director, Huawei UK, former President, CBI


Keynote Address: The view from Westminster Rt Hon Greg Clark MP, Secretary of State, Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy*


Keynote panel discussion: The new international environment Exploring the impact on UK business schools of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU James Sproule, Chief Economist and Director of Policy, Institute of Directors Professor Rolf Tarrach, President, European University Association Further speakers to be confirmed




Breakout session i. Building effective leadership teams Staff recruitment, talent development and succession planning

Breakout session ii. Getting the most from your advisory board How to recruit the right people, derive value and maintain turnover

Breakout session iii. Boosting student success: the role of data analytics Exploring the practical application of the ‘big data’ that is available to institutions

Professor Veronica Hope Hailey Dean, School of Management, University of Bath

Professor Anand Anandalingam Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Management Science, University of Maryland and former Dean, Imperial College Business School

Professor Baback Yazdani Dean, Nottingham Business School

Professor Jerry Forrester Hertfordshire Business School and Deputy Chair, Chartered ABS

Further speakers to be confirmed

Jason Choy Founder, Welcome Gate and Advisory Board Member, London South Bank University, School of Business Professor Angus Laing Dean, Lancaster University Management School


Breakout session iv. Recruiting and supporting early career researchers How business schools can attract and retain research talent

Breakout session v. Social responsibility in management education Exploring whether the UN’s PRME initiative is meeting its objectives

Professor Stephen J. Perkins Professorial Research Fellow, Global Policy Research Institute, London Metropolitan University

Professor Chris Blackburn Pro Vice Chancellor and Dean, Oxford Brookes University Business School

Professor Colin Williams Associate Dean, Sheffield University Management School

Noel Dennis Associate Dean, York St John Business School Manuel Escudero Special Advisor, PRME Secretariat

Breakout session iv. Delivering value to local economies Exploring the contribution that business schools make to their local economy and society. Professor Gillian Armstrong Head of Department, Ulster University Business School Mike Blackburn Chairman, Greater Manchester Local Enterprise Partnership Professor Ellie Hamilton Associate Dean for Enterprise Engagement and Impact, Lancaster University Management School Dr Keith Hurst Associate Dean, Teesside University School of Social Sciences, Business & Law Professor Marie McHugh Dean, Ulster University Business School


End of day one


Annual General Meeting


Tour of Wembley Stadium


Drinks reception followed by Gala Dinner Dinner Address: Crisis management in the glare of the media spotlight - what football can teach business schools Neil Doncaster, Chief Executive, Scottish Professional Football League

Day two: Tuesday 15 November 08:00

The Scottish Deans Roundtable A closed-door breakfast meeting for the Deans & Directors of Scottish business schools to discuss areas of common interest.


Opening remarks


Keynote Address: Maintaining the UK’s position as a premier destination for international students Lord Karan Bilimoria, Chairman Cobra Beer Partnership; Co-Chair, APPG for International Students and President, UK Council for International Student Affairs


Keynote Address: The operation of the TEF in Year Two: an update and look ahead Professor Madeleine Atkins, Chief Executive, HEFCE




Panel discussion: Exploring the Teaching Excellence Framework Professor Madeleine Atkins, Chief Executive, HEFCE Debra Leighton, Executive Dean, University of Bedfordshire Business School Iain Mansfield, Deputy Director, HE TEF and Quality Unit, Department for Education Dr Joan O’Mahony, Academic Lead, Student Retention, Higher Education Academy Chaired by: Professor Jerry Forrester, Hertfordshire Business School and Deputy Chair, Chartered ABS




Breakout session i.

Breakout session ii.

Breakout session iii.

Engaging with micro’s, start-ups and small businesses How business schools can work with emerging businesses

Maintaining strong relationships with India and China Exploring how UK business schools can stay fully engaged with the two largest international student markets

Delivering real-world impact through multidisciplinary research Exploring the contribution of business schools to the commercialisation of research

Irene Graham Chief Executive, Scale UP Institute* Professor Carol Howorth Dean, University of Bradford, School of Management Stuart Miller Chief Executive, ByBox Holdings and Chair, Small Business Charter

Dr Yvonne Carlisle Head of Department, Human Resource Management, Head of International, Nottingham Business School

Professor Alistair Bruce Dean, Nottingham University Business School and Chair, Chartered ABS Research Committee Professor Andrew Burke Dean, Trinity Business School, University of Dublin

Nathalie Cachet-Gaujard Director, Education and Innovation, China Britain Business Council

Alun Evans Chief Executive, British Academy

Professor Jean Chen Dean, International Business School, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University

Paul Mason Interim Director, Emerging and Enabling Technologies, Innovate UK

Richard Heald Chief Executive, UK India Business Council

Nick Starkey Deputy Director, Science and Research (Strategy & Impact), Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy


Breakout session iv.

Breakout session v.

Breakout session vi.

New opportunities in Transnational Education Exploring how business schools can make the most of their TNE activity

Employability and entrepreneurship Supporting student enterprise and preparing students for the workplace

Widening participation and boosting social mobility Investigating new approaches and best practice

Professor Christine Ennew Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Provost University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus

Neil Carberry Director of Employment Skills and Public Services, Confederation of British Industry

Professor Les Ebdon Director, Fair Access to Higher Education

Rebecca Hughes Head of Education, British Council

Alyssa Hampton Course Development Consultant, Pearson

Daniel Shah Assistant Director, Policy, UK Higher Education International Unit

Professor Nigel Lockett Professor of Entrepreneurship, Lancaster University Management School

Professor Nikolaos Tzokas Executive Dean, Faculty of Business, University of Plymouth and Chair, Chartered ABS International Committee

Dr Adam Marshall Acting Director-General, British Chambers of Commerce Tim Thomas Director of Employment and Skills Policy, EEF



Dr Penelope Griffin Head of Widening Participation, University of Nottingham Professor Gioia Pescetto Dean, Portsmouth Business School Helen Thorne Director of External Relations, UCAS

Post-conference workshops 14:00 – 15:30

Making Degree Apprenticeships work in practice What are the key considerations for schools looking to offer degree apprenticeships

REF 2020: a roadmap Exploring the timetable for REF 2020 and the implications of the Stern Review

Professor Julia Clarke, Dean, Faculty of Business and Law and Pro-Vice Chancellor, Manchester Metropolitan University

To be confirmed

Mike Thompson Director, Early Careers and Head of Apprenticeships, Barclays Further speakers to be confirmed

For further information on speaking, attending or sponsoring please contact: Oliver Lowe Chartered Association of Business Schools E: [email protected] D: 020 7634 9581

Delivering flexible learning to a global cohort Exploring the pedagogy that needs to underpin successful flexible learning programmes and the new opportunities in online and distance learning. To be confirmed