Cold War Crossword Answer Key

ColdWar  The  confrontation  between  the  United  States  and  Soviet  Union  that   involved  no  DIRECT  violence  be...

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ColdWar  The  confrontation  between  the  United  States  and  Soviet  Union  that   involved  no  DIRECT  violence  between  the  two   IronCurtain  Churchill's  metaphor  for  the  border  between  free  western  and   communist  eastern  European  countries.   containment  The  United  States'  policy  to  prohibit  communist  expansion   TrumanDoctrine  Presidential  plan  to  provide  support  for  countries  that  rejected   communism   MarshallPlan  Financial  aid  package  given  to  Western  European  countries  to  keep   them  from  moving  toward  communism   NATO  Cold  War  alliance  between  Western  European  countries,  Canada,  and  the  U.S.   WarsawPact  Cold  War  alliance  between  communist  countries   brinkmanship  Dangerous  attitude  between  the  Soviet  Union  and  U.S.  that   threatened  nuclear  war  at  any  moment   Stalin  He  wanted  to  set  up  communist  nations  in  Eastern  Europe  after  WW2  to   create  a  buffer  to  protect  the  Soviet  Union   Berlin  This  city  located  in  communist  East  Germany  was  unique  because  it  was   divided  between  the  U.S.,  Soviets,  British,  and  France   MaoZedong  The  communist  leader  who  took  control  of  China  in  1949   communes  These  large  collective  farms  were  unsuccessful  because  of  the  lack  of   incentives  for  the  peasants   RedGuards  Enthusiastic  young  supporters  of  Mao   CulturalRevolution  Ment  to  establish  an  equal  society,  but  led  to  harsh  treatment  of   those  opposed  to  Mao   Nationalists  The  United  States  supported  this  group  led  by  Jiang  Jieshi  against  the   communists  in  China   HoChiMinh  Leader  of  the  northern  Vietnamese  communists     dominoTheory  Idea  of  a  communist  chain  reaction  that  encouraged  U.S.   involvement  in  several  third  world  countries   Vietcong  Vietnamese  communists  who  fought  the  U.S.  in  South  Vietnam   North  The  Soviet  Union  set  up  a  communist  government  in  this  region  of  Korea  after   WWII   France  This  former  imperial  power  was  defeated  by  communist  forces  in  Vietnam    

South  The  United  Nations  voted  to  intervene  when  this  region  of  Korea  was  invaded   by  communists   Korea  Still  a  divided  nation  today   ThirdWorld  Developing  nations  that  were  often  competed  over  by  the  U.S.  and   Soviet  Union     Catro  Led  a  revolution  to  overthrow  Fulgencio  Batista  -­‐  the  U.S.  backed  dictator  of   Cuba   Khomeini  The  Iranian  Revolution  replaced  the  U.S.  supported  Shah  with  this  Islamic   leader   Allende  The  U.S.  supported  the  replacement  of  this  democratically  elected  socialist   leader  with  Augusto  Pinochet.   nationalization  The  U.S.  often  turned  against  countries  who  engaged  in  this  policy  of   taking  over  private  property   Khrushchev  Soviet  leader  who  tried  to  erase  the  brutal  history  of  Stalin  with   "destalinization"     Brezhnev  The  Soviet  leader  who  sent  troops  into  Czechoslovakia  when  its  leader   tried  to  reform  laws   detente  Period  of  relaxed  attitudes  during  the  administration  of  President  Nixon   SALT  Treaties  aimed  at  reducing  the  number  of  nuclear  weapons   Reagan  This  U.S.  president  moved  away  from  detente  by  increasing  military   spending  and  starting  SDI