computer science and engineering


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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Natural Language Processing Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Pushpak Bhattacharya Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Bombay Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction 2 - Stages of NLP 3 - Stages of NLP Continue... 4 - Two approaches to NLP 5 - Sequence Labelling and Noisy Channel 6 - Noisy Channel 7 - Argmax Based Computation 8 - Noisy Channel Application to NLP 9 - Brief on Probabilistic Parsing & Start of Part of Speech Tagging 10 - Part of Speech Tagging 11 - Part of Speech Tagging counted ... 12 - Part of Speech Tagging counted ... and Indian Language in Focus; Morphology Analysis 13 - PoS Tagging contd... , Indian Language Consideration; Accuracy Measure 14 - PoS Tagging; Fundamental Principle; Why Challenging; accuracy 15 - PoS Tagging; Accuracy Measurement; Word categories 16 - AI and Probability; HMM 17 - HMM 18 - HMM, Viterbi, Forward Backward Algorithm 19 - HMM, Viterbi, Forward Backward Algorithm (Continued...) 20 - HMM, Forward Backward Algorithms, Baum Welch Algorithm 21 - HMM, Forward Backward Algorithms, Baum Welch Algorithm (Continued...) 22 - Natural Language Processing and Informational Retrieval 23 - CLIA; IR Basics 24 - IR Models 25 - IR Models 26 - NLP and IR 27 - Least Square Method; Recap of PCA; Towards Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) 28 - PCA; SVD; Towards Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) 29 - Wordnet and Word Sense Disambiguation

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Wordnet and Word Sense Disambiguation (Continued...) Wordnet; Metonymy and Word Sense Disambiguation Word Sense Disambiguation Word Sense Disambiguation; Overlap Based Method; Supervised Method Word Sense Disambiguation Word Sense Disambiguation Resource Constrained WSD; Parsing Parsing Parsing Algorithm Parsing Ambiguous Sentences; Probabilistic Parsing Probabilistic Parsing Algorithms

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Design and Analysis of Algorithms Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Sundar Viswanathan, Prof. Ajit A Diwan, Prof. Abhiram G Ranade Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Bombay Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Overview of the course 2 - Framework for Algorithms Analysis 3 - Algorithms Analysis Framework - II 4 - Asymptotic Notations 5 - Algorithm Design Techniques 6 - Divide And Conquer - I 7 - Divide And Conquer - II Median Finding 8 - Divide And Conquer - III Surfing Lower Bounds 9 - Divide And Conquer - IV Closest Pair 10 - Greedy Algorithms - I 11 - Greedy Algorithms - II 12 - Greedy Algorithms - III 13 - Greedy Algorithms - IV 14 - Pattern Matching - I 15 - Pattern Matching - II 16 - Combinational Search and Optimization - I 17 - Combinational Search and Optimization - II 18 - Dynamic Programming 19 - Longest Common Subsequences 20 - Matrix Chain Multiplication 21 - Scheduling with Startup and Holding Costs 22 - Average case Analysis of Quicksort 23 - Bipartite Maximum Matching 24 - Lower Bounds for Sorting 25 - Element Distinctness Lower Bounds 26 - NP-Completeness - I - Motivation 27 - NP-Completeness - II 28 - NP-Completeness - III 29 - NP-Completeness - IV

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34


NP-Completeness - V NP-Completeness - VI Approximation Algorithms Approximation Algorithms Approximation Algorithms for NP

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Software Engineering Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. N.L. Sarda, Prof. Umesh Bellur, Prof. Rushikesh K Joshi Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Bombay Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction to Software Engineering - Challenges 2 - Introduction to Software Engineering 3 - Overview of Phases 4 - Overview of Phases 5 - Requirements Engineering / Specification 6 - Formal Specification 7 - Algebraic Specification Methods 8 - Systems Modeling Overview 9 - Process Modeling - DFD , Function Decomp 10 - Process Modeling - DFD, Function Decomp 11 - Data Modeling - ER Diagrams, Mapping 12 - Data Modeling - ER Diagrams, Mapping 13 - Production Quality Software - Introduction 14 - Software Design - Primary Consideration 15 - Design Patterns 16 - Class and Component Level Design 17 - Architectural Design 18 - Software Testing - I 19 - Software Testing - II 20 - Structural Programming and Some implementation 21 - Software Metrics and Quality 22 - Verification and Validation 23 - Case Study 24 - Case Study 25 - Software Evolution 26 - Agile Development 27 - Software Reuse CBSE 28 - Reuse Continued 29 - Introduction to Project Management

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39


Project Scope Management Project Time Management Estimation - I Estimation - II Project Quality Management Quality Management Systems - I Quality Management Systems Project Configuration Management Project Risk Management Other PM Processes

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Computational Geometry Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Sandeep Sen Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Delhi Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction 2 - Visibility Problems 3 - 2D Maxima 4 - Line Sweep Method 5 - Segment Intersection Problem 6 - Line Sweep 7 - Convex Hull 8 - Convex Hull Contd 9 - Quick Hull 10 - More Convex Hull Algorithms 11 - Intersection of Half Planes and Duality 12 - Intersection of Half Planes and Duality Contd 13 - Lower Bounds 14 - Planar Point Location 15 - Point Location and Triangulation Contd... 16 - Triangulation of Arbitrary Polygon 17 - Voronoi Diagram 18 - Voronoi Diagram Construction 19 - Delaunay Triangulation 20 - Quick sort and Backward Analysis 21 - Generalized RIC 22 - RIC Continued 23 - Arrangements 24 - Zone Theorem and Application 25 - Levels 26 - Range Searching 27 - Orthogonal Range searching 28 - Priority Search Trees 29 - Non - Orthogonal Range Searching

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Half - Plane Range Query Well Separated Partitioning Quadtrees Epsilon -WSPD Construction of Epsilon - WSPD Epsilon - WSPD to Geometric Spanner Epsilon-Nets & VC Dimension Epsilon-Nets & VC Dimension contd Geometric Set Cover Geometric Set Cover (with Bounded VC Dimension) Shape Representation Shape Comparison

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Logic for CS Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. S. Arun Kumar Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Delhi Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction 2 - Propositional Logic Syntax 3 - Semantics of Propositional Logic 4 - Logical and Algebraic Concepts 5 - Identities and Normal forms 6 - Tautology Checking 7 - Propositional Unsatisfiability 8 - Analytic Tableaux 9 - Consistency and Completeness 10 - The Completeness Theorem 11 - Maximally Consistent Sets 12 - Formal Theories 13 - Proof Theory 14 - Derived Rules 15 - The Hilbert System 16 - The Hilbert System 17 - Introduction to Predicate Logic 18 - The Semantic of Predicate Logic 19 - Subsitutions 20 - Models 21 - Structures and Substructures 22 - First-Order Theories 23 - Predicate Logic 24 - Existential Quantification 25 - Normal Forms 26 - Skalemization 27 - Substitutions and Instantiations 28 - Unification 29 - Resolution in FOL

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39


More on Resolution in FOL Resolution Resolution and Tableaux Completeness of Tableaux Method Completeness of the Hilbert System First-Order Theories Towards Logic Programming Verification of Imperative Programs Verification of WHILE Programs References

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Computer Architecture (Prof. Anshul Kumar) Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Anshul Kumar Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Delhi Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction to Computer Architecture 2 - History of Computers 3 - Instruction Set Architecture - I 4 - Instruction Set Architecture - II 5 - Instruction Set Architecture - III 6 - Recursive Programs 7 - Architecture Space 8 - Architecture Examples 9 - Performance 10 - Performance 11 - Binary Arithmetic, ALU Design 12 - ALU Design, Overflow 13 - Multiplier Design 14 - Divider Design 15 - Fast Addition , Multiplication 16 - Floating Point Arithmetic 17 - Processor Design - Introduction 18 - Processor Design 19 - Processor Design - Simple Design 20 - Processor Design - Multi Cycle Approach 21 - Processor Design - Control for Multi Cycle 22 - Processor Design - Micro programmed Control 23 - Processor Design - Exception Handling 24 - Pipelined Processor Design Basic Idea 25 - Pipelined Processor Design 26 - Pipelined Processor Design 27 - Pipelined Processor Design 28 - Memory Hierarchy 29 - Memory Hierarchy

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


Memory Hierarchy Memory Hierarchy Memory Hierarchy Input / Output Subsystem Input / Output Subsystem Input / Output Subsystem Input / Output Subsystem Input / Output Subsystem Concluding Remarks

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Data Structures And Algorithms Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Naveen Garg Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Delhi Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms 2 - Stacks 3 - Queues and Linked Lists 4 - Dictionaries 5 - Hashing 6 - Trees 7 - Tree Walks / Traversals 8 - Ordered Dictionaries 9 - Deletion 10 - Quick Sort 11 - AVL Trees 12 - AVL Trees 13 - Trees 14 - Red Black Trees 15 - Insertion in Red Black Trees 16 - Disk Based Data Structures 17 - Case Study 18 - Tries 19 - Data Compression 20 - Priority Queues 21 - Binary Heaps 22 - Why Sorting 23 - More Sorting 24 - Graphs 25 - Data Structures for Graphs 26 - Two Applications of Breadth First Search 27 - Depth First Search 28 - Applications of DFS 29 - DFS in Directed Graphs

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36


Applications of DFS in Directed Graphs Minimum Spanning Trees The Union Prims Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Trees Single Source Shortest Paths Correctness of Dijkstras Algorithm Single Source Shortest Paths

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Introduction to Computer Graphics Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Prem K Kalra Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Delhi Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction 2 - Raster Graphics 3 - Raster Graphics (Continued...) 4 - Clipping 5 - Polygon Clipping and Polygon Scan Conversion 6 - Transformations 7 - Transformations (Continued...) 8 - 3D Viewing 9 - 3D Viewing (Continued...) 10 - Curves 11 - Assignment - I 12 - Curves (Continued...) 13 - Curves (Continued...) 14 - Curves (Continued...) 15 - Curves (Continued...) 16 - Surfaces 17 - Surfaces (Continued...) 18 - Surfaces (Continued...) 19 - Surfaces (Continued...) 20 - Hierarchical Models 21 - Rendering 22 - Rendering (Continued...) 23 - Rendering (Continued...) 24 - Ray Tracing 25 - Ray Tracing (Continued...) 26 - Ray Tracing (Continued...) 27 - Assignment 28 - Hidden Surface Elimination 29 - Hidden Surface Elimination (Continued...)

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35


Hidden Surface Elimination (Continued...) Fractals Fractals (Continued...) Computer Animation Animation (Continued...) Animation (Continued...)

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Principles of Programming Languages Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. S. Arun Kumar Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Delhi Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction 2 - Syntax 3 - Grammars 4 - Ambiguity 5 - PLO 6 - Semantics 7 - Syntactic Classes 8 - Transition Systems 9 - PL0 10 - Binding 11 - Environments 12 - Declarations 13 - Commands 14 - Stores 15 - Summary 16 - Declarations and Commands 17 - Blocks 18 - Qualification 19 - Pragmatics 20 - Data 21 - Structured Data 22 - Sequences 23 - Control 24 - Non-Determinacy 25 - Programming Languages 26 - Programming Languages 27 - Programming Languages 28 - Data as Functions 29 - Data and Fixpoints

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Normal Forms Programming Languages Monomorphism Polymorphism Type Checking Contexts Abstracts Procedures Meanings Parameters The Future

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Parallel Computing Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. Subodh Kumar Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Delhi Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction 2 - Parallel Programming Paradigms 3 - Parallel Architecture 4 - Parallel Architecture (case studies) 5 - Open MP 6 - Open MP (Continued.) 7 - Open MP (Continued..) 8 - Open MP & PRAM Model of Computation 9 - PRAM 10 - Models of Parallel Computation, Complexity 11 - Memory Consistency 12 - Memory Consistency & Performance Issues 13 - Parallel Program Design 14 - Shared Memory & Message Passing 15 - MPI 16 - MPI (Continued.) 17 - MPI (Continued..) 18 - Algorithmic Techniques 19 - Algorithmic Techniques (Continued.) 20 - Algorithmic Techniques (Continued..) 21 - CUDA 22 - CUDA (Continued.) 23 - CUDA (Continued..) 24 - CUDA (Continued...) 25 - CUDA (Continued....) 26 - CUDA (Continued.....) 27 - CUDA (Continued......) 28 - Algorithms, Merging & Sorting 29 - Algorithms, Merging & Sorting (Continued.)

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34


Algorithms, Merging & Sorting (Continued..) Algorithms, Merging & Sorting (Continued...) Algorithms, Merging & Sorting (Continued....) Lower Bounds Lock Free Synchronization, Load Stealing Lock Free Synchronization, Graph Algorithms

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Design Verification and Test of Digital VLSI Circuits Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. Santosh Biswas, Prof. Jatindra Kumar Deka Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Guwahati Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction to Digital VLSI Design Flow 2 - High Level Design Representation 3 - Transformations for High Level Synthesis 4 - Introduction to HLS 5 - Scheduling Algorithms - 1 6 - Scheduling Algorithms - 2 7 - Binding and Allocation Algorithms 8 - Two level Boolean Logic Synthesis - 1 9 - Two level Boolean Logic Synthesis - 2 10 - Two level Boolean Logic Synthesis - 3 11 - Heuristic Minimization of Two-Level Circuits 12 - Finite State Machine Synthesis 13 - Multilevel Implementation 14 - Introduction to formal methods for design verification 15 - Temporal Logic 16 - Syntax and Semantics of CTL 17 - Syntax and Semantics of CTL â Continued 18 - Equivalence between CTL Formulas 19 - Introduction to Model Checking 20 - Model Checking Algorithms - I 21 - Model Checking Algorithms - II 22 - Model Checking with Fairness 23 - Binary Decision Diagram 24 - Ordered Binary Decision Diagram 25 - Operation on Ordered Binary Decision Diagram 26 - Ordered Binary Decision Diagram for State Transition Systems 27 - Symbolic Model Checking 28 - Introduction to Digital VLSI Testing 29 - Functional and Structural Testing

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44


Fault Equivalence Fault Simulation - 1 Fault Simulation - 2 Fault Simulation - 3 Testability Measures (SCOAP) Introduction to Automatic Test Pattern Generation (ATPG) and ATPG Algebras D-Algorithm - 1 D-Algorithm - 2 ATPG for Synchronous Sequential Circuits Scan Chain based Sequential Circuit Testing - 1 Scan Chain based Sequential Circuit Testing - 2 Built in Self Test - 1 Built in Self Test - 2 Memory Testing - 1 Memory Testing - 2

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Computer Algorithms - 2 Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Shashank K. Mehta Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Graph_Basics 2 - Breadth_First_Search 3 - Dijkstra_Algo 4 - All Pair Shortest Path 5 - Matriods 6 - Minimum Spanning Tree 7 - Edmond's Matching Algo I 8 - Edmond's Matching Algo II 9 - Flow Networks 10 - Ford Fulkerson Method 11 - Edmond Karp Algo 12 - Matrix Inversion 13 - Matrix Decomposition 14 - Knuth Morris Pratt Algo 15 - Rabin Karp Algo 16 - NFA Simulation 17 - Integer-Polynomial Ops-I 18 - Integer-Polynomial Ops-II 19 - Integer-Polynomial Ops-III 20 - Chinese Remainder-I 21 - Chinese Remainder-II 22 - Chinese Remainder-III 23 - Discrete Fourier Transform-I 24 - Discrete Fourier Transform-II 25 - Discrete Fourier Transform-III 26 - Schonhage Strassen Algo 27 - Linear Programming-I 28 - Linear Programming-II 29 - Geometry-I

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35


Geometry-II Geometry-III Approximation Algo-I Approximation Algo-II Approximation Algo-III General

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Theory of Computation Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Somenath Biswas Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Theory of Computation 2 - Theory of Computation 3 - Theory of Computation 4 - Theory of Computation 5 - Theory of Computation 6 - Theory of Computation 7 - Theory of Computation 8 - Theory of Computation 9 - Theory of Computation 10 - Theory of Computation 11 - Theory of Computation 12 - Theory of Computation 13 - Theory of Computation 14 - Theory of Computation 15 - Theory of Computation 16 - Theory of Computation 17 - Theory of Computation 18 - Theory of Computation 19 - Theory of Computation 20 - Theory of Computation 21 - Theory of Computation 22 - Theory of Computation 23 - Theory of Computation 24 - Theory of Computation 25 - Theory of Computation 26 - Theory of Computation 27 - Theory of Computation 28 - Theory of Computation 29 - Theory of Computation

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30 31 32 33


Theory Theory Theory Theory

of of of of

Computation Computation Computation Computation

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. D. Gupta Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Riemann Hypothesis and its Applications Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Manindra Agrawal Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture



MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture - 30

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Biometrics Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Phalguni Gupta Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Biometrics 2 - Biometrics 3 - Biometrics 4 - Biometrics 5 - Biometrics 6 - Biometrics 7 - Biometrics 8 - Biometrics 9 - Biometrics 10 - Biometrics 11 - Biometrics 12 - Biometrics 13 - Biometrics 14 - Biometrics 15 - Biometrics 16 - Biometrics 17 - Biometrics 18 - Biometrics 19 - Biometrics 20 - Biometrics 21 - Biometrics 22 - Biometrics 23 - Biometrics 24 - Biometrics 25 - Biometrics 26 - Biometrics

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Parallel Algorithm Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Phalguni Gupta Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Parallel Algorithm 2 - Parallel Algorithm 3 - Parallel Algorithm 4 - Parallel Algorithm 5 - Parallel Algorithm 6 - Parallel Algorithm 7 - Parallel Algorithm 8 - Parallel Algorithm 9 - Parallel Algorithm 10 - Parallel Algorithm 11 - Parallel Algorithm 12 - Parallel Algorithm 13 - Parallel Algorithm 14 - Parallel Algorithm 15 - Parallel Algorithm 16 - Parallel Algorithm 17 - Parallel Algorithm 18 - Parallel Algorithm 19 - Parallel Algorithm 20 - Parallel Algorithm 21 - Parallel Algorithm 22 - Parallel Algorithm 23 - Parallel Algorithm 24 - Parallel Algorithm 25 - Parallel Algorithm

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Computer Architecture (Dr. Mainak Chaudhuri) Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. Mainak Chaudhuri Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction, Amdahl's law, CPI equation 2 - CPI equation, research practices, instruction set architecture 3 - Instruction set architecture 4 - Instruction set architecture 5 - Instruction set architecture, case study with MIPS-I 6 - Case study with MIPS-I 7 - Case study with MIPS-I 8 - Binary instrumentation for architectural studies 9 - Binary instrumentation for architectural studies 10 - Basic pipelining, branch prediction 11 - Basic pipelining, branch prediction 12 - Basic pipelining, branch prediction 13 - Basic pipelining, branch prediction 14 - Basic pipelining, branch prediction 15 - Basic pipelining, branch prediction 16 - Basic pipelining, branch prediction 17 - Basic pipelining, branch prediction 18 - Basic pipelining, branch prediction 19 - Basic pipelining, branch prediction 20 - Dynamic scheduling, speculative execution 21 - Dynamic scheduling, speculative execution 22 - Dynamic scheduling, speculative execution 23 - Dynamic scheduling, speculative execution 24 - Dynamic scheduling, speculative execution 25 - Virtual memory and caches 26 - Virtual memory and caches 27 - Virtual memory and caches 28 - Topics in memory system, DRAM and SRAM technology 29 - Topics in memory system, DRAM and SRAM technology

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36


Topics in memory system, DRAM and SRAM technology Case study Case study Case study Case study Input/Output Simultaneous multithreading, multi-cores

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Compiler Design (Prof. Sanjeev K Aggarwal) Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Sanjeev K Aggarwal Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Compiler Design 2 - Compiler Design 3 - Compiler Design 4 - Compiler Design 5 - Compiler Design 6 - Compiler Design 7 - Compiler Design 8 - Compiler Design 9 - Compiler Design 10 - Compiler Design 11 - Compiler Design 12 - Compiler Design 13 - Compiler Design 14 - Compiler Design 15 - Compiler Design 16 - Compiler Design 17 - Compiler Design 18 - Compiler Design 19 - Compiler Design 20 - Compiler Design 21 - Compiler Design 22 - Compiler Design 23 - Compiler Design 24 - Compiler Design 25 - Compiler Design 26 - Compiler Design 27 - Compiler Design 28 - Compiler Design 29 - Compiler Design 30 - Compiler Design

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - NOC:Introduction to programming in C Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Satyadev Nandakumar Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

1 - Intro - Process of programming 2 - Intro - GCD 3 - Intro - Programming cycle 4 - Intro - Tracing a simple program 5 - Intro - Variables 6 - Intro - Operators 7 - Loops - While 8 - Loops - While example 9 - Loops - While GCD example 10 - Loops - Longest 1 11 - Loops - Longest 2 12 - Loops - Longest 3 13 - Loops - Do-while 14 - Loops - Matrix using nested loops 15 - Loops - For 16 - Loops - Matrix using nested for loops 17 - Loops - Break statement 18 - Loops - Continue statement 19 - Loops - Continue statement example 20 - Data types in C 21 - ASCII code 22 - Operators Expressions Associativity 23 - Precedence of operators 24 - Expression evaluation 25 - Functions - Introduction 26 - Functions - How functions are executed 27 - Functions - Examples - 1 28 - Functions - Examples - 2 29 - Arrays in C 30 - Initializing arrays 31 - Initializing character arrays 32 - Pointers in C 33 - Pointer arithmetic

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34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52


Function with pointer arguments Example - copy a subarray Programming using arrays and pointers Sizeof operator Returning pointers from functions Example - return duplicate of a string Recursion - Linear Recursion Recursion - Linear Recursion - 2 Recursion - Two-way Recursion Multidimensional Arrays Multidimensional Arrays and Pointers Multidimensional Arrays and Pointers Multidimensional Arrays and Pointers Multidimensional Arrays Multidimensional Arrays and Pointers Multidimensional Arrays and Pointers Multidimensional Arrays and Pointers File Handling Some other file-handling functions

continued (2) continued (3) 2 3

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - NOC:Fundamentals of Database Systems Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. Arnab Bhattacharya Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kanpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction to Databases 2 - Relational Data Model 3 - Relational Algebra Basic Operators 4 - Relational Algebra Composition of Operators 5 - Relational Algebra Additional Operators 6 - Relational Algebra Extended Relational Algebra 7 - Relational Algebra 8 - SQL 9 - SQL 10 - SQL 11 - SQL 12 - Normalization Theory 13 - Normalization Theory 14 - Normalization Theory 15 - Normalization Theory 16 - Normalization Theory 17 - Physical Design 18 - Database Indexing 19 - Database Indexing 20 - Query Processing 21 - Query Processing 22 - Query Processing 23 - Query Processing 24 - Query Optimization 25 - Query Optimization 26 - Query Optimization 27 - Query Optimization 28 - Database Transactions 29 - Database Transactions

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30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48


Recovery Systems Recovery Systems Recovery Systems Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Schedules Concurrency Control Concurrency Control Concurrency Control Concurrency Control Concurrency Control Concurrency Control Concurrency Control NoSQL NoSQL NoSQL Big Data

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Cryptography and Network Security Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. Debdeep Mukhopadhyay Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction 2 - Overview on Modern Cryptography 3 - Introduction to Number Theory 4 - Probability and Information Theory 5 - Classical Cryptosystems 6 - Cryptanalysis of Classical Ciphers 7 - Shannons Theory 8 - Shannons Theory (Continued...1) 9 - Shannons Theory (Continued...2) 10 - Symmetric Key Ciphers 11 - Block Cipher Standards (DES) 12 - Block Cipher Standards (AES) 13 - Block Cipher Standards (AES) (Continued...) 14 - Linear Cryptanalysis 15 - Differential Cryptanalysis 16 - Few other Cryptanalytic Techniques 17 - Overview on S-Box Design Principles 18 - Modes of Operation of Block Ciphers 19 - Stream Ciphers 20 - Stream Ciphers (Continued...1) 21 - Stream Ciphers (Continued...2) 22 - Pseudorandomness 23 - Cryptographic Hash Functions 24 - Cryptographic Hash Functions (Continued...1) 25 - Cryptographic Hash Functions (Continued...2) 26 - Message Authentication Codes 27 - More Number Theoretic Results 28 - The RSA Cryptosystem 29 - Primality Testing

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41


Factoring Algorithms Some Comments on the Security of RSA Discrete Logarithm Problem (DLP) The Diffie-Hellman Problem and Security of ElGamal Systems An Introduction to Elliptic Curve Cryptography Application of Elliptic Curves to Cryptography Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptography Secret Sharing Schemes A Tutorial on Network Protocols System Security Firewalls and Intrusion Detection Systems Side Channel Analysis of Cryptographic Implementations

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - High Performance Computer Architecture Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Ajit Pal Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction & Course Outline 2 - Performance 3 - Instruction Set Architecture 4 - MIPS ISA and Processor 5 - MIPS ISA and Processor (Continued...) 6 - Pipelining - Introduction 7 - Instruction Pipelining 8 - Pipeline Hazards 9 - Data Hazards 10 - Software Pipelining 11 - In Quest of Higher ILP 12 - In Quest of Higher ILP (Continued...) 13 - Dynamic Instruction Scheduling 14 - Dynamic Instruction Scheduling (Continued...) 15 - Control Hazards 16 - Branch Prediction 17 - Branch Prediction (Continued...) 18 - Dynamic Instruction Scheduling with Branch Prediction 19 - Hardware-based Speculation 20 - Tutorial - I 21 - Hierarchical Memory Organization 22 - Hierarchical Memory Organization (Continued...1) 23 - Hierarchical Memory Organization (Continued...2) 24 - Hierarchical Memory Organization (Continued...3) 25 - Cache Optimization Techniques (Continued...1) 26 - Cache Optimization Techniques (Continued...2) 27 - Main Memory Organization 28 - Main Memory Optimizations 29 - Virtual Memory

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41


Virtual Memory (Continued...) Virtual Machines Storage Technology Storage Technology (Continued...) Case Studies Case Studies (Continued...1) Case Studies (Continued...2) Multithreading & Multiprocessing Simultaneous Multithreading Symmetric Multiprocessors Distributed Memory Multiprocessors Cluster, Grid and Cloud Computing

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Low Power VLSI Circuits and Systems Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Ajit Pal Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction & Course Outline 2 - MOS Transistors - I 3 - MOS Transistors - II 4 - MOS Transistors - III 5 - MOS Transistors - IV 6 - MOS Inverters - I 7 - MOS Inverters - II 8 - MOS Inverters - III 9 - MOS Inverters - IV 10 - Static CMOS Circuits - I 11 - Static CMOS Circuits - II 12 - MOS Dynamic Circuits - I 13 - MOS Dynamic Circuits - II 14 - Pass Transistor Logic Circuits - I 15 - Pass Transistor Logic Circuits - II 16 - MOS Memories 17 - Finite State Machines 18 - Switching Power Dissipation 19 - Tutorial - I 20 - Dynamic Power Dissipation 21 - Leakage Power Dissipation 22 - Supply Voltage Scaling - I 23 - Supply Voltage Scaling - II 24 - Supply Voltage Scaling - III 25 - Supply Voltage Scaling - IV 26 - Tutorial - II 27 - Minimizing Switched Capacitance - I 28 - Minimizing Switched Capacitance - II 29 - Minimizing Switched Capacitance - III

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30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Minimizing Switched Capacitance - IV Minimizing Switched Capacitance - V Minimizing Leakage Power - I Minimizing Leakage Power - II Minimizing Leakage Power - III Variation Tolerant Design Adiabatic Logic Circuits Battery-Driven System Design CAD Tools for Low Power Tutorial - III Course Summary

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Real Time Systems Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Rajib Mall Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction 2 - Real - Time System Characteristics 3 - Few Basic Issues 4 - Modelling Timing Constraints 5 - Modelling Timing Constraints (Continued.) 6 - Basics of Real - Time Task Scheduling 7 - Cyclic Scheduler 8 - Event - Driven Scheduling 9 - Rate Monotonic Scheduler 10 - RMA Scheduling 11 - Deadline Monotonic Scheduling and Other Issues 12 - Few Issues in Use of RMA 13 - Resource Sharing Among Real-Time Tasks 14 - Highest Locker and Priority Ceiling Protocols 15 - An Analysis of Priority Ceiling Protocol 16 - Handling Task Dependencies 17 - Real-Time Task Scheduling on Multiprocessors and Distributed Systems 18 - Real-Time Task Scheduling on Multiprocessors and Distributed Systems (Continued.) 19 - Clock Synchronization in Distributed Real-Time Systems 20 - Internal Clock Synchronization in Presence of Byzantine Clocks 21 - A Few Basic Issues in Real-Time Operating Systems 22 - Tutorial - I 23 - A Few Basic Issues in Real-Time Operating Systems (Continued.) 24 - Unix and Windows as RTOS 25 - Real - Time POSIX 26 - Real - Time POSIX (Continued.) 27 - Open Source and Commercial RTOS 28 - Open Source and Commercial RTOS (Continued.) 29 - Benchmarking Real - Time Computer & Operating Systems

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30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Benchmarking Real - Time Computer & Operating Systems (Continued.) Real - Time Communications Few Basic Issues in Real - Time Communications Review of Computer Networking Real - Time Communication in a LAN Real - Time Communication in a LAN (Continued.) Performance of Two Real -Time Communication Protocols Real - Time Communication over Packet Switched Networks Real - Time Communication over Packet Switched Networks (Continued.) Real - Time Communication over Packet Switched Networks (Continued.) Real - Time Databases

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Artificial Intelligence (Prof. Anupam Basu) Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Sudeshna Sarkar, Prof. Anupam Basu Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 2 - Intelligent Agents 3 - State Space Search 4 - Uninformed Search 5 - Informed Search 6 - Informed Search - 2 7 - Two Players Games - I 8 - Two Players Games - II 9 - Constraint Satisfaction Problems - 1 10 - Constraint Satisfaction Problems - 2 11 - Knowledge Representation and Logic 12 - Interface in Propositional Logic 13 - First Order Logic 14 - Reasoning Using First Order Logic 15 - Resolution in FOPL 16 - Rule Based System 17 - Rule Based Systems II 18 - Semantic Net 19 - Reasoning in Semantic Net 20 - Frames 21 - Planning - 1 22 - Planning - 2 23 - Planning - 3 24 - Planning - 4 25 - Rule Based Expert System 26 - Reasoning with Uncertainty - I 27 - Reasoning with Uncertainty - II 28 - Reasoning with Uncertainty - III 29 - Reasoning with Uncertainty - IV

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Fuzzy Reasoning - I Fuzzy Reasoning - II Introduction to Learning - I Introduction to Learning - II Rule Induction and Decision Trees - I Rule Induction and Decision Trees - II Learning Using neural Networks - I Learning Using Neural Networks - II Probabilistic Learning Natural Language Processing - I Natural Language Processing - II

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Artificial Intelligence (Prof. P. Dasgupta) Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. P. Dasgupta Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 2 - Problem Solving by Search 3 - Searching with Costs 4 - Informed State Space Search 5 - Heuristic Search 6 - Problem Reduction Search 7 - Searching Game Trees 8 - Knowledge Based Systems 9 - First Order Logic 10 - Inference in First Order Logic 11 - Resolution - Refutation Proofs 12 - Resolution Refutation Proofs 13 - Logic Programming 14 - Prolog Programming 15 - Prolog 16 - Additional Topics 17 - Introduction to Planning 18 - Partial Order Planning 19 - GraphPLAN and SATPlan 20 - SATPlan 21 - Reasoning under uncertainty 22 - Bayesian Networks 23 - Reasoning with Bayes Networks 24 - Reasoning with Bayes networks (Contd.) 25 - Reasoning under uncertainty 26 - Learning 27 - Learning 28 - Back Propagation Learning

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Computer Networks Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Sujoy Ghosh Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Emergence of Networks & Reference Models 2 - Network Topology 3 - Physical Medium - I 4 - Physical Medium - II 5 - Multiplexing (Sharing a Medium) 6 - Telecom Networks 7 - Switches - I 8 - Pocket Switches 9 - SONET/SDH 10 - Fiber Optic Components 11 - Routing and Wavelength Assignment 12 - Protection and Restoration 13 - Multiple Access 14 - Token Based Mac 15 - Data Link Protocols 16 - Error Control 17 - Stop & Wait Protocol 18 - Satellite Communication 19 - Ethernet - CSMA/CD 20 - Modern Ethernet 21 - Local Internetworking 22 - Cellular Networks 23 - Wireless Network 24 - ATM 25 - ATM Signaling, Routing and LAN Emulation 26 - Introduction to Routing 27 - RIP - Distance Vector Routing 28 - IP version 4 29 - IP Version 6 & Mobile IP

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30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


UDP & Client Server TCP IP Multicasting DHCP and ICMP DNS & Directory Congestion Control QOS & Multimedia Network Management Security FTP - SMTP HTTP

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Data Communication Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Ajit Pal Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction and Course Outline - Data Communication 2 - Layered Architecture 3 - Data and Signal 4 - Transmission Impairments and Channel Capacity 5 - Guided Transmission Media 6 - Unguided Media 7 - Transmission of Digital Signal - I 8 - Transmission of Digital Signal - II 9 - Transmission of Analog Signal - I 10 - Transmission of Analog Signal - II 11 - Multiplexing 12 - Multiplexing 13 - Multiplexing Applications - I 14 - Multiplexing Applications - II 15 - Interfacing to the Media 16 - Error Detection and Correction 17 - Flow and Error Control 18 - Data Link Control 19 - Switching Techniques Circuit Switching 20 - Switching Techniques Packet Switching 21 - Routing - I 22 - Routing - II 23 - Congestion Control 24 - X.25 and Frame Relay 25 - ATM 26 - Medium Access Control - I 27 - Medium Access Control - II 28 - Medium Access Control - III 29 - IEEE 802 LANs

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41


High Speed LANs Wireless LANs Cellular Telephone Systems Satellite Communications Internet and Internetworking TCP/IP - I TCP/IP - II Multimedia Networks Audio and Video Compression Multimedia Services Secured Communication - I Secured Communication - II

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Electronic Design Automation Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Indranil Sengupta Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction 2 - Verilog 3 - Verilog 4 - Verilog 5 - Verilog 6 - Verilog 7 - Verilog 8 - Synthesis 9 - Synthesis 10 - Synthesis 11 - Synthesis 12 - Synthesis 13 - Synthesis 14 - Synthesis 15 - Backend Design 16 - Backend Design 17 - Backend Design 18 - Backend Design 19 - Backend Design 20 - Backend Design 21 - Backend Design 22 - Backend Design 23 - Backend Design 24 - Backend Design 25 - Backend Design 26 - Backend Design 27 - Backend Design 28 - Backend Design 29 - Backend Design

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35


Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing Testing

Part Part Part Part Part Part



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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Internet Technology Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Indranil Sengupta Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction To Internet 2 - Review Of Network Technologies 3 - TCP/IP - Part-I 4 - TCP/IP - Part-II 5 - TCP/IP - Part-III 6 - IP Subnetting and Addressing 7 - Internet Routing Protocol - Part-I 8 - Internet Routing Protocol - Part-II 9 - Client Server Concepts DNS, Telnet, FTP 10 - Electronic Mail 11 - World Wide Web - Part-I 12 - World Wide Web - Part-II 13 - HTML 14 - HTML 15 - HTML 16 - Extensible Markup Language (XML) 17 - HTML Forms 18 - Image Maps 19 - CGI Scripts 20 - Other Technologies 21 - PERL - Part-I 22 - PERL - Part II 23 - PERL - Part III 24 - PERL - Part IV 25 - Javascript 26 - Javascript Examples (Continued) 27 - Using Cookies 28 - Java Applets 29 - Java Applets

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30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Client-Server Programming In Java Intranet, Extranet, Firewall Basic Cryptographic Concepts Part - I Basic Cryptographic Concepts Part - II Basic Cryptographic Concepts Part - III Electronic Commerce Streaming Multimedia Applications Internet Telephony Search Engine And Web Crawlers Search Engine And Web Crawlers Course Summary And Conclusion

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Programming and Data Structure Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. P.P. Chakraborty Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Kharagpur Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction 2 - C Programming - I 3 - C Programming - II 4 - C Programming - III 5 - Data Structuring 6 - Data Structuring 7 - Data Structuring 8 - Problem Decomposition By Recursion - I 9 - Problem Decomposition By Recursion - II 10 - Problem Decomposition By Recursion - III 11 - Merge sort And Quick sort 12 - Characters And Strings 13 - Arrays 14 - Structures - I 15 - Structures - II 16 - Dynamic Allocation Part - I 17 - Linked Lists - I 18 - Complexity (Efficiency) of Algorithms 19 - Asymptotic Growth Functions 20 - Asymptotic Analysis of Algorithms 21 - Data Structuring 22 - Search Trees 23 - Search Trees - II 24 - Search Trees - III 25 - 2-3 Trees 26 - Algorithm Design - I 27 - Algorithm Design - II 28 - Algorithm Design - III 29 - Graphs - I

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture 30 - Graphs - II Lecture 31 - Graphs - III Lecture 32 - Conclusions

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Pattern Recognition Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Sukhendu Das, Prof. C.A. Murthy Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras | Indian Statistical Institute Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Principles of Pattern Recognition I (Introduction and Uses) 2 - Principles of Pattern Recognition II (Mathematics) 3 - Principles of Pattern Recognition III (Classification and Bayes Decision Rule) 4 - Clustering vs. Classification 5 - Relevant Basics of Linear Algebra, Vector Spaces 6 - Eigen Value and Eigen Vectors 7 - Vector Spaces 8 - Rank of Matrix and SVD 9 - Types of Errors 10 - Examples of Bayes Decision Rule 11 - Normal Distribution and Parameter Estimation 12 - Training Set, Test Set 13 - Standardization, Normalization, Clustering and Metric Space 14 - Normal Distribution and Decision Boundaries I 15 - Normal Distribution and Decision Boundaries II 16 - Bayes Theorem 17 - Linear Discriminant Function and Perceptron 18 - Perceptron Learning and Decision Boundaries 19 - Linear and Non-Linear Decision Boundaries 20 - K-NN Classifier 21 - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 22 - Fisherâ s LDA 23 - Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) 24 - Assignments 25 - Basics of Clustering, Similarity/Dissimilarity Measures, Clustering Criteria. 26 - K-Means Algorithm and Hierarchical Clustering 27 - K-Medoids and DBSCAN 28 - Feature Selection 29 - Feature Selection

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30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43


Feature Selection Cauchy Schwartz Inequality Feature Selection Criteria Function Feature Selection Criteria Function Principal Components Comparison Between Performance of Classifiers Basics of Statistics, Covariance, and their Properties Data Condensation, Feature Clustering, Data Visualization Probability Density Estimation Visualization and Aggregation Support Vector Machine (SVM) FCM and Soft-Computing Techniques Examples of Uses or Application of Pattern Recognition; And When to do clustering Examples of Real-Life Dataset

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Performance Evaluation of Computer Systems Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Krishna Moorthy Sivalingam Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction to performance evaluation of computer systems 2 - How to avoid common mistakes 3 - Selection of techniques and metrics 4 - Case study 5 - Random Variables and probability distributions 6 - Probability distributions - I 7 - Probability distributions - II 8 - Probability distributions - III 9 - Stochastic process 10 - Markov Chain 11 - Slotted Aloha protocol model and discrete-time birth death process 12 - Continuous time Markov chain and queuing theory - I 13 - Queuing theory - I (Continued) 14 - Queuing theory - II 15 - Queuing theory - III 16 - Queuing theory - IV 17 - Queuing theory - V 18 - Queuing theory - VI 19 - Queuing networks - I 20 - Queuing networks - II 21 - Slotted Aloha Markov model 22 - Simulations - I 23 - Simulations - II 24 - Simulations - III 25 - Operational laws - I 26 - Operational laws - II 27 - Open and closed queuing networks 28 - Approximate MVA 29 - Convolution algorithm - I

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30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42


Convolution algorithm - II Load-dependent service centers Hierarchical decomposition Balanced Job Bounds Confidence interval for propotions and introduction 2k factorial design 2k r factorial design and 2k-p fractional factorial Programming aspects of discrete-event simulations Programming aspects of discrete-event simulations Discrete-event simulations - III PetriNets - I PetriNets - II PetriNets - III

to experimental design design I II

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Theory of Automata, Formal Languages and Computation Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Kamala Krithivasan Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Grammars and Natural Language Processing 2 - Grammars and Languages Generated 3 - Grammars and Languages Generated (Continued.) 4 - Ambiguity in CFG 5 - Simplication of CFG 6 - Removal of Unit Productions, Chomsky Normal Form for CFG 7 - Greibach Normal Form for CFG 8 - Final State Automata 9 - Non Deterministic FSA 10 - Non Deterministic FSA (Continued.) 11 - Non Deterministic FSA with E(Epsilon)- Moves 12 - Equivalence Between FSA and Type 3 Grammars 13 - Regular Expressions, Regular Expressions to NFSA 14 - DFSA to Regular Expressions 15 - Problems and Solutions - I 16 - Pumping Lemmas for Regular Sets and CFL 17 - MYHILL - Nerode Theorem 18 - Minimization of DFSA 19 - FSA with output Moore and Mealy Machines 20 - Pushdown Automata 21 - Pushdown Automata, Equivalence Between Acceptance by Empty Store and Acceptance by Final State 22 - Pushdown Automata CFG to PDA 23 - Pushdown Automata PDA to CFG 24 - Problems and Solutions - II 25 - Problems and Solutions - III 26 - Turing Machines 27 - Turing Machines (Continued.) 28 - Turing Machine as Acceptor, Techniques for TM Construction 29 - Generalized Versions of Turing Machines

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42


Turing Machine as a Generating Device Recursive Sets, Recursively Innumerable Sets, Encoding of TM, Halting Problem Problems and Instances, Universal TM, Decidability RICE'S Theorem, Linear Bounded Automata, Properties of TM POST'S Correspondence Problems POST'S Correspondence Problems (Continued.), Time and Tape Complexity of TM NP - Complete Problems, Cook's Theorem NP - Complete Problems (Continued.) Regulated Rewriting L-Systems Grammar Systems DNA Computing Membrane Computing

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Computer Graphics Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Sukhendu Das Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Definition 2 - Basic Elements 3 - History 4 - Application 5 - Graphic rendering pipeline 6 - Input devices 7 - Line Drawing Algorithm 8 - Midpoint Circle Algorithm 9 - Ellipse drawing algoritm 10 - Point Clipping 11 - Line Clipping 12 - Polygon Clipping 13 - Two - Dimensional 14 - Three - Dimensional 15 - 3D Viewing 16 - Parametric Curves 17 - Introduction 18 - Generation of Fractals 19 - Geometric fractals 20 - Recapitulation 21 - Random Fractals 22 - Applications 23 - Conventional Animation 24 - Real time vs Image 25 - Animation Techniques 26 - Rotoscopy 27 - Key Framing 28 - Spline Driven Animation 29 - Morphing

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33


Particle Systems Illumination Model Polygon Shading Solid Models

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Computer Organization Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. S. Raman Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction To Computing 2 - Introduction To System 3 - Introduction To System 4 - Processor Activities 5 - Processor As a State Machine 6 - Data Path Architecture 7 - Data Path Controller 8 - State Machine Design 9 - Controller Design 10 - Controller Design (Contd) 11 - Typical Micro Instructions 12 - Addressing Modes 13 - Problem Exercise 14 - Problem Exercise 15 - Introduction to memory system 16 - CPU - Memory Interaction 17 - Cache Organization 18 - Cache Organization 19 - Virtual Memory 20 - Virtual Memory 21 - Performance Calculation 22 - Segmentation 23 - Address Translation and Protection 24 - Programmed I/O 25 - Interrupt Driven I/O 26 - DMA 27 - Device Service Routines 28 - Evolution Of I/O 29 - I/O Devices

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30 31 32 33


I/O Devices - Contd Buses Buses Contd Conclusion

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Database Design Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. S. Srikanth, Prof. D. Janaki Ram Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras | IIIT - Bangalore Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction to Database Management System 2 - Conceptual Designs 3 - Conceptual Designs 4 - Relational Model 5 - Relational Model 6 - Structured Query Language - I 7 - Structured Query Language - II 8 - ER Model to Relational Mapping 9 - Functional Dependencies and Normal Form 10 - ER Model to Relational Model Mapping 11 - Storage Structures 12 - Indexing Techniques Single Level 13 - Indexing Techniques Multi Level 14 - Constraints and Triggers 15 - Query Processing and Optimization 16 - Query Processing and Optimization - II 17 - Query Processing and Optimization - III 18 - Transaction Processing Concepts 19 - Transaction Processing and Database Manager 20 - Foundation for Concurrency Control 21 - Concurrency Control Part - 1 22 - Concurrency Control Part - 2 23 - Concurrency Control Part - 3 24 - Concurrency Control Part - 4 25 - Distributed Transaction Models 26 - Basic 2-Phase and 3-phase commit protocol 27 - Concurrency Control for Distributed Transaction 28 - Introduction to Transaction Recovery 29 - Recovery Mechanisms - II

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30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43


Recovery Mechanisms - III Introduction to Data Warehousing and OLAP Introduction to Data Warehousing and OLAP Case Study Case Study ORACLE and Microsoft Access Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Part - II Object Oriented Databases Object Oriented Databases - II XML - Introductory Concepts XML - Advanced Concepts XML - Databases Case Study - Part One - Database Design Case Study - Part Two - Database Design

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Discrete Mathematical Structures Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Kamala Krithivasan Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Propositional Logic 2 - Propositional Logic (Continued) 3 - Predicates & Quantifiers 4 - Predicates & Quantifiers (Continued) 5 - Logical Inference 6 - Resolution Principles & Application to PROLOG 7 - Methods of Proof 8 - Normal Forms 9 - Proving Programs Correct (Continued) 10 - Sets 11 - Induction 12 - Set Operations On Strings 13 - Relations 14 - Graphs 15 - Graphs (Continued) 16 - Trees 17 - Trees And Graphs 18 - Special Properties Of Relations 19 - Closure Of Relations 20 - Closure Properties Of Relations 21 - Order Relations 22 - Order Relations And Equivalence Relations 23 - Equivalence Relations And Partitions 24 - Functions 25 - Functions (Continued) 26 - Functions (Continued) 27 - Pigeonhole Principle 28 - Permutations And Combinations 29 - Permutations And Combinations (Continued)

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Generating Functions Generating Functions (Continued) Recurrence Relations Recurrence Relations (Continued) Recurrence Relations (Continued) Algebras Algebras (Continued) Algebras (Continued) Finite State Automaton Finite State Automaton (Continued) Lattices

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Artificial Intelligence (Prof. Deepak Khemani) Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Deepak Khemani Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Artificial Intelligence 2 - Introduction to AI 3 - AI Introduction 4 - AI Introduction 5 - Introduction 6 - State Space Search - Introduction 7 - Search - DFS and BFS 8 - Search DFID 9 - Heuristic Search 10 - Hill Climbing 11 - Solution Space Search, Beam Search 12 - TSP Greedy Methods 13 - Tabu Search 14 - Optimization - I (Simulated Annealing) 15 - Optimization - II (Genetic Algorithms) 16 - Population based methods for Optimization 17 - Population Based Methods II 18 - Branch and Bound, Dijkstra's Algorithm 19 - A* Algorithm 20 - Admissibility of A* 21 - A* Monotone Property, Iterative Deeping A* 22 - Recursive Best First Search, Sequence Allignment 23 - Pruning the Open and Closed lists 24 - Problem Decomposition with Goal Trees 25 - AO* Algorithm 26 - Game Playing 27 - Game Playing - Minimax Search 28 - Game Playing - AlphaBeta 29 - Game Playing - SSS *

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48


Rule Based Systems Inference Engines Rete Algorithm Planning Planning FSSP, BSSP Goal Stack Planning. Sussman's Anomaly Non-linear planning Plan Space Planning GraphPlan Constraint Satisfaction Problems CSP continued Knowledge-based systems Knowledge-based Systems, PL Propositional Logic Resolution Refutation for PL First-order Logic (FOL) Reasoning in FOL Backward chaining Resolution for FOL

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - NOC:Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Hema A Murthy, Prof. Shankar Balachandran, Dr. N.S. Narayanaswamy Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

1 - Introduction to Computers and Programming 2 - Writing your first program 3 - Variables, Operators and Expressions 4 - Variable declarations, more operators and precedence 5 - Input and Output Statements 6 - Conditionals 7 - Loops 8 - Video Solution to Digital Root Programming Assignment 9 - Introduction to arrays 10 - Working with 1D arrays 11 - Find prime numbers 12 - Debugging demo 13 - Multi-dimensional arrays 14 - Pointers 15 - More on pointers 16 - Arrays and pointer arithmetic 17 - Introduction to Strings 18 - More on Strings 19 - Video Solution to Print Elements of a Matrix in Spiral Order Programming Assignment 20 - Introduction to functions 21 - More details on functions 22 - Arguments, variables and parameters 23 - Pass parameters by reference 24 - Recursive functions 25 - Running time of a program 26 - Computing time complexity 27 - Video Solution to Palindrome Checker Programming Assignment 28 - Algorithms and Powering 29 - Polynomial evaluation and multiplication 30 - Linear and Binary Search Analysis 31 - Analysis of minimum and maximum in an array 32 - Sorting I 33 - Sorting II

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34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61


Finding i-th smallest number Video Solution to Sorting words Programming Assignment Structures More on structures Using structures and pointers to structures Dynamic memory allocation Linked Lists Brief introduction to C++ Data Structures Lists Supplementary Lesson Video Solution to Implementing a Hash Table ADT Programming Assignment Stacks Queues Trees Tree traversal Binary Search Trees Heaps Graphs and Representation Supplementary Lesson Video Solution to the Queue in a Hospital Programming Assignment Greedy Algorithms Dynamic Programming Matrix Chain Multiplication Dijkstra's Algorithm Boyer-Moore String Matching Algorithm File I/O Modular Programming

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - NOC:Introduction to Information Security I Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. V. Kamakoti Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

1 - Module 1 - Part 0 - Introduction to the Course 2 - Module 1 - Part 1 - Definition of Information Security 3 - Module 1 - Part 2 - Information Security Terminologies 4 - Module 1 - Part 3 - Goals of Information Security 5 - Module 1 - Part 4 - Implementation Issues of the Goals of Information Security - I 6 - Module 1 - Part 5 - Implementation Issues of the Goals of Information Security - II 7 - Module 1 - Part 6 - Control Mechanisms for Information Security - I 8 - Module 1 - Part 7 - Access Control - Administrative and Technical 9 - Module 1 - Part 8 - Passwords - Are they secure? - I 10 - Module 1 - Part 9 - Access Control - Administrative and Technical 11 - Module 1 - Part 10 - Passwords - Are they secure? - III 12 - Module 1 - Part 11 - Multifactor Authentication - Challenges 13 - Module 1 - Part 12 - Application Level Control and Information Security Planning 14 - Module 1 - Part 13 - Information Security - Policy, Standard and Practice 15 - Module 1 - Part 14 - Policies governing Issues, Roles and Responsibilities 16 - Module 1 - Part 15 - Managing changes in Information Security Policies 17 - Module 1 - Part 16 - Spheres of Information Security 18 - Module 2 - Part 1 - Protecting your Personal Computer - I 19 - Module 2 - part 2 - Protecting your Personal Computer - II 20 - Module 2 - Part 3 - Protecting your Personal Computer - III 21 - Module 2 - Part 4 - Cloud Computing (Basic Definitions) - I 22 - Module 2 - Part 5 - Cloud Computing (Deployment) - II 23 - Module 2 - Part 6 - Cloud Computing (Security Issues) - III 24 - Module 2 - Part 7 - Cloud Computing (Trust and Risk) - IV 25 - Module 2 - Part 8 - Cloud Computing (Security and Privacy Issues) - V 26 - Module 2 - Part 9 - Cloud Computing (Security and Privacy Issues) - VI 27 - Module 2 - Part 10 - Cloud Computing (Application and Data level security) - VII 28 - Module 2 - Part 11 - Cloud Computing (Summary) - VIII 29 - Module 2 - Part 12 - Standard I 30 - Module 2 - Part 13 - Standard II 31 - Module 2 - Part 14 - Standard III 32 - Module 3 - Part 1 33 - Module 3 - Part 2

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34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65


Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module Module

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6


Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part Part

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - NOC:Programming and Data structures (PDS) Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. N S. Narayanaswamy Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

1 - A Simple C Program for Sorting 2 - Review of Structures, Pointers, and Functions 3 - Recursion 4 - Abstract Data Types-Data + Methods 5 - List Data Type 6 - Access and update methods 7 - Doubly Linked List Data Type 8 - Doubly Linked Lists and Arrays 9 - ADT Stacks 10 - Checking of Balanced Parenthesis 11 - Infix and Postfix expressions and Expression evaluation 12 - Queue ADT Definition and Implementation 13 - Merging using Queue ADT and Queue types 14 - Tree ADT and Traversals 15 - Binary Tree ADT and traversals 16 - Tree Applications

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - NOC:Design and Analysis of Algorithms Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Madhavan Mukund Co-ordinating Institute - Chennai Mathematical Institute Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

1 - Course Outline 2 - Example 3 - Example 4 - Example 5 - Introduction and motivation 6 - Input size, worst case, average case 7 - Quantifying efficiency 8 - Examples 9 - Arrays and lists 10 - Searching in an array 11 - Selection Sort 12 - Insertion sort 13 - Merge sort 14 - Merge sort - analysis 15 - Quicksort 16 - Quicksort - analysis 17 - Sorting - Concluding remarks 18 - Introduction to graphs 19 - Representing graphs 20 - Breadth first search (BFS) 21 - Depth first search (DFS) 22 - Applications of BFS and DFS 23 - Directed acylic graphs 24 - Directed acylic graphs 25 - Single source shortest paths 26 - Dijkstras algorithm 27 - Negative edge weights 28 - All pairs shortest paths 29 - Minimum Cost Spanning Trees 30 - Prims Algorithm 31 - Kruskals algorithm 32 - Union-Find using arrays 33 - Union-Find using pointers

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34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56


Priority queues Heaps Heaps Counting inversions Closest pair of points Binary Search Trees Balanced search trees Interval scheduling Scheduling with deadlines Huffman codes Introduction to dynamic programming Memoization Grid Paths Common subwords and subsequences Edit distance Matrix multiplication Linear Programming LP modelling LP modelling Network Flows Reductions Checking Algorithms P and NP

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - NOC:Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms (Aricent) Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. N S. Narayanaswamy, Prof. Shankar Balachandran, Prof. Hema A Murthy Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction to Computers and Programming 2 - Writing your first program 3 - Variables, Operators and Expressions 4 - Variable declarations, more operators and precedence 5 - Input and Output Statements 6 - Conditionals 7 - Loops 8 - Introduction to Arrays 9 - Working with 1D Arrays 10 - Find prime numbers 11 - Debugging demo 12 - Multi-dimensional arrays 13 - Pointers 14 - More on pointers 15 - Arrays and pointer arithmetic 16 - Introduction to Strings 17 - More on String 18 - Introduction to functions 19 - More details on functions 20 - Arguments, variables and parameters 21 - Pass parameters by reference 22 - Recursive Functions 23 - C control structures, functional specification of programs 24 - Complexity Analysis using Sum and Product Rule 25 - Complexity Analysis of Recursive Functions 26 - Algorithms and Powering 27 - Polynomial evaluation and multiplication 28 - Linear and Binary Search Analysis

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Analysis of minimum and maximum in an array Sorting I Sorting II Finding i-th smallest number Structures More on Structures Using structures and pointers to structures Dynamic memory allocation Linked List Brief introduction to C++ Abstract Data Types More on ADT

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - NOC:Computer Architecture Subject Co-ordinator - Prof.Madhu Mutyam Co-ordinating Institute - IIT - Madras Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction to Computer Architecture 2 - Quantitative Principles of Computer Design 3 - Instruction Set Principles-Part 1 4 - Instruction Set Principles-Part 2 5 - Instruction Set Principles-Part 3 6 - Cache Memory Hierarchy - Part 1 7 - Cache Memory Hierarchy - Part 2 8 - Cache Memory Hierarchy - Part 3 9 - Cache Memory Hierarchy - Part 4 10 - Main Memory Design - Part 1 11 - Main Memory Design - Part 2 12 - Main Memory Design - Part 3 13 - Fundamentals of Pipelining - Part 1 14 - Fundamentals of Pipelining - Part 2 15 - Fundamentals of Pipelining - Part 3 16 - Fundamentals of Pipelining - Part 4 17 - Fundamentals of Pipelining - Part 5 18 - Scalar to Superscalar pipeline 19 - Instruction Dependencies 20 - Compiler optimizations for Exposing ILP 21 - Advanced Branch Prediction Techniques - Part 1 22 - Advanced Branch Prediction Techniques - Part 2 23 - Superscalar Organization 24 - Register Renaming 25 - Tomasulo Algorithm 26 - Dynamic Execution Core 27 - Multi threading 28 - Multicore Processor Architecture 29 - Cache Coherence

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33


Cache Coherence Protocol Design Synchronization Memory Consistency - Part 1 Memory Consistency - Part 2

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Combinatorics Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. L. Sunil Chandran Co-ordinating Institute - IISc - Bangalore Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Pigeon hole principle - (Part 1) 2 - Pigeon hole principle - (Part 2) 3 - Pigeon hole principle - (Part 3) 4 - Pigeon hole principle - (Part 4) 5 - Elementary concepts and basic counting principles 6 - Elementary concepts; Binomial theorem; Bijective proofs - Part (1) 7 - Bijective proofs â Part (2) 8 - Bijective proofs - Part (3); Properties of binomial coefficients; Combinatorial identities - Part 9 - Combinatorial identities - Part (2); Permutations of multisets â Part (1) 10 - Permutations of multisets â Part (2) 11 - Multinomial Theorem, Combinations of Multisets â Part (1) 12 - Combinations of Multisets - Part (2) 13 - Combinations of Multisets â Part (3), Bounds for binomial coefficients 14 - Sterlingâ s Formula, Generalization of Binomial coefficients - Part (1) 15 - Generalization of Binomial coefficients - Part (2) 16 - Generalization of Binomial coefficients - Part (3); Double counting - Part (1) 17 - Double counting - Part (2) 18 - Hallâ s Theorem for regular bipartite graphs; Inclusion exclusion principle - Part (1) 19 - Inclusion exclusion principle - Part (2) 20 - Inclusion exclusion principle - Part (3) 21 - Inclusion exclusion principle - Part (4) 22 - Inclusion exclusion principle - Part (5) 23 - Recurrence Relations - Part (1) 24 - Recurrence Relations - Part (2) 25 - Recurrence Relations - Part (3) 26 - Recurrence Relations - Part (4) 27 - Recurrence Relations - Part (5) 28 - Generating functions - Part (1) 29 - Generating functions - Part (2)

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30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41


Solving recurrence relations using generating functions - Part (1) Solving recurrence relations using generating functions - Part (2) Exponential generating functions - Part (1) Exponential generating functions - Part (2), Partition Number - Part (1) Partition Number - Part (2) Partition Number - Part (3) Partition Number - Part (4); Catalan Numbers - Part (1) Catalans Numbers - Part (2) Catalan Numbers - Part (3), Sterling numbers of the 2nd kind Difference Sequences Sterling Numbers Summary

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Compiler Design (Prof. Y.N. Srikanth) Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Y.N. Srikanth Co-ordinating Institute - IISc - Bangalore Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - An Overview of a Compiler - Part 1 2 - An Overview of a Compiler - Part 2 and Run-Time Environments - Part 1 3 - An Overview of a Compiler - Part 2 and Run-Time Environments - Part 1 4 - Run-Time Environments - Part 2 5 - Run-Time Environments - Part 3 and Local Optimizations - Part 1 6 - Run-Time Environments - Part 3 and Local Optimizations - Part 1 7 - Local Optimizations - Part 2 and Code Generation - Part 1 8 - Local Optimizations - Part 2 and Code Generation - Part 1 9 - Code Generation - Part 1 10 - Code Generation - Part 2 11 - Code Generation - Part 3 and Global Register Allocation - Part 1 12 - Code Generation - Part 3 and Global Register Allocation - Part 1 13 - Global Register Allocation - Part 2 14 - Global Register Allocation - Part 3 and Implementing Object-Oriented Languages - Part 1 15 - Global Register Allocation - Part 3 and Implementing Object-Oriented Languages - Part 1 16 - Implementing Object-Oriented Languages - Part 2 and Introduction to Machine-Independent Optimiza 17 - Implementing Object-Oriented Languages - Part 2 and Introduction to Machine-Independent Optimiza 18 - Introduction to Machine-Independent Optimizations - Part 2 and Data-Flow Analysis - Part 1 19 - Introduction to Machine-Independent Optimizations - Part 2 and Data-Flow Analysis - Part 1 20 - Data-Flow Analysis - Part 2 21 - Data-Flow Analysis - Part 3 and Control-Flow Analysis - Part 1 22 - Data-Flow Analysis - Part 3 and Control-Flow Analysis - Part 1 23 - Control-Flow Analysis - Part 2 24 - Machine-Independent Optimizations - Part 1 25 - Machine-Independent Optimizations - Part 2 26 - Machine-Independent Optimizations - Part 3 and Data-Flow Analysis 27 - Machine-Independent Optimizations - Part 3 and Data-Flow Analysis 28 - Data-Flow Analysis 29 - Data-Flow Analysis

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30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


Partial Redundancy Elimination - Part 2 The Static Single Assignment Form The Static Single Assignment Form The Static Single Assignment Form Automatic Parallelization - Part 1 Automatic Parallelization - Part 2 Automatic Parallelization - Part 3 Automatic Parallelization - Part 4 Instruction Scheduling - Part 1 Instruction Scheduling - Part 2 Instruction Scheduling - Part 3 Software Pipelining Energy-Aware Software Systems - Part 1 Energy-Aware Software Systems - Part 2 Energy-Aware Software Systems - Part 3 Energy-Aware Software Systems - Part 4 Just-In-Time Compilation and Optimizations for .NET CLR Garbage Collection Interprocedural Data-Flow Analysis Worst Case Execution Time - Part 1 Worst Case Execution Time - Part 2

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Graph Theory Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. L. Sunil Chandran Co-ordinating Institute - IISc - Bangalore Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction 2 - Matchings 3 - More on Hallâ s theorem and some applications 4 - Tutteâ s theorem on existence of a perfect matching 5 - More on Tutteâ s theorem 6 - More on Matchings 7 - Dominating set, path cover 8 - Gallai â Millgram theorem, Dilworthâ s theorem 9 - Connectivity 10 - Mengerâ s theorem 11 - More on connectivity 12 - Minors, topological minors and more on k- linkedness 13 - Vertex coloring 14 - More on vertex coloring 15 - Edge coloring 16 - Proof of Vizingâ s theorem, Introduction to planarity 17 - 5- coloring planar graphs, Kuratowskyâ s theorem 18 - Proof of Kuratowskyâ s theorem, List coloring 19 - List chromatic index 20 - Adjacency polynomial of a graph and combinatorial Nullstellensatz 21 - Chromatic polynomial, k - critical graphs 22 - Gallai-Roy theorem, Acyclic coloring, Hadwigerâ s conjecture 23 - Perfect graphs 24 - Interval graphs, chordal graphs 25 - Proof of weak perfect graph theorem (WPGT) 26 - Second proof of WPGT, Some non-perfect graph classes 27 - More special classes of graphs 28 - Boxicity,Sphericity, Hamiltonian circuits 29 - More on Hamiltonicity

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


Chvatalâ s theorem, toughness, Hamiltonicity and 4-color conjecture Network flows More on network flows Circulations and tensions More on circulations and tensions, flow number and Tutteâ s flow conjectures Random graphs and probabilistic method Probabilistic method Probabilistic method Probabilistic method Graph minors and Hadwigerâ s conjecture More on graph minors, tree decompositions

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - High Performance Computing Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Mathew Jacob Co-ordinating Institute - IISc - Bangalore Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Programs and Data 2 - Data Representation 3 - Registers and Memory 4 - Instructions, Addressing Modes 5 - A RISC Instruction Set 6 - A RISC Instruction Set (Continued...) 7 - Function Call and Return 8 - Function Call and Return (Continued...) 9 - Instruction Execution 10 - Instruction Execution (Continued...) 11 - Software organization 12 - System Calls 13 - Virtual memory 14 - Virtual memory (Continued...) 15 - Virtual Memory (Continued...) 16 - Process 17 - Process scheduling 18 - Process lifetime 19 - Interprocess communication 20 - Concurrent programming 21 - Pipelining 22 - Pipeline hazards 23 - Pipeline hazards (Continued...) 24 - Pipeline hazards (Continued...) 25 - Cache memory 26 - Memory hierarchy 27 - Cache operation 28 - Cache operation (Continued) 29 - Cache aware programming

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41


Cache aware programming (Continued...) More on cache Measuring time Program Profiling Secondary storage Files and disks Directories Protection and Performance Parallel architecture Cache coherence MPI programming MPI programming (Continued...)

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Numerical Optimization Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. Shirish K. Shevade Co-ordinating Institute - IISc - Bangalore Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Introduction 2 - Mathematical Background 3 - Mathematical Background (Continued...) 4 - One Dimensional Optimization - Optimality Conditions 5 - One Dimensional Optimization (Continued...) 6 - Convex Sets 7 - Convex Sets (Continued...) 8 - Convex Functions 9 - Convex Functions (Continued...) 10 - Multi Dimensional Optimization - Optimality Conditions, Conceptual Algorithm 11 - Line Search Techniques 12 - Global Convergence Theorem 13 - Steepest Descent Method 14 - Classical Newton Method 15 - Trust Region and Quasi-Newton Methods 16 - Quasi-Newton Methods - Rank One Correction, DFP Method 17 - i) Quasi-Newton Methods - Broyden Family ii) Coordinate Descent Method 18 - Conjugate Directions 19 - Conjugate Gradient Method 20 - Constrained Optimization - Local and Global Solutions, Conceptual Algorithm 21 - Feasible and Descent Directions 22 - First Order KKT Conditions 23 - Constraint Qualifications 24 - Convex Programming Problem 25 - Second Order KKT Conditions 26 - Second Order KKT Conditions (Continued...) 27 - Weak and Strong Duality 28 - Geometric Interpretation 29 - Lagrangian Saddle Point and Wolfe Dual

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41


Linear Programming Problem Geometric Solution Basic Feasible Solution Optimality Conditions and Simplex Tableau Simplex Algorithm and Two-Phase Method Duality in Linear Programming Interior Point Methods - Affine Scaling Method Karmarkar's Method Lagrange Methods, Active Set Method Active Set Method (Continued...) Barrier and Penalty Methods, Augmented Lagrangian Method and Cutting Plane Method Summary

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Storage Systems Subject Co-ordinator - Dr. K. Gopinath Co-ordinating Institute - IISc - Bangalore Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - Overview 2 - Storage, Processing, Networking 3 - Naming and Storing 4 - Storage Filesystems 5 - Access Architecture, Hard Disks 6 - SCSI 7 - Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP) 8 - FCP, 10Gb Ethernet, iSCSI, TCP 9 - NFS, NFSv2 10 - NFSv2, NFSv3, NFSv4, CIFS 11 - USB Storage 12 - Tiering 13 - Mobile/Personal/Organizational - type Storage 14 - Parallel/Cloud/Web-scale Storage 15 - Long-term Storage 16 - Storage interfaces 17 - User-Memory-CPU interactions 18 - Spinlock, Concurrency 19 - Block Layer design 20 - FAT, TFAT, F2FS, LFS, FTL 21 - Data Structures 22 - Abstractions 23 - Link & Write Operations 24 - ZFS 25 - RAID in Filesystems 26 - RAID-Z, NetApp RAID4, Flash Filesystems 27 - Reliability 28 - Performance 29 - Security

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43


CAP Theorem POSIX/NFS/S3/Zookeeper, ACID Vs. BASE Consistency & Commit problems Paxos Group Communication problem Message Ordering Ordering Models Orderings in Filesystems Semantics of highly scalable filesystems GFS GFS Model GFS functions and operations GFS problems, BigTable Lessons to learn

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - System Analysis and Design Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. V. Rajaraman Co-ordinating Institute - IISc - Bangalore Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture



MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NPTEL Video Course - Computer Science and Engineering - Principles of Compiler Design Subject Co-ordinator - Prof. Y.N. Srikanth Co-ordinating Institute - IISc - Bangalore Sub-Titles - Available / Unavailable Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture


MP3 Audio Lectures - Available / Unavailable

1 - An Overview of a Compiler 2 - Lexical Analysis - Part 1 3 - Lexical Analysis - Part 2 4 - Lexical Analysis - Part 3 5 - Syntax Analysis 6 - Syntax Analysis 7 - Syntax Analysis 8 - Syntax Analysis 9 - Syntax Analysis 10 - Syntax Analysis 11 - Syntax Analysis 12 - Semantic Analysis with Attribute Grammars Part - 1 13 - Semantic Analysis with Attribute Grammars Part - 2 14 - Semantic Analysis with Attribute Grammars Part - 3 15 - Semantic Analysis with Attribute Grammars Part - 4 16 - Semantic Analysis with Attribute Grammars Part - 5 17 - Intermediate code generation Part - 1 18 - Intermediate code generation Part - 2 19 - Intermediate code generation Part - 3 20 - Intermediate code generation Part - 4 (first half of lecture) 21 - Run-time environments - 1 (second half of lecture) 22 - Run-time environments - 2 23 - Run-time environments - 3 24 - Run-time environments - 4 (first half of lecture) 25 - Control-Flow Graph and Local Optimizations - Part 1 (second half of lecture) 26 - Control-Flow Graph and Local Optimizations - Part 2 (first half of lecture) 27 - Machine code generation - 1 (second half of lecture) 28 - Machine code generation - 2 29 - Machine code generation - 3

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NPTEL Video Lecture Topic List - Created by LinuXpert Systems, Chennai --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture Lecture

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46


Machine code generation - 4 (first half of lecture), Implementing object-oriented languages 1 (s Implementing object-oriented languages 2 (first half of lecture) Global register allocation - 1 (second half of lecture) Global register allocation - 2 Global register allocation - 3 Introduction to Machine-Independent Optimizations - 1 Introduction to Machine-Independent Optimizations - 2 Introduction to Machine-Independent Optimizations - 3 Introduction to Machine-Independent Optimizations - 4 Introduction to Machine-Independent Optimizations - 5 Introduction to Machine-Independent Optimizations - 6 Introduction to Machine-Independent Optimizations - 7 (first half of lecture) Instruction Scheduling and Software Pipelining - 1 (second half of lecture) Instruction Scheduling and Software Pipelining - 2 Instruction Scheduling and Software Pipelining - 3 (first part of lecture) Automatic parallelization - 1 (second half of lecture) Automatic parallelization - 2

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