Cottsway ADoAD Jun 16

RECRUITMENT PACK Assistant Director of Assets and Development July 2016 Cottsway Housing Assi...

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RECRUITMENT PACK Assistant Director of Assets and Development July 2016

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development

YOUR APPLICATION Dear applicant Thank you very much for your interest in this post. On the following pages you will find details of the role and the selection process to assist you in completing and tailoring your application. In order to apply you should submit: 

An up-to-date CV which shows your full career history – we recommend that this is no longer than three pages;

A supporting statement explaining why you are interested in this role, detailing how you are a good candidate for this post and how you fulfil the person specification – we recommend that this is no longer than three pages;

The declaration form – but completion of the equalities section is not mandatory, this is requested for monitoring purposes in line with our commitment to equality and diversity; and

Please note that applications can only be considered if all the documentation is complete. Please send your application, preferably in MS Word format by email to: [email protected]. You will receive an acknowledgement within 24 hours of receipt and we suggest that if after that time you have not heard from us, you telephone the office (0203 434 0990) to ensure that it has arrived. Using a secure email address and putting the job title/organisation in the subject line reduces the chances of any email going into spam. Please do contact me if you wish to have an informal discussion about the role and organisation or if you have any other questions to help you decide whether to apply. You can contact me on 07944 411 484 or 020 3434 0990. Kind regards,

Mark Glinwood Associate Consultant

[email protected] 020 3434 0990 2

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development

CONTENTS Welcome letter from the Chief Executive


About Cottsway Housing


The Board


The Executive Management Team


Role profile


Person specification


Organisation chart


Principal terms and conditions of service


Key dates and the selection process


Supplementary information


Media advertisement


[email protected] 020 3434 0990 3

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development

WELCOME LETTER Dear candidate, Thank you for your interest in this post. Cottsway is a Housing Association with over 4,500 homes based in West Oxfordshire. We have an ambitious programme to deliver at least 750 homes in the next 5 years. We have the strongest regulatory rating of Governance 1, Viability 1, and a positive A2 credit rating from Moody’s. We refinanced the business at the end of 2015 with a £130million private bond issue with Macquarie, and have also put in place a revolving credit facility of £50 million to enable us to move quickly to take up opportunities that are likely to be available to grow the business over the next three years. We are creating this new post which brings together two key areas of the business: development/sales and reinvestment in existing stock. We have a strong asset base in a high value area which has potential for significant development. This new role will be responsible for effectively assessing the performance and return of our assets in order to unlock further potential to increase financial capacity and enhance our growth ambition. It will also deliver the new homes development and sales programme. We are looking for someone who can provide strategic leadership and build a strong team to improve our performance and services even further. If you join Cottsway you will be well supported by a strong Board and loyal staff team and you will be joining an organisation rooted in its local community, with strong relationships and partnerships. Joining Cottsway will provide you with the opportunity to deliver positive improvements in the lives of thousands of households in a beautiful part of England. With money to invest, a Board with ambition and a committed staff team this is an exciting time to be joining Cottsway. I wish you every success in your application.

Vivian Rosser Chief Executive Officer

[email protected] 020 3434 0990 4

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development

ABOUT US Cottsway is the largest housing association in West Oxfordshire. With offices in Witney, we manage more than 4,500 homes – including houses, flats, bungalows and housing for over 55s. We also support 135 leaseholders and almost 200 people living in shared ownership homes. Cottsway was created in March 2001, after West Oxfordshire District Council tenants voted to transfer their homes from the council to a new housing association. Our Values The way we work at Cottsway is built around a set of organisational values. These state how we will manage services and achieve our business objectives. Our values are:     

Commitment - we're here for the long-term Honesty - being open and transparent about how we do business Opportunity - doing all we can to provide customers with chances to enhance their lives Engagement - creating a true partnership between customers and staff Community - we are part of, and value the communities in which we work.

Cottsway has the strongest regulatory rating of Governance 1, Viability 1, and a positive A2 credit rating from Moody’s. We refinanced the business at the end of 2015 with a £130million private bond issue with Macquarie, and have also put in place a revolving credit facility of £50 million to enable us to move quickly to take up opportunities that are likely to be available to grow the business over the next three years. We have a strong and stable base, and the financial resources in place to fund our development and new business programme over the next few years. We aim to provide a minimum of 750 homes in a variety of tenures over the next five years, but also intend to actively manage our assets to bring in further receipts from disposals to enable us to exceed that target. Cottsway has positive and productive relationships with our local authority partners and with a number of large and medium sized house builders. There are a number of very large strategic sites coming forward in West Oxfordshire, the Cotswolds, and Cheltenham that we are already engaged on, or are in the process of competing to be involved in. It’s an exciting time for our development programme, with more opportunities available than we need to meet our aspirations. So we want to carefully appraise and choose the best opportunities to provide the homes that people desperately need, as demand in our area is very high. There are high levels of home ownership here, high house prices, and a relatively very small private rented sector. For many people, affordable housing is the only solution, both for rented homes, and for shared ownership homes for which there is a huge demand.

[email protected] 020 3434 0990 5

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development

THE BOARD John Brace Currently Group Resources Director and Deputy Group Chief Executive of Aster Group, John is also Vice Chair of the National Housing Federation’s Regional Committee in the South West.

Vivian Rosser Vivian Rosser joined Cottsway in June 2015 and has a wealth of career experience gained from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. He is an experienced leader and innovator whose achievements in affordable housing span 30 years. Starting his career in local authority housing, Vivian went on to become development director for Thames Valley Housing Association before gaining extensive senior level experience in the commercial sector. He joined Cottsway from the affordable team at housing Jones Lang LaSalle. He has also served on several boards and is currently an independent member on the board of Bracknell Forest Homes. Margaret Dodwell Margaret is the Managing Director of Guinness South where she has successfully amalgamated five different housing associations and developed and implemented a single service delivery model with an embedded focus on risk. Since 2008, Margaret has been a Member of the Guinness Partnership Executive Team and led its Home Ownership Service (10,000 homes).

Richard Purchase Richard has 20-plus years in business and HR/industrial relations. Until recently, Richard was the owner of a successful and vibrant consultancy. He has significant non-executive experience in the NHS as both a Chair and Board member.

Keith Reeve Keith has recently left his role at Nationwide Building Society as the Chief Manager, Asset Advice. Keith’s previous roles include Director of Property Development subsidiary (three years), Recoveries/Receiverships (four years), Financing Registered Social Landlords (12 years), and Mortgage Valuations (eight years).

[email protected] 020 3434 0990 6

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development Colin Sherriff Colin has more than 25 years’ experience at executive level in housing associations. Having set up one housing association and led it through three major transformations Colin has acted as an interim CEO in one start-up housing association and has successfully turned around others which were facing regulatory sanctions. He has been a non-executive Chair and Board member of organisations in the housing, care, education and health sectors. Kate Wareing Prior to this, Kate was Head of Innovation and Learning at Oxfam GB, and has previously held other roles at Oxfam including Strategy Development Director and led Oxfam's UK Poverty Programme for five years. Kate has also spent more than 10 years working in social housing and social care commissioning.

Sharon Whittaker Sharon is the Business and Enterprise Co-ordinator at The Marlborough Church of England School where she sits on the School Premises Team which is to become one of the Governors Groups. Sharon is also on the steering group for Wake up to Woodstock with other members of the local business community. Sharon is a resident board member.

[email protected] 020 3434 0990 7

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development

THE MANAGEMENT TEAM Vivian Rosser Vivian Rosser joined Cottsway in June 2015 and has a wealth of career experience gained from the public, private and not-for-profit sectors. He is an experienced leader and innovator whose achievements in affordable housing span 30 years. Starting his career in local authority housing, Vivian went on to become development director for Thames Valley Housing Association before gaining extensive senior level experience in the commercial sector. He joined Cottsway from the affordable team at housing Jones Lang LaSalle. He has also served on several boards and is currently an independent member on the board of Bracknell Forest Homes.

Sue Lakin Sue has worked in the housing sector for more than 25 years and brings significant leadership experience, having managed the delivery of services to organisations with over 15,000 households. Her excellent housing knowledge and experience spans social rent, affordable rent, shared ownership, intermediate rent, RTB leaseholders, rent to homebuy and mychoicehomebuy.

Richard Reynolds Richard is a qualified accountant (ACMA) with over 20 years’ experience across a diverse range of industries from quarrying to fast moving consumer goods. He has responsibility for the Finance, Business Support, IT and HR areas of the organisation. He has worked in the housing sector for the last four years and before joining Cottsway headed up the Strategic Finance arm of the GreenSquare Group where he developed innovative financial solutions for development schemes. Previously he has held board level roles in the private sector being responsible for multi-disciplinary teams delivering operational support to frontline services along with creating novel solutions to everyday business challenges.

[email protected] 020 3434 0990 8

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development


Chief Executive


Reinvestment Team, Development and Sales team


To be responsible for the leadership, development and delivery of the Development and Sales Strategy; this includes seeing and assessing new business opportunities, identifying alternative delivery methods, stakeholder engagement and partnership development

To be responsible for the leadership, development and delivery of the Asset Management Strategy; through effective identification of the annual reinvestment programme, opportunities for wider regeneration projects, asset disposals and redevelopment

To be responsible for and to lead on compliance areas, ensuring all regulatory, statutory and landlord’s obligations are met


To lead the Development and Sales team, ensuring staff deliver effectively to meet HCA funding, business plan, budget and other external funder requirements.

To proactively seek new development opportunities to business plan requirements converting opportunities into a financially stable pipeline of new development projects through effective feasibility studies and detailed financial and risk appraisal

To identify and appraise funding models and availability including HCA, Local Authority funding and any other available sources, ensuring that funding is secured and approved before any programme is committed

To lead on maintaining existing and developing new partnerships for the provision of new homes and to manage assets effectively.

To ensure that the quality & specifications for schemes, both in design & construction, meet long term requirements for residents.

To manage and deliver a customer-focused, high quality, effective sales and marketing function for selling Shared Ownership properties, outright sale and other market products. [email protected] 020 3434 0990


Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development Asset Management & Reinvestment To lead the Reinvestment team, enabling staff to deliver effective programmes of planned and cyclical maintenance and neighbourhood regeneration, in line with business plan, budget and asset management strategy requirements. 

To develop and deliver a long-term planned programme for Cottsway’s stock portfolio through robust stock performance assessments, undertaking option appraisals on poorest performing properties within the housing stock and strategic land holdings.

To ensure that the Development and Reinvestment teams work cohesively to deliver business plan outcomes.

To ensure compliance is achieved in all areas of statutory and landlord regulatory obligations.

To ensure that stock condition information is regularly updated, analysed and oversee the commissioning of external stock surveys from time to time.

Strategic Leadership and Operational Excellence 

To deliver operational excellence in all areas of responsibility including strategic, corporate, and financial planning, objective setting, audit and inspection, performance management, partnership, and consortium working.

To demonstrate continuous improvement, value for money, effective project management and delivery, and best environmental outcomes.

To lead and manage all activities ensuring that relevant strategies, policies, and procedures are in place to deliver high quality customer focused services.

To lead and manage all activities ensuring that they follow good practice, achieve strong and effective budget planning, management and cost control, and set high standards in monitoring, risk management and reporting.

To establish, develop and maintain a wide variety of effective working relationships and external contacts, representing Cottsway in a positive and professional manner, both internally and externally.

To contribute to the Corporate Leadership Team ensuring that overall corporate objectives are delivered, and to act as a role model for We Are Cottsway behaviours framework and Management Charter, encouraging the team to deliver a high-quality service, right first time.

To lead and develop an effective and motivated team ensuring that the team consistently meets the desired level of performance. To ensure that all aspects of team management are carried out in line with the Associations’s policy and practice.

To develop, monitor and manage performance information by setting clear targets relating to each service area, providing reports and updates as required.

[email protected] 020 3434 0990 10

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development

PERSON SPECIFICATION Values and Behaviours Cottsway Values We expect all members of staff to demonstrate our values in their work: they are: Commitment, Honesty, Opportunity, Engagement and Community We are Cottsway – Behaviours Framework Our Behaviours framework defines the behaviours and attitudes we expect everyone to demonstrate during the course of their work. Delivering Excellence Effective Communication Innovation and Change Taking Responsibility Trust and Respect Working Together Cottsway Management Charter Our management charter defines 6 key areas which in which we expect our managers to demonstrate leadership and be role models. Deliver the vision Ownership and accountability Team player Customer focused Achieve high standards Continuous improvement Qualifications 

A valid driving licence and use of own car

Educated to degree level or equivalent

Experience and Knowledge 

Significant experience of business and operational management within relevant organisations

Substantial experience of the property development process and a proven track record of successful programme delivery and driving value

Experience of property sales and disposals including sales of shared ownership and other market products, marketing strategy/reports to support new development approvals, successful delivery of an overall sales programme

Experience of managing assets, a thorough understanding of relevant legislation, statutory regulations and obligations, best practice and a proven track record of driving value through robust assessments of the performance and return of assets [email protected] 020 3434 0990


Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development

A proven track record of building and maintaining strategic relationships and partnerships with local authorities, key developers and other stakeholders

Good understanding of affordable housing funding regimes and constraints

Highly developed negotiating skills and a proven track record of negotiating successfully at high levels.

Strong communication skills, both verbal and written, and the ability to present effectively at senior levels e.g. to Board, external stakeholders

A high degree of resilience and self-motivation, along with the ability to work collaboratively with key colleagues and respond positively under pressure.

High standards of numeracy, literacy and computer literacy, including the ability to use IT technology effectively

[email protected] 020 3434 0990 12

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development


[email protected] 020 3434 0990 13

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development

PRINCIPAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS Position: Assistant Director and Assets and Development Remuneration package: Circa £75k (up to £71k and car allowance of £5.5k) Pension Staff who are new to Cottsway are automatically enrolled into the SHPS Defined Contribution Pension Scheme provided by the Pensions Trust. Employees contribute up to 4% of salary and Cottsway contribute up to 8%. Annual leave: The annual leave entitlement for this post will be 28 days, plus Bank Holidays, per year rising to 30 days, plus Bank Holidays, after 2 years consecutive service. Location: Cottsway House, Heynes Place, Avenue Two, Witney OX28 4YG Working hours: The working hours for this post are 37 hours per week. Normal office hours are 9.00am5.30pm Mon to Thurs, and 9.00am-5.00pm Fri, with one hour for lunch. Flexible working and TOIL policy: The Association operates both these systems to complement each other and promote flexibility for employees. Employees can accrue a maximum of 12 days TOIL per year,

[email protected] 020 3434 0990 14

with prior approval from their line manager. Sick pay: Staff who start on or after 5 July 2013 receive occupational sick pay according to their length of service: Service Less than 6 months or during probationary period (including any extension to probation) 6 months (or successful completion of probation) up to 1 year Between 1 and 2 years Between 2 and 3 years Between 3 and 4 years Over 4 years

Entitlement 1 week full pay

2 weeks full pay, 2 weeks half pay 1 months full pay, 1 months half pay 2 months full pay, 2 months half pay 3 months full pay, 3 months half pay 4 months full pay, 4 months half pay

Compassionate leave and Dependency leave: The Association provides up to 5 days paid dependency leave (for family emergencies) and 5 days paid compassionate leave per year. Notice period: 3 months Probationary period: The appointment will be subject to a 6 month probation period. A full statement of the main terms and conditions of employment will be supplied with any formal offer of employment. The above information may be helpful to applicants as a guide, but should not be treated as a substitute for a full contract of employment.

[email protected] 020 3434 0990 15

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development

KEY DATES AND THE SELECTION PROCESS Interviews: Interview dates to be advised.

[email protected] 020 3434 0990 16

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION The following can be downloaded from the Cottsway Housing website: Latest company publications:

[email protected] 020 3434 0990 17

Cottsway Housing Assistant Director of Assets and Development


[email protected] 020 3434 0990 18

Third Floor Olympic Office Centre 8 Fulton Road Wembley Middlesex HA9 0NU 020 8830 6777 020 3434 0990 (Recruitment) [email protected]

Campbell Tickell Ltd Incorporated in Cardiff (England & Wales) Registration number 4713939 Registered office 14 Accommodation Road, London NW11 8EP VAT number 743 6943 08