Dallas Buyers MC OC 5 19 14

Dallas Buyers Club MC OC 5-19-24 -INT. DALLAS MERCY HOSPITAL Room Ron, head and eyes bandaged, lays on a bed. Dr. Sevard...

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Dallas Buyers Club MC OC 5-19-24 -INT. DALLAS MERCY HOSPITAL Room Ron, head and eyes bandaged, lays on a bed. Dr. Sevard enters DR. SEVARD-Mr. Woodroof. I'm Dr. Sevard.We saw something that concerned us in your initial blood work so we ran some tests.

RON-What kinda blood tests, cause I don't use drugs. DR. SEVARD-We didn't test you for drugs. RON-Good, cause that ain't none of yer business anyway. DR. SEVARD-You’ve tested positive for HIV --the virus that causes AIDS. RON- Bullshit?! Who you kidding DR. SEVARD-Have you ever used intravenous drugs or had any relations with a homosexual – RON-Homo? Homo? Shit. You gotta be kidding me.I don't even know any faggots, I’m a rodeo! Look at me, doc. Come on now, look at me. What do you see? DR. SEVARD-Your T-cell count is down to nine, a healthy person has five hundred to fifteen hundred. RON-What the fuck's a three-Cell?! DR. SEVARD-T-cell. Frankly we’re surprised you’re alive. RON-Well surprise this: you’ve made a fuckin’mistake! You must've mixed my blood with some daisy puller or sumptin. DR. SEVARD-We ran the blood test several times. We're trying to impress upon you the gravity of your situation. We estimate that you have about thirty days to get your affairs in order – RON-Thirty days? What is this shit?!I got a news flash for all y'all, there ain’t nothin' out there that can kill Ron Woodroof in thirty days.