Gas Laws Unit Worksheet

Ideal Gas Equation Worksheet (Basics). 1. 1. What is the pressure exerted by 2.0 moles of an ideal gas when it occupies...

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Gas Laws Unit Worksheet All problems that involve calculations must be done on your own paper and stapled to this sheet. Label with the section name. Temperature and Pressure Conversions 1. 2.00 atm to mmHg 7. -25oC to Kelvin 13.Standard o 2. 115kPa to atm 8. -227 C to Kelvin temperature in 3. 500. mmHg to atm 9. 1800. mmHg to kPa kelvin and Celsius 4. 3.5x104 torr to 10.93500 Pa to atm 14.298 K to oC mmHg 11.950. Torr to atm 15.100.K to oC 5. 35oC to Kelvin 12.0.490 atm to kPa 16.5.0K to oC 6. 120oC to kelvin Ideal Gas Equation Worksheet (Basics) 1. 1. What is the pressure exerted by 2.0moles of an ideal gas when it occupies a volume of 12.0L at 373K? 2. A flashbulb of volume 2.6cm3 contains O2 gas at a pressure of 2.3atm and a temperature of 26oC. How many moles of oxygen gas does the flashbulb contain? 3. If 0.20 moles of helium occupies a volume of 64.0L at a pressure of 0.15atm, what is the temperature of the gas? 4. What is the volume of 0.35 moles of gas at 1.7 atm of pressure and a temperature of 100.K? 5. What is the pressure of 1.5 moles of an ideal gas at a temperature of 150K that occupies of a volume of 20.0L? 6. How many moles of gas occupy 16.2L at a pressure of 1.05 atm and a temperature of 37oC? 7. Calculate the volume of exactly 1.00 mole of a gas at STP. 8. How many moles of nitrogen are present in 17.8L at 27oC and 1.3 atm pressure? 9. What is the pressure of 2.3 moles of carbon dioxide at 235K occupying 23.7L of space? 10.How many moles of argon are in 30.6L at 28K and 658mmHg? Ideal Gas Law (Variations) 1. How many grams of NH3 are present in a 350. mL container at 78.3K and 0.854 atm? 2. What is the temperature of 34.2g sulfur dioxide occupying 30.0L of space and a pressure of 800. Torr? 3. What is the pressure of 79.4g of boron trifluoride in a 20.0L container at a temperature of 245K? 4. How many grams are in a sample of arsenic trifluoride that has a volume of 17600mL and a temperature of 92oC and a pressure of 108732Pa? 5. How many kilopascals of pressure are exerted by 23.8L of oxygen with a mass of 175g at a temperature of 58oC? 6. What is the density of NH3 at 800. Torr and 25oC? 7. If the density of a gas is 1.2g/L at 745 torr and 20.oC, what is its molecular mass?

8. Find the number of grams of CO2 that exerts a pressure of 785 torr at a volume of 32.5L and a temperature of 32oC. 9. An elemental gas has a mass of 10.3g. If the volume is 58.4L and the pressure is 758 torr at a temperature of 2.5oC, what is the gas? 10.What mass of nitrogen gas will occupy a volume of 347mL at 6680 torr and 27oC? Combined Gas Law Problems 1. The gas pressure in an aerosol can is 1.5atm at 25oC. Assuming that the gas inside obeys the ideal gas equation, what would the pressure be if the can were heated to 450oC? Assume constant volume due to the rigid metal of the can. 2. A pocket of gas is discovered in a deep drilling operation. The gas has a temperature of 480oC and is at a pressure of 12.8atm. Assuming ideal behavior, what volume of the gas is required to provide 18.0L at the surface at 1.00atm and 22oC? 3. A fixed quantity of gas is compressed at constant temperature from a volume of 368mL to 108mL. If the initial pressure was 5.22 atm, what is the final pressure? 4. A gas originally at 15oC and having a volume of 182 mL is reduced in volume to 82.0mL while its pressure is held constant. What is its final temperature? 5. At 36oC and 1.00atm pressure, a gas occupies a volume of 0.600L. How many liters will it occupy at 0.0oC and 0.205 atm? 6. Chlorine is widely used to purify municipal water supplies and to treat swimming pool waters. Suppose that the volume of a particular sample of Cl2 is 6.18L at 0.90atm and 33oC. What volume will the Cl2 occupy at 107oC and 0.75 atm? 7. A gas exerts a pressure of 1.5 atm at 27oC. The temperature is increased to 108oC with no volume change. What is the gas pressure at the higher temperature? 8. The pressure of a gas at 35.6oC is 114.3kPa. What is the pressure when the temperature drops to 17.3oC? Assume constant volume. 9. A 21.5L sample of gas at 107kPa has a temperature of 27.2oC. What is the pressure of the gas if it is transferred to a 32.6L container at 44.1oC? 10.A gas at 19oC occupies 4.0L. What will be the new volume if the temperature increases to 70.0oC? Assume a flexible container that allows constant pressure. Graham’s Law of Effusion 1. Under the same conditions of temperature and pressure, how many times faster will hydrogen effuse compared to carbon dioxide? 2. If the carbon dioxide in Problem 1 takes 32 seconds to effuse, how long will the hydrogen take? 3. What is the relative rate of diffusion of NH3 compared to He? Does NH3 effuse faster or slower than He? 4. If the He in Problem 3 takes 20 seconds to effuse, how long will NH3 take? 5. An unknown gas diffuses 0.25 times as fast as He. What is the molecular mass of the unknown gas?

Avogadro’s Law 1. A balloon has 0.256 moles of helium gas and occupies a volume of 1320 ml.. What will be the new volume if the moles of gas is reduced to 0.2moles? 2. What will be the new volume is 0.57moles of gas occupying 4430L is increased to 1.1 moles? 3. A gas system has initial volume and moles of 6200mL and 0.191moles. If the volume changes to 9.19L, under conditions of constant P and T, what will the resultant number of moles be? 4. A gas system has an initial volume of 4700mL with the number of moles unknown. When the volume changes to 7.70L, under conditions of constant P and T, the number of moles is found to be 0.424moles. What was the initial number of moles? 5. A gas system has an initial number of moles of 0.0832moles with the volume unknown. When the number of moles changes to 0.0601moles, under conditions of constant P and T, the volume is found to be 5.13L. What was the initial volume in mL? Dalton’s Law of Partial Pressure 1. A mixture of oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen has a total pressure of 0.97atm. What is the partial pressure of oxygen, if the partial pressure of CO2 is 0.70atm and the partial pressure of nitrogen is 0.12atm. 2. What is the partial pressure of hydrogen gas in a mixture of hydrogen and helium if the total pressure is 600mmHg and the partial pressure of helium is 439mmHg? 3. Find the total pressure for a mixture that contains four gases with partial pressures of 5.00kPa, 4.56kPa, 3.02kPa, and 1.20kPa. 4. Find the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in a gas mixture with a total pressure of 30.4kPa if the partial pressures of the other two gases in the mixture are 16.5kPa and 3.7kPa. 5. What is the total gas pressure in a sealed flask that contains oxygen at a partial pressure of 0.41 atm and water vapor at a partial pressure of 0.58 atm? Vapor Pressure and Boiling

1. Given an atmospheric pressure of 400 torr, at what temperature would each liquid boil?

A. B. C. 2. How low must the atmospheric pressure be for each liquid to boil at 35oC? A. B. C. 3. What is the normal boiling point of each liquid? A. B. C. 4. Define normal boiling point 5. Under what conditions do liquids boil?

6. If you were at the top of Mt. Everest, would water boil at the same temperature as it does in Lincolnton? Explain.

Phase Diagram of Water For each of the numbered arrows, (a) state the initial state of matter and final state of matter; (b) what is increasing or decreasing (pressure or temperature); and (c) the phase change that is occurring.