Global Warming

Global Warming at Home (College Edition) Global Warming at Home Carlos Aleman, Andrew BarisCarlos Aleman Andrew Baris Ti...

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Global Warming at Home (College Edition) Global Warming at Home Carlos Aleman, Andrew BarisCarlos Aleman Andrew Baris Tina Bui Tina Bui

Introduction • Critical junction in earth’s history • Evidence • You can help


Carpool When You Can • Carpooling with friends saves fuel! • Savings per year? –790 lbs. of CO2 –$500

Buy a Hybrid Car and/or Fuel Efficient Car • They even look cooler… • Savings per year? –16,000 lbs. of CO2 –$3,750

Inflate Your Tires • Keep the tires on your car adequately inflated. Check them monthly. • Savings per year? –250 lbs. of CO2 –$840

Use Recycled Paper • Make sure your printer paper is 100% post consumer recycled paper. • Savings per year? –50 lbs. of CO2 –$20

Air Dry Your Clothes • Instead of using the dryer in the warm seasons, line-dry your clothes. (it’s more fun too!) • Savings per year? –700 lbs. of CO2 –$75


Adjust Your Thermostat • Move your heater thermostat down two degrees in winter and up two degrees in the summer. • Savings per year? –2000 lbs. of CO2 –$98

Unplug Un-Used Electronics • Even when electronic devices are turned off, they use energy • Savings per year? –1,000 lbs of CO2 –$256 per year

Put on a Sweater • Instead of turning up the heat in your home, put on more clothes! • Savings per year? –1,000 lbs. of CO2 –$250

Use Fluorescent Bulbs • Replace (at least) 3 frequently used light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs • Savings per year? –300 lbs. of carbon dioxide / year –$60 / year


Take Shorter Showers • 2/3 of all water heating costs are from taking showers • Savings per year? –350 lbs. of CO2 –$99

Low-Flow Showerhead & Sink Faucets • Less water = less energy to heat the water! • Savings per year? –550 lbs. of CO2 –$275


Reduce Reuse Recycle • Buy products with less packaging and RECYCLE! • Savings per year? -1,000 lbs. of CO2 -$10

Turn Off the Lights • You’re not using them…so why keep them on??? • Savings per year? -100 lbs. of CO2 -$45

Use Manual Appliances • Requires no electricity. Use your muscles! • Savings per year? -100 lbs. of CO2 -$40

Fill the Dishwasher • Only with a FULL LOAD! • Savings per year? –100 lbs. of carbon dioxide –$40

Open the Window Blinds • Close light-colored shades or blinds during warm weather (visa versa in cold) • Savings per year? –2000 lbs of CO2 –$100

Ad F l np jus uor t e lu g Yo sce U ur n- T nt B U he u s O P ed rm lbs pe ut E os n O le t Th n ctr at e A S on W R Bu w ics ec i n y do eat yc T le he U w er Pa R se Blin ig C d pe ht an s Bu rA T C u y rn ur dles a C nd Fu ar U L ta el po se igh ins E f o l R e ts O fic W c ie he yc ff n n le In t C Yo d.. W f a . as Ai latin r (H u c a r h C Dry g Y ybr n lo In th Yo our id) st es u T al lA In r C ires T T Lo a ur Co loth w ke n O ld es -F S lo ho ff T Wa w t Sh rter he er Fi ow sho Sin k ll e Th rh we e r U R e D ad s se e is a M duc hw .. an e as ua G he l A arb r pp a g lia e nc es U

Money Saved In 1 Yea











$256 250$100 $60 $98 $50$60$45$20 $500 $840

Total: $ 6,658.00 $275 $75 $50$40$99 $40$10 $40


Fl j u np st uor e lu g You sce U n- r T nt B U he u se r lb O P d E mo s pe ut s n O lec tat T h n tr o e A S nic W R Bu in we s ec d o at y yc w er T U he le s B Pa R e C lind ig pe a s h rA Bu Tu t C ndl nd y r n ur e s a t C U Fu ar s Lig ain el po e R hts s Ef o l e fic W cy Off ie he cle nt n d I n Ca Y o . . . fla r u W as Air tin (Hy can g b h C Dry Yo rid lo th Yo ur T ) In es ur st ir al In Cl es lA o T Lo Tak urn Col the d s e w -F S Off W h a lo w ort The ter Sh er s S Fi ow ho ink ll er we Th h e ead rs U R Di a se ed sh .. M u c wa an e s ua Ga her l A rb pp ag lia e nc es U

Saved CO2 Emissions In LBs In 1 Yea

16000 16000








2000 2000 10001000 300 200 500 100 50 790 0

Total: 27,253 lbs 1000 250 700 163 100 350 550 100 100

