go calendar october ns

October 2016 Calendar of Events North Shore Region October 4 (Tuesday) Alaska trip information meeting. Get together wit...

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October 2016 Calendar of Events North Shore Region October 4 (Tuesday) Alaska trip information meeting. Get together with your fellow travelers to talk about our upcoming cruise! Ochsner Health Center - COVINGTON, 2nd floor Training Room, 1:00pm to 3:00pm. October 5 (Wednesday): GO Meeting “Coffee with Christie”: Ochsner Health Center - COVINGTON, 2nd floor Training Room, 10:00am to 11:30am. Susan Guidroz, Community Relations Manager, Peoples Health Network, will present 2017 plan changes. RSVP REQUIRED October 6 through 10: Carnival cruise to Cozumel aboard the Triumph!! October 12 (Wednesday): GO Meeting “Coffee with Christie”: Susan Guidroz, Community Relations Manager, Peoples Health Network, will present 2017 plan changes. Ochsner Medical Center-North Shore, 100 Medical Center Drive, Camellia Room, SLIDELL, 9:30 am to 11:00 am. RSVP REQUIRED October 13 (Thursday): SHIIP: Senior Health Insurance Information Program “2017 Medicare Changes” Ochsner Health Center-COVINGTON, 2nd floor Training Room, 9:30am to 11:00am. RSVP REQUIRED October 14 (Friday) Branson trip information meeting. Get together with your fellow travelers to talk about our upcoming bus trip! Ochsner Health Center - COVINGTON, 2nd floor Training Room, 1:30pm to 3:00pm. October 18 (Tuesday): AARP Driver Refresher Course, 8:00 a.m. to Noon. Ochsner Health CenterCOVINGTON, 2nd floor Training Room, 8:00 a.m. to Noon. $15 pp AARP members, $20 pp non AARP members. Check payable to AARP at time of class. RSVP REQUIRED October 21 (Friday): SHIIP: Senior Health Insurance Information Program “2017 Medicare Changes” Ochsner Medical Center-North Shore, 100 Medical Center Drive, Camellia Room SLIDELL. 9:30am to 11:00am. RSVP REQUIRED October 25 (Tuesday): Blue Cross Medicare Advantage Plan. Ann Booth, Marketing Manager, will present 2017 changes to the program. Ochsner Health Center - COVINGTON, 2nd floor Training Room, 10:30am to 11:30am. RSVP REQUIRED October 28 (Friday): Please join us for the official kickoff of Golden Opportunity to the St. Charles Parish residents. 10:00am to Noon at the Edward Dufresne Community Building (274 Judge Edward Dufresne Parkway, Luling). Spread the word to your family and friends in St. Charles Parish!! For more information contact Ann Laiche, Program Coordinator, 504-464-2974. October 29 (Thursday): The Illusionists – Saturday, October 29, 2016. $140pp includes ticket, lunch at Mandina’s and bus transportation. RSVP REQUIRED

Upcoming Events: December 6 – North Shore/Baton Rouge Holiday luncheon – Ashley Manor, Baton Rouge. More details in November calendar. SAENGER THEATRE BROADWAY SHOWS (2:00 Matinees): Lion King – Thursday, January 5, 2017. $165 for ticket, lunch, tour and bus transportation. Lunch will be at the Southern Food and Beverage Museum. Registration begins September 22, 8:00am

Registration for the following will begin at a later date: *Beautiful – Saturday, March 11, 2017 (tribute to Carole King) *Bodyguard – Saturday, April 8, 2017 *Mama Mia – Saturday, June 1, 2017 November 5-11, 2016 –Mt. Magazine (Ozarks) and Branson bus trip. Includes 4 shows in Branson (Hot Jersey Nights, Shoji Tabuchi, Hallmark’s Maxine’s Christmas Carol, and Andy Williams Christmas Extravaganza), Fantastic Caverns, A&M Railroad ride and beautiful Mt. Magazine State Park. $1459/Single, $1159/Double, $1059/Triple, $1029/Quad.

Announcements: **Check out the Golden Opportunity website for calendars from all Regions! www.ochsner.org/go **A dedicated telephone line has been set up with Ochsner Scheduling Department for GO members to schedule medical appointments without any delays. The number is: 985-871-2546 (CALL GO). **When a fee is involved, it must be received within 5 days of making the reservation to confirm your seat. If not received, your seat will be filled by another member. Please check availability with the GO office before mailing a check. All trips are non-refundable. Every attempt will be made to sell your seat to someone on the waiting list if you need to cancel. YOU ARE NOT SCHEDULED FOR THE EVENT UNTIL THE CHECK IS RECEIVED. Golden Opportunity name badges are available for purchase for $7.00 each. The name badge will be attached with a magnet that is inserted inside your shirt, blouse, dress or jacket that adheres to the badge. If you would like to order an official name badge, please send in your check payable to Golden Opportunity, 1000 Ochsner Boulevard, Covington, LA 70433. Also please include with your check your name preference for your badge (Dot instead of Dorothy, Liz instead of Elizabeth, etc.). These can be worn for all GO events.

Disclaimer: All GO events are subject to change. Ochsner Golden Opportunity has the right to adjust events without formal notice.

Christie Trew, Golden Opportunity Ochsner Health Center Covington 1000 Ochsner Blvd, Covington, LA. 70433-8107 [email protected] 985-875-2799 office, 985-875-2785 fax