
Japan HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION Thursday, February 7, 13 List at least three things you can infer about Japan fro...

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Thursday, February 7, 13

List at least three things you can infer about Japan from this map. Try to include humanenvironment interaction. Thursday, February 7, 13

Thursday, February 7, 13

Thursday, February 7, 13

Thursday, February 7, 13

Population Density

Thursday, February 7, 13

Population Density Population Density = the average number of people in a unit of area, such as a sq. mile

Thursday, February 7, 13

Population Density Population Density = the average number of people in a unit of area, such as a sq. mile Japan-873 persons per sq. mile

Thursday, February 7, 13

Population Density Population Density = the average number of people in a unit of area, such as a sq. mile Japan-873 persons per sq. mile U.S. 79 persons per sq. mile

Thursday, February 7, 13

Population Density Population Density = the average number of people in a unit of area, such as a sq. mile Japan-873 persons per sq. mile U.S. 79 persons per sq. mile How do you think this affects the way people live in Japan? Thursday, February 7, 13

Population Density Population Density = the average number of people in a unit of area, such as a sq. mile Japan-873 persons per sq. mile U.S. 79 persons per sq. mile How do you think this affects the way people live in Japan? Thursday, February 7, 13

Thursday, February 7, 13

Facts about Japan

Thursday, February 7, 13

Facts about Japan Japan is smaller in territory than California (36 million) but it’s population is around 128 million over three times as many people!

Thursday, February 7, 13

Facts about Japan Japan is smaller in territory than California (36 million) but it’s population is around 128 million over three times as many people!

Three quarters of Japan is mountains. The vast majority of people live on only 13% of the land, the lowlands

Thursday, February 7, 13

Human-Environment Interaction

Thursday, February 7, 13

Human-Environment Interaction How are peoples lives shaped by Japan?

Thursday, February 7, 13

Human-Environment Interaction How are peoples lives shaped by Japan? Climate Clothing Recreation

Thursday, February 7, 13

Human-Environment Interaction How are peoples lives shaped by Japan? Climate Clothing Recreation Location to water Food Transportation & trade

Thursday, February 7, 13

Human-Environment Interaction How are peoples lives shaped by Japan? Climate Clothing Recreation Location to water Food Transportation & trade Mountainous Where people live Cities Where food can be grown

Thursday, February 7, 13

Human-Environment Interaction How are peoples lives shaped by Japan? Climate Clothing Recreation Location to water Food Transportation & trade Mountainous Where people live Cities Where food can be grown How has the place been shaped by the people? built a lot of cities built extensive highways, train systems, and high speed rail rural areas, farmers use land for agriculture Thursday, February 7, 13

Thursday, February 7, 13

High Population Density

Thursday, February 7, 13

High Population Density

Thursday, February 7, 13

High Population Density

Thursday, February 7, 13

Thursday, February 7, 13

Tokyo Water Park

Thursday, February 7, 13

Tokyo Water Park

Thursday, February 7, 13