The Christian Call June 17, 2009 Brothers and Sisters in Christ: Isn’t it interesting that the devil goes after us Christians even harder than those who do not yet know Christ? It has always been an intriguing phenomenon to me, especially as I grow older. It is also interesting to me that there are so many people in our world, even in our own backyard, who are living blissfully unaware of the hold Satan has on their lives, which are in such desperate need of Christ. Even as we pray for and encourage those whom God puts in our paths to know and receive the Lord, we disciples must be doubly and triply vigilant, because the devil is wanting so much to bring us back into his vile fold. There are times he tries to hit us with subtle blows, and there are times when he gets desperate and hits us with sledgehammer blows. Last week, I was being hit with the sledgehammer. Satan really, really wants me back into his fold, not because I am so special compared to other believers, but because I believe I am on the verge of a special ministry God has called for me years before I came to, or even heard of, Carrollton. Not to brag, but I was told at least twice by two different people who did not know me nor met me that I would have a mighty ministry for as long as God gives me breath. Now, I do not know what type of ministry nor when it would begin, but I believe the seeds of that ministry are being planted here in Carrollton and the devil doesn’t like it at all! What shape that ministry takes and what fruit it will bear remains to be seen, but the fact is that ministry shall be made into reality, because it is God’s idea and plan. Whatever happens, it will all be for the glory of God and Larry Gray being a mere instrument for His kingdom on earth. So, what is the moral of the story? Simply this: the devil can do whatever he can to stop this, but I know the evil one will not win. I know how the Book ends; Jesus has already won the victory!! He has prevailed, and His ministry on earth will be triumphant!! Of this I am reminded; of this I shall cling until the day I die. God bless you and yours. As always, I am, Your brother in Christ, Larry
50th Anniversary - Scholarship Applications - Vacations - Fellowship Meals 50th Wedding Anniversary Lois and John Conner will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary on June 27.
JOKES THAT CAN BE TOLD IN CHURCH A little girl, dressed in her Sunday best, was running as fast as she could, trying not to be late for Bible class.. As she ran she prayed, "Dear Lord, please don't let me be late! Dear Lord, please don't let me be late!" While she was running and praying, she tripped on a curb and fell, getting her clothes dirty and tearing her dress. She got up, brushed herself off, and started running again! As she ran she once again began to pray "Dear Lord, please don't let me be late...But please don't shove me either!"
STAFF VACATIONS Larry will be on vacation from July 1-15 Anita will be on vacation from June 22-25 There will be no Call the week of June 24
Wednesday Night Bible Study Wednesday night bible study will begin in the fall on September 9 with the Wednesday night fellowship meals. SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS Deadline for church scholarships is July 1, no scholarship applications will be accepted after July 1.
Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School will be held at the United Methodist Church, August 3-7, 6:00 - 8:30 p.m. We are needing volunteers to help with VBS, if you are interested please contact Melissa Eiserer at 542-3743. The next meeting for VBS will be held at the United Methodist Church on June 28 at 2:00 p.m.
Officers Serving June 21, 2009 8:30 a.m. Service Elder – Janice Miller Deacon – Karl Marxhausen Ushers – Kristen Horine, Charles Reid Liturgist – Kevin Walden Nursery – Natalie Lavelock A/V – Buzz Placke, Amanda Clinkscales 10:30 a.m. Service Elders – Ken Warren, Betty Hurd Deacons – Ron Miller, Caitlin Mayden, Beth Warren, Sandy Griffin, Jana Lock Ushers – Charles and Carol Koch Liturgist – Rex Kinder Nursery – Robyn Creason Taxi – Buzz Placke A/V – Amanda Clinkscales, Allison Shields Acolytes – Abigael Sullivan, Brant Eiserer Communion Prep – Dorothy Weedin, Annette Casner Flowers – Duane and Sandy Griffin
Worship Schedule Saturday – 6:00 p.m. Sunday – 8:30 a.m. & 10:30 a.m. Sunday School is at 9:30 a.m. THIS COMING SUNDAY Scripture – Isaiah 11:1-9 Sermon – “I Don’t Get No Respect!” LAST SUNDAY Worship - 106 Sunday School - 30 Offering - $1,865.00 Receipts year to date $74,351.79 Expenses to date $86,079.13 Events called off because of emergencies are announced on Radio Station KMZU.
June 9, 2009 Dear Carrollton First Christian Church Members and Friends, We are writing this letter as a report to you about the Angels Among Us Preschool at the Carrollton First Christian Church for the 2009-2010 preschool year. Thank you for your donations, time, concerns, prayers, and your faithful support of this ministry!!!! At this time we are very excited to introduce to you our new teacher for this next year, Ms. Kristen Thompson. Kristen is a December 2008 graduate of the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg with a Bachelors of Social Work. Kristen’s work in her internship was at the South East Elementary School in Warrensburg where she worked with Kindergarten. There she led both small and large groups of kindergarten activities, developed lesson plans, and many other duties. Other duties include: working with homeless, at-risk, and children with special needs. Please join us in making Ms. Thompson welcome at our preschool. Welcome Ms. Thompson! At this time we would like to wish Mrs. Lynette Mulch a fond good-bye. Lynette has resigned from teaching at Angels Among Us do to her personal schedule conflicting with Angels Among Us Preschool schedule. She has agreed to be a substitute for the preschool and be a mentor for Ms. Thompson, if need be. Thank you Lynette for your hard work and dedication to AAUP, you will be missed!! With our current enrollment numbers there will be 2 sections of 3 & 4 year olds and at least 1 section of Pre-K for 2009-2010. The 3 & 4 year olds will have Section 1 on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings from 8:30 – 10:30 and Section 2 on Thursday and Friday mornings from 8:30 – 10:30. The Pre-K section will be on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons from 12:00 – 2:30. We do have a few seats left available if you know of anyone who has not contacted the preschool to enroll their child/grandchild. We are in need of volunteers to help Ms. Thompson with her classes. If you would like to volunteer please give her a call. The schedule is very flexible. If you have any questions you can call the church office at 542-0247 to leave a message for Ms. Thompson, or you may contact her at her home at (660) 593-3472, she also has an email address of
[email protected]. As always please feel free to contact any Angels Among Us Preschool Board Member if you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns. Sincerely, Angels Among Us Preschool Board Melissa Eiserer, Chairman Carol Jean Shatto, Volunteer Representative, Member Toni Hall, Member Mady Grider, Parent Representative Kristen Horine, Member Kim Ritchhart, Secretary/Treasurer, Member Sheila Scott, Member
Frances Sams
FRANCES SAMS FELLOWSHIP There will be no meeting for Frances Sams for the month of July. JOKES THAT CAN BE TOLD IN CHURCH Three boys are in the school yard bragging about their fathers. The first boy says, "My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a poem, they give him $50." The second boy says, "That's nothing. My Dad scribbles a few words on piece of paper, he calls it a song, they give him $100." The third boy says, "I got you both beat. My Dad scribbles a few words on a piece of paper, he calls it a sermon, and it takes eight people to collect all the money!"
JUNE 21- FATHER’S DAY Thoughts for Father’s Day An unknown father who began to consider the example he should set for his children penned the following poem. A careful man I ought to be; A little fellow follows me; I do not dare to go astray For fear he’ll go the self-same way. I cannot once escape his eyes; Whate’er he sees me do, he tries Like me, he says, he’s going to be, The little chap who follows me. He thinks that I am good and fine, Believes in every word of mine; The base in me he must not see, The little chap who follows me. I must remember as I go, Through summer’s sun and winter’s snow, I’m building for the years to be, For a little fellow follows me.
Women’s Retreat WOMEN'S MINI RETREAT "Let's Sow Generously - You Reap What you Sow" DATES: JULY 10, 11 & 12, 2009 Retreat held at Missouri Western College in St. Joseph. $70.00 to stay - 2 nights lodging with linins and 4 meals $35.00 to commute For more information contact: Dixie Burks - (816)539-3574
Linda Long - (816)324-6176 Rose Findley - (816)324-1227
OFFICERS SERVING Officers Serving June 28, 2009 8:30 a.m. Service Elder – Wes Jackson Deacon – Jim Stewart Ushers – JoAnn Casner, Jim Stewart Liturgist – Charles Reid Nursery – Nancy Lock A/V – Buzz Placke, Amanda Clinkscales 10:30 a.m. Service Elders – Ruth Owen, Heath Owen Deacons – Eva Gene Reid, Janet Pattie Christy Bingham, Bill Clinkscales, Harriett Ward Ushers – Amy & Darewin Clardy Liturgist – Jana Lock Nursery – Kim Ritchhart Taxi – Jason Lavelock A/V – Amanda Clinkscales, Nancy Staton Acolytes – Cherie West, Kara Berrey Communion Prep – Dorothy Weedin, Annette Casner Flowers – Glendena Fry
—Prayer Concerns— Prayer list We encourage you to share with us anyone in need of prayer. Please inform the church office when someone is ill, in the hospital, or in need of prayer for any other reason. Prayer connects us with God.
Among Our Own Beth Audsley Sheila Scott
Our Prayer Outreach
Friends and Members With Special Concerns Dorothy McNiece Charlynn Davis Bea Graham Jean Lake Eva Lee Fergason Polly Jones Ghee Thomas Leo Griffith Josephine Walden Jim Staton Jerry McNiece Floyd Newman Doris Draper Mary Helen Solito (Sue Jackson’s mother)
Roger Horine (Sheryl Kruse’s stepfather)
Patsy Hunt Larry Green Judy Mullins Dr. Virgil Fergason
Ginne Toone Kelly Limpic (Gary Jonson’s daughter) Jerry Henderson Helen Peel (Sandy Griffin’s mother) Ralph Whitney (Maxine Davidson’s nephew)
Rick Carlson Jan Marxhausen Gayle Huxtable (Howard Schmidt’s sister)
Goldie Boelsen Mary Louise Cromley Sharon McWilliams Larry Kruse
Service People In Iraq Chris Falke
In Afghanistan Mason Holley Zachary Schmidt
Service People Sean Cox Kyle Cox Matt West Susan Orsini Nicholas Little-Cookson Levi Falke