May 2019 consent Calendar Memo

GRF Golden Rain Foundation MEMO TO: Board of Directors - Golden Rain Foundation FROM: Deanna Bennett, Executive Coordin...

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GRF Golden Rain Foundation

MEMO TO: Board of Directors - Golden Rain Foundation FROM: Deanna Bennett, Executive Coordinator

SUBJECT: Approved April GRF Board quorum committee minutes DATE: May 28, 2019 The GRF Board of Directors, at its meeting of May 28, 2019, approved the consent calendar containing the following Board Quorum Committee meeting minutes of March and April 2019:

Minutes of the Special Recreation Committee Board Meeting of March 29, 2019 Minutes of the Recreation Committee Board Meeting of April 1, 2019 Minutes of the Physical Property Committee Board Meeting of April 3, 2019 Minutes of the Executive Committee Board Meeting of April 12, 2019

It should be noted that with the exception of the title heading, these minutes are identical to the regular Committee meeting minutes approved at the April Committee meetings.

These minutes will be posted to the Foundation's website. If you would like a printed copy of these minutes, please let me know. Thank you.

GRF Goiden Rain Foundation

RECREATION COMMITTEE MINUTES March 29, 2019 The joint meeting of the Recreation and Finance Committee and the Golden Rain Foundation was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Chair Perrotti on Friday, March 29, 2019, in the Administration Conference Room, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present: Ms. L. Perrotti, Chair Mr. P. Moore

Mr. B. Lukoff Ms. K.Rapp Ms. S. Hopewell

Ms. 1. Heinrichs Mr. T. Dodero Mr. P. Friedman Ms. L. Stone, Ex-Officio

Absent: Ms. R. Winkler

Also Mr. T. Fileto, Recreation Manager Present: Ms. P. Snowden, GRF Representative, Mutual Two Ms. S. Fekjar, GRF Representative, Mutual Eight (arrived 2:37) Ms. M. Kmieciak, Recording Secretary 16 Shareholders/Foundation Members

CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS There being no objections, Chair Perrotti declared the reading of the Quorum Notification be dispensed with by unanimous consent. The Chair stated that in accordance with California Civil Code Section 4090, please be advised that a

quorum of the GRF Board of Directors is present at today's posted meeting. As a quorum of the Board is present, this meeting will be conducted as a Committee meeting and a Board meeting. The agenda actions of the committee will be limited only to the members of the committee and will only constitute such actions in accordance with stated committee policy and/or provide recommendations to the GRF

Board of Directors at its regular Board meeting on the 4th Tuesday of the month. GRF Board members who are not committee members will be allowed to comment when recognized by the Chair and only

during the proscribed Foundation member/shareholder comment period, not to exceed three minutes, as set forth in Policy 5610, Participation by Foundation Members/Shareholders. The minutes of today's Committee Board meeting will be presented to the Board for approval following the approval of the committee meeting minutes in April 2019. RULES OF ORDER

Chair Perrotti reviewed group norms, and asked Committee members and guests to be on time; respect

the speaker, do not interrupt and have one conversation at a time; wait to be called; be present and

Special Recreation Committee Board Minutes 03-29-19

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productive; no side bar conversations; turn off or silent cell phones, and treat everyone how they would like to be treated.

CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Perrotti provided a brief update on current Committee projects and introduced guests and staff Recreation Manager Thomas Fileto and Recording Secretary Marcy Kmieciak. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no minutes presented at the time of the meeting. STAFF REPORTS There were no staff reports presented at the time of the meeting. SHAREHOLDER/MEMBER COMMENTS -Agenda Items Onjy Four Shareholders/Members spoke on items on the agenda. CORRESPONDENCE There was no correspondence presented at the time of the meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS There was no Unfinished Business presented at the time of the meeting. NEW BUSINESS There was no New Business presented at the time of the meeting. Policies

Adopt Policy 14XX-50, Guidelines for Leasing of Trust Property

Following a brief discussion, Mr. Moore MOTIONED, seconded by Ms. Hopewell and carried unanimouslyTO recommend the GRF Board adopt Policy 14XX-50,

Guidelines for Leasing of Trust Property, as amended, pending Finance Committee review. PRESIDENT'S COMMENTS

The President commented on various items pertaining to the agenda throughout the meeting.

Special Recreation Committee Board Minutes 03-29-19

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SHAREHOLDERS/MEMBERS COMMENTS Eleven shareholders/members spoke. COMMITTEE MEMBERS COMMENTS Seven Committee members spoke on the items pertaining to the Committee's area of pun/iew. NEXT MEETING April 1,2019, 1:00 p.m. Administration Conference Room

ADJOURNMENT Chair Perrotti adjourned the meeting at 2:42 p.m.


^^M 1


Su^anne f^ekjar, Corporate Secretary Golden Rain Foundation / /

Mk 03-29-19

GRF C<«ftfi K<;>-. ? ^-•<^C
PHYSICAL PROPERTY COMMITTEE MINUTES April 3, 2019 The regular meeting of the Physical Property Committee and Golden Rain Foundation was called to order at 1:00 p.m., by Chair Rapp, on Wednesday, April 3, 2019, in the Administration Conference Room, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.

ROLL CALL Present:

Also Present:

Ms. K. Rapp, Chair

Mr. B. Lukoff, Vice-Chair

Ms. M. Gerber

Mrs. Perrotti

Ms. S. Fekjar

Ms. L. Stone, Ex-Officio

Mr. R. Ankeny, Executive Director Mr. M. Weaver, Facilities Director

Mr. D. Rudge Physical Property Manager Hon. S. Massa-Lavitt, City Council Mr. R. Stone, GRF Representative, Mutual One Ms. P. Snowden, GRF Representative, Mutual Two Mr. P. Pratt, GRF Representative, Mutual Two Ms. S. Hopewell, GRF Representative, Mutual Six Mr. P. Friedman, GRF Representative, Mutual Fifteen Ms. M. Kmieciak, Recording Secretary 12 Shareholders/Foundation Members

CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Rapp welcomed Committee members, and recognized the attendees -Executive Director Randy Ankeny, Facilities Director Mark Weaver, Physical Property Manager David Rudge, and Recording Secretary Marcy Kmieciak. RULES OF ORDER

Chair Rapp asked everyone to turn off or silent their cell phones, wait for their turn to speak, and be courteous to one another.

CHAIR'S REPORT Chair Rapp had no report to present at the time of the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES

The minutes of the February 6, 2019, regular meeting were approved, as presented.


The Facilities Director provided the Committee with the updates on current projects as presented and commented on the items pertaining to the Committee's area of purview throughout the meeting. Following a brief discussion, Mr. Lukoff MOTIONED, seconded by Ms. Fekjarand carried unanimouslyTO approve the completion of the Concrete/Roof Improvements Medical Building project #888-18. Physical Property Manager

The Physical Property Manager presented the Total Quality Checklist, as submitted. Executive Director

The Executive Director commented on items pertaining to the Committee's area of purview throughout the meeting.

SHAREHOLDER/ MEMBER COMMENTS Two shareholders/Members commented on items on the agenda. CORRESPONDENCE Committee Correspondence Sent

There was no sent correspondence from the previous meeting. Amphitheater Safety - K. Elliott

The Committee reviewed the correspondence and concurred to send a letter advising that this area has been reviewed by the Committee and the site conditions do not allow for a ramp. Roundabout- N. Massetti

The Committee reviewed the correspondence and concurred to request staff consult with a traffic

engineer and send a letter advising that this topic will be discussed at the next Committee meeting. Fuel Cells^^P. Pratt

The Committee reviewed the correspondence and advised the sender, whom attended the meeting, that this topic will be discussed at the next Committee meeting. UNFINISHED BUSINESS New SCE^anel at 1.8 Acres

It was the consensus of the Committee to table this topic until the October Committee meeting.


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Enemy Conservation - Solar Power

The Facilities Director provided an update on this topic. No action was taken at the time of the meeting. Pool Repair

The Executive Director provided an update on this topic. No action was taken at the time of the meeting. NEW BUSINESS Golf Course Fountain Replacement

Following a brief discussion, Ms. Gerber MOTIONED, seconded by Ms. FekjarTO recommend the GRF Board approve the purchase and installation of three floating fountains at the Golf Course Lake, using

Unbudgeted Capital funds, at a cost not to exceed $6,815, pending Finance Committee review.

The motion carried with one no vote (Mr. Lukoff). PRESIDENTS COMMENTS

The President commented on items pertaining to the Committee's area of purview throughout the meeting. SHAREHOLDERS/ MEMBERS COMMENTS

Five shareholders/members commented on the item pertaining to the Committee's area of purview. COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS

Five Committee members spoke on the items pertaining to the Committee's area of purview. ADJOURNMENT Chair Rapp adjourned the meeting at 1:59 p.m.



Su^ai/n^ Fekjar, dorporate^ecretary Gold)fep/Rain Foundation Mk 04-03-19

GRF Golden Rain Foundation


April 1,2019 The regular meeting of the Recreation Committee and Golden Rain Foundation was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Chair Perrotti on Monday, April 1, 2019, in the Administration Conference Room, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. ROLL CALL Present:

Also Present:

Ms. L. Perrotti, Chair Mr. P. Moore

Ms. 1. Heinrichs Mr. T. Dodero

Ms. K. Rapp

Ms. L. Stone, Ex-Officio

Mr. T. Fileto, Recreation Manager Ms. V. Morris, Library Operations Supervisor Mr. R. Stone, GRF Representative, Mutual One Ms. P. Snowden, GRF Representative, Mutual Two Ms. M. Gerber, GRF Representative, Mutual Four Ms. S. Hopewell, GRF Representative, Mutual Six Ms. S. Fekjar, GRF Representative, Mutual Eight Mr. B. Lukoff, GRF Representative, Mutual Fourteen Mr. P. Friedman, GRF Representative, Mutual Fifteen Hon. S. Massa-Lavitt, City Counsel Ms. M. Kmieciak, Recording Secretary 20 Shareholders/Foundation Members


There being no objections, Chair Perrotti declared the reading of the Quorum Notification be dispensed with by unanimous consent. The Chair stated that in accordance with California Civil Code Section 4090, please be advised that a quorum of the GRF Board of Directors is present at today's posted meeting. As a quorum of the Board is present, this meeting will be conducted as a Committee meeting and a Board meeting. The agenda actions of the committee will be limited only to the members of the committee and will only constitute such actions in accordance with stated committee policy and/or provide recommendations to the GRF Board of Directors at its regular Board meeting on the 4th Tuesday of the month. GRF Board members who are not committee members will be allowed to comment when recognized by the Chair and only

during the proscribed Foundation member/shareholder comment period, not to exceed three minutes, as set forth in Policy 5610, Participation by Foundation Members/Shareholders. The minutes of today's Committee Board meeting will be presented to the Board for approval following the approval of the committee meeting minutes in April 2019.

Recreation Committee Board Minutes 04-01-19

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Chair Perrotti reviewed group norms, and asked Committee members and guests to be on time; respect the speaker, do not interrupt and have one conversation at a time; wait to be called; be present and productive; no side bar conversations; turn off or silent cell phones, and treat everyone how they would like to be treated.

CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Chair Perrotti provided a brief update on current Committee projects and introduced guests and staff Recreation Manager Thomas Fileto, Library Supervisor Vanessa Morris, and Recording Secretary Marcy Kmieciak. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes of the March 4, 2019, regular meeting were approved, as presented. STAFF REPORTS Recreation Director

The Recreation Manager presented the Recreation Director's report, as submitted. Library Supervisor

The Library Supervisor spoke of future events and her report as presented. Executive Director

The Executive Director provided an update on upcoming projects and commented on items throughout the agenda pertaining to the Committees area of purview. SHAREHOLDER/MEMBER COMMENTS -Agenda Items Only Three Shareholders/Members spoke on items on the agenda. CORRESPONDENCE Correspondence Sent

The Committee reviewed Correspondence Sent from the prior meeting. Thank You - G. Wriqht The Committee reviewed the correspondence.

Recreation Committee Board Minutes 04-01-19

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Pickle Ball Court Hours - L. Baidack

The Committee reviewed the correspondence and concurred to send a letter of acknowledgment and advise that this topic will be discussed at the next committee meeting. Picnic Area Clubhouse One - T. Subia

The Committee reviewed the correspondence and concurred to send a letter of acknowledgment and advise that the Recreation Department is addressing this topic. Fee Schedule - P. Meuter

The Committee reviewed the correspondence and requested the Recording Secretary send a letter advising that this topic is being addressed by the Facilities and Amenities Review Ad Hoc Committee. Saturday Night Dances - J. Theis

The Committee reviewed the correspondence and requested the Recording Secretary send a letter

advising that the Recreation Committee approved the continuation of the Saturday Night Dances, but all entertainment contracts are handled through Terry Hill and Associates. Recreation Department Rules - J. Hlavac

The Committee reviewed the correspondence, and addressed this topic will the sender directly, whom attended the meeting. Event Cost Report - L. Herman

The Committee reviewed the correspondence and concurred to send a letter of acknowledgment and advise that the Recreation Department is addressing this topic. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Mission Park - Bulletin Boards

The Recreation Manager provided an update on this topic. No action was taken at the time of the meeting. Locker/Storaae Review - Update

The Recreation Manager provided an update on this topic. Following a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Committee to reinstate temporary use of the lockers in Clubhouse One. Adult Education - Update

The Library Operations Supervisor provided an update on this topic. No action was taken at the time of the meeting.

Recreation Committee Board Minutes 04-01-19

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GAF Bicycle Repair Service - Update

The Recreation Manager provided an update on this topic. No action was taken at the time of the meeting. Golf Course T-Box Replacement - Update

The Recreation Manager provided an update. No action was taken at the time of the meeting. eBooks

It was the consensus of the Committee to request staff look into providing access to the Orange County

online library catalog for shareholders at the Leisure World Library in lieu of OverDrive. NEW BUSINESS Marquee Variance Request - Velvetones

It was the consensus of the Committee to review policy 1422-50, Marquee, at the next Committee meeting. Recreation Department - Special Events Costs

The Recreation Manager presented the special events cost report, as submitted. Clubhouse Four- Phase 1111 - Update

The Executive Director provided an update on this topic. Following a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Committee to request staff bring back a complete scope of work to be reviewed at the next Committee meeting. Recreation Department Event Schedyje 1. 2019 Am p hitheater Schedule

The Recreation Manager presented the 2019 Amphitheater Schedule, as submitted. II. Additional 2019 Event - Peter Quilter

The Recreation Manager informed the Committee that this event is no longer available. Questionnaire for Adult Education

Following a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Committee to request the Library Operations Supervisor draft a questionnaire, to be reviewed at the next Committee meeting, regarding shareholder interest in adult education classes.

Recreation Committee Board Minutes 04-01-19

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Clubhouse One - Picnic Area

This topic was discussed in the Correspondence section of the agenda. Policies Locker Use Policy

The Recreation Manager provided an update on this topic. No action was taken at the time of the meeting. Sub Committees I. Recreation Pool Sub-Committee

Ms. Rapp provided an update on the Pool Sub-Committee and informed the Committee that the Physical Property Department is working on collecting cost for the scope of work discussed at the March 7, 2019 Pool Sub-Committee meeting. II. Recreation Restaurant/Bar Sub-Committee

Mrs. Perrotti provided an update on the Restaurant/Bar Sub-Committee and informed the Committee that the next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, April 18, 2019 at 1:00 p.m., in the Administration Conference Room.

III. Recreation Entertainment Sub-Committee

The Recreation Manager provided an update on the Entertainment Sub-Committee. There are currently no further meetings on the calendar. IV. Recreation Torch Run Sub-Committee

Ms. Rapp provided an update on the Torch Run Sub-Committee and reminded the Committee and Members/shareholders present that the event details will be posted in the Leisure World Newspaper. PRESIDENT'S COMMENTS

The President commented on various items pertaining to the agenda throughout the meeting. SHAREHOLDERS/MEMBERS COMMENTS Five shareholders/members spoke. COMMITTEE MEMBERS COMMENTS

Four Committee members spoke on the items pertaining to the Committee's area of purview.

Recreation Committee Board Minutes 04-01-19

NEXT MEETING May 6, 2019, 1:00 p.m. Administration Conference Room

ADJOURNMENT Chair Perrotti adjourned the meeting at 2:21 p.m.

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GRF Golden Rain Foundation


Friday, April 12, 2019 The meeting of the Executive Committee and the Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors was held on Friday, April 12, 2019. The meeting was called to order at 1:00 p.m. by Chair Lukoff in the Administration Conference Room. ROLL CALL Present: Mr. B. Lukoff, Chair Ms. S. Fekjar Ms. S. Hopewell

Ms. K. Rapp Ms. R. Winkler Ms. L. Stone, President

Mrs. L. Perrotti

Staff and Mr. R. Ankeny, Executive Director Guests: Ms. C. Flynn, Director of Human Resources Ms. B. Shuler, Finance Manager Mrs. D. Bennett, Recording Secretary Mr. R. Stone, GRF Representative, Mutual One Ms. P. Snowden, GRF Representative, Mutual Two Mr. T. Dodero, GRF Representative, Mutual Nine Mr. P. Friedman, GRF Representative, Mutual Fifteen Two Foundation Members

CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair welcomed and introduced Foundations members, guests and staff.

By unanimous consent, the Chair declared the reading of the quorum notification be dispensed with. In accordance with California Civil Code Section 4090, please be advised that a quorum of the Golden Rain Foundation Board of Directors (GRF BOD) is present at today's posted meeting. The business of the Executive Committee will be conducted in accordance with the agenda. As a quorum of the Board is present, this meeting will be conducted as a committee meeting and a Board meeting. The agenda actions of the committee will be limited only to the members of the committee and will only constitute such actions in accordance with stated committee policy and/or provide

recommendations to the GRF BOD at its regular Board meeting on the 4th Tuesday of the month. GRF Board members who are not committee members will be allowed to

comment when recognized by the Chair and only during the proscribed Foundation member/shareholder comment period, not to exceed three minutes, as set forth in Policy

5610, Participation by Foundation Members/Shareholders. The minutes of today's Board meeting will be presented to the Board for approval following the approval of the committee meeting minutes at the meeting in July. CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair introduced Executive Director Randy Ankeny, Human Resources Director Cindy Flynn, Finance Manager Barbara Shuler, and Recording Secretary Deanna Bennett.

CHAIR'S REPORT The Chair did not present a report. APPROVAL OF COMMITTEE MINUTES The minutes of the March 8, 2019 meeting were approved, as presented.

SHAREHOLDER/MEMBER COMMENTS (AGENDA ITEMS ONLY) One shareholder/members spoke on agenda topics. CORRESPONDENCE No items of correspondence were reviewed by the Committee. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Finalize Employee Handbook Revisions Summan/

The Human Resources Director presented the revisions to the Employee Handbook. Ms. Hopewell MOVED, seconded by Ms. Winkler and carried unanimously by the Committee members-

TO request counsel review final changes, assign a document number, and recommend the GRF Board accept the Employee Handbook for distribution. NEW BUSINESS Rescind Position Description 3491.6, Parking Enforcement Specialist

Ms. Stone MOVED, seconded by Mrs. Perrotti and carried unanimously by the Committee members-

TO recommend the GRF Board rescind the position description 3491.6, Parking Enforcement Specialist, as the duty is included in the Security Officer position description, which may result in shareholders/Security Officers issuing citations.

Amend Position Description 3691, Administrative Secretary/Reservations Coordinator

Ms. Rapp MOVED, seconded by Mrs. Perrotti and carried unanimously by the Committee members-

TO amend the position description 3691 Title, Administrative Secretary/Reservations Coordinator, to Assistant Manager, as amended.

The motion was carried with two no votes (Hopewell and Winkler). Amend Position DescriDtion 3692.1, Events Coordinator

Mrs. Perrotti MOVED, seconded by Ms. Rapp and carried unanimously by the Committee members-

TO amend the position description 3692.1, Events Coordinator, as presented. Amend Position DescriDtion 3391.5-70, General Office Clerk, Physical Property

Ms. Rapp MOVED, seconded by Ms. Fekjar and carried unanimously by the Committee members-

TO amend the position description 3391.5-70, including a title change to Physical Property Administrative Assistant, as amended. Status of Board Goals

The Executive Director provided a status of Board-approved goals. The Chair called for a break at 2:35 pm. ADDlicant Tracking System

Ms. Rapp MOVED, seconded by Ms. Hopewell and carried unanimously by the Committee membersTO recommend the Finance Committee review, in April,

availability of non-budgeted Operating funds of $1,168, to

Cost Center 20, for recruitment of the remainder of the

budget year, to initiate the implementation of the Clear Company ATS as soon as administratively feasible and to cancel the subscription for ZipRecruiter as soon as the ATS is fully implemented; upon Finance Committee approval, recommend the GRF Board approve the acquisition of the tracking system. POLICIES Adopt Policy, External Communication, Authorized Spokesperson

The Committee concurred to review the policy at the May Committee meeting.

Rescind Policy 1022-30, Petitions The Committee concurred to review the policy at the May Committee meeting. Adopt Member Code of Conduct

The Committee concurred to review the policy at the May Committee meeting. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS (n/a) STAFF REPORTS Human Resources Director

The Human Resources Director presented an updated Human Resources report. Finance Manager

The Finance Manager report was presented, as attached, in the agenda packet. Executive Director

The Executive commented on various items throughout the meeting. MEMBER COMMENTS

No members spoke on various items pertaining to the Committee's area of purview.

COMMITTEE MEMBERS No Committee members spoke on topics related to today's Committee meeting. Ms. Hopewell MOVED, seconded by Ms. Rapp and carried unanimously by the Committee members-

TO go into Executive Session.

ADJOURNMENT The meeting \f/^s adjourned at ^04 p.m.


^L? Suzanne F-ejitfar, )Sorporate/§ecre1 Golden Raj
04.12.19 L-^