NES ProVision WHPRS rating 5

NES ProVisio n Welcome to the United States and Canadian sales distributorship for the NES Health Limit ed ProVision an...

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NES ProVisio n Welcome to the United States and Canadian sales distributorship for the NES Health Limit ed ProVision and Infoceuticals®. NEW! NES ProVision is nowIntegrated with NES miHealth

NES ProVision software

Peter Fraser and Harry Massey, founders of NES Health Limited, formerly NutriEnergetics Systems®, both experienced a debilitating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for years. Fraser through 25 years of research and thousands of “matching” tests was able to become healthy again using his Infoceuticals. Massey was so impressed with his own improvement after using Fraser’s methods that he convinced Fraser this was a system whose time was right in a changing world of healthcare. They combined forces and developed a computerized system, the NESProfessional®, now known as NES ProVision, and developed a system to energetically imprint


We cannot find any scientific explanation for how they energetically imprint an item Decoding the Human Body Field by Peter Fraser, Harry Massey and Joan Wilcox gives a full history and much more on the science supporting the NES Health technology. The Living Matrix movie also presents Peter Fraser and his theory as well as an excellent case study with a North Carolina NES® practitioner. A ProVision device can be of great benefit. Its bioenergetic technology can analyze the human body-field and is simple to use and understand. The NES ProVision provides a quick, noninvasive assessment of the body-field's structures and returns informative, comprehensive reports. By using a simple scanning process, it is more operator independent than any other system so the results are more reliable. The operator does not need to undertake a long, involved or complicated scanning procedure in which many influences might affect the results. The science of biophysics is the basis for the scanning of the human body-field, and the Infoceutical technology of NES

Health systems. Biophysics incorporates the latest research into information transfer within living organisms and is related to a branch of physics Quantum Electro Dynamics (QED) field theory - that involves the study of communication between atoms. Biophysics shows that the human biological processes are entirely dependent on integrated and unobstructed communication among the chemical, physical, mental, emotional, memory, and energetic aspects. This information transfer goes way beyond what can be explained by biochemistry alone. If the body's internal information transfer system is compromised, then cellular, physiological, mental and energetic processes will cease to function in an optimum way. The NES Health system analyzes information transfer in the body, identifies issues with regard to its map of the optimum human body-field and recommends corrective Infoceuticals.

The system identifies distortions within the human body-field, a dynamic web of interrelations among the physiological processes that the body must perform as well as fields of emotions and

consciousness. The bodyfield is in constant interaction with the environment, influenced by and responding to geopathic stress, magnetic fields, toxins, and stress. Peter Fraser found that the loss of homeostasis, the breakdown of the body's ability for selfcorrection, is an intricate interplay of almost infinite parameters. What allowed Fraser to uncover the structure of the body-field and to "match" function with information flow was the realization that, despite what geneticists and biochemists might think, the body does not have one "correct" state of being, although there is an optimal preference. While there are some functions of the body that must be maintained within extremely precise parameters, most have flexibility built into them. NES has begun to unravel this web of relationships and to understand the "optimal" preferences for the flow of information, but makes no claims that its theory is complete. To purchase the NES ProVision and Infoceuticals you need to have a certification or license in healthcare. Full training and ongoing support come with the purchase of the system and future updates are at no charge.

Body-Field Sound Healing is a first-of-its-kind audio experience in which music is encoded with information to enhance your well-being. The music is created by world-renowned sound healing expert David Gibson and bioenergetic information is incorporated from Nutri-Energetics Systems (NES®) to help inform and direct the human body-field. Track 1 Chi Energy Track 2 Relax and Regenerate Track 3 Confidence

Track Track Track Track Track Track Track Track Track

4 Energetic Detox 5 EMF Protection 6 Chill 7 Mental Clarity 8 Creative Spirit 9 Sexual Energy 10 Unconditional Love 11 Balance and Heal 12 Sleep Well

We at WHPRS cannot find any real valid or verified scientific explanation for how they energetically imprint an item