NIKI (NICK) – VICTORIA (VICK) Page 1 of 3 AOC-8 INT. OFFICE – DAY. Niki is seated in Maxwell’s chair behind his desk...

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INT. OFFICE – DAY. Niki is seated in Maxwell’s chair behind his desk. She is shackled to the chair. A bomb is attached to the underside of the chair The situation is deadly serious. Victoria enters looking for Nikki. NIKI Don’t touch anything!! VICTORIA/VICK What happened? NIKI There’s a bomb. Under the chair. VICTORIA/VICK Where’s Maxwell? NIKI He’s working for them. He left about 10 minutes ago. VICTORIA/VICK Looking under the chair. I don’t see a timer. Did he say anything? We’ve got to stop him NIKI It has a remote. Maxwell took the transmitter with him. He’s going to blow the reactor when he gets in the clear. He’ll need twenty miles to be safe. That should give us about 15 minutes at best. VICTORIA/VICK Sit tight. (checks the chair) Could also be a pressure plate under the chair. You can’t be moved. Into her radio Zack, we have a situation here. Evacuate the area. Notify NRC. Tell them we need decon teams of standby. And get NSA to run a check on Maxwell’s last 48 hours. NIKI Can you disarm it? VICTORIA/VICK I wish there was time to study some other bombs Murphy built. This wiring is very complex. But yeah, I think I can disarm it. NIKI You Think?! VICTORIA/VICK Yeah, I think. Hey, If you go. I go. Any idea where Maxwell went? 1


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NIKI Someplace where the signal couldn’t be jammed. He seemed very confident. VICTORIA/VICK It would have to be someplace that has a very powerful transmitter that can shift rapidly between frequencies. NIKI The observatory in the mountains above San Juan! It’s the highest point on the island. It has one of the most powerful transmitters in the world. VICTORIA/VICK Into her radio. Zack, get a team to the observatory. Find Maxwell and take him out. … Yes take him out. He’s the mole. Victoria starts checking the wiring, picks up a pair of wire cutters.) VICTORIA/VICK What if I just cut them all at once? NIKI Victoria!! VICTORIA/VICK Just kidding. (sweat drips off Victoria’s forehead as she works on the bomb). So far I’ve cut a yellow wire and a purple wire and we’re still alive. (She concentrates on a group of wires. It’s a complex mass of connections and wires.) NIKI What’s next? VICTORIA/VICK Red then blue? Or blue then red? You call it. NIKI Go with the green. VICTORIA/VICK The green? Why? NIKI The guy who built it is I.R.A. VICTORIA/VICK So green has to be his favorite color? Okay – we’ll go with the green. 2


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NIKI This time keep your eyes open. (Victoria shakes her head. Niki holds her breath. Victoria snips the wire). VICTORIA/VICK I think we found the anti-tampering circuit. (Victoria snips the wire. The bomb is disarmed Victoria has freed Niki. Both smile.)