Nuclear Chem test

Name_______________________________ Nuclear Chemistry Test You will need a periodic table. 1. (2 pts) Which nuclear em...

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Nuclear Chemistry Test

You will need a periodic table. 1. (2 pts) Which nuclear emission is identical to a helium nucleus? 2. (2pts) Which nuclear emission has no charge and no mass? 3. (2 pts) Which nuclear emission has the least penetrating power? 4. Write the equations for the following nuclear reactions: a)(4 pts) The alpha decay of Pu-242

b)(4 pts) Americium-243 undergoes beta emission

5. An isotope has a half life of 120 seconds. If I initially have an 80g sample of this isotope... (3 pts)How many grams will be present after 120 seconds? (3 pts)How many grams will be present after 360 seconds? 6. (6 pts) Define fission and fusion.

7. (1 pt) Which nuclear process does the sun use? 8. (3 pts)Where is the nuclear material now that used to be in Chernobyl’s reactor core?

9. (3 pts) Name 3 uses for radionuclides. 10. (6 pts) At this point in time, there are advantages and disadvantages to every source of electric power. In your opinion, are nuclear power plants a good source for electricity? There is no right or wrong opinion, but well reasoned responses earn points.