objective c

Objective-C Cheat Sheet by Alex Gordon (alextgordon) via cheatography.com/425/cs/198/ Class Interfaces Class Implementa...

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Objective-C Cheat Sheet by Alex Gordon (alextgordon) via cheatography.com/425/cs/198/ Class Interfaces

Class Implementation

Class Use

@interface Shape : NSObject

@implementation Shape

- (void)drawRect:(NSRect)rect {

@property (assign) NSPoint center;

@synthesize centre;

rect = [self bounds];

@property (strong) NSColor* color;

@synthesize color;

[[NSColor cyanColor] set];


- (void)draw {

[NSBezierPath fillRect:rect];

[color set]; @interface Rectangle : Shape


Rectangle* rectangle = [[Rectangle alloc] init];

@property (assign) NSSize size;


rectangle.size = NSMakeSize(300, 200);


rectangle.centre = NSMakePoint(NSMidX(rect), @implementation Rectangle

@interface Circle : Shape

@synthesize size;

@property (assign) CGFloat radius;

- (void)draw {


[super draw]; [NSBezierPath fillRect:NSMakeRect(self.centre.x -

NSMidY(rect)); rectangle.color = [NSColor whiteColor]; [rectangle draw];

Circle* circle = [[Circle alloc] init];

size.width / 2, self.centre.y - size.height / 2, size.w

circle.radius = 60;

idth, size.height)];

circle.centre = rectangle.centre;


circle.color = [NSColor redColor];


[circle draw]; }

@implementation Circle @synthesize radius;


- (void)draw {


[super draw]; [[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:NSMak eRect(self.centre.x - radius, self.centre.y - radius, radius2, radius2)] fill]; } @end Cheatographer

Cheat Sheet


Alex Gordon (alextgordon)

This cheat sheet was published on 10th January,

Envoy, for simple and effective bug management.


2012 and was last updated on 10th January, 2012.

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