overview of common core state standards for k 5 001

Overview of Common Core State Standards for K-5 English Language Arts Standards Strand Substrand CCR Anchor Standards ...

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Overview of Common Core State Standards for K-5 English Language Arts Standards Strand


CCR Anchor Standards Cluster • Key Ideas and Details

Reading Literature

• Craft and Structure • Integration of Knowledge and Ideas • Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity • Key Ideas and Details

Informational Text

Foundational Skills


• Craft and Structure • Integration of Knowledge and Ideas • Range of Reading and level of Text Complexity • Print Concepts (K & 1) • Phonological Awareness (K & 1) • Phonics & Word Recognition • Fluency • Text Types and Purpose • Production and Distribution of Writing • Research to Build and Present Knowledge

Speaking and Listening

• Range of Writing • Comprehension and Collaboration • Presentation of Knowledge and Ideas


• Conventions of Standard English • Knowledge of language • Vocabulary Acquisition and Use

Focus of Each Standard 1. Supporting understanding of text; details; inference 2. Retelling and summarizing, theme 3. Characters, setting, events 4. Meanings of words and phrases 5. Narrative text structure 6. Point of view 7. Visual and multimedia elements 8. Not applicable to literature 9. Comparing and contrasting elements and texts 10. Reading grade-level literature 1. Supporting understanding of text; details; inference 2. Main idea, summarizing’ 3. Connections between events, ideas, and concepts 4. Meanings of words 5. Informational text features and structures 6. Point of view 7. Visual and multimedia elements 8. Author’s reasons and evidence 9. Comparing and contrasting texts 10. Reading grade-level informational text 1. Organization and features of print 2. Spoken words, syllables, and sounds 3. Grade-level phonics and word analysis skills 4. Fluent reading of grade-level text 1. Opinion pieces 2. Informative/explanatory texts 3. Narrative texts 4. Development and organization (grades 3-5) 5. Revising and editing 6. Use of technology 7. Short research projects 8. Varied sources 9. Evidence to support analysis, reflection, and research (grades 4 & 5) 10. Extended time frames, varied purposes (grades 3-5) 1. Collaborative conversations 2. Main ideas of speaker and multimedia information 3. Questioning speaker’s reasons and evidence 4. Describe, tell, and report orally 5. Visual and oral presentations 6. Complete sentences, use of formal English 1. Grammar, usage 2. Capitalization, punctuation, spelling 3. Knowledge of language and conventions (grades 3-5) 4. Unknown words and phrases 5. Word relationships , and nuances, figurative language 6. Academic and domain-specific words and phrases

Note: CCR = College and Career Readiness. Reprinted from “The Common Core: Insights Into the K-5 Standards,” by M. McLaughlin and B.J. Overturf, 2012, The Reading Teacher, 66 (2), pp. 156-157