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School Board SCOOP News, Updates, and Highlights from the October 25, 2016 School Board Meeting EMMONS PRESENTATION ...

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School Board

SCOOP News, Updates, and Highlights from the

October 25, 2016 School Board Meeting



Emmons Elementary was a great host for the School Board meeting. Their presentation began with 6th grade teachers Mrs. Loszyk and Miss Barnauskas explaining the Google Classroom - Learning Management System (LMS). Students Jacob Landry and Tia Stopczynski shared why they like being a part of this pilot program.

The Board approved contract extensions for both Dr. Stahly, Assistant Superintendent for Business Services, and Mr. Welling, Director of Human Resources. This is good news for SCM as they are no longer interim administrators. The contracts for both of these valued leaders has been extended to December 31, 2017.

Mr. Addison and Mrs. Milovich talked about the implementation of the new Elementary Alternative Education Program that is being housed at Emmons Elementary school. Mrs. Challberg described Emmon’s new upper elementary PBIS program and how the results of this program are benefiting the students.

TECHNOLOGY NEWS Great things are happening in the area of Technology. The Board received a report on the recently completed Wireless Infrastructure Project. To give you an idea of the scope of the project, wireless access points within SCM have increased from 30 in 2010 to 598 today! This accomplishment was recognized by Extreme Networks and Qubit as they presented the Board with the Extreme Exemplary School Award. Way to go, SCM Technology!

COMMUNICATION AND MARKETING PLAN The Board was also presented with the Proposed Comprehensive Professional Development Communication and Marketing Plan. The Plan is the result of the efforts of the SCM Communication and Marketing Work Group. This Work Group consisted of members of the community and parents along with representatives from SCM. The group began their work in February with a look at where we are communication-wise. Using a set of standards created by the NSPRA (National School Public Relations Association), the group bench-marked the state of communications within SCM and in the following months worked on developing a plan for the future. The Plan is still in draft form and the Board will take it under advisement for further consideration at a later date. It will be posted on the SCM website once it is approved, but Jennifer Smith can provide a copy to anyone interested in seeing the draft.

THE “P” PROJECT Dr. Speicher unveiled the “P” Project (Preparation) to the Board for their consideration. This is another initiative in SCM’s pursuit of excellence. Mr. Pettibone will head up the Work Group that will collect data about the co-curricular and extra-curricula activities that are important aspects of the learning environment for students. They will analyze data from three areas: athletics, academic competitions and music and determine how we can make things better. They will present their findings and recommendations to the Superintendent and the Board next Fall.

NEXT MEETING The next School Board meeting is on Wednesday, November 9, 2016 at 7:00 PM. The meeting will be held at the Administration Center. NOTE: The meeting is on Wednesday, November 9.

For the complete Board minutes, visit the School Board Minutes tab on the SCM website.