
Accountability – Technology Faculty Quick summary – manifesto recap I stated that I would try and create more interactio...

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Accountability – Technology Faculty Quick summary – manifesto recap I stated that I would try and create more interaction between course reps and students.

Since elected I have created a facebook group and invited a large number of course reps and members of the faculty of technology to it. I have asked the course reps I’m in contact with to speak to people on their course about issues. I have also created a to-do list so that people on the faculty of technology facebook page can see everything I’ve been working on, the progress of each item and also comments on them (to aid with transparency). I have tried fairly hard to promote the union events as they help encourage course reps and students to get involved.

Significant Achievements Not having enough bike shelters was a complaint submitted to the first zone that I chaired, as the person that submitted the idea wasn’t there I have to present it, it then passed there and went through to the UAB. At UAB our President Nick took that idea and brought it through to the University where it has now been brought to fruition as new bike shelters are being temporarily added until the master plan has been confirmed and new permanent solutions are created.

Ongoing progress with tasks Currently there are no significant ongoing tasks, as most course reps have not had any issues that they have brought to me that haven’t been easily fixed, other than some in my department that the Course rep Exec chair has taken point on as they are more significant issues. There is also a new idea that I will be working on to do with getting student voice representatives elected in the university, I believe that as the voice of the students, they should be chosen by the students.

Meetings Attended Faculty Forum (x1) Faculty Board (x1) Quality Assurance committee (x1) Have Your Say Zone: Technology (x2) Have Your Say Zone: Science (x1) Have Your Say Zone: Humanities(x1) Have Your Say Zone: CCI(x2) Have Your Say Zone: Course Reps (x3) Estimated time spent: 30 hours

Rep Drop-in Sessions (x1) Technology Faculty Social Meeting (x1) Student Rep and Senior Management (x1) UAB (x2) Union Annual Member’s Meeting (x1) Course Rep Xmas Jumper Quiz (x1) Faculty rep training (x1)

Deputy Faculty Rep’s notes I must say, as a deputy faculty rep my function is quit limited but have managed to attend couple of meetings and submitted two ideas of which one of them that really concerns non EU/EE students across all faculties and also the faculty of technology, which says non EU STUDENTS are or may not be liable to have internships and industrial placements and was deeply emphasised by the purple door during an industrial job advertisement lecture that comprises the entire faculty of technology students, lecturers and course leaders. I have discussed this issues with my course leader and departmental lecturers as it affects lots of international students that are non EU students. I have also related to my course leader the concerns from students of our faculty that few lecturers are misleading and misinforming the students of areas of concentration during revision classes and end up setting exams that are far from the said area of concentration. I also told our lecturers and course leader that lots of students especially the students of petroleum engineering did confronted and made complains that Same questions was given to students of same level in an in class test but different hours and time of the in class text which really made the first with the smallest time and the subsequent group of students are given more time and also standing a chance of doing well in the same test that's because they have been told the questions by the previous group of students that wrote the test first. I have always talk to students on different things and inform them of all they want to know and had given my very best attention to whatever thing that will benefit the Portsmouth students in general. Thank