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D UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A Spiritual Perspective on the Messages From Extraterrestrial – Human Contact PART 2 – EXAMINING ...

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A Spiritual Perspective on the Messages From Extraterrestrial – Human Contact PART 2 – EXAMINING THE MESSAGES



This report is the property of Rema Marketing and is considered to be strictly for reading only. With receipt of this report, the recipient acknowledges and agrees that written permissions must be secured from the publisher to use or reproduce any part of this report, except for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles. Content in report is licensed by Dennis Callen. A publication of Rema Marketing. ©2013, All rights reserved.




UNEARTHLY MESSAGES PART 2: EXAMINING THE MESSAGES In the 1950s, the entities typically told the contactees of the day that they were from Mars and Venus. But we’ve since sent probes and satellites there and found that these planets are hostile to supporting life – at least the humanoid type of life they were claiming to be. So 50 years later, the entities now claim they originate from far more distant places in other star systems, like Zeta Reticuli which is 39 light years away, or even in other galaxies like Andromeda, which is 2.5 million light years away. Now, their story has now changed to these far away places, in which we once again can’t verify their claims. This fact alone already lends itself to believing there’s deception involved in this phenomenon.





























1. THE ALIEN ABDUCTION PHENOMENA "UFO abductions are not a rare phenomenon and have been estimated to have occurred to three-million Americans. There is a remarkably precise correspondence to the reports. Abductees exhibit relatively little psychopathology. The author uses a combination of hypnosis and a breathing technique as treatment in helping the abductees confront and move through the terrifying memories of the experiences. Abduction events and descriptions of aliens are relatively uniform. There is both subtle and highly robust physical evidence that accompanies some of the abductions. The aftermaths of these events are usually highly traumatic. But in processing these terrors, abductees are often able to find these events a source of transformation, in connecting them beyond themselves." 101 "Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away." 102 "Whatever is a reality today, whatever you touch and believe in and that seems real for you today, is going to be—like the reality of yesterday—an illusion tomorrow." 103

The modern history of the abduction phenomenon began in 1961 with the case of Betty and Barney Hill. The couple claimed that one night while driving home to New Hampshire from a trip to Montreal, they saw a UFO and had a couple of hours that they could not account for. Following this event, Barney suffered from insomnia and Betty had frequent nightmares. After two years, they reluctantly sought help from psychiatrist Benjamin Simon. Other than anxieties related to the incident, "Dr. Simon reported no psychiatric illness." Using hypnosis, Dr. Simon uncovered details of what happened during the missing hours of which they had no conscious recollection.

In separate hypnosis sessions the Hills each reported being taken out of their car and into a craft against their will by "small, gray, humanoid beings with unusual eyes" that communicated telepathically. Inside, they were placed on a table, and various tests and procedures were performed on them that seemed to focus on the reproductive organs. The Hills initially were reluctant to believe that this actually occurred. "I wish I could think it was a hallucination," Barney told Dr. Simon. Since then, thousands of other surprisingly similar abduction cases have emerged around the world. UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



Interestingly, many abductees do not seek therapy because "they have had an abduction experience." Rather, they seek help for a wide variety of complaints such as vivid recurring nightmares, general anxiety, panic attacks, intense feelings of helplessness or vulnerability, and strange memories that cause them to question their sanity. Another common complaint is that of "missing time." This involves a period of time, usually ranging anywhere from forty-five minutes to several hours, that the person cannot account for. In one historic case that took place in the late seventies, a young Arizona man named Travis Walton was missing for five days. Local authorities had begun a murder investigation when he suddenly reappeared, highly traumatized, with no conscious recollection of where he had been. The logging crew Travis had been working with at the time of his disappearance claimed to have seen a UFO render him unconscious via a beam of light. As they were all suspects in the murder investigation, their story was strengthened by the fact that they each submitted to and passed lie detector tests that involved direct questioning regarding Travis' disappearance and the UFO sighting. Twenty years later, although some of them are no longer friends, they have all stood by their original story. A movie was released decades later called “Fire from the sky” which was based on these events. What is compelling about abduction cases is the amount of similar, highly detailed information that abductees report. Detailed descriptions of passage to and from the craft, physical procedures and tests, surgical-type instruments, and descriptions of the aliens themselves, come from many different abductees who have never met one another. Until recently these stories were not available in the media. Abductees come from all walks of life, age groups, and ethnic backgrounds. Harvard Medical School psychiatrist John Mack states that abductees he has worked with include "students, homemakers, secretaries, writers, business people, computer industry professionals, musicians, psychologists, an acupuncturist, a social worker..." In June of 1992, Harvard psychiatrist John E. Mack, M.D. and M.I.T. physicist David E. Pritchard, Ph.D. held the Abduction Study Conference at M.I.T. to "assess the similarities and differences in the findings of various investigators studying people who report experiences of abductions by aliens, and the related issues of this phenomenon." The host of speakers and abduction researchers at the five day conference included Temple University historian and author David Jacobs, Ph.D.; California emergency physician John G. Miller, M.D.; Sacramento based psychologist Richard J. Boylan, Ph.D.; John S. Carpenter, M.S.W.; and the primary investigator of UFO abductions, Budd Hopkins, who has personally




worked with over 1,200 abduction cases and has written two books on the subject. In addition, the conference included a panel of abductees that shared their individual experiences. At the conference and in many of the books published on the subject, various psychological theories have been discussed that attempt to explain the alien abduction phenomenon. Perhaps the most obvious of these explanations is mental illness. While there have been documented cases of patients suffering from schizophrenia who experience "vivid and frightening hallucinations and delusions about space aliens," their stories are usually inconsistent and incoherent, and part of a whole range of bizarre and confused thought patterns and behavior that characterize their lives. Abductees examined by psychologists are not diagnosed as being schizophrenic or delusional. Further, psychiatric examinations and numerous psychological tests have failed to reveal forms of mental illness that could, conceivably, explain the abduction phenomenon. Fabrication is another possible explanation. It has been theorized that abductees lead boring lives and fabricate these stories to gain attention, publicity, and perhaps financial gain. Although this is a possible explanation in some cases, it certainly is not true for the majority. Most abductees come forward reluctantly, fearful of ridicule and avoiding media attention. John Mack emphasizes the sometimes "remarkable lengths to which abductees go to protect their anonymity." Rather than trying to convince people that the abduction is a real event, they seek therapy in hopes of uncovering a treatable mental illness. Studies have also been conducted by psychologists to determine whether or not abductees exhibit a high degree of certain personality traits such as fantasy proneness; the results, however, showed that most abductees fall within the normal range. The notion that abduction accounts can be explained by individuals falsely claiming experiences based on stories heard in the media is a drastic oversimplification of a puzzling phenomenon. According to former Pentagon official Col. Philip J. Corso (Ret.), the military was investigating reports of alien abduction and cattle mutilation beginning in the late 1950s, a decade before the first reports began to surface in the media. He writes, “...there were the suspected cattle mutilations and reported abductions, perhaps the most direct form of intervention in our culture short of a direct attack upon our installations. While debates broke out among debunkers who said these were a combination of hoaxes, attacks by everyday predators on cattle, psychological flashback memories of episodes of childhood abuse in the cases of reported abductees, and out-and-out fabrications of the media – field investigators found they could not explain away some of the cattle mutilations, especially where laser surgery seemed to be used, and psychologists found




alarming similarities in the descriptions of abductees who had no knowledge of one another's stories. The military intelligence community regarded these stories of mutilations and abductions very seriously.” 104

Another interesting theory suggests that what is occurring is a form of displacement from another kind of trauma, especially sexual abuse. While it is true that abduction experiencers do show some of the symptoms associated with post-traumatic states, Mack asserts "these symptoms appear to be the result, not the cause, of what the experiencers have undergone." 105

Many therapists attempt to explain abduction accounts as "screen" memories masking the repression of sexual abuse. However, "no abduction screen memories have ever been stripped away to reveal a past history of abuse." While it is true that some abductees are also victims of sexual or physical abuse, they usually have a clear memory of the abuse and feel the abduction experience to be unrelated. Sleep paralysis is a common neurophysiological explanation. During prewaking and presleeping states, also referred to as hypnogogic and hypnopomic states, a person "may feel paralyzed for a very short time. She might have vivid 'dreams' in those moments that take on the shape of reality." This explanation fails to take into account the many abductions claimed to have taken place while the subject was awake. For example, many people claim to have been abducted in broad daylight while driving a car. In addition, dream-like experiences in hypnogogic and hypnopomic states do not match the emotionality, strong sense of realism, and sequential events reported in abduction accounts. The questionable accuracy of memories uncovered through hypnosis is yet another possible conventional explanation for the alien abduction phenomenon. Studies do show that hypnosis can produce inaccurate material. Subjects under hypnosis can be very susceptible to the expectations of the hypnotist, possibly creating stories based not on experience but imagination. John Myers, a professor at McGeorge School of Law in Sacramento, who studies child abuse and related issues such as repressed memory in child abuse litigation, states that "the clear consensus of opinion is that repressed memory does exist, particularly for traumatic events. How to differentiate the accurate from the inaccurate, that's the problem." 106

Because so little is understood regarding the use of hypnosis as a methodological technique for manipulating cognitive and affective states, this theory could certainly benefit from additional research.




Researchers who use hypnosis to investigate alleged alien abduction experiences argue that they are careful not to ask leading questions. Further, they state that if they intentionally try to lead the subject away from the abduction narrative, and perhaps suggest a more rational explanation, they are generally met with great resistance. Some abductees claim to have conscious memories that surface without hypnosis. Budd Hopkins argues hypnosis is not essential in many cases, and most abductees remember some elements of the abduction experience prior to hypnosis. Regarding the use of hypnosis, John Mack states: “The intensity of affect and expressed bodily feeling that occurs during the regression sessions of abduction experiencers is so powerful that even the most determined skeptic would be hard-pressed to conclude that something quite extraordinary and reality-shattering did not occur.”

Some individuals, such as the late Carl Sagan, suggest that what is really going on in relation to alien abductions is some sort of mass psychosis, hysteria, or hallucination. Examples of hysterical contagion, whereby people believe that something has happened to them because they are aware that it has happened to others, do exist. However, according to David Jacobs, abduction claims "do not fit the model of mass hysteria." Typically, for mass hysteria or hysterical contagion to occur, the victims have to know each other or in some way have contact with one another to engage in mutual reinforcement. Although some abductees do know one another, most do not, and they have little in common. Further, the abduction phenomenon is not restricted to a particular geographic location or brief time period, as is usually the case in mass hysteria. One of the most bizarre explanations for the abduction phenomenon is the idea that they stem from a collective unconscious, or cumulative memory, which "embodies certain archetypal memories that are inherent in all human minds." Carl Jung addressed the issue of UFO sightings from this perspective in his book Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky, published in 1959. He wondered whether UFOs might not be "materialized psychism actual physical or paraphysical objects created by the collective unconscious." While the idea of a collective unconscious is not something that has been supported by any solid evidence in the psychological community, it is a concept that deserves further research. If it were in fact a valid explanation, it would completely change the way we view psychology, and "the implications for humanity would be enormous." With any of the various psychological theories, it is difficult to account for the growing body of documented cases of abductees that experience physiological effects. Some abductees have small scars or scoop marks on their body they cannot account for that are often symmetrical




and similar in nature those found on other abductees. While it is possible that these are selfinflicted, the similar nature of the marks is difficult to account for. John Mack claims to have worked with one individual with these markings who is a paraplegic, and therefore in this case at least the scars could not possibly have self-inflicted. There have been other physiological effects noted as well. Some women abductees have suffered from a various internal complications, including a high incidence of ovarian cysts. There have also been cases of what is known as "missing fetus syndrome," in which a pregnant woman's fetus mysteriously and inexplicably disappears overnight, without any indications of a miscarriage. In some cases problems have been so severe as to require a total hysterectomy. A case occurred in Texas that involved three individuals who allegedly witnessed a UFO touch down on a remote highway in front of them, and then after several minutes took off. They described being exposed to a blinding, very hot light that visibly burned the face and arms of one of the witnesses who had stepped out of the car. After the incident, and continuing for several days, they each suffered nausea and other physiological effects similar to those normally associated with radiation exposure. Doctors could not account for their condition. In addition, trees on either side of the highway were scorched and the paint on the highway itself was noticeably effected. Clearly whatever is happening to abductees defies a conventional psychological explanation. As John Carpenter noted: “I fully expected to wade through a variety of psychological issues — including fantasies of hysterical individuals, dramatic confabulations from Borderline Personality Disorders, dissociative episodes as with Multiple








psychodynamics of those traumatized in childhood, and the space-age delusions of insecure individuals, influenced by extraterrestrial themes and speculations in all of the media. To my astonishment, none of these expectations has become valid in my research so far.” 107

Does the alien abduction phenomenon represent some new form of psychiatric illness? Or is it possible that what abductees claim is happening to them is really true. Surprisingly, many of the researchers and mental health professionals working closely with these individuals are now leaning toward the latter conclusion. In the book “Abduction”, which is based on his work with over 100 abductees, John Mack states: “We can continue to try to make the phenomenon fit the world as we have known it, jamming it into a kind of Procrustean bed of consensus reality. Or we can acknowledge that the world might be other than we have known it. Then we are free to see where our thinking leads us. I have spent countless hours UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



trying to find alternate explanations that would not require the major shift in my worldview that I have had to face..…but no familiar theory or explanation has come even close to accounting for the basic features of the abduction phenomenon.” 108

Regardless of the cause, the number of people seeking therapy for abduction experiences continues to grow. Whether or not one believes their stories does not change the fact that these people are seeking help. They have been traumatized by what they consider to be very real and frightening experiences that are beyond their control. Often these cases are misdiagnosed; one of John Mack's patient's described being treated unsuccessfully though out his adolescence with "hit-or-miss drugging," and resented what he later came to feel were "uninformed and unnecessary medical procedures." The mainstream psychological and scientific community needs to recognize and further study this phenomenon if these cases are to be handled properly and if any definitive answers are to be reached. As David Jacobs warns, "we must realize that the abduction phenomenon is too important to dismiss as the ravings of prevaricators or psychologically disturbed people. I hope the extraordinary lack of scientific concern to date does not in the long run prove to be a mistake with undreamed-of consequences." 109




2. THE CONSISTENCY OF ALIEN ABDUCTIONS J. Allen Hynek first categorized close encounters in his book, the UFO Experience (1972)



Close Encounter of the first kind (CEI), Close Encounter of the Second Kind (CEII), and Close Encounter of the Third Kind (CEIII). In the beginning, CEIs included all UFO sightings. A Close Encounter of the Second Kind occurs when physical traces of a UFO are found. The third type of close encounter was later made popular by writer/director Stephen Spielberg in the movie, Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977). A CEIII occurs when humans actually come into contact with extra-terrestrial beings. However since the 1960s and the ongoing reports of alien abductions the term Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind” was coined to reflect alien abduction interactions where there is direct physical contact.

The abduction experience usually begins with the visual perception of a bright white light in the sky, field, etc..., or the abductee's bedroom. Electronic devises and cars "go wild" or shut off. The abductee is paralyzed in some cases, allowed to move only his/her eyes. One or more aliens emerge from the craft/light and proceed to drag or "beam" the human into the ship. Once inside, the abductee is stripped of clothing and is lying on a bed. (Some cases indicate that they were sitting up.) One or more aliens perform intrusive physical examinations: probing orifices, extracting bodily fluids such as blood or sperm, and take tissue and egg samples. Implants (believed to be tracking devices) are placed deep into the victims nose, eyelid, forehead, hand, or foot. Recovered implants have been tiny round balls, or triangular minerallike objects, yet to be identified as alien in nature. The tools used to perform these examinations are unlike familiar surgical tools used by doctors. In many cases, the abductee can't even describe them. Sometimes, the abductees are placed in machines. Communication during an abduction is limited. The aliens do not explain much about what they are doing or why. Communication which does take place from alien to human appears to be UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



telepathic. Victims also report a feeling of being under a hypnotic trance and that they are reading his/her mind. Communication among the aliens is either inaudible by the abductee or is spoken in an "alien" language. Some mass abduction reports indicate the presence of one or more humans undergoing the same abduction procedure. There is no communication from abductee to abductee. Each abductee senses that the others are "out of it". After the abduction procedure is completed, the victim is placed back in the same position he/she was before or released outside the ship. Though some abductees can consciously remember the abduction experience, many can only recall the memory while under hypnosis. Those who are abducted usually exhibit some sort of physical side-effects from the experience known as Post Abduction Syndrome. The most common symptoms are: • Lost or missing time, usually 1 and a half to 2 and a half hours. • Frequent nose bleeds, sinus pain, pressure. • Nightmares of the abduction experience. • Looking at an object and feeling like one is looking at something else. • The presence of mysterious stains, bruises, needle marks, implants, scars, etc... • Deterioration of health, loss of hair, etc...

One of the most widely respected UFO researchers is Dr. David Jacobs who has effectively reduced UFO abduction research into a science that can be studied using large sets of quantifiable data. According to Jacobs, “The evidence suggests that all the alien procedures serve a reproductive agenda. And at the heart of the reproductive agenda is the Breeding Program, in which the aliens collect human sperm and eggs, incubate fetuses in human hosts, to produce alien-human hybrids, and cause humans to mentally and UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



physically interact with these hybrids for the purposes of their development… The production of a hybrid species appears to be the means to the aliens’ goal. So far, researchers have been unable to uncover any other purpose for the UFO and abduction phenomena, and the Breeding Program.” 111

Leading UFO researcher Budd Hopkins adds confirmation. About his first alien abduction case in 1983 he writes that it was, “The first of hundreds of similar cases I subsequently investigated in which women reported being abducted and apparently artificially inseminated, after which they found themselves pregnant. Then equally mysteriously, about the end of the first trimester, but often weeks or months later, the pregnancies disappeared, with no trace of fetal tissue….On many occasions, abductees have reported scheduling an abortion only to find an empty uterus during the actual procedure.” 112

For the skeptics, Jacobs lays down several reasons for why alien abductions are real: “Abductees are physically missing during the event. The abductee is not where he is supposed to be; people who search for him cannot find him. The abductee is usually aware that there is a gap of two or three hours that neither he nor anyone else can account for… Approximately 20 percent of abductions include two or more people who see each other during the abduction event.” 112

These factors make it improbable, even impossible, that the abduction phenomena are only psychological delusions. Hopkins and Jacobs claim that female abductees typically develop health problems associated with their reproductive organs, even to the point where hysterectomies are common. During hysterectomy operations, doctors sometimes notice scar tissue has developed on the ovaries or the fallopian tubes, indicating that something or someone penetrated the abductees’ stomachs to retrieve or impregnate eggs.




This aspect of the alien abduction phenomena is consistent with the fact that female abductees typically report the aliens inserting a long needle into their stomach. This procedure is a constant component of the abduction experience, going back to the very first time a woman was allegedly abducted by aliens. In 1961, Barney and Betty Hill made history by becoming the first victims of alien abduction to have their experience widely published. The couple reported that the aliens ran a long needle into Betty’s stomach, telling her it was a pregnancy test. Such a procedure was entirely unknown in 1961, but is commonly done today for the purpose of removing eggs for in-vitro fertilization. After the abduction experience, Barney contracted genital warts, possibly from the aliens. Jacobs attests that of 700 abduction cases he has studied, almost 150 of them contain abductee testimony that eggs were taken during the abduction. Another very early UFO abduction incident, which allegedly took place in 1957, concerned a Brazilian farmer named Villas Boas who was ostensibly forced to engage in sexual intercourse with a naked female human-like alien. After the sexual encounter, the alien pointed to her stomach and then pointed upward to the sky, suggesting that she would become pregnant with his child, and that it would be born in the sky with her. The pattern of alien-human sexual activity for the purposes of reproducing a hybrid species has been a consistent component of the alien abduction phenomena ever since it began in the 1950's, and ever since it first began in the time of Enoch. Concerning bestiality, cattle mutilations also play a likely role in the reproductive goals of the aliens. In typical cattle mutilations, animals such as cows, sheep, goats, or horses are slaughtered, but without any trace of blood. Internal organs are removed, and UFO sightings often accompany the event. UFO writer and Ugaritic scholar Heiser notes that a bovine uterus is very similar to a human uterus. Some believe that the aliens are apparently killing cows to take their uteruses. Then they incubate hybrid human-alien fetuses inside of the bovine uteruses.




3. ACTUAL TESTIMONIES FROM ABDUCTEES I do not believe the abductees are in any way hallucinating. I believe their experiences are real. I’ve been a minister for over forty years and I have dealt with these spirits and beings most my life. I know what their “hidden" agenda is, when they are planning to land on planet earth and where they are from. But before I get into explaining all of this, first let me build my case. I have some excerpts from the testimonies of various abductees, or “experiencers,” as they choose to call themselves. These experiencers only confirmed what I already have believed is true and biblical. In my research, I have listened to audio testimonies and seen videos of actual counseling sessions of those who have experienced a face to face confrontation with these terrifying beings. Also, my research led me to read various books that contained testimonies of abductees as told to their interviewers, psychologist or psychiatrist. Some of the psychiatrist had interviewed and counseled hundreds of people who either claimed to have been abducted and taken into an alien spaceship, or had some kind of direct alien encounter. Some of their clients came to them because they had several hours of memory missing on a particular day. Although these experiences were very emotionally charged with traumatic fear, it would be very difficult for anyone to grasp the severity of that trauma and terror through a book. You really have to see it to understand how awful it is. I have personally talked with some people who have been to hell, either by being resuscitated after dying or by vision. They all say the same thing. It took them nearly a year to get over the horror of what they saw or experienced before they could share any part of their story. The horror these experiencers faced sounds the same as those who have been to and experienced Hell. The following are excerpts taken from various written testimonies followed by the Bible verses that match or explain their experience. Plus, being a Bible Teacher, I have added some explanations of my own to make it very clear how these things are all tied together with end-time prophecies. If the statements are made by a different person, other than the one previously quoted above it, those statements will be separated by the line separator as you can below.




“When they were done with me, they must have done something to my mind to keep me from remembering any details of what had just happened,” she concluded.

It’s no accident what they did,” Samuel remarked, “They want to hide everything from us. They make sure we don’t remember what happened.”

Mind control is nothing new to these beings. It is written, “But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded16…” This scripture is referring to the Devil. At the same time, he said they tried to make us believe that we were a part of something great. The aliens seemed to be able to look into the future and see what’s coming to our planet. They somehow transcended time and space.

They tried to make this person believe he is an important part of their plans. If he believed this was important to mankind, he might not resist them so much. The “details” the abductees shared about being taken back and forth from the spaceships, the clear descriptions of the interior of these ships, and the medical procedures the aliens had performed on them, which at this time had not yet been publicized by the media, seemed shocking. These individuals had never shared their experiences with one another. They lived in different parts of the country, or even in different parts of the world. Every effort has been unsuccessful in trying to characterize abductees as a group. They seem to come randomly from all parts of society (Hopkins 1982, 1987). I assumed that working class people would have been the majority of the abductees. The reason I thought that was because those people would be less reluctant to talk about their experiences. It seemed the professional and politically prominent abductees had more to lose. Public exposure of their experiences could bring humiliation, rejection, and a threat to their public position. One psychiatrist even tells of a man with whom he had worked, gave him a telephone number and postal box in a town in which he did not live. He didn’t even know his real name until later, when the man felt he could trust him. A very well known political figure has used his experience and skills as a politician to avoid being publicly identified and embarrassed. UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



They all seem to give very “detailed” narratives; even the “minute details” of their stories were consistent. These experiences have left the abductees with intensive emotional scars of extreme trauma. Many times small lesions were even visible on their bodies. Research has shown that the largest number of abductees came from the United States, followed by England and Brazil. That statistic might only be true because of the availability of professional counselors in these countries who have recorded the results of such counseling sessions. There was a most comprehensive list in 1987 of the countries with the most “reported” abductions. It included the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, England, Finland, France, Poland, South Africa, the Soviet Union, Spain, Uruguay, West Germany and, of course, the United States. The majority of people today believe aliens are from another planet. However, if they were really from our time/space dimension, that would create a number of questions which would be very hard to answer. Questions like: How long would it take them to travel here? How would they keep themselves in supplies while they were traveling or while staying here? They would have to be able to travel through some kind of worm-hole in space to be able to do this, and we aren’t aware of that possibility. And, of course, all of this is just pure speculation anyway. Let’s look to the Bible to see if we can get some insight to these questions. There is actually a great deal of information about a race of fallen angelic beings that followed the angelic leader named Lucifer. He is a member of a race of angels known as cherubims17. The prophets Isaiah and Ezekiel tell us that he was cast down to the ground, even to the lowest pit, here on earth. After his expulsion from heaven he became known as Satan, which means adversary. The Bible calls Satan “the god of this world”18 (this age) and the prince of the power of the air19. He led a rebellion that caused one third of the heavenly angels to fall from their normal habitation and position in life20. They still exist here in the earth. They just move about in another dimension called “the heavenlies,”21 which makes them invisible to us unless they want to appear to us by coming out of that dimension. This is also true of the holy angels who abide in the dimension called the third heaven.




Even the abductees seemed to find themselves in different dimensions, at least this seemed to be the impression they received from their experiences. “It was the scariest thing I’ve ever seen. One minute they’re not there, the next minute they break through a “crack or slit” right in front of me. It’s like they’re there in front of me all the time, but I can’t see them until they come through some kind of dimension barrier “beyond the veil.”

The phrase “beyond the veil” is similar to a term found in the Bible. “Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh…”22 The flesh is a veil that keeps us in this dimension of space/time. There is “like a huge shattering of glass” and a “razor blade thin” slit opens between this Earth/physical dimension and the realm from which the beings come. (Mack, 1994, pg 210)

When the scripture says He stretches out the heavens (dimensions) like a curtain,23 it could be described that a “slit” is where two “curtains” come together that conceals the other dimension. Sybil described one of her abductions as the merging of dimensions. She said it is hard to describe it in earthly terms. This is perhaps the way many experiencers felt.

I personally have not found any evidence in scripture that there is any kind of beings living on any other planet, anywhere else in our dimension, today. God’s original intent was to make the heavens, or other dimensions, a place to dwell in.23 UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



This could mean that there are other beings living in other dimensions right here on earth. There are indications in the scriptures that these other dimensions can open up into the earth. For an example, when the Lord God spoke to the children of Israel from Mt. Sinai in the book of Exodus, the Lord said, “You have seen that I have talked with you from heaven.”24 Was he in heaven or on top of Mt. Sinai, or both? The only way the Lord could speak from heaven and be on Mt. Sinai at the same time would be if he spoke from another dimension called heaven that opened up on top of Mt. Sinai. Does that mean heaven is here on the earth? Not necessarily. But the dimension of heaven can open up here to the earth. In Matthew 3:17 the Lord did this again, “And suddenly a voice came from “heaven,” saying, “This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” This happened in many different places throughout the scriptures. For an example in the book of Acts we read, “…Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”25 We know that Satan must be in a dimension where we can’t see him and yet he and his kingdom are definitely here in the earth as tempters and deceivers. However, he doesn’t want the world to know he exists as a real person. “They don’t want these memories to stay with us, so they hide them from us,” Samuel remarked. “They are afraid of the affect these memories will have on us until we get used to them.”

In the first chapter of Ezekiel we have a description of a vessel the Lord was using for travel. It wasn’t necessarily a flying saucer, yet it was definitely some kind of vehicle that was not subject to the laws of physics of this time/space dimension. The metal-looking flying saucers that are seen today may have a specific appearance for our benefit. Maybe they are made to look like something familiar and acceptable (metal) to our way of thinking and still appear to be superior to us and our technology.




The Devil and his angels have been known to copy what God does. Notice the following similarities between UFOs and God’s vehicle: Ezekiel 1:4, “…a great cloud with raging fire engulfing itself; and brightness was all around it and radiating out of its midst like the color of amber…,” and, “…their appearance was like burning coals of fire, going back and forth among the living creatures…”26 (Like rotating lights?). Then he began to say, “I’m floating up towards the ship.” When asked, “What does it look like?” He said, “Like a red hot volcano full of fire, but it turns whiter and brighter the closer I get to it”…After he found himself totally inside, that light then became a kind of color spectrum of yellow and orange.

…and Rick thought it was very strange that the light didn’t create any shadows on the ground.

Perhaps because the light was coming from a different dimension is why there weren’t any shadows. Another aspect that has been reported on radar by Air Traffic Controllers is these “flying saucers” seem to fly at incredible speed (near 7,000 miles per hour) and change directions of 90 degrees without making any turn, which would defy the laws of physics. Again, we find this in the Book of Ezekiel, “When they moved (they, meaning the angels that carried the Lord), they went toward any one of four directions; they did not turn aside when they went.”27 This was also stated by the prophet earlier in another scripture, “And each one went straight forward; they went wherever the spirit wanted to go, and they did not turn when they went.”28 This means they went forward in the direction the angel was facing and then in another direction the angel was facing without turning. These angels had four faces, each facing a different direction. Here’s something I found to be very unusual and very interesting. A woman, named Judy, who was raised a Catholic, had the following experience: There seemed to be something like a TV screen by the examination table. The alien told Judy to look at the screen. What she saw angered her. On the screen was a scene of her and Mikey, her son, playing together. One of the beings staring at her was extremely interested to see how she would react.




Then the scene changed to a picture of Jesus. Again her reaction was studied very closely. They were very interested to see her reaction to this image of Jesus Christ. However, Judy showed no interest.

If these beings were from outer space, why would they care about a person’s reaction to seeing a picture of Jesus Christ? Why didn’t they show her pictures of other religious leaders or symbols? To me that is an obvious giveaway. They are the fallen angels that belong to Satan, and Jesus Christ is their conqueror. They wanted to see if Judy loved the Lord and had any faith in him. I believe the reason the aliens have not been revealed to previous generations, as much as they have been to ours, is because previous generations would not have to face a worldwide UFO landing. In fact, in the Book of Daniel, the prophet sees an end-time kingdom symbolize by iron and clay. This kingdom is weak because iron and clay do not mix and stick together. The angel speaking instructs the prophet to “shut up the words, and seal the book, until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”29 Sealing the book means the understanding of the book was sealed and would not to be revealed until the “time of the end” when certain knowledge (and therefore technology) would be increased! I believe we are that end-time generation. I believe that means Jesus is coming back during our generation!




4. WHY HAVE THERE BEEN SO MANY UFO SIGHTINGS RECENTLY? The Bible tells us that there are three heavens (three main dimensions), The Apostle Paul said, “I know a man in Christ…such a one was caught up to the third heaven.”30 God dwells in this third heaven. There isn’t any darkness there or even a shadow of turning, “…God is light, and in him is no darkness at all,”31 and, “…the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.”32 Since there is a third heaven, then obviously, there must be a second heaven and first heaven also. I believe this second heaven is where Satan and his angels reside today. Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”33 This is when Satan fell from the third heaven where he used to have his abode.34 The Bible tells us that a Christian’s authority of binding or loosening things, reaches into heaven (Matthew 18:18). There’s nothing in the third heaven, where God resides, that needs to be bound or loosed. Whenever we bind demonic activity here on earth with the name of Jesus, it will affect everything all the way up to, and including, the fallen angelic host in the second heaven. The fallen angels do not have any power or authority to negate our prayers or commands. That is, however, as long as we believe and stand our ground. Revelation 12:7-12 tells us that Satan, in the near future, will be cast out of heaven down to the earth (he will be cast out of the second heaven where he is called “the prince of the power of the air”). He will be cast down to earth, which must be the first heaven area, this time/space dimension. This is a key which gives us an understanding of what is about to take place very soon. Satan has to get ready for this imminent event. I believe this is exactly what he is doing with all these UFO abductions. Satan is preparing “the inhabitants of the earth” to be ready to face him when he cannot hide any longer in the second heaven. The fallen angels will be cast down to the earth and will apparently become visible here on the earth! The book of Revelation says, “They will marvel…when they “see” the beast.”35 Two of the beasts (antiChrists) in the Book of Revelation are fallen angelic beings/aliens not human. The first beast comes out of the sea of humanity, he is human.36 This one is killed without human hands.37 The other two are not human, for one comes up out of the earth and the other from the pit (hell). They are both eventually thrown “alive” into the lake of fire created for the Devil and his angels.38 It says thrown alive because they don’t die like a man. They’re not human. It’s an important point to know that the people of the earth will see these alien/angel beasts. UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



Paul’s voice became monotone as if someone else was speaking through him. He sounded like an alien was speaking. (This probably is an evil spirit speaking through him) “We are studying the brain’s chemistry to help us understand how the people will react to seeing us for the first time. So we will know when the time is right for us to manifest ourselves…we measure the shock effect on the brain,” the voice continued, “this is so we can better control the level of shock. We are in tune with the level of shock they are experiencing. If we can control the shock process, then the human beings will be ready for us to make a landing” At this point, Paul’s voice returned to normal, “they need to learn how our brains will react before they let all of us see them.” Paul began to express his resentment again, “They have been training me like this since I was a child.” When asked if he thought he had a unique leadership role. He indicated he would be one of the people who would “speak out” publicly and be “comfortable” when the alien beings actually come and land on this planet. “A large number of abductees in leadership positions, will help the rest of us adjust to the shock that would occur as these beings actually land on the earth."

Men’s hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming “on” the earth, for the powers of the heavens will be shaken” (Luke 21:26), and, “…and there will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:11). Could this be the fearful expectation of an UFO landing? In other places, the phrase, “for the powers of the heavens will be shaken,” is tied to the stars falling from heaven. I believe some of these scriptures are being revealed more and more as the Day of the Lord approaches. It has been estimated that over four percent of the people in the United States alone have been abducted. Millions of people have claimed to have been abducted by a UFO. That many witnesses would establish the truth of a case in any court of law. “The aliens are monitoring our consciousness to see to what degree it can become available to their control. Paul said when they feel it necessary they can then release the memories of the abductees who know about the existence of these beings. “They felt I had graduated to that desired level, and this excited them”




HIS ALIENS/ANGELS. YOU WOULD BECOME A PRISONER OF WAR OF THE VERY ALIENS YOU WERE TRYING TO ESCAPE FROM. YOU WOULD BE TORMENTED WITH THEM FOREVER AND EVER, 24/7, WITHOUT ANY HOPE OF EVER ESCAPING. (Revelation 20:10 & 14-15) The only reason God will allow people to be deceived by these aliens is, according to 2 Thessalonians 2:10, these people refuse to love and believe the truth. It’s a historical fact that Jesus lived and died on the cross of crucifixion. He did it because of His great love for you and me. Millions have testified throughout history, of their experiences of living for Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. But many people of our generation refuse to believe these “witnesses.” Therefore, God the Father must honor their decision to reject what He has done for them through Jesus Christ. They will be deceived by Satan and be lost with the evil aliens/angels. Later on in this book is a prayer you can pray which will give you one more opportunity to be saved through Jesus Christ. But it has to be what you really want, not just some religious ritual. Look how clear the warning is in Revelation 14:9-11, “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, ‘If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image and whoever receives the mark of his name” “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ” “Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.”39

If you end up living during this time, after the rapture, it could cost you your life to be faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ. However, be encouraged and know that the time will be very short before the Lord Jesus Christ will return to the earth to deliver those who have survived (1,290 days of tribulation—Daniel 12:11). After that period of time, the Lord will destroy this man, who is referred to as the beast, the two alien leaders will be cast alive into the lake of fire (also called beasts—Revelation 19:20) and then Satan will be cast into the bottomless pit where he will be locked up for a thousand years.40 We get the actual length of the tribulation period from the Book of Daniel. The prophet tells us in the twelfth chapter about the 1,290 days of tribulation, but he is also told by the angel that the blessed ones are those who wait until the 1,335th day arrives.42 Maybe, this is the actual UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



second advent of the Lord Jesus, when he actually returns to stay on the earth, it doesn’t exactly say what the 1,335th day represents, except you will be blessed for waiting. The Apostle John, who wrote the book of Revelation, saw in this vision, the church being persecuted during this time, “Then the woman (the church) fled into the wilderness, where she has a place prepared by God that they should feed her there one thousand two hundred and sixty days.” Contrary to what some end-time writers have said, the tribulation period is not seven years long. That seven year period is Daniel’s seventieth week, it is started by the daily sacrifices being offered, which will activate the Old Testament. This is the final period of time (7 years), in which God will deal with the Jewish people separately from the everlasting covenant in the blood of His Son Jesus. According to Jesus, the tribulation period starts when you see the “abomination of desolation,” spoken by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (Matthew 24:15-22 & Mark 13:14-20). This is in the middle of Daniel’s seventieth week. This is not the “middle of the tribulation” according to Jesus. If you are here during this period of time, you need to have faith in God and pray to him in the name of Jesus for help and protection. This will be a time in history when some real champions of faith will rise up and take their stand. Daniel 11:32-35 describes these champions, “…but the people who know their God shall be strong and carry out great exploits. And those of the people who understand shall instruct many; yet for many days they shall fall by sword and flame, by captivity and plundering. Now when they fall they shall be aided with a little help; but many shall join with them by intrigue (the margin says by flattery or slipperiness). And some of those of understanding shall fall, to refine them, purify them, and make them white, until the time of the end; because it is still for the appointed time.” Make up your mind to be faithful to Jesus Christ, even to death.43 God’s people will have supernatural provisions. Maybe this is why some will use flattery to join them. They will need some of their provisions to survive. They might pretend to be a believer to get some food. Again, the Book of Revelation gives another picture of this time of persecution.




“Now when the dragon saw that he had been cast to the earth, he persecuted the woman who gave birth to the “male Child” (this is the body of Christ, also known as born-again believers). But the woman was given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness to her place (she becomes an underground church), where she is nourished for a time and times and half a time, from the presence of the serpent (this represents three and a half distinct periods of time, or seasons, during the tribulation period). So the serpent spewed water out of his mouth (waters represent a multitude of people) like a flood after the woman that he might cause her to be carried away by the flood. But the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the flood which the dragon had spewed out of his mouth. And the dragon was enraged with the woman, and he went to make war with the rest of her off-spring, who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”44

The phrase “who keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ” could represent two groups of people who worship God by their respective covenants; the first group is the Old Testament saints (these are Jewish people who will re-established the Old Testament by offering animal sacrifices again, which is a biblical requirement for the Old Testament to be an active covenant—Galatians 3:15). The prophet Daniel tells us that the antichrist (or beast) will eventually remove the daily sacrifices, which will cause the Old Testament to become inactivate, leaving the Jewish people without a covenant of protection again, causing great desolations.45 The other group is the New Testament believers, who were left on the earth after the rapture. These will also include newly converted believers who made Jesus Christ the Lord of their life during this time period. It’s my opinion that many of the Jews will accept Jesus as the Messiah when they “look on him whom they pierced,”91 at return of Jesus to rapture the Christians that are ready for Him. This will probably be the end of Judaism, because they will become believers in Jesus, the Jewish Messiah. Even in the book of Daniel, it says this seventh week is the last week of God’s plan in dealing with the Jewish people and their city. (Daniel 9:24) Satan has to give the human race a reason (excuse) for his abrupt appearance on the earth. He wants the people of the earth to think that he, and his angels, are aliens from outer space. This is spoken of in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-11, “The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie.” UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



They are called “signs and lying wonders” not because they’re not real, but because the motive behind these miracles is to deceive. Satan does not work a seemingly healing miracle because he cares about the person being healed; he only does it to gain an advantage in deceiving and controlling the human race. He may deactivate an evil spirit of sickness if that person will put their faith in something other than Jesus Christ. I believe that Satan’s opinion is any false religion or practice will do. That is why he has convinced the majority of religious people of the world that there are many avenues to God. However, Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me46 For this “lie” to be a “strong delusion” it has to have great appeal to the natural reasoning of the unsaved masses and the intellectuals of the human race. The deception is that most people will believe that, because these beings are more intelligent and advanced than the human race, they are here to help us save the planet from war and ecological destruction. Read the following testimonies and see how appealing this is to the natural mind and to “common sense.”47 The following story is about a man name Rick, who relives an experience he had when he was nine years old. His psychiatrist uses hypnosis to help him recall some of the events. However, much of it he remembered without the use of hypnosis. Please note how they talk about this time as a time of darkness that will cover the earth. Rick did not remember actually coming into the spaceship. He heard voices telling him not to be afraid. That’s when he noticed little alien beings about his size. They were joking and horse playing around with each other. “They were doing this without making any sound. Like little children, they just wanted to play. They were trying to make this a pleasant experience for me.” These little beings were acting playful trying to get Rick to relax because something dreadful and very serious was about to be shown to him. Then some darker beings began to reveal to him green meadows with tall trees, birds singing, a winding stream full of trout, and blue skies. “But soon it was all gonna be covered with a big black heavy cloud of darkness. They want to impress on me what it will feel like to experience this. This massive darkness, is gonna cover the entire earth and block out the sunlight. Things are gonna die.” When he was asked why they want him to know that. “They want me to think that they are the only ones who can save us from this,” he said, “They don’t want to lose the earth.”




Rick continued, “They think we’re idiots and real stupid.” The only way they can avoid this destruction is by getting us to listen to them. However, they don’t really want to live with us on the earth, but they have to use us while we are here.” “The whole planet would suffocate when this huge black “cloud of darkness covers it.” He explained how they communicated this “vision” to him. “They make you feel it so you will understand it completely.”

This darkness they are talking about has been on the earth briefly before. The first time it happened was in the land of Egypt when God brought the plagues on them. The ninth plague was a plague of darkness. This was just before the last plague, which was the death of the first born. This future darkness comes just before the destruction (death) of Satan’s kingdom. What a parallel! “Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘Stretch out your hand toward heaven, that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, darkness which may be felt.’ So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven and there was thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days. They did not see one another; nor did anyone rise from his place for three days. But all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.”48 I believe the darkness will be caused by a massive expulsion of demonic angels from the “second” heaven. Here’s an interesting note: some people who are in Satan worship have so many demons around them that the sky actually looks gray to them instead of blue. This is according to a testimony I read about a young woman whom the Lord Jesus had saved and delivered from Satanism. The next time this darkness covered a place on the earth was at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Many of the demons of hell and some of the fallen angelic host came to surround Jesus and watch him suffer before he died. “Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land.49 How do we know this was a demonic host? The Book of Psalms gives us this insight. Psalm twenty-two is a prophetic Psalm about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It starts out in verse one by saying, “My God, my God, why have You forsaken Me?” These are the very words Jesus quoted on the cross at the ninth hour, which is when the darkness ended. I believe God, the Father, responded to the cry of His Son and drove the darkness causing demons UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



and angels away from Him. Then in verses twelve, thirteen and twenty-one it states, “Many bulls have surrounded me; Strong bulls of Bashan have encircled Me. They gape at Me with their mouths, Like a raging and roaring lion…Save Me from the lion’s mouth And from the horns of the wild oxen!”50 Who are these bulls of Bashan, wild oxen and lions? In the Book of Ezekiel, the prophet saw four cherubim carrying the vessel the Lord was traveling in. This is how he described these angels, “As for the likeness of their faces, each had the face of a man; each of the four had the face of a lion on the right side, each of the four had a face of an ox on the left side, and each of the four had a face of an eagle.51 Then the next time the prophet saw these creatures he described them the same as having the body of a man with these four faces. Only this time instead of describing the face of the ox, he called it the face of a Cherub.52 Satan is a fallen Cherub, which means one of his faces (or manifestations), is the face of an ox.53 That explains why he pushed the children of Israel in the wilderness to make a golden calf (ox). They were making an “image” of a Cherub angel or Satan himself. Contrary to popular belief, a Cherub is not a little baby with wings flying around playing a harp. They are strong powerful angels. So, with all this host of dark angels, including fallen cherubims (Bulls of Bashan, roaring lions and horns of the wild ox), surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, it made it completely dark for three hours, from the sixth hour to the ninth hour, which is when Jesus cried out for, and received, deliverance. Therefore, when Satan and his angels are cast out of heaven down to the earth,54 and all the demons are forced to come into the earth's realm, it will cause a darkness to cover “the entire earth” this time. The darkness will be so thick that the sun and moon will be darkened. “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the “stars” will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”55

If this darkness continued for any length of time, many things would begin to die without sunlight. Again we see the aliens trying to make us believe they are looking out for our best interest by appealing to our logic in caring for the ecology of the earth.




Miguel seems to have developed a keen awareness of the earth’s ecology. His concern, like many of the abductees, is with the fate of the earth. “The aliens are focused on teaching us survival techniques,” he said. “They are trying really hard to correct us in following our impulses toward extinction and to instruct us to live in complete harmony with the environment.”

Teaching us to take care of the earth’s ecology sounds good, logical, sensible, and totally wise to the natural mind, but this message says taking care of the earth is the most important thing to do. These aliens say nothing about taking care of the people of the earth. Nothing said about stopping wars, live in peace, or to love one another. Why not? It’s because the aliens only care about the earth, not its inhabitants. It makes people focus on the creation rather than the creator.56 The earth has gone through the ice age and some pretty difficult times; however, our God has protected it and caused it again to be beautiful and livable for us and He will continue to protect our home planet from destruction. In both Rick’s and Miguel’s story it sounded like Satan was telling us not to destroy his planet. When Rick is told, “everything’s gonna die,” that certainly is not Satan’s goal. He wants mankind to die, but without the planet itself dying. “Satan plans to turn brother against brother until man no longer exists.” (Meyer 2006 pg 141)

However, the Lord will not permit the complete destruction of his beloved mankind to happen. “For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be. And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.”57 Again the Lord Jesus gives us a warning and an encouragement, “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing (drinking parties), drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly, For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the “whole earth.” Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (referring to Jesus Christ).58 Now, watch how stern these beings get with another nine-year old boy, name Paul, about this subject (Paul was an adult when he shared this story with his psychiatrist). Paul remembered seeing darker beings with hooded robes, “They acted very harsh, like a military kind of seriousness. They pushed a “soft cold rubber rod” behind my right ear. They indicated to me that the human race has very low intelligence. That’s why we are so destructive.”




“In a very intense way, the darker beings said to me, ‘Stop messing (The “F” word is beeped out here) around with the planet…You guys are such stupid idiots.’ When he said that, it was like a dull pain coming in behind my right ear, as if someone was downloading a huge amount of information all at once.”

Notice these “aliens” use foul language like people of this world use, which is inspired by the devil. I didn’t print the cuss word, but I’m sure you can figure out what is the “F” word. What Satan is trying to do is stop God’s word from coming to pass. God gave mankind “dominion over the earth.” The only way Satan could get the earth back totally under his control is to destroy every human being on the planet. Then God’s word could not come to pass because there would not be a man left on earth to have dominion. This is a key in order for you to understand the alien’s agenda and what this conflict is all about. The invisible war is not between God and the Devil, that one ended with Satan being cast out of heaven like a bolt of lightning (Luke 10:18). The current war is between mankind and the Devil. The Devil, and his aliens/angels, want us dead and out of the earth so he can take it back! He started with Cain killing his brother Able and he hasn’t stop pushing people to kill one another since. But Jesus has come that we might have life, and have it more abundantly.59 You will see by Samuel’s testimony how they want most of us to die off with some kind of contagious disease so they can take the earth away from us. Like a deep revelation, Samuel said he now understood that it was “the human side of his make up that doesn’t want to see this.” “What do you mean?” the interviewer asked. “Us… The human beings,” he continued, “because of our fear we cannot handle beings from the other side, like an animal reacting in fear, that’s the way human beings react. The aliens act like animals and therefore, we instinctively react like scared animals. They want us to “stop” reacting that way.” Samuel began to focus on the memories of the apocalyptic vision which many of the abductees have talked about. “Major worldwide changes are coming. Only when it is safe will the aliens come. But this will only happen after more and more of us die off from diseases that are expected to reach plague proportions.” Samuel didn’t want to admit it, but he said the alien’s intentions are to remove us “from here” (the Earth) and live without us. “Only if “humans change,” would they consider living here with us.”




Speaking of plagues and diseases, it sounds like some of the “physical examination” that all abductees go through is for giving blood for study and experimentation by the aliens to create more deadly diseases for the destruction of the human race. A woman named Sharon made it clear that they really do not care about us. “With absolutely no regard to my feelings, they just do whatever they want to…They treat me like I was just a specimen; the “doctor guy” comes over to medically examine me, he doesn’t treat me like a person or someone you care about…I said, What are you going to do? And he tells me, I’m just going to cut your finger a little. I asked, why?!! And he said, because we need a sample of your blood. I said, NO!! NO!! That will hurt me!! And he said, we have to have some blood. I said, No you will hurt me!! That’s cruel!! He said it was necessary for science. With complete disregard to Sharon’s complaint, he made a little cut on her finger using a little shiny metal instrument to draw out a small amount of blood, which didn’t hurt as much as Sharon thought it would. Sharon told why she was so disturbed about their eyes. “When I looked into their eyes, blackness surrounded me. Their eyes scared me. When I looked all I could see was black. I get the feeling of total helplessness. It scares me because I have absolutely no control over what is happening or what will happen. They don’t care about me at all. They think we’re nothing, in their arrogance they act like they are totally superior to us. It’s their whole attitude.” When asked if this attitude was in all of them or just the examiner, her response was, “It was most obvious from the examiner, but they all acted that way.”

Remember, it was pride that caused the Devil and his angels to fall in the first place. “… Then the being said he was taking me back. As we descended towards the ground, I wanted to run away, but I was still captive under their power. Then he said, ‘We’ll be back for you.’ ”

Many times the aliens will put an implant under the skin of the abductees. In Paul’s case it was more invasive. “I don’t like the way they touched me,” Paul said, “These guys (aliens) are not gentle like a doctor would be…they have absolutely no bedside manner.” They inserted a tube deep into his rectum and it felt like “an implant” was put inside of him. “Why are you doing this to me?!!,” Paul said, with tears in his eyes, “I can’t escape them. I feel like an animal that just got tagged”




Feeling embarrassed, totally conquered, and disgusted, Paul said, “What pisses me off is they showed the tube to me and told me they were going to do this to me before they did it!”

We were cautioned by Marie not to consider the abduction phenomenon only in materialist terms, and told us not to waste our time looking for physical scientific evidence to prove the reality of their existence and what has happened to the abductees. “Implants, for example, would have to be composed of material from earth so our bodies would not reject them. Therefore, finding the implants would not offer any substantial evidence of what has really happened.”

Another common element of all of these encounters is the apparent necessity to make hybrid human beings. They forcefully take sperm from the men and the eggs from the ovaries of the women. The aliens would cause “a test tube” conception, and then place the fetus in women as young as thirteen to allow the fetus to grow. They never allow the pregnancies to go full term. After a few months, they would abduct these young women again, take the fetus, and alter it for their own purposes. Bridget, a young woman, recalls when this happened to her as a young teenager. Bridget cried out, “This is not right, I’m only thirteen.” What Bridget was seeing was supposedly “her little baby.” With heartfelt sobs Bridget said, “I don’t understand why they did this to me. I’m too young to have a baby.” The beings seemed very proud of what they had done as they showed her this little baby. Perhaps less than a foot long, this tiny creature was floating in a plastic cylinder container filled with fluid. She could not see much on this little “baby” except for tiny hands and a head that was big, and out of proportion, compared to the body. Feeling proud of what they had accomplished, they brought the cylinder close to her face to see it. “They just told me not to concerned, they would take care of it.” But she was very angry. “They just used me.” Bridget said she was told by the “leader person” that one day she would understand the beauty of this. They said she was partaking in creation. Her psychiatrist asked her, “What do you mean partaking in creation?” “I guess, like the creation of a new type of being. He wasn’t specific, maybe a new race. He just indicated they would reveal it to us when they felt it was the right time. They thought it was something “wonderful and beautiful,” and “to trust them, this was a wonderful new creation.”

The following story, told by a man named Bob, tells of his experience of how the “aliens” aroused him sexually so they could extract his sperm. His experience seems to be common among men who have been abducted:




Bob remembers an alien with a “semi-female form” filled his mind with erotic episodes forcing sexual arousal. (Sounds like the Devil as the tempter, doesn’t it?) “I had no choice in the matter. They wanted an erection and they could plant any thoughts in my mind they wanted. “She” explained they had “need” for some of his sperm “to create special babies.” “Our work is going to help the people on your planet.” Bob had absolutely no control over what was happening. He felt helpless.

At the same time Satan is preparing this hybrid flesh and blood race to co-inhabit with the human race, he has to prepare the whole population of the earth to accept them and to trust their leadership because of their high intelligence. If the human race is too shocked by them, fear might cause people to try to kill the hybrid beings in self-defense, which is probably why they want UFO sightings and abductions to become common knowledge. The television series called “V” is a perfect example of trying to get the world to accept an alien landing. In the book entitled, “Alien Hybrid Agenda,” by Vince Migliore, he writes, “These hybrid creatures will number approximately 500,000 entities and they will establish schools of enlightenment that will gradually, but effectively, uplift the human race. Graduates of the schools will then be selected for mating with the hybrid, thus furthering the improvement of the human DNA pool.” In order for mankind to come to grips with these changes, we will have to rectify a number of philosophical, religious, and perceptual concepts.”100 (Migliore 2012)

He talks like God did an inferior job in creating the human race, and only the “aliens” can improve on what God did and make it right or better. This co-habitation relates to the book of Daniel, where King Nebuchadnezzar was shown a large image of a man made of gold, silver, bronze, iron legs with toes of iron and clay. This represented the great kingdoms of all ages ending with the end-time kingdom having the toes of iron and clay, which the Lord himself would destroy. As it is written, “You, O king, were watching, and behold, a great image! This great image, whose splendor was excellent, stood before you, and its form was awesome. This image’s head was of fine gold, its chest and arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay. You watched while “a stone was cut out without hands,” which struck the image on its feet of iron and clay, and broke them in pieces. Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver, and the gold were crushed together, and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; the wind carried them away so that no trace of them




was found. And the stone that struck the image became “a great mountain and filled the whole earth.”60 Here the prophet Daniel is explaining to the king what he saw represents the “then present” and “the coming” major kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. The stone cut out without hands is the Lord Jesus Christ, who, without the help of human hands, will destroy this endtime kingdom of iron and clay. This, in turn, will destroy all the foundation of man’s kingdom and will establish the Lord’s kingdom, which will fill the whole earth. (The symbol of a mountain in scripture represents a kingdom or government.) In the Book of Revelation it declares how all the kingdoms of this world will come under the dominion of Jesus Christ. “Then the seventh angel sounded: And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever!”61 Just as the Lord Jesus Christ took on flesh and came to earth for the establishing of his future kingdom, Satan also will mingle with “flesh,” through these hybrid humans, trying to regain control on the earth. He has to do this because only mankind has been given dominion over all the works of God’s hands62 and mankind will be more likely to co-exist with another flesh and blood being than a spiritual being in another form. The Lord God can easily co-exist with us because Jesus Christ took on the “seed of Abraham” or flesh and blood.63 Second Corinthians 5:17 says “we” have become a “new creation.” This “new creation” is an entirely new kind of human being, half human and half divine. The Lord God, and mankind, through Christ, have become “one,” both physically as well as spiritually. Who can fathom such great love? We understand he had to do this. When man fell to sin in the Garden of Eden, God was left on the outside without any control or influence in the Earth. The Lord worked with our spiritual forefathers, through various covenants, to help us and eventually deliver us from the power of sin and death. These covenants were established until the set time came, when the Creator himself would become a man and shed his own blood, to establish a new blood covenant with mankind which could not be broken. He died to pay the penalty of death, required by the broken Law of Moses, for us. You need to accept this sacrifice by a confession of faith for it to be effective in your life. (This will be explained later)




Since mankind was given dominion in the earth, Satan has gained much power over the sinful human race. In the past, he has had limited success at this by using evil spirits to influence, or even possess, a man or woman. However, he has been only partially successful in this because the possessed person still has his free will and ultimate control if he really chooses to use it. We see this in the demoniac of Gadara. He still had the power to worship at the feet of Jesus and get delivered from the demons.64 However, today, I believe Satan is taking a more direct approach by taking the sperm from men and the eggs from women to create a hybrid flesh and blood being that he puts “his spirits” into, to try to gain more influence in the earth. Also, when he is forced to land on the Earth with the rest of his fallen angels they will try to co-inhabit with men. And, of course, Satan will want one of his “alien beings” to become an equal partner with the Antichrist, the world’s ruler.65 They will try to establish a one world government and a one world religion. However, human beings and fallen angelic beings will not co-exist for very long, because God gave dominion to man not angels. This is why the abductees struggle with yielding control to these “aliens.” It’s not natural. As testified by several of the abductees, these satanic beings become afraid of our intense emotions, being aware of the power of dominion that has been given to us by God. This becomes very apparent whenever an abductee starts to get angry. The Bible says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”66 That’s why the “aliens” tell them not to be afraid and not to resist. However, resistance by human beings is inevitable. This is why they will not work together for very long. Sharon couldn’t express her feelings because they had her paralyzed. “Nevertheless, the aliens became very apprehensive and nervous. I was irritated and they could sense the force of my emotions. They were not accustom to handling this because they don’t have that kind of emotions. That made them a little afraid of me.”

Paul said, “These beings” communicated with me that they understood that we possess a power and knowledge that wasn’t just intellectual. I felt like this power that we possess made the beings afraid of us.” Paul further explained they are very interested in our capacity for emotions. “They don’t have the ability to show compassion and caring. That is a spirituality that makes us human. They don’t understand it. Yet, they see it in every human being all over the planet.”




They don’t have a soul, with emotions, like we do. Plus, only God and mankind have the knowledge of good and evil. The fallen angels have the knowledge of evil because they chose the way of sin. However, the knowledge of good eludes them. Even the Holy angels don’t have the knowledge of good (forgiveness). “Behold, I send an angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him and obey his voice; do not provoke him, for he will not pardon your transgressions;…” (Exodus 23:20-21).

The knowledge of good is the knowledge of mercy and forgiveness. A created being cannot understand the knowledge of good without the knowledge of evil coming to them at the same time. No one can understand forgiveness and mercy until you are first abused and offended. That makes the human race a unique creation. That is why we are the only beings in creation, outside of God Himself, that is fit to sit on thrones and rule with righteous judgments. And on top of all that, we have been joined to the Lord by His Spirit, which He has put within us. We are not only the greatest creation God has, but we are a mystery to the angels. The Bible says we are made a spectacle to angels (1 Corinthians 4:9). “When we’re in the ships, they take the semen or eggs from us. This is our part, the human physical body, and then they mingle it with whatever they do to produce their own hybrid race of beings.” They want to change the “energetic structure” of people. Their plan is to take a human and mate it with a female alien in human form. “To me these hybrid beings seemed like zombies, without much life. I didn’t see how they could even function sexually. They’re just too lifeless.” He said the aliens assured him that this was a false perception. This was based purely on my human perception. The alien said, “They are like the rest of us (the aliens). We are different than you. We only “look” lifeless to you, because we are formless. …It is important for you to understand how different we are from human beings. You cannot see our “spirit” that’s why we seem lifeless to you.”

It has been a real adventure for me to write this report. It is so obvious to me that the Holy Spirit is helping me. I thank God for the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. He tells me things I have never heard before, and I am going to share with you one of those amazing things here at this point.




When the Holy Spirit speaks to my spirit (I don’t mean I hear an audible voice, but I hear that still quiet voice on the inside) and He tells me something that is absolutely new to me, He always quotes two or three scripture to me at the same time. The abductee said the “alien/angel seemed lifeless”. The alien’s response was simple, “You cannot see our “spirit,” that’s why we seem lifeless to you.” Angels do not have a soul, they are spirit. Now an angel has a spiritual body of some kind, and they can take on different forms and appearances. The Bible says, “Who makes His angels spirits and His ministers a flame of fire,” and “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:7 & 14) It is in our soul where all our emotion comes from. This is clear in the book of Psalms. Don’t take my word for it, check it out yourself. Get a concordance and look up the words. Man became a living soul. The Hebrew word for soul is “nephesh.” Every time it talks about the angels as living creatures, (as in Ezekiel) it uses the word “Chay,” which means, “alive” or “living thing.” When it uses the word living creatures, referring to the animals, it uses the word nephesh” which again means “soul.”

God has a soul and we are created in His

likeness. In these scriptures God talks about His soul: Hebrews 10:38, Psalms 11:5, Jeremiah 4:19, 5:9 & 29, 6:8, 9:9, 14:19, 32:41, Isaiah 42:1 53:10-11 and many others. That’s why angels/aliens do not know how to handle a human being when they get emotional. Angels are sort of like Spock, the character from the TV series Star Trek. He was all logic and intellectual, without the emotions of his human companions. When a person is committed to something with all his heart and “soul,” he is full of passion and enthusiasm. In fact the word enthusiasm is from the Greek and literally means “God within,” or “inspired by God”




5. THE DESCRIPTION OF THE ALIENS Grey aliens (also referred to as "Greys") are alleged extraterrestrial beings, whose existence is promoted in ufological, paranormal, and new age communities and are named because of their skin color.These are the most commonly reported aliens involved in abductions. Paranormal claims involving Greys vary in every respect including their nature (ETs, extradimensionals, demons, or machines), origins, moral dispositions, intentions, and physical appearances (even varying in their eponymous skin color). Abductees have claimed that they display strange supernatural abilities such as telepathy, walking through walls, and paralyzing their victims. Some stories on the internet claim that the Greys may be helpless pawns in an intergalactic charade involving other extraterrestrials known as the Nordics and also the Reptilians A composite description derived from overlap in claims would have Greys as small-bodied sexless beings with smooth grey skin, enlarged head and large black eyes. They are usually reported as being around four feet in height and very fragile looking. The origin of the idea of the Grey is commonly associated with the Betty and Barney Hill abduction claim.

Greys are commonly included in alien abduction claims and are a focus of ufology, with attributes that may differ from those described above. These claims include two distinct groups of Greys that differ in height. Abductees say that they recognize the leader of their abductors by its "demeanor." Some ufologists and abduction researchers believe that taller Greys, with their reported increased authority and apparently more complex psychology, may be the only Grey type to be biologically alive and that the shorter form could be their artificially constructed robot or cyborg servants. Some alien abduction reports have depicted variant skin colors such as blue-grey, greengrey, or purple-grey and sometimes not grey at all. The skin is typically described as being




extremely smooth, almost as if made of an artificial material like rubber or plastic. Abduction claims are often described as extremely traumatic, similar to an abduction by humans or even a sexual assault in the level of trauma and distress. The Grey’s most notable feature is their dark, soulless eyes. Some abductees have claimed that their eyes are the most terrifying part of the abduction. The eyes are often a focus of abduction claims. They are said to not move or focus in any observable way from the naked eye. Claims often describe a Grey staring into the eyes of an abductee when conducting mental procedures. This staring is claimed to induce hallucinogenic states or directly provoke different emotions. Although abduction claimants often say that the Grey was only inches from their face during the staring mind scan procedure, they often do not subsequently claim feeling breath or seeing the Grey's chest move from breathing. There are three defined views as to who the Greys are and how they originated. 1. Proponents of the alien genetic/evolutionary intervention on earth argue that if the Greys (or similar beings) were performing genetic manipulations and/or experiments with prehuman life forms on earth, then it would be logical, and perhaps almost expected, that these alleged aliens may have attempted to influence the evolution of life forms here in a direction consistent with their own genetic makeup, and similar to their own physiology and general physical structure, since genetically that is what they would presumably be most familiar with. 2. UFO researcher, Dr. Gregory Little made a study of the Book of Enoch and noted that there were references to angels both at the gates of Heaven and Hell. Little also noted that the guardians of Sheol (hell) were described as angels, “gray of colour, small as children, with a shape that is somewhat similar to the human form.” Little observed that this description was not present in the Slavic edition of the Book of Enoch (the most commonly used), but was present in the Hebrew version. With this being the case it provides a powerful indication that the Greys are actually spiritual beings. 3. There is another theory that is sort of disturbing, but fascinating at the same time. In the series Stargate SG-1, the Asgard were a race of Greys that created bodies for their consciousness to inhabit, in order for them to achieve immortality. The exterior was nothing more than a highly advanced, synthetic body. This theory is well known among ufologists, but not necessarily accepted by all. Some abductees claim that they Greys they saw did not seem to be “real”, which could explain the lack of genitalia. Is it possible that the Greys are




some sort of body created to house demonic spirits? Looking at demons in the New Testament and even today (which possibly could be the spirits of the Nephilim who died in Old Testament times) there is always the situation where they seek embodiment. Furthermore the movie Avatar released by James Cameron in 2009 was a film focused on the creation of host life forms that could then be inhabited by the spirit of a human being and raised the debate about the ability to create biological life form shells that could then be inhabited and controlled by a foreign spirit. Barry King is a name that will probably mean very little (or indeed nothing at all) to the USbased UFO research community. But in the UK the situation is somewhat different. King was a relatively well known figure in 1970s and then he vanished from the scene. That is, until the late 1990s, when he re-surfaced with a self-published (and bizarre) magazine called The Voice. And where had Barry been during his “Missing in Action” years? He claimed that from the late 1970s to the early 1980s, he had been working as a security officer at an underground base in the UK called Peasemore, where ”Gray alien”-like entities were being created in laboratories as DNA modified and generated lifeforms/shells or hosts which were programmed by a central computer system.King has also gone on to explain how a so called “Partnership” exists between these demonic spirit entities, which literally possess the “laboratory created Grey aliens” and then communicate technologies to these Human research scientists.The claims of King have never been verified. If we go to the dream that King Nebuchadnezzar had of the image in Daniel 2, the Lord revealed through the prophet Daniel that this “human and alien” alliance is the end-time kingdom. “And the forth kingdom shall be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and shatters everything; and like iron that crushes, that kingdom will break in pieces and crush all the others. Whereas you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; yet the strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron mixed with ceramic clay. And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile (brittle). As you saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, “they” will mingle with the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.”67

This passage makes it very clear; whoever “they” are, they are not of the seed of men. They are not human! They are mingled and mixed together at the seed level—from conception to birth. They will alter the genetic make-up of the fetus, thus making a hybrid human being.




On the spaceship, Dave saw a variety of people who were ugly, with an evil appearance. They seemed to be derived from anarchic genes.”

One major problem I have found in reading these testimonies is that most of the experiencers, but not all of them, believe what the “aliens” are telling them is the truth without question. They don’t realize who they are dealing with. These fallen angelic beings are known for their lying and deceit. Jesus said Satan is the father of lies and that the thief (Satan) comes not but to steal, kill and destroy.68 One of the women interviewed, who is named Bridget, shares her feelings about these lying “aliens:” Bridget thought they wouldn’t get her if she was real quiet. “I was very afraid. This one being’s eyes were like the devil himself. They are always lying to me. They are nothing but liars…There was a being outside the car in my face just staring at me. He is so ugly,”

It’s a shame that so many leaders in the Christian church are not aware of what has been happening to these people all over the world. Because, in their ignorance, they really don’t know how to minister to people like this, who are looking for answers. Bridget spoke about looking for another church that wasn’t Catholic. She was hoping to find something more suitable than the way she was raised. “I started asking question from various religious friends,” she said. “At first, Bill and I felt very comfortable at one of the Protestant churches, but they said we needed to repent and change our lives. We are not attending church at this time, and we enjoy not going so far.” When Bridget tried to speak about her abduction experiences, they said that was of the devil. “They believed God would never create ugly beings like that.” This was very troubling for Bridget.

Of course, they were not created to look the way they do now. Those with a biblical understanding in this area, would know that the races of fallen angels became the way they are today as a result of falling away from God and becoming evil. Remember, the angels are called “stars” because of their original illuminated glory. An example of this might be in comparing figure 1 through figure 5 below. Before they fell from their original glory and beauty, their appearance could have looked something like the being in figure 1 shown on the next page




Imagine this picture with beautiful eyes, full head of hair, and clothed in glorious light and happy. Even the Lord is clothed with light, “Who covers Yourself with light as with a garment” (Psalm 104:2). Then as these angelic beings fell from glory they would become darkened. This probably didn’t happen immediately. The Bible says, “Sin, when it is finished brings forth death, not when it is first committed (James 1:15). The image below shows the beginning effects of sin. I believe it shows up first in the eyes. I believe that is true with people too. The more a person stays in sin and rebellion, the uglier they become. Eventually, the bitterness begins to take its toll.




Remember, Satan’s kingdom is a kingdom of darkness, as it is written, “He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love.”69 They would become naked, like Adam and Eve were when they sinned—without clothes or glorious light. Their eyes would become black because there would be no light, or reflection of light in them. “Let their eyes be darkened.”70 Their appearance could very easily eventually deteriorate to look like the being pictured in Figure 3 (next page), with darken skin, wearing artificial clothing, and no real beauty. Then, they would eventually lose their hair and become gray in color and very cold. Their whole being would become darkened simular to Figure 4, except a whole lot more terrifying than figure 4 (next page). I Found it very interesting in the book of Genesis, when God separated the light from the darkness, he called the darkness, night. This was before He created the sun on day four. So, this is not talking about separating natual light from natural darkness.

The word for night in the Hebrew is “laylah” (Strong’s Concordance #3915), which means, a twist (away from light), or figuratively adversity. In 1 Thessalonians 5:5 it says, “You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness.

The longer they were in sin and separated from the Spirit of God, which is the Spirit of Life, the uglier they would appear, simular, perhaps, to figure 5. This is probably fairly close to the way they are described by Experiencers today. UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



Heat is always accompanied with light, and vice versa. When you heat metal it will begin to glow red hot. Keep heating it and the light that emanates from it will get brighter and brighter until it becomes white hot and very bright. When these angelic beings lost the glory of God, they lost the glorious light of God, which was probably their covering (clothing), and they became darkened and naked. They would become very cold in their bodies also (no light—no heat). Plus, when they fell, the calamity that followed, I believe, caused the ice age on the earth. In Genesis 1:2, the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. There wasn’t any light yet, so the waters had to be frozen. This is the end of the ice age. Satan and his angels probably went down into the lower parts of the earth for warmth. Hence, they left their own abode71 and went underground into the lower parts of the earth, which is called in scripture, “the Pit” or Sheol, which is hell.72 In this next interview excerpt, the man named Samuel was told that he was actually a former alien, and his real home used to be with them. Notice how they described “his old home planet” to him. They also took him to see some of it. Samuel said the aliens told him this planet was the closest to their planet and that’s why they come here. They said their planet had an artificial atmosphere and was mostly desert without any water. He said they told him because of some scientific disaster they were forced to go underground. (There isn’t any water in hell Luke 16:24) This made Samuel feel sick inside as Samuel sobbed and told of how a scientific disaster destroyed “his” old home planet. They told him that he used to be one of them and lived on their planet.

Sounds like hell to me! Since the fallen angels are liars, the “what went wrong” was probably the rebellion of Lucifer which brought about the first destruction on planet earth and had nothing to do with science. Next, the aliens wanted to show Samuel “his” old home planet. UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



Next Samuel described going down into a rock-walled place that was underground. “As they were taking me down by fast-moving elevators, it got very hot. They wanted me to feel like family. They know everything about me and I couldn’t hide anything from them. There’s nothing secret in ‘this” family. Yet, it was still very scary and uncomfortable.”

Did you notice they showed Samuel their “planet” without leaving the earth? This not only sounds like hell but it reminds me of the book written by Betty Baxter called, “A Divine Revelation of Hell” where she had 40 days of visitation/vision, where she was taken by the Lord Jesus to visit Hell, where He interviewed lost souls for 30 days, and then He took her to see heaven for the next 10 days. It also sounds like the testimony of Bill Wiese, who spent 23 minutes in hell. They both described hell has having rock-walled cells “underground” where the lost souls are kept and tormented by angelic beings (aliens) and demons until the day of judgment. Hell sounds more like a “prisoner of war camp” than anything else. Bill Wiese said it was so hot that it was almost impossible to breathe. Look at the interesting features on these “aliens” as described by those claiming to have seen them. Samuel described the being as having an inverted teardrop for a head, with a pointed chin and large very dark black eyes. He had a little slit for a mouth, and his nose is just a little bump with very small nostrils. He was completely naked without any clothes. He seems to be colorless except for a bluegray cast to him.” “They had long arms. They appeared to be without body features like nipples or a belly button. They were completely bald and I couldn’t see any teeth.”

This testimony would indicate they did not come into existence through the birthing process. The fact that they didn’t have belly buttons is evidence they were not born. They must have been a direct creation, which I believe they were. They are the fallen angels and the Bible teaches that there are different races of them. Also, since they don’t have nipples shows they do not nurse babies. They do not procreate. They may appear as male or female for the benefit of the abductee, but angels are not sexual beings. As it is written, “They neither marry (men marry—male beings) nor are given in marriage (women are given in marriage—female beings), but are like angels of God in heaven.”73 (They are neither male nor female) This scripture compares the resurrected saints with the angels when it comes to marriage and sexual gender. UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



Judy described the beings she saw as having small, very thin necks. “They were different from the “doctor.” Their big heads seem too big for those little necks to support. They actually seemed kind of frail. They weren’t wearing any kind of clothes, and their skin was “kind of pale.”

“When they grab my arms, Jerry said, their touch was very cold, yet gentle, soft, like velvet.” (Mack 1994, page 126)

“…the examiner touched my thigh with his hand, and it felt very cold, much colder than any human hand.”

Communication with the aliens is more on a spiritual or mental level than just speaking words like we normally do. More like mind to mind. It sounds like they don’t use their mouths for speech. Samuel describes their two-way communication as “telepathic.” “They knew my thoughts and I could hear theirs. This was quite eerie and unsettling.”

Of course, this is the way the Holy Spirit communicates with us today. He doesn’t speak audibly to us; he speaks by revelation and words to our spirit, which is similar.74 When asked how this information was communicated to her she said, “I don’t know how, but I just knew what he was thinking.”

There is one final point of interest in these testimonies which is how these “aliens” are getting ready for the great tribulation period. The Book of Daniel tells of the destruction and wars that are coming. Jesus also warned of the wars and rumors of wars called “the beginning of sorrows” followed by the rapture and the great tribulation. The aliens also declare their own explanation (or lie) of the rapture that is imminent and why, they say, it will take place. Of course, the devil doesn’t know exactly when this is going to take place but he is getting ready, for the Bible says he knows his time is short.75 Again, as I said before, if an experiencer, or anybody else, thought it was the “Devil” they were talking to in these spaceships do you think anybody would believe anything the aliens UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



said? I certainly wouldn’t, would you? No, of course not. So he has to get the world to believe that he and his angels are “aliens from another planet.” Therefore, they have to appear to be friendly, trying to help us with their advanced technology, and that they are trying to “bring peace.” Then they will use evil forces to gain dominance over the people of the world. That’s exactly how the “antichrist” is going to gain acceptance by leaders, and gain control of this world, according to the scriptures. Now read what the “aliens” are telling these people on that subject. Paul said other beings from all over the universe were battling to see who would gain control of the earth. Paul received prophetic visions of people being caught up from the earth, much like in the biblical rapture. But to his mind this was not a religious event. He said there had to be ships in place that would make this happen. His vision of the future was a “black void,” yet he could see from the earth below people were going up.”

The Bible describes the day of God’s wrath like this: “Woe to you who desire the day of the Lord! For what good is the day of the Lord to you? It will be “darkness,” and not light. It will be as though a man fled from a lion, And a bear met him! Or as though he went into the house, Leaned his hand on the wall, And a serpent bit him! Is not the day of the Lord “darkness,” and not light? Is it not very dark, with no brightness in it?”76 Paul was opposed to using the word rapture; he said this was just the alien’s way of helping us and taking us to the next place of evolution. “There’s a new millennium coming.” (This interview took place in the early 90’s) …He thought it was around the year 2010, and once again Paul repeated he could see people coming up of the earth when “a lot of “crap” was happening on the earth and at the same time the ships came down to the earth. (I again changed the word; this word “crap” is my translation) “The hybrid people,” he said, “would be placed as groups of people all over the earth. Because of their advanced knowledge from another world, they would be setting up new advanced civilizations. The aliens would transplant this whole new way of life all at once in the earth.” Paul said he has come to accept their repopulation plan. However, he found the thought very disturbing about the destruction of the earth’s population which was supposed to take place “in the blink of an eye.” “Behold, I tell you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed—in a moment, in the “twinkling of an eye”…And the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together…”77




6. UFOS, RAPTURE AND THE GREAT CLEANSING Not only are fallen angels manifesting in the heavenlies as extra-terrestrials, but they are also sending messages to many on earth, which reveals their true character. In general the entities are communicating that the earth will soon go through a period of cataclysmic changes. The descriptions they give are what the Bible refers to as the Great Tribulation. However, these so called “aliens” are nothing more than fallen angels pretending to be from some other galaxy. Their messages, as we will see, consist of some basic ideas that are the diabolical mirror to the Bible. •

Cataclysmic events will come upon the earth

They will help us overcome those events

They will take those that can’t or won’t evolve to the next level

Those that remain get to evolve to the next level now

A man from among us will be raised up with special powers and knowledge

In historical studies, the strongest type of witness we can have is what is referred to as a hostile witness. A hostile witness is when someone’s enemies (or perhaps competition) are forced to admit certain things about that person that are not in their best interest to say. Satan, in a sense, has proven his intent to de stable the Christian Faith by the messages that his horde have been giving over the years. Clearly, their messages, as they are given, are full of lies. Nevertheless, they do include some elements of truth, which is always the point of a deception. That there will be an “evacuation” of the earth is certain as we learn from Scripture: “Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air,” (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

The truth of that verse is proven by the lies that are being told by the “aliens”. In effect, they are getting the world ready for what is coming so that when it does happen people will not likely consider the biblical second coming as an option. The enemy undoubtedly will have a counter explanation ready for when that happens; after all, he has read the Bible too. According to Christianity Today magazine, of the 6.3 billion people in the world in 2011, about 33% are professing Christians. Even if we assume that 15% are true born again believers this would account to 945 million Christians.




While born again followers of the Lord Jesus Christ will not be here to see what follows, we can safely conclude that some time shortly after the first phase of the Second Coming of Christ, the demons will work through the global elite to create the perception that are the saviors of the world and will provide an answer for the disappearance of over 945 million people worldwide. Many believe that the aliens/demons will say that they were the ones that seeded the planet (were the creators of man) and have returned to help in our hour of greatest need. The reason that most of the world will not immediately turn to the God of heaven and earth following the rapture is because the enemy has been conditioning people for just such an event. The rapture is certain in that God has clearly said it would come to pass; therefore, Satan (as the father of lies, cf. John 8:44), must have some type of event in place to deceive the world when the event actually occurs. If you stop for a moment and think about the impact of 945 million people disappearing from the face of the earth in an instant you will soon realize the impact this would have on the already fragile foundation of the global village.

Sometimes the message is that the people evacuated will be resettled to another planet. Sometimes the “aliens” tell us not worry about where the ones taken will go. And sometimes we see it is the bad aliens that have come to catch people up into their space ships and those brave enough to resist will survive as portrayed in the 2010 movie Skyline whose motto is “do not look up” because those that look at the light will be taken. Jesus told us to “look up” (Luke 21:28) when we see all these things beginning to come to pass. Could it be that Satan has found a clever way to encourage people to do just the opposite? UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



The various messages were first compiled by researcher Brad Myers who did much of the research for the bestselling book Alien Encounters by Drs. Chuck Missler and Mark Eastman. The research in their book is impressive; however, rather than simply quote their book, we searched out the sources for ourselves and scrutinized the authenticity of each statement. In some cases we found other supporting evidence from the stated authors or from others not mentioned in their book. Ruth Montgomery in her book Aliens Among Us


writes of how the “aliens” have

communicated: “We are coming in great numbers, not with any intention of harm, but to rescue the earth from pollution and nuclear explosions,” Some like Barbara Marciniak, a popular New Age author and channeller, in her book “Bringers of the Dawn,” writes of messages which she claims she received from extraterrestrials from the star system Pleiades. She discusses the disappearance that is coming upon the world: “The people who leave the planet during the time of Earth changes do not fit in here any longer, and they are stopping the harmony of Earth. When the time comes that perhaps 20 million people leave the planet at one time there will be a tremendous shift in consciousness for those who are remaining.” 15

It should be clear that Satan and his legions are making great preparations to have a counter explanation once the rapture occurs. She also shares another “message” from the ETs regarding the rationale for why millions of people will be taken. If human beings do not change – if they do not make the shift in values and realize that without Earth they could not be here – then Earth, in its love for its own initiation and its reaching for a higher frequency, will bring about a cleansing that will balance it once again. There is the potential for many people to leave the planet in an afternoon. Maybe then everyone else will begin to wake up to what is going on. After the explanation for the disappearance of millions, which the Bible truthfully calls the rapture, she goes on to speak of apocalyptic events that are extremely reminiscent of the words of Jesus some two thousand years ago when he spoke of wars and rumors of wars and nation rising against nation. As we see it, as the probable worlds begin to form, there will be great shiftings within humanity on this planet. It will seem that great chaos and turmoil are forming, that nations are UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



rising against each other in war, and that earthquakes are happening more frequently. It will seem as if everything is falling apart and cannot be put back together. Just as you sometimes have rumblings and quakings in your lives as you change your old patterns and move into new energies, Earth is shaking itself free, and a certain realignment or adjustment period is to be expected. It will also seem that the animals and fish are departing Earth. Those animals are now moving over to the new world as it is being formed. They are not ending their existence, they are merely slipping into the new world to await your joining them. Bringers of the Dawn” New Age writer Thelma Terrell claims to have received messages from Ashtar, the leader of an “alien confederation” concerning the evacuation of millions around the globe. Those familiar with the Bible immediately see that Ashtar is nothing more than the same demon from Bible times (Asherah/Ashtoreth) but with a message that modern man wants to hear. In former days Ashtar was considered a god, but now such talk is, for the most part, out of style. Therefore, Ashtar has come back as an “alien” to warn the citizens of earth of the impending rapture. However, the true reason for the evacuation of the

planet is never given. When the rapture does occur, the demonic realm will be ready because they have been warning people of just such an event. Ashtar has communicated that “Earth changes will be the primary factor in mass evacuation of this planet Therefore because of the impending events coming upon

the earth, “alien” ships will come in close enough to lift people off the earth “in the twinkling of an eye,” – even the terminology is borrowed from the Bible concerning the rapture. “Our rescue ships will be able to come in close enough in the twinkling of an eye to set the lifting beams in operation in a moment. And all over the globe where events warrant it, this will be the method of evacuation. Mankind will be lifted, levitated shall we say, by the beams from our smaller ships. These smaller craft will in turn taxi the persons to the larger ships overhead, higher in the atmosphere, where there is ample space and quarters and supplies for millions of people.” 16

The demons who are posing as “aliens” will try to convince mankind that they in fact are the saviors. We have seen the conditioning in the movies and people’s minds will remember those stories when the event occurs. Ashtar states that great preparation and care has gone into the rescue of mankind: “There is method and great organization in a detailed plan




already near completion for the purpose of removing souls from this planet, in the event of catastrophic events making a rescue necessary.” “However, there will not be any advanced notice of the event and it will happen in a flash. “The Great Evacuation will come upon the world very suddenly. The flash of emergency events will be as a lightning that flashes in the sky. So suddenly and so quick in its happening that it is over almost before you are aware of its presence.” 16

The demons/”aliens” need to reassure those left behind that they in fact are the ones getting the better deal since then the aliens will return for “the children of all ages and races. The implication is that those taken were not part of the “children of all ages and races” “Phase I of the Great Exodus of souls from the planet will take place at a moment’s notice when it is determined that the inhabitants are in danger. Phase II: This second phase immediately following the first. The second phase is vital, as we return for the children of all ages and races. The child does not have the power of choice in understanding nor personal accountability.” 16

However, some people might begin to wonder if such awful events are coming upon the world, then why were they not taken as well? Ashtar assures them to not take it personally as everyone will have a part to play: “Do not be concerned nor unduly upset if you do not participate in this first temporary lift-up of souls who serve with us. This merely means that your action in the plan is elsewhere, and you will be taken for your instructions or will receive them in some other manner. Do not take any personal affront if you are not alerted or are not a participant in this first phase of our plan. Your time will come later, and these instructions are not necessary for you at this time.” 16

Ashtar has communicated this message to others with the twist that those taken will have to remain in the third dimension whereas those that are left will then be free to evolve to the fourth dimension. The website Gateway to Oneness speaks of one named Cristah the light worker who receives messages from Ashtar. Cristah relays Ashtar’s message: “those who do not believe, will be left in the 3rd dimension,” and “those that are not of the light must stay and learn here in the 3rd dimension.” Cristah adds that Ashtar “says that the fate of earth’s inhabitants” will be handled on an individual basis.” 16

The idea is that the disappearance of millions around the globe will be due to them being left in the third dimension and those that then find themselves on the earth have transitioned to the fourth dimension. Ashtar has been leaving messages with other channellers as well in order to make sure that his message is heard and spread. Johanna Michaelson is a former New Ager who is now a UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



Christian. In her book Like Lambs to the Slaughter: Your Child and the Occult, she writes about the well-known New Age guru John Randolph Price who also receives messages from Asher (a variation of Ashtar). Michaelson relays that, according to John Randolph Price, as many as two billion people could be wiped off the planet. This seemingly refers to the trials coming upon the earth versus the evacuation, nevertheless, the impact will be ‘we told you so’ once the events begin to occur.

Asher, the spirit guide of John Randolph Price, a moving force behind the New Agers’ ‘World Instant of Cooperation’ (on December 31, 1986, in which thousands of mediators worldwide simultaneously concentrated on world peace hoping to cause a critical mass launching into the New Age) told him that two billion people who didn’t go along with the New Age would be wiped off the face of the Earth during the coming cleansing.” New Age author Kay Wheeler and channeller, who goes by the name Ozmana, describes how Mother Earth is fighting for her life and is in critical condition, which she says, is “why you see the many crises in the world.” She states the Mother Earth must fight for her survival and we as light bearers can help her: “Mother is cleansing. It is all she knows to do at this time to clear herself of the pollution that exists within her body. But you as light bearers can help your Mother cleanse in such a way that does not destroy all life on this planet.” 16

As part of the cleansing process, many people will be removed from the planet so that the planet can move into the fourth dimension. “Earth’s population needs to be decreased to bring forth the necessary changes upon this planet to move into the fourth dimension.”



states that the changes are coming and “those who plan to stay must be of this vibration.”


The reason that many will leave the planet is because they are not able to go to the fourth dimension. She says that we should not feel sad for them but rather rejoice for them and also that now the beings on earth can move forward:




“Many of these beings who are leaving this planet at this time have completed that which they came to do. It is a time of great rejoicing for them. Do not feel sad about their leaving. They are going home. Many are waiting to be with them again [...] Many beings must move on, for their thought patterns are of the past. They hold on to these thoughts that keep Earth held back.“ 16

The messages from the “aliens” and the New Age is clear: major earth changes and cataclysms are coming upon the earth. As a result many will be removed from the earth in the twinkling of an eye. Here is another testimony about the rapture from an experiencer and what he was told: The alien told him the earth is infuriated with our idiocy, and will whack some bugs off itself that has not learned to work in symbiotic harmony with it.” The interviewer asked, “How is the earth was going to “whack some of us off?” He said, “The earth is going to “puke” us off through convulsion. That will get rid of some of us.”

The “aliens,” of course, are trying to make it appear as if the “bad people” are the ones to be removed. I see why the scriptures call this lie a strong delusion. Most people in the earth today do not understand the realm of the spirit which is just as real as the physical. They are limited to their own understanding and education. I call these people “intellectuals,” not because they are so smart, but because they lean on, and they’re limited to, their own education and understanding. The Bible clearly states that very few of those kinds of individuals receive revelation from God. “For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called” (First Corinthians 1:18 & 26), and again, “In that hour Jesus rejoiced in the Spirit and said, “I thank you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight” (Luke 10:21). An interesting note: Sybil suggested that the aliens we see when they enter this dimension is just the form they take. She said the physical appearance we see is not their natural appearance. They can take on different forms for our benefit.

Even the Holy Spirit, for the benefit of John the Baptist, appeared in the form of a dove when he came upon Jesus. After his resurrection, the Lord Jesus appeared in another form to the




two walking on their way to the village of Emmaus. (Mark 16:12). Angels have appeared in a form like the “sons of men” (Daniel 10:16). Angels can take on different appearances because they are spirit. It is written, “Who makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire,” Psalms 104:4, and, “To which of the angels did He ever say: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You…Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:5 & 14) They are not necessarily spirits in the form of “ghosts.” Although, they are in the spiritual realm, their bodies have real substance in the dimensions where they exist. Their appearance can be so real and solid to us, that sometimes they have been mistaken for real human beings. People have entertained angels unaware.85 This is totally different from demons, who are call evil “spirits,” who can appear like ghosts, but have no body of their own. They seek a body to live in or possess.86 “One of the problems the aliens have in dealing with us, Sybil said, is that human beings only believe what they can actually see. They said they have found this challenging for them. They said, “we are a spirit not physical like you are…We don’t live in the dimension of time and space. We are formless…We are all of one. You could say I or one. It make no difference…We are an offshoot of the “I” or “what you think of as God.”

Isaiah 14:14, “I will be like the Most High.” This is Lucifer’s mental declaration to be like God, or like a god himself. Judy’s son angrily repeated over and over in a frightened voice, with his fists clenched, “I refuse to go back to the spaceship!”…When Judy asked him if there was anyone on the spaceship with him that scared him, he answered, “Yeah, the evil king is there, he’s god.” Judy was surprised at his language. Such understanding was beyond his years.

“The alien beings, although resented for their intrusive activities, may also be seen as intermediaries closer than we to God or the “source of being”. Sometimes, as in Carlos’ case, they may even be seen as angels or analogous to God.” (Mack 1994)

And no wonder people think like that, for Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.87 Dr. Mack had the following observation:




A number of abductees felt like at times they were being opened up to and connected to the “source of being” in the cosmos…The alien self (which I believe is an evil spirit speaking through the person) perceives himself as an abandoned and lost soul. He feels he used to be linked to a common source. Since being embodied as a human being, it has caused them to be brutally cut off.” (Mack 1994, pg 397)

They were cut off from the life of God along with one third of the angels. They are all fallen beings, angels and demons alike. It has been reported that virtually every time there is a UFO sighting or abduction experience there is concrete physical findings left behind, such as burned earth. We also can find independent corroboration that the abductee has been missing at the time of the sightings. Not uncommon are unexplainable pregnancies without the hymen being broken, missing pregnancies, physical lesions, and the implantation of tiny metal objects under the skin. Strange nosebleeds are also widely seen. Many tests were performed to see if these people had mental problems or anything that would reveal emotional problems that might cause them to make up these stories. All tests prove there was not anything abnormal. Apart from being stressed because of the trauma experienced during the abduction, they were completely normal. Simply put, these people are not crazy. On the contrary, they are normal, with above average intelligence, education and from all walks of life.





One of the highly developed evil skills of the Devil is his ability to manipulate and gently coerce angels and human beings for his own purpose. The thing about temptation, is the strong appeal it has, which makes it appear to be a beautiful thing to do, otherwise temptation wouldn’t be tempting. That’s why I call it the beauty of the serpent. It would be like drinking great tasting poison. The demons, and fallen angels, seem to have learned this skill from the Devil quite well. Each temptation is custom designed to fit the person as well as the situation. This is an art in itself. Humans have learned to do this also. A wife may think if she can get her husband to do what she wants him to do, and to think it is really his idea, she can manipulate him to do her will. And, of course, that goes both ways. The husband will also try to manipulate his wife. This technique is a common thing used in sales. It’s called, “closing techniques.” The power behind the temptation is deception. Deception is when a person is totally convinced he is right in his beliefs or action, when he is actually completely or partially wrong. That’s deception. So, when you try to show someone the error of their ways, remember, they are convinced you are wrong and they are right. The Devil, his angels, and the demon spirits, have six thousand years of experience in deceiving a human being. As you read this chapter, please keep in mind that the abductees and others among them are completely convinced they are correct in their beliefs. Only those who are willing to give the word of God first place in their life will be able to see the strength of the subtleness and deception. That’s why the Bible in 1 Thessalonians 2:11 calls the lie “a strong delusion.” This will have great appeal to logic, “but the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him;” (1 Corinthians 2:14) In my research I found a book with testimonies of what the “good aliens” were saying. I looked for comments given by the aliens about the Bible. I found these “religious minded” aliens had contact with this certain person over a period of many years. These aliens made themselves out to be “angels of light.” They talked about the negative aliens that were from




the “dark side.” (Sounds like Star Wars) They accused the “dark side aliens” of doing exactly what they themselves were doing, claiming to be “of the light.” These aliens used the technique of “Good Cop, Bad Cop.” They were attempting to convince this particular woman, and her friends, that they were good aliens and the others were “negative” aliens. They wanted her to believe they were good friends and could be totally trusted. Actually, this person wasn’t really abducted, because she was “invited” to go with them of her own free will, and she willingly accepted their invitation. She was also associated with a group of New Age/Spiritualists that were into channeling. Channeling, according to the Old Testament, is when a “familiar” spirit speaks through someone in a trance like state, claiming to be an alien, past loved one, or whomever else the spiritualist is seeking to talk to. In fact, this “alien/evil spirit” said that sometimes these negative aliens will speak through a person doing the channeling and pretend to be a loved one or someone else. Really? No kidding! They will speak some truth; this is to get a person to accept everything they say. If the devil spoke only falsehood, he would never be able to deceive anyone. Jesus answered one of the scriptures that Satan quoted to Him in the wilderness by saying, “It is written again…” (Matthew 4:7) In fact, there is an entire religious group, who speaks to familiar spirits on a regular basis, thinking they are speaking to a dead loved one. Demons have been around every individual, including our loved ones, all their life. That’s how the demons can tell personal and intimate things about our loved ones trying to make people think it is their loved one speaking, but it’s a deception. I believe you will find it very interesting how the aliens, as “outsiders,” who should be neutral about religion, but are not neutral at all when it comes to Jesus Christ or their opinions about the Holy Bible. The one alien declared: “God has sent many beings to the planet to represent Him and many of them have been called Christ just as Jesus was. Some of these beings started different religions on the planet which have




continued to this day. There is not one religion on Earth that has all the correct knowledge; they all have a piece of it. It is important to find the pearls in all religions as it will be your salvation.”95

Mark 13:22, “For false christs and false prophets will rise…”

The deception here is that all religions lead to God. Many believe that is true. However, Jesus, who is the called “The Word of God,” said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6).

There is one major problem that causes many people to be deceived; they do not believe that God is almighty in one particular way. They believe that man can do things to His word, that God Himself cannot stop them from doing. What do I mean? Most people believe that man can alter drastically what God has said in the Bible and He cannot stop them. But they are wrong. Dead wrong! God wants us, His children, to know the truth. I believe God has the power, and ability, to protect His written word, called the Bible, so that it cannot be perverted. The Dead Sea Scrolls, with some Bible manuscripts that are over two thousand years old, have proven to be so accurate, that they are word for word exactly like the manuscripts we have today. It is important to the Lord God that we should know exactly what he has said through the prophets and apostles. Some translators have put their own interpretation on some verses; however, there are enough correct versions, and enough study aids, like Strong’s Concordance, and W. E. Vine’s Expository Dictionary of the New Testament Words, to find the truth accurately in English or in some cases, the original language. And, of course, the most important of all is having an intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit, who is called the “Spirit of Truth.” The first thing, the Serpent (Devil) in the book of Genesis, did when speaking to Eve in the Garden, was to attack the accuracy of what God had said. The aliens do likewise. The alien said that the Bible is not 100% accurate. The parts about UFOs and reincarnation had been removed. Someone in her group said maybe the Bible was only 98% accurate. The alien said that was correct. When she asked them what was the 2 percent that was accurate, the aliens just laughed and couldn’t resist making a joke about it. (Meyer 2006)

To the true Christian believer, it is so obvious that the aliens are the fallen angels; they act just like their master, the Devil. This great deception is already affecting the masses of the world. UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



The fact that aliens are busy abducting people to prepare the earth for their appearance excites me. I believe we are the end-time generation that will see the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing, as we stated before, the Devil and his angels are being forced down to the earth (Revelation 12:9), they would be wasting their time training the abductees to prepare the world for their landing, if these abductees wouldn’t live long enough to fulfill their purpose. Jesus said, “Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all things take place” (Luke 21:32).

My dear brothers and sisters, Jesus is coming back sooner than most people think! Be ready! In this portion we are going to explore the messages of the “good aliens” when asked questions about things in the Bible. The Bible gives us a warning when it says, “And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness...” (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)

We are going to use the example of the deception of Eve, in the Garden of Eden, as an example of the Devil’s methods and compare it with the methods the aliens (fallen angels) are using today. I will be quoting or paraphrasing, some of the statements made by the aliens, as told to various abductees, or to those who claim to be in constant contact with aliens. The Bible tells us that in the Garden of Eden, Eve was deceived, but Adam wasn’t. In order for the Devil (Serpent) to deceive Eve, he had to appeal to her desire to do what was right, and her love for God. Adam and Eve were personal friends with their Creator, the King of the universe. Everything the Lord God had given them was good, yes, very good indeed. I believe that Adam and Eve not only walked with God, but could walk in the same dimension as God, where the angels walked as well. In the book of Revelation the Devil is called “that Serpent of old.” Actually, the Devil is not called a “snake.” When he was cursed, he was told, “Because you have done this, you are cursed more than all cattle (animals which we kill for food), and more than every beast of the field (if this curse was to a snake, it would have said, “cursed more than any “other” beast of the field), on your belly you shall go (the lowest UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



position of defeat), and you shall eat dust all the days of your life (eternal defeat). We say “eat my dust” to those we defeat. Plus, the human body is made from the dust of the earth, and the demons try to destroy the human body through disease—they eat dust, or “consume” the body trying to destroy us. Since our bodies are from the earth, this is the closest thing they can do in attempting to exercise dominion over the works of God’s hands. This is the reason Jesus took the stripes on his back. Peter said, “By whose stripes you were healed” (1Peter 2:24). Healing is God’s way of overturning Satan’s efforts. I said all of that to bring our attention to the temptation of Eve. This serpent/angel came to Eve as an angel of light because she did not have the ability to discern between good and evil. Therefore, she had every reason to trust this angelic being in whatever he said. Satan first began to point out the goodness of God in that He said they could eat of all the trees of the garden. Eve’s response indicated she understood all the good trees God had made were available to eat, but, one tree could kill them because there was “evil knowledge” in it (paraphrased). She saw this as God’s love, care, and protection. An alien told one person that God’s light was in every person as protection and that nothing could penetrate it if you believed it to be true.

The Bible says this is true only about the blood of Jesus and the word of our testimony… (Revelation 12:11). Notice the aliens didn’t tell this person how to use the light and didn’t give her anything that related to God, like his written word, to substantiate their claim. Of course not, they told her earlier that the Bible is unreliable because it is not accurate. Therefore, they expect a person to believe them instead of the Bible, “just because they said so.” Remember, they already said the word of God wasn’t accurate enough to be trusted. But can you trust them? Why should they be trusted? Now here is how the Serpent beguiled Eve (2 Corinthians 11:3). He first had to stop her from thinking about the danger of eating from that particular tree. He said,




“You shall not surely die.” Now he had to give Eve a convincing reason why she wouldn’t die. “For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Just because I said so)

Here the Devil appealed to her love for God and her desire to be like Him. We are all like that. We want to be like someone we highly admire and respect. The scripture is giving us the idea, what the Devil is indicating to Eve is God really wants you to be more like Him. And if you eat of this tree, you will be showing God how much you want to be like Him, and that you are willing to take the initiative to become more like Him. The Devil was indicating that this tree was really put there just to be a challenge for her to demonstrate to God how eager she was to be like Him by stepping out to do this. Surely, God would be pleased with you, Eve, for doing that. Even though the Devil didn’t say that, I believe it made her think that way. This is the same method the aliens use. The aliens have said it was their job to get humans to stand in the light of God and of Christ, because humans were not able to stand by themselves without the alien’s help.

Hmmm, the Bible says the Holy Spirit is our helper, not aliens. These aliens use the name of Christ, Jesus and God without hesitation to get people to believe they are sent by God. Remember, the scripture calls Satan the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). So, when the aliens use the word “God,” they are not talking about the Holy God of heaven, they are talking about “their god,” who is the Devil. To complete the deception and convince Eve that she is doing the right thing, Eve’s focus had to be on the fact that whatever God created was good. After all, He did this in the creation of all the other trees in the garden. Genesis 2:9 says, “…the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.” This description includes the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. As she beheld the tree, she didn’t see any evil in it. “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate.” Did you notice Eve did not see any evil in the tree? God did not put the knowledge of evil in the tree. He is not the author of evil, neither does he tempt any of us with evil (James 1:13).




The knowledge of evil came to Eve when she disobeyed God by eating of the tree. Her disobedience caused her to receive the knowledge of evil. The tree gave her the knowledge of good that she had not previously known. The “good” is in the form of mercy. That’s a whole different teaching that could fill a book by itself. Eve didn’t see any evil in the tree and therefore she went by what she saw instead of by what God had said to her through her husband. That’s the great deception. The aliens seem to be offering help, which “appears” to be good for us too. The abductees go by what the aliens have said instead of the truth of the written word of God. “…they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie.” 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11

Since Eve wasn’t any different than the rest of us, she may have thought she was going to give her husband something great. Adam was the leader and was always doing good, caring, and loving things for the family. This was her opportunity to give something good back to her husband. She believed she was right in what she was doing or she would have never done it. That’s how deception works. The Bible says Adam was not deceived. He sinned willfully. And why would he do that? Probably because of his love for his wife, he didn’t want to lose her. The book of Romans says that Adam was a type of Christ (Romans 5:14). Both Adam and Jesus Christ were willing to become sin so that they wouldn’t lose their bride. Now, notice as you read statements of the aliens in the next chapter, how well they have learned from their master, the Devil, and how they all, in one way or another, exhibit the attributes of the great deceiver, the father of lies. Mankind was created to have dominion in the earth over all of God’s handiwork; dominion over other people was not included. Since God Himself, is not under our dominion, our natural desire is to worship Him who is greater than we are. With that in mind, the aliens (fallen angels) are attempting to get the human race to worship them, in a sense, because of their advanced abilities. They will also take advantage of the human desire to do what is good and right. We all want to help those whom we love and be accepted and respected.




I was approached by a con man one time, and he greeted me by saying, “Praise the Lord, brother.” I wanted to immediately stick out my hand to greet him. Those words, momentarily, caused me to accept the one speaking without hesitation. I had to put the brakes on my emotions as he began to lie to me, trying to con me out of some money. I only had two dollars in my pocket at the time. I had just come out of the grocery store and had spent the rest of my money. I was willing to give away my last two dollars, but not to a con artist. Thank God my wife was there to speak up. It’s a matter of principle. I don’t want to be deceived or lied to by anyone. The people in this chapter are good people. They really do believe they are doing a great service for their fellow man. Many are religious enough to believe in God, even though some of them may not be church goers. With that in mind, the aliens have armed themselves to appear as religious, godly, beings of light. They will use religious terminology and kindness as their weapons of deception. Many things these aliens, or their human spokesperson, say will be the truth, even Bible truth. Sometimes they may even quote something written in the Bible. But don’t be deceived. Satan used Bible verses when he tempted Jesus in the wilderness. One of the most frequent sources of information about the aliens comes from a process known as channeling. Channeling is an occult technique where an individual temporarily allows a "spiritual entity" to enter and use their body so the foreign spirit can communicate with humans. Messages that are being channeled are primarily of a philosophic and religious nature, instead of a scientific or technical nature. The messages that are consistently given by these extraterrestrials are those that are trying to teach people a different gospel other than the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. These messages reject almost every biblical truth about Jesus Christ. They falsely teach that Jesus was not God, he did not die on the cross, he does not forgive sins, and he is not the only way of salvation. The practice of channeling used to receive these anti-Christian messages is clearly forbidden in the Bible and is an abomination to God (Deuteronomy 18:9-14). A Christian should give no place to these messages. The Bible warns us not to believe these doctrines of devils that speak a lie. "Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils;" (1 Timothy 4:1). UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



“Aliens profess that they are gods and they are our creators. Aliens teach that Jesus was half human, was an avatar sent from the "Spiritual Hierarchy of Masters" We are told this earth has been visited many times in the past and presently by different types of extra-terrestrials. These ET's have been involved with our creation, evolution, religions, myths, beliefs, etc.” 13

"The guides responded: 'She would be wise not to infuse so much biblical religion into her messages, as the Ashtar Command is nondenominational and, like all spacebeings, worships the one Creator of us all. She is not hearing from the ones you mention [Jesus, Mary and other saints], but is feeling what they might have conveyed. We don't like to see the issue unduly tied in with biblical stories."


One of the most appealing aspects of UFOs is their religious content and structure. UFOs can readily function as a religion for several reasons. They deal with important and often ultimate issues in human life; they contain references to entities that bear some resemblance to traditional religious beings, such as gods, supernatural heroes, angels, and devils; and they appear to have a spiritual or transhuman nature, since their presence is not susceptible to modern empirical investigation. At least seven major religious themes or elements dominate accounts of UFO sightings and contacts: (1) mystery; (2) transcendence; (3) belief in spiritual entities; (4) perfection; (5) salvation; (6) worldview (the ascription of meaning and purpose to the universe); and (7) spirituality. A prominent aspect of alien theology is that they are the elohim who were involved with the creation of mankind. In 2012 a movie was released called Prometheus a science fiction film directed by Ridley Scott. Set in the late 21st century, the story centers on the crew of the spaceship Prometheus as they follow a star map discovered among the remnants of several ancient Earth civilizations. Led to a distant world and an advanced civilization, the crew seeks the origins of humanity, but instead discovers a threat that could cause the extinction of the human race. Alex Jones of inforwars.com says “Prometheus is not just a film but a revelation of method revealing the deepest secrets of the Illuminati mystery religion. The film tells of the origins of human kind with a super race of nearimmortal genetic engineers, who are contemplating a genetic overwrite or re-write of the Planet Earth when meddling humans stumble into the Magicians laboratory. They are punished for their trespass.” 15




Prometheus as a movie opens up the Pandora’s box on deep searching questions such as 'Where did we come from?, What happens when we die?, 'Why are we here?, 'Who created us? As the movie unfolds in addressing these questions it becomes clear that the central premise of Prometheus is that humans were genetically created by an alien race of superbeings called 'engineers'. These engineers choose a planet which can sustain life and the engineers then travel across the universe to it. From there, one engineer must sacrifice himself by taking a mixture of Alien Bio-Former which essentially breaks down the Engineer's DNA. From there, the Engineer is destroyed and his DNA is spread to mix with that of the native planet. From there life is created and evolved to what we have become today.

It is important to note that Erich Von Daniken was a key influence for Ridley Scott in directing the movie. Erich von Däniken is a Swiss author best known for his controversial claims about extraterrestrial influences on early human culture, in books such as Chariots of the Gods, published in 1968. Däniken is one of the main figures responsible for popularizing the "paleocontact" and ancient astronaut hypotheses. The ancient astronaut theory is based on the premise that extra-terrestrials with superior knowledge of science and engineering landed on earth thousands of years ago, sharing their expertise with early civilizations and forever changing the course of human history. This UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



theory was further advanced by the late Zecariah Sitchin who associated the extraterrestrials from earths earlier history as being the annunaki whom evidence of their interaction with earth is seen in Sumerian cuneiform tablets excavated during the nineteenth century. One young woman went to a Pentecostal Church and heard someone speaking in an unknown tongue. This bothered her so she asked her mother to ask the alien the next time she had a visitation or was channeling. The “alien’s response” was that speaking in tongues is a form of channeling. But then the alien said that Jesus only spoke words that could easily be understood. He said a “truly anointed” person would only speak words that could be 100% understood by other people. It is written, “For he who speaketh in an unknown tongue speaketh unto men, but to God; for no man understandeth him; howbeit, in the spirit he speaketh mysteries (KJV)…I wish you all spoke with tongues, but even more that you prophesied; for he who prophesies is greater than he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets (NKJV)…Therefore, let him who speaketh in an unknown tongue, pray that he may interpret. For if I pray in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding (my mind) is unfruitful. I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all” (KJV) (1Corinthians 14:2 & 5 & 13-14 & 18).

Apparently, the alien does not like praying in tongues because your mind is unfruitful, meaning your own mind does not know what you are saying. Since the devil can read your mind through telepathy, he cannot hinder what you are praying about because your mind doesn’t know what you are saying. But in your spirit you are praying mysteries, or as some translations say, “secrets or hidden truths,” directly to God and only God knows the thoughts and intent of the heart. (Hebrew 4:12) The alien was asked about Judas Iscariot. The alien actually made him out to be a hero. He said that Judas Iscariot was the only man who had the courage to help Jesus fulfill His purpose to be crucified. He said that Judas did not want to do this, but he was driven to do it. Then the alien said that Judas was in the “Father’s fold right now.”

No man or woman of God would ever believe such a thing. Can this alien be anything other than one of the Devil’s angels? “The Son of Man indeed goes just as it is written of Him, but woe to that man by whom the Son of Man is betrayed! It would have been good for that man if he had never been born.” (Mark 14:21)




Judas Iscariot is indeed in “his” father’s fold, since he is of his father the devil. Luke 22:3 and John 13:2 make it clear that betraying Jesus was the work of Satan through Judas Iscariot. Here’s what the alien said when talking about Jesus: We all love Jesus, who is the Son of God, some believe, His Father was an alien from another planet. “Satan has the same capabilities as Jesus.”96

No way! Satan isn’t even close to having the same capabilities as the Lord Jesus Christ. Someone asked the alien what Christ meant. His response was that “Christ” was a title earned from your efforts in past lifetimes. The alien said very few people have earned that title. “Our supreme commander” has the same soul that was on your planet and was called Jesus the Christ.”97

“Then if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is Christ!’ or ‘Look, He is there!’ do not believe it. For false christs (anointed ones) and false prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (chosen ones) (Mark 13:21-22).

I found it interesting that when asked about other alien life forms, some of the descriptions match demonic beings described in the book of Revelation. The alien said that there is a group of aliens which are described to look like grasshoppers, with antennas on top, buggy eyes and skinny legs and arms.

“Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit.” (Revelation 9:1)

This is the New King James Version of this verse. It is correctly translated to say a star fallen (past tense) from heaven. The Greek actually says “having fallen from heaven.” This is a fallen angel referred to as a star. “And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit. Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth…The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle.” (Revelation 9:23 & 7) UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



The aliens teach reincarnation like many false religions do today. They do not want their followers believing in any kind of eternal punishment after this life. The Bible says it is appointed unto man once to die and after that the judgment. (Hebrews 9:27) The aliens deny the existence of Hell. They said hell was a state of mind, instead of being a place as we have been taught.

The Bible teaches that Hell, Sheol, or the Pit (Old Testament terminology), is in the lower parts of the earth, and in the book of Revelation it is referred to be under the earth (Revelation 5:13). The aliens talked about the New World Order and its leader, the Antichrist. They think he may be the one to find and bring the Ark of the Covenant back to the temple to demonstrate that he is the Christ. He will also, they say, do miracles to get people to accept him as the Christ.

The aliens are too familiar with the Antichrist and the New World Order, for them to be outsiders. They also speak of committing suicide as an OK thing, “if” your reason is not to just get out of this life.

What a shock the afterlife will be for all those who end up in Hell, and they think they are going to somewhere else to help some planet or to be reincarnated. One of the aliens was talking about someone, who lived on another planet, terminated their own life in order to get out of their body, so they could help people on another planet. They made it sound like killing yourself for that reason is OK.

When Jesus talked about the Devil’s agenda, He said, “The thief comes not but to steal, kill, and destroy.” (John 10:10) One of the aliens actually admitted this: “Satan plans to turn brother against brother until man no longer exists.”98

Of course, the alien who said this claims they are good aliens, and not with Satan, who is a bad alien. That statement alone lets you know they are fallen angels and not aliens. They called Satan an alien.




One final note from these “good aliens” that I found interesting was a statement they made about the Antichrist. “The bad aliens, who live underground on Earth, are planning a take-over of the planet, and they may do it for a short period of time, but the Antichrist will snap it out of their hands.”99

Two things are important about the alien’s opinion about what will happen; first, man was given dominion in the earth by God. This means, if a person really wants to insist on their way in the Earth, no alien, fallen angel or demon can stop them. However, for those who are under the power of sin, without being redeemed by Jesus Christ, will find it extremely hard, but not impossible, to overcome the evil one, because they are held captive by their sin; second, the prophet Daniel tells us that the Antichrist will actually defeat many of these fallen angelic beings. “Therefore the male goat (kingdom of Greece verse 21) grew very great, but when he became strong, the large horn (Alexander the Great) was broken, and in place of it four notable ones (his four generals) came up toward the four winds of heaven. (Alexander’s kingdom was divided among his four generals after his death.) And out of one of them came a little horn (Antichrist) which grew exceedingly great toward the south, toward the east, and toward the Glorious Land (Israel, the Glorious Land, is towards the west). And it grew up to the host of heaven (equal to the aliens/fallen angels); and it cast down some of the host and some of the stars (other fallen angels) to the ground, and trampled them (defeated them). He even exalted himself as high as the Prince of the host (Jesus Christ); But Jesus Christ will destroy the Antichrist without human means, or human assistance (Daniel 8:8-11 & 21 & 25).

Here we see the Antichrist starting out small and growing exceedingly fast by evil power. This same chapter in the book of Daniel tells us how long this period lasts after the antichrist is revealed. “…and by him the daily sacrifices were taken away, and the place of His sanctuary was cast down. Because of transgression, an army was given over to the horn to oppose the daily sacrifices; and he cast truth down to the ground. He did all this and prospered. Then I heard a holy one speaking; and another holy one said to that certain one who was speaking. ‘How long will the vision be, concerning the daily sacrifices and the transgression of desolation, the giving of both the sanctuary and the host to be trampled underfoot?’ And he said to me, ‘For two thousand three hundred days; then the sanctuary shall be cleansed.’ ” (Daniel 8:11-14)




This is extremely important to us! If you take the 2,300 days that Daniel writes about, and subtract the 1,290 days of tribulation period which starts from the removal of the daily sacrifices to the end when the temple is cleansed (Daniel 12:11), which is the period of time that Jesus calls the “Tribulation Period” (Matthew 24:15-21 & Mark 13:14-19), you will come up with 1,010 days from the time Israel starts a daily sacrifice to when the abomination of desolation is set up, or the beginning of the Tribulation Period. You can mark it on your calendar! Watch the internet, and perhaps the world news on national TV, for the starting of the daily sacrifices. Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near” (Luke 21:27-28). Since they have already started an annual sacrifice in Israel in 2011 near the wailing-wall, they can’t be far away from doing daily sacrifices. I saw on the internet that the veterinarian society tried to stop those sacrifices, but the orthodox Jews took them to court and won their case. Plus, in 2008, they built a model of the second temple and put it on display on a building roof just opposite the temple mount. Shortly after that, architectural designs were released for building a full size, operational replica of the temple at the school for training the Cohanim and Levite Priest for the work of offering animal sacrifices on the altar in the new temple. Then in January 2010, the orthodox Jews started actually the building process of the temple, and expect it to be done somewhere between 2012 and 2014. The offering of daily sacrifices in this full size operational temple will be exactly as it was in the Old Testament days. They have drilled holes beneath the altar to allow the water and blood to flow into the ground like the original altar. We have covered many testimonies and reports of contact with aliens/fallen angels that have caused extreme terror in the lives of the ones being abducted. Perhaps many readers would say these testimonies are so far out that nobody would believe them, but that’s not true. If fact, there are millions who do not believe the Bible is the unadulterated word of God and they are looking for something else supernatural to believe in. A survey taken in Great Britain reported that more people believe in aliens than believe in God. The Bible says they will be sent a strong delusion so that they will believe the lie. Could it be that the strong delusion will be brought to them by Satan and his angels in their UFOs? It certainly appears that this event is no longer a far distant future event. Jesus warned his disciples to make sure they are always ready for His return.




Everything, from movies to cartoons, is talking about aliens coming to earth. Of course, Satan wants his beings to appear to be powerful and fearful like in the horror movies. But Jesus said He has given us authority over all the power of the enemy. I found many other things very interesting in other testimonies which were not stated here. There are just too many things to quote. However, I will tell you that the experiencers saw many ugly evil beings on these spaceships. One person saw a being that had a body which had insect qualities. This evil being was so ugly it made him vomit just remembering its appearance. Some had reptilian features. Some of the experiencers, under hypnosis, spoke with a deep monotone voice and talked about knowledge of previous lives. One even remembered going through the birth canal when he was born. This is not really a previous life as the experiencer may think. This is, however, a demon spirit speaking through that person, who used to live in the body of a different person from years past. That’s why they can tell many of the details of that person’s life; even remembering being born, because some spirits are passed down through generational curses and can enter a child before it is born. Do not be deceived, demons are very real in our world today, but, thank God, “for this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”88 I can see why the rapture must take place right after the UFOs, full of fallen angels and hybrid beings, land on the earth. It is because those of us who have faith and experience using the name of Jesus, would come against them with the power and authority we have been given and would make a public spectacle of them openly just like Jesus did. We would be rebuking them and stopping them. They would not be able to do anything in our presence because we know Jesus Christ completely defeated them, disarmed them, and triumphed over them for us. And, we have enough faith in the name of Jesus to enforce that victory!89 After reviewing many of these testimonies, I feel like I just went undercover, as a spy, into the enemy’s camp. I heard them speak about all of their plans and lies, which they will be telling the people of the earth after the rapture, all of which are clearly revealed in the scriptures. The New Testament tells us not to be ignorant of his schemes. These UFO sightings and events, I believe, will become more and more common, in the news, on television and in the movies, as we approach the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.




At this stage we will end part 2 with an article which goes further into depth about the deceptive anti-biblical messages and further validates what we have discussed so far. So far you’ve seen the opinions of both a few Christian and a few non-Christian researchers, and you can take or leave their opinions as you will. But now we’re going to look at the actual messages of these “alien” entities, from what contactees and abductees themselves say the aliens are telling them, and let’s see what you think. I want to preface by saying that there have been historical changes in the aliens’ points of origin. In the 1950s, the entities typically told the contactees of the day that they were from Mars and Venus. But we’ve since sent probes and satellites there and found that these planets are hostile to supporting life – at least the humanoid type of life they were claiming to be. So 50 years later, the entities now claim they originate from far more distant places in other star systems, like Zeta Reticuli which is 39 light years away, or even in other galaxies like Andromeda, which is 2.5 million light years away. Now, their story has now changed to these far away places, in which we once again can’t verify their claims. This fact alone already lends itself to believing there’s deception involved in this phenomenon. To quote from Dr. Carl Sagan’s book “Intelligent Life in the Universe”, “What might an advanced extraterrestrial civilization want from us? One of the primary motivations for the exploration of the New World was to convert the inhabitants to Christianity — peacefully if possible — forcefully if necessary. Can we exclude the possibility of an extraterrestrial evangelism?” - Dr. Carl Sagan, “Intelligent Life in the Universe” pg. 463 (emphasis added) Dr. Sagan here raises a very astute question – and the more researchers and authors out there study the reports of alien abductions and encounters, the more this question comes up – and the argument for an affirmative answer becomes clear. So keep this question in mind, Are “extraterrestrials” intentionally evangelizing people to an alternate spirituality? As an introduction, secular researcher Thomas Bullard points out in the Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters that there is a definitive common pattern to the classic abduction scenarios. “However the story emerges, the accounts seem remarkably alike… 1. Capture… 2. Examination… 3. Conference. A meeting, lecture, or schooling session follows… 4. Tour…




5. Other-wordly Journey… 6. Theophany. The witness meets a divine being or has a religious experience. 7. Return… 8. Aftermath…” Thomas Eddie Bullard, quoted in Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, Ronald D. Story, Editor It’s interesting to note when a non-Christian person would use the term “theophany” in a sentence. If a Christian pastor or researcher were to use that term to describe the alien abduction experience, it would be obvious that he was judging the entity, with a negative or derogatory connotation, as if he were intentionally labeling the entity as a false god. But when Bullard uses it here, he’s just very clinically noting that a spiritual, or religious, interpretation cannot be divorced from the encounters. To an extent, even secular researchers identify the beings as divine, in a sense, just without the discernment or predisposition to qualify them as “good” or “evil.” Dr. Leo Sprinkle, a PhD “Professor Emeritus” of Counseling at Wyoming University summarizes the experiences by saying that, “UFO contactees have been chosen … no UFO contact is accidental … and that the manifestations are designed to influence the worldview of contactees…What follows is a summary of these claims about UFO experiences and related conditions: 1. UFO contactees have been chosen; no UFO contact is accidental. 2. Contactees are ordinary people, who exhibit a caring or a loving concern for all humankind… 4. UFO experiences include paraphysical, parapsychological, and spiritual manifestations which are designed to influence the “world view” of contactees. 8. Contactees are programmed for a variety of “future” activities, including awareness of their own contacts and desire to share their messages and knowledge with other contactees. 9. The lives of contactees move in the direction of greater self-awareness greater concern for the welfare of planet Earth, and a greater sense of Cosmic Citizenship with other beings in the universe. 10. The personal metamorphosis of UFO contactees is the forerunner of a social transformation in human consciousness, which now is leading to changes in the economic, educational, military, political, and religious institutions of nations of the Earth: the “New Age” of true science and spirituality.” - R. Leo Sprinkle, quoted in Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters, pg 136-140, Ronald D. Story, Editor You get that, Book of Revelation buffs? Expert, secular, PhD opinion… is that aliens are prepping people to accept the merging of politics, religion and money into a New Age system! Now, some details of the actual messages…




“Jane says, “I’m reassured during the entire procedure. And it doesn’t hurt too much. I ask why they need that, and he looks deep into my eyes for a long time. Then he says that it was my choice, that I agreed to all this a long time ago. “I said I didn’t remember the agreement and when did I do that. And he answered, Before you were born, and we’ve had this conversation before. ” - TAKEN : Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda by Dr. Karla Turner, PhD, pg. 147 To the point, Aliens often teach people about past lives and reincarnation, which we know is in opposition to Hebrews 9:27 at minimum, which says, “It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment.” That’s not all. Brad Steiger in a book he titled (in part) “channeling,” reports, “The entity identified himself as OX-HO and declared that he had come from a galaxy very near our own to help the people on Earth… “People on Earth, open your doors to our help, for you need it desperately. Remember that we are always on the alert and (we) are now holding off and fighting any enemies from lesser evolved planets. Join our Confederation and be one with the Creator.” - Brad Steiger Aquarian Revelations: Channeling Higher Intelligence pgs. 98-99 Christians studied in occult religions may recognize this as a form of pantheism, teaching that we can become one with the Creator if we are one with them. Dr John Mack confirms this pantheistic cosmic consciousness view propagated by the aliens, by saying, “The aliens are recognized as intermediaries or intermediate entities between the fully bodied state of human beings and the primal source of creation or God (in the sense of a cosmic consciousness, rather than a personified being). In this regard abductees sometimes liken the alien beings to angels, or other “light beings” (including the “grays”). – Abduction, by Dr. John Mack, pg. 48 I.E., “Alien” encounters lead experiencers to the conclusion that God is not a personified deity, but a cosmic consciousness, and that some “grey aliens” are good angels. More directly, aliens also claim over and over to be the creators of mankind … He told her that these beings, “a nonphysical form of energy,” were created and controlled by his group. ”Did you create humans, too?” Angie asked, and he confirmed this.” - Dr. Karla Turner, PhD,Taken, pg. 157 Another contactee reports that an alien told her that Adam & Eve were created here as an experiment ……and that “Aliens genetically changed the DNA of a distant cousin to the ape on this planet” and “sped up” our evolution. “…the question was asked of Monn, if there were more than one Adam and Eve. “Yes, you could say so, because there was more than one experiment on the Earth done by aliens visiting the planet… They were created here… Aliens genetically changed the DNA of a distant cousin to the ape on this planet… the aliens took the natural evolution and speeded it up.” Alien Contact : The Messages They Bring, by Bonnie Meyer, pgs. 178-179 UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



This is but one example of many, of aliens injecting themselves into the Bible as creating Adam and Eve, and confirming the Theory of evolution, or guided evolution – guided by them. This isn’t their only attempt of re-telling the Bible. “A UFO moved in the sky to Bethlehem and then it placed itself by a star in the sky. And also a UFO helped to part the Red Sea.. by lasers… the UFO’s were working for God… These UFOs also provided the manna from heaven. No I’m not saying that God did not do this, but God worked through the UFOs to produce this. Also, God used a laser to write those things on the tablet, the commandments. These UFOs also parted the Jordan River…” - Bonnie Meyer Alien Contact: The Messages They Bring pgs 180-181 It’s not enough just to re-tell it, but they also want to attack the Bible’s integrity: “Not all stories in your Bible are accurate because your Bible is not 100% correct… I would say basically another 6% was eliminated because it talked about reincarnation and UFOs which took power away from the church…” - Bonnie Meyer Alien Contact: The Messages They Bring pgs 177-178, 180 What you may find the most disturbing is the variety of things aliens say about Jesus. For instance, Alien messages include warnings against the use of nuclear energy in any form, and exhortations to put the world in order by, “…returning to the “Cosmic Laws” as taught by great Masters such as Jesus, Buddha, and Krishna – all of whom are said to have come from other planets.” - Aetherius Society, pg. 12-13 “The millions that come from other worlds, from far-off galaxies to assist in bringing Peace upon Earth, have my staunch support and backing for all of their endeavors… I AM SANANDA, KNOWN TO YOU AS JESUS THE CHRIST… I AM SANANDA, AND THIS IS MY MESSAGE TO THE WORLD.” - Project World Evacuation, Compiled through Tuella, by The Ashtar Command, pgs. 8-9 Alien messages include claims that Jesus Christ is an alien, or alien hybrid, with a soul reincarnated into many different bodies on many alien worlds. “Whenever a planet has problems like Earth is experiencing now, a special person is born on the planet to help. Even my home planet Surak had problems way back in its past, and the Son of God was the person who was called on to help. He has also been born on other planets. It is always the same soul that is born; however, it is not quite the same because there were different mothers.” - Alien Contact : The Messages They Bring, by Bonnie Meyer, pg. 186 If this image to the right doesn’t offend you, I don’t know what will. We didn’t create this picture, it was out there on a site promoting this view as truth. This image is ET’s message in a nutshell, and what




God has called my life to be dedicated to fighting. The Son of God is not “crucified afresh” on planet after planet throughout millions of galaxies. The Bible says that Christ died once for all, “By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” Hebrews 10:10 And we should all know He cannot be not “slightly different” based on different mothers, because the Bible says that Jesus Christ is the SAME, yesterday, today and forever, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8 Alien messages also attempt to rewrite the resurrection and how Jesus Christ will return, “The most controversial thing is the ascension and resurrection of Christ. You see, he went up to a UFO in a beam, he went aboard a ship, and He is alive today and He will return in a ship called the New Jerusalem and it will be stationed outside of the atmosphere.” - Bonnie Meyer, Alien Contact : The Messages They Bring pg 180-181 Now, only people who know the Bible would catch most of these lies, or half-truths. The New Jerusalem will not orbit the planet, but will be the city (not a ship) on Earth, that Jesus Christ will reign from. One of today’s more infamous abductees is formerly know as Claude Vorilhom, but now goes by the name Rael. And like we saw from another alien encounter earlier, Rael’s aliens also claim to be humanity’s creators. They pose as scientists, or “designers.” From Rael’s book, called “The True Face of God”, “… the creators (alien scientists aka Eloha / Elohim) therefore arranged for a child to be born of a woman of the Earth and one of their own people (aliens). The child in question (Jesus Christ) would thereby inherit certain telepathic faculties which humans lack… Mary was the woman chosen … One of the creators (aliens) appeared to explain that Mary would bring forth a son of “God”. - The True Face of God, pg 60 Just a little more on where this is coming from, the cult leader Rael: “Claude Vorilhon claimed that in December 1973 he was re-named Rael by aliens… Rael claims that HE is the result of a virgin birth .. Alien named Yahweh told him “we decided that the time had come to send a new messenger on earth .… says Jesus was “scientifically revived by other aliens and taken back to the Elohim planet” … says Jesus “didn’t die for the sins of the world .. Jesus’ purpose on earth was to help us advance scientifically and medically to make room for the return of the Elohim to the planet.” - Bill Alnor, UFO Cults and The New Millennium, 1998 Baker Books, Ch 7




This is a modern day false prophet, but his experiences, I believe, really happened to him. It was the “aliens” that told him to write this book, and start this new religion, which today claims to have 55,000 members across the planet. It is interesting how often contact with aliens results in instructions to the abductee or contactee to start a new religion. They harp on how and why Christianity is wrong all the time though. Going back to the 1950′s contactee George Van Tassel had “aliens” telling him things similar to the modern claims of the Rael, and contactee Bonnie Meyer whom we’ve been reading from already. “He (George Van Tassel) said that JESUS was born of MARY, who was a space person sent here already pregnant in order to show earth people the proper way to live. He said the space people have watched over us through the years and have tried to help us.” - Nick Redfern, On The Trail of The Saucer Spies, page 28-29 I lived in Roswell, NM for 11 years as a missionary, to present orthodox biblical views to those who go there with belief systems similar to what I’ve been describing. Now, I “used to believe” that my target audience, so to speak, was a very tiny niche group of people, limited mainly just to those who were having direct contact with ET’s, or who were joining UFO Cults. However, I’ve had so many conversations with what you’d otherwise call “normal” people over the years, and I’ve been surprised and nearly sickened to find out how many people in the mainstream are beginning to think about the Bible in the exact same ways that I’ve been quoting you today – but WITHOUT joining a cult, or having contact experiences. Note the opening 2 minutes of a program that debuted in 2002, and still airs several times per year on the History Channel. “The Bible, a sacred text filled with fantastic tales of an awesome supernatural force, but what if that force wasn’t God? What if it was a UFO? In Ezekiel, what was that gleaming wheel within a wheel that descended on the prophet? In the Sodom and Gomorrah of Genesis where did the devastating fire and brimstone come from? In Exodus what was that presence in the sky that led Moses through the desert? Were these the actions of God? Or might these mysterious forces in the sky have been UFOs in the Bible? Throughout the Bible mysterious aerial phenomena appear and alter the course of human history. To religious scholars these stories are an infallible record of God’s presence and Godly events, but some modern day researchers offer a different theory… perhaps these stories really describe alien visitations.” Barry Downing: “Is it possible that extraterrestrials have been involved in human history for thousands of years, and if so, did they have contact with the Biblical people, and as you look in the Bible there are many reports of UFOs that contact Biblical people, a chariot of fire that abducts Elijah and takes him off into the sky.” Narrator: “Elijah was one of the most revered Jewish prophets of his day. According to ufologists, the Biblical account of his encounter with chariots of fire, is a detailed description of what might be termed a UFO.” UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



- The History Channel “UFOs in the Bible” The minister in the video wearing the white collar, Barry Downing, is teaching almost the exact same things that the alien contactees I’ve quoted are teaching, and almost the exact same things about UFOs in the Bible that the Raelian religion teaches. My point is that it’s no longer direct contact with aliens, or participation in cult groups that leads people to embrace these ideas. It’s mass media, it’s Hollywood, and it’s even begun to creep into portions of the Christian church. It’s a strong delusion, and these entities have found ambassadors that are all to willing to carry their message. Today, what you’ll find most prevalent in much of the alien contact literature since the fifties, and now all over the web, is the claim that when you read the Bible, what you’re really reading about is primitive man’s interpretation of UFO technology. Claims that the fire by day, cloud by night that Moses and the Israelites followed was really a UFO. Claims that Elijah was taken up in a UFO, like this mockumentary said. Claims that Jesus didn’t so much “ascend into heaven” after His resurrection, but rather that He was just beamed back up to the mother ship from which He came. And right along with this, the deceptive twist now being touted is that The Immaculate Conception and virgin birth of Jesus Christ are explainable by alien abduction and artificial insemination, resulting in an advanced teacher to mankind – who was either half-alien or all-alien. But we know that The Bible says that God Himself became flesh, and dwelt among us in the person of Jesus Christ, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God… All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made… He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not… And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us…” John Chapter 1 That’s who Jesus Christ is according to scripture – the world was made by Him. Alien messages always undermine the singular most important tenet of Christianity, that Jesus Christ is God Himself Incarnate as man, or God in the flesh. For in him dwelleth all the fullness of the Godhead bodily. Colossians 2:9 In whom we have redemption through his blood, [even] the forgiveness of sins: Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth… … all things were created by him, and for him Colossians 1:14-15 Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. – Hebrews 2:14-15 “For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ as coming in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.” 2 John 1:7 So the essence of the struggle here is trying to reconcile the reality of alien encounters (generally speaking and the few fruitcakes and attention seekers aside, we believe that people genuinely are




having these encounters), but we have to compare what is being told to people by the entities to what the Bible very clearly teaches. And the now extremely well-documented messages of beings claiming to be aliens repeatedly attack this doctrine, and claim that Jesus is not really God Incarnate, but is simply an advanced alien or half breed. The common questions that Christians arrive at when they examine the documented teaching of aliens, are quite logically along the lines of, “Why would authentic extraterrestrial biological entities travel 90 billion light years just to attack one specific religion? Why do they make such a concentrated effort to convince people that Jesus Christ is not true Deity, or God Incarnate? Given their powers and abilities, the Christian truly is left with no choice but to identify these creatures as deceiving spirits. Which is exactly what the Bible tells us to expect in the Last Days. Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils. 1 Tim 4:1 For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4 NIV The Bible actually tells people to expect, in the last days, many people falling away from the faith – partly on the basis of believing human teachers of false doctrines - but very specifically, because of seducing spirits that teach the doctrines of devils. Which is exactly what you see when you examine aliens’ communications to humans. Finally, here’s one main passage which often also gets applied to the UFO phenomena by nearly all Christian researchers: “The coming of the lawless one (aka antichrist) will be in accordance with the work of Satan, displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie…” 2nd Thessalonians 2:7-11 Putting this all too succinctly, many Christian researchers feel that the UFO phenomenon is a lying sign and wonder, and a powerful delusion, which will be embraced by those who refuse to believe the gospel. SOME powerful delusion, having global impact, with signs and wonders is exactly what Christians were warned 2,000 years ago to anticipate, as part of the final rise of the antichrist. Since 1947 – the year of the Roswell Incident, AND when the nation of Israel stepped back onto the worldstage… since 1947, the UFO phenomenon, you might say, has jumped to the forefront of being the leading contender to fit this bill. So … what exactly do the aliens tell abductees about the end times? The book Abduction by Dr John Mack represents a decade-long study of over 300 men and women who claimed alien abduction. Dr Mack is a Pulitzer Prize winning author, who, up until as his death, served as the Head of the Psychiatry Department at Harvard University School of Medicine. He also co-chaired a conference at M.I.T. that concluded that abductees weren’t crazy, or lying, but that most abductees showed symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, proving that something had indeed happened to them. UNEARTHLY MESSAGES A PRODUCTION OF REMA MARKETING ©2013, All rights reserved.



After interviewing over 300 abductees, he summarizes the aliens’ messages by saying, “The information that abductees receive is concerned primarily……with the fate of the earth in the wake of human destructiveness. Scenes are shown…of the earth devastated by a nuclear holocaust, vast panoramas of lifeless polluted landscapes and waters, and apocalyptic images of giant earthquakes, firestorms, floods, and even fractures of the planet itself are shown by the aliens. These are powerfully disturbing to the abductees, who tend to experience them as literally predictive of the future of the planet. Some abductees are given assignments in this future holocaust as it is displayed, such as to feed the survivors, or are told…that some will perish while others will be taken to another place to participate in the evolution of life in the universe.” - Dr. John Mack Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens pg 395, 40 Extensive research by Dr. Mack, Karla Turner Phd, David Jacobs Phd, Budd Hopkins and many other prominent abduction researchers bears out that visions of the end of the world – or at least some massive future apocalypse – is one of if not THE major theme that abductees experience in their interactions with aliens. They also often speak of how the aliens will help mankind survive this period. Dr. Mack relates this conversation with an abductee named Ed, “You have a sensitivity, Ed. You pick up on things. You can talk to the earth. The earth talks to you…The female being, whose name he now recalled as something like “Ohgeeka” or “Ageeka,” picked up on these qualities and underscored the responsibility Ed has for his gifts and powers. “Listen to the earth. Listen to the earth, Ed. You can hear the earth. You can hear the anguish of the spirits. You can hear the wailing cries of the imbalances. It will save you. It will save you… Things are going to happen,” she said, but he must “listen to the spirits”…The earth itself, the being told him, is enraged at our stupidity, and “the earth’s skin is going to swat some bugs off” that do not know how “to work in symbiotic harmony” with it…. I asked Ed how this swatting off was going to happen. “Convulsions of the earth,” he said, “almost like puking us off, or shunning us off… They will get rid of parts of us.” Meanwhile, the being kept telling Ed that he has a “greater agenda” I asked him what is called for, what he has been told is to be done. He answered personally, in terms of what he has been told about his own survival in the face of the “cataclysmic earth changes” that are to come. “She’s telling me, showing me that I have the tools within me to survive. I have this extra dimension. I have the choice of listening to it or not… I am to listen to my inner, something deep inside myself, and listen to the earth.” - Abduction, John Mack, pg. 61, 64 Some abductees are told the key to surviving the Last Days is in themselves, while others are told the aliens will save them: “It will be the time when the disasters are at their peak. It will happen when people will no longer be able to stand the disruptions and the chaos. The remainder of the people who are living will be picked up by spacecraft and be taken to safety on the planet Saturn. Here they will be cared for until the




Earth is once again ready to be inhabited… You are all in the hands of the Space brothers, and the sooner you realize this, the better.” - Brad Steiger, Aquarian Revelations: Channeling Higher Intelligence, pgs 106-7 But the Bible says clearly, that it is only Jesus who saves, and that whoever shall call upon the name of the Lord will be saved! “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:9, 13 Of course we know that The Bible says a great deal about the End of the Age, and the disasters that will come on the earth before Jesus Christ’s return – specifically in Matthew 24 and the Book of Revelation … just for starters. I just want to point out to you the documented fact that aliens’ messages routinely contradict the biblical messages of destruction and recreation of a New Heaven and a New Earth by God, and Jesus’ promise to save His followers from this judgment. Aliens routinely promise that THEY will deliver their believers from the disasters foretold in the End Times, in a variety of ways – including but not limited to cloning, reincarnation, or by lifting those who follow the aliens off the planet just in the nick of time. So I’ve shared with you the documented messages of extra-terrestrials, so that you could compare them to the Bible and begin to make an educated decision on whether you believe they are genuine Eextraterrestrials or – as the non-Christian Jacques Vallee wrote in his book title – are they “Messengers of Deception”? And I think the documentation that exists of the “Contact” and “Abduction” phenomenon does indeed give you enough information to answer the original question for yourself, “Are “extraterrestrials” intentionally evangelizing us to an alternate spirituality?” And I’ll add, “Do these experiences tend to have an impact on people?” Yes. “For many witnesses, a UFO encounter causes a radical shift in their beliefs about the universe. Their experiences stand out as the most emotionally terrifying and intellectually baffling experiences of their lives. As one witness said, “My belief system went right out the window.” - Preston E. Dennett One in Forty – The UFO Epidemic: True Accounts of Close Encounters with UFO’s, pg 322-23 The aliens’ messages are “concerned primarily” with indoctrinating us to misunderstand, dismiss, and ignore what The Bible actually says about Jesus Christ, The Bible, God, and especially about the Last Days, and to trust in them. To sort of sum it up, let me submit to you the conclusions of some other well-known Christian authors who have studied this same material.




“An examination of the evidence indicates beyond any doubt that a primary agenda of the alien visitors - whoever or whatever they are - is to change what human beings think about God and His Word (the Bible) and to replace exclusive Christianity with a religion of universalism” - Ron Rhodes, citing William Alnor, Alien Obsession: What Lies Behind Abductions, Sightings, and the Attraction to the Paranormal Two other Christian authors examine the ET movement and write, “If the alleged messages that contactees are receiving are true, then the Bible is not true.” -David Allen Lewis & Robert Shrekhise UFO: End-Time Delusion Don’t be fooled – experiences with these entities, or a heavy belief in this phenomenon, is indeed going to require a choice on your part. Either the aliens are right and they’re telling people the truth, which means that everything the Christian church teaches about God and the Bible is a lie… or… the Bible is right, God is true, and the aliens are lying.