unit04 p40 vocabulary

NAME: DATE : Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s (Unit 4, page 40: Vocabulary; Use after Exercise B) Think ing of p...

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Voc abular y- Bu ilding Str a tegi e s (Unit 4, page 40: Vocabulary; Use after Exercise B) Think ing of per soni f i c a tions When y o u lea r n w o r ds t h a t desc r ibe c h a ra c te r t r a its , it c a n be helpfu l t o t h in k of someo ne wh o pe rs o n ifies, o r e xa c t ly illus t ra tes , t h a t t r a it . T h is pe rso n ifica t io n w ill a c t as a men ta l referen ce , w h ic h w ill he lp y o u be t te r re t a in t he v o ca bu la r y item . P r a c t ice . Think of a family member, friend, or colleague you know who personifies each character trait. You can also choose a literary, film, television, or historical character. Write a name in each box below. Explain each choice.

Charac ter t rait


is a perfec tionist

is unable t o say no

has a negative at titude

waits until the last minu te

t akes on mo re than he / she can handle

over reac ts t o things

I dea . Try personifying new vocabulary you learn in later units.

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Unit 4