Matching Gift Program Guidelines Eligible Participants: Every currently employed, full-time Volkswagen of America, Inc. ...

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Matching Gift Program Guidelines Eligible Participants: Every currently employed, full-time Volkswagen of America, Inc. employee (including Bentley employees as well as employees assigned to Audi of America and VW Credit) who has been employed for at least one year is eligible to participate. Program Criteria: Employee donations will be matched pending they meet the following criteria: 1. Receiving organization must qualify under section 501(c) (3) in the US Internal Revenue Code. Examples of Organizations which do not qualify: ! Political Action Groups/Politically-affiliated groups – or other special interest groups ! Churches, Synagogues, Mosques, Temples – or other religious organizations, programs or causes ! Lodges ! For-Profit Organizations In the event of questions concerning the qualification of a particular recipient, the decision of the Corporate Contributions Committee of Volkswagen of America, Inc. is final. 2. Minimum Donation: $25.00 3. Maximum Donation & Individual Maximum: $5,000.00 4. Matching Ratio: 1:1 Program Effective Date: January 1, 2006 How to participate: If you have elected to participate in the employee payroll deduction program, then your gift will automatically be matched. If you are making an independent donation and your donation meets the aforementioned criteria, then please complete the “Request for Matching Gift Form” along with a copy of the organizations letter of determination for tax-exempt status, and submit, with proof of payment. If you are a Bentley Motors employee, please submit to Darla Notaro in Bentley HR. All other employees please submit to Tara Jones in VWoA HR. You must provide proof of your donation. The Request for Matching Gift Form can be found on the HR homepage on Vinnie, under HR Forms. Note: Donations will be matched on a quarterly basis.


Request for Matching Gift Form Employee Name: Phone:

Department: E-mail:

Location: Date:

Instructions: To apply for approval, please attach supporting documentation verifying the qualification of the organization as taxexempt under Section 501 (c) (3) of the US Internal Revenue code by attaching a copy of the charities tax-exempt determination letter, and submit a completed signed copy of the form along with proof of payment, to the following Human Resources Representative: Volkswagen of America, Inc.- Tara Jones Bentley Motors - Darla Notaro Note: If there is any question as to whether the organization meets the criteria in the Matching Gift Program Guidelines, the decision of the Corporate Contributions Committee is final.

Organization Information Organization name: Purpose of organization: Organization address: Organization phone: I have read the Volkswagen of America, Inc. Matching Gift Program Guidelines, and I believe this request complies with its spirit and intent. Please contact Tara Jones if the organization you wish to request a matching gift for is outside of the guidelines listed in “Matching Gift Program Guidelines,” point #1.

Employee Signature

