WM Conference programme

 ‘Church Mission Society: new resources for mission’: In 2018 CMS is launching a series of training workshops for chur...

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‘Church Mission Society: new resources for mission’: In 2018 CMS is launching a series of training workshops for churches. These workshops will help congregations reflect upon mission in their local context and identify the cultural barriers they may face. By drawing on CMS mission experience from around the world, congregations will be able to see how global and local mission inform each other. Above all we want to help churches to observe how God is at work in their community, and then to join in! Come along to this session to get a flavour of this new resource and whether it might be suitable for your church. Led by John Orchard, Church Relations Adviser for the Church Mission Society.

‘Working together for climate justice’ or ‘What would Jesus do about climate change?’ – In this workshop, we will share our own experience, motivation, Christian calling and questions about climate change, and have opportunities to do several practical and reflective activities including taking Big Shift actions, do an Ecochurch assessment, and plan a Creationtide service. Led by Simon Snell, Suffolk Regional Coordinator and Church Engagement Project Officer, Christian Aid.

A big thank you to all who have participated in this, our first, World Mission Conference. Please let us know what you liked and what we could do better on the feedback form before you leave. Richard Stainer & Carol Mansell

World Mission Conference 2018 Saturday 16th June 10.00—16.00 Conference programme

Fairtrade tea, coffee and fruit juice are available throughout the day.


Welcome and opening prayers—Rev. Dave Gardner


‘What do we mean by World Mission Today’— Janice Price, World Development Adviser to the Archbishops’ Council


Friends of the Church in China—Angela Evans


Tea / Coffee and a chance to visit stalls


‘The Challenge of Climate Change—evidence and hope’ - Simon Snell, Suffolk Regional Coordinator and Church Engagement Project Officer, Christian Aid


‘Fairtrade and Trade Justice in an unfair world’ - Richard Stainer, Chair of the Suffolk Association of Fairtrade Towns


‘News from Kagera, Tanzania’ - Chris and Anji Dawkins - Kagera Link Coordinators, Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich


Lunch and a chance to visit stalls


Workshop 1


Tea / coffee and a chance to visit stalls


Workshop 2


Closing remarks and prayers - Rev. Dave Gardner

Please choose two of the following six workshops, one for each workshop session, by signing up on the sheet in the foyer: 

‘Getting the best out of parish links’: This workshop will look at how parishes can develop links with other parishes across the world. Led by Janice Price World Development Adviser to the Archbishops’ Council.

“Global poverty: reaching the unreached, transforming mindsets” - Reaching the world’s most remote rural villages can be particularly challenging. However, some such villages have been much helped in recent years through transformational approaches to development. This workshop will look at how such approaches work in practice with examples from projects run by Global Hope Network International. Led by Malcolm Gifford, Global Hope Network International.

‘A heart for mission’: USPG is an Anglican mission agency supporting churches around the world. This interactive session will enable us to reflect on examples from around the world of churches putting the Five Marks of mission into practice, and how that can inspire us in mission in our own communities. Come and be challenged and inspired by the World Church, and leave motivated for mission! Led by Revd Canon Richard Bartlett, Director for Mission Engagement, USPG.

‘Crossing the Divide’: Tearfund believes that we should seek to understand and cross the divide of culture, background and history if we are to be a witness to our faith. Broken relationships are at the centre of situations of poverty. This workshop looks at how we can repair relationships so that we can all experience the fullness of life that God intended. Led by David Bloomfield, Church Partnership Manager, Tearfund.