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WILSON MESA AT TELLURIDE METROPOLITAN DISTRICT Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Tuesday August 20, 2013 Rosenthal Res...

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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes Tuesday August 20, 2013 Rosenthal Residence

Minutes Board Members Present: Marty Rosenthal Tauqir Fillebeen Bill Perkins Christine Tschinkel Jim Tschinkel Call To Order And Establishment Of Quorum President Marty Rosenthal called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. and it was established that there was a quorum. Approval Of Minutes: June 26 meeting phone meeting minutes were approved unanimously. President’s Report: As of August, 2013 T. Fillebeen was elected to become Secretary and C. Tschinkel remains as the Treasurer. R. Thompson will be getting new AT&T mobile phone. L. Benisutti plans to install water circulation pumps inside the storage tanks. (solar power pump at the bottom of the tank) R. Thompson’s summer projects include installation of two fire hydrants and water taps for lots #14 and # 67 Regarding huge water leak at one residence, board thoroughly discussed the issue and concluded that a letter should be sent to the homeowner regarding the payment, which includes Randell and Larry’s time spent to deal with the leak. Meeting ended at 8:00 pm Submitted by T. Fillebeen, Secretary

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