Year12 Geography Textbooks

September 2017 Subject: A Level Text Books Dear Students, At A level you will be studying the AQA exam board for Geograp...

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September 2017 Subject: A Level Text Books Dear Students, At A level you will be studying the AQA exam board for Geography. The course follows the following topics: The water and carbon cycle; hazards; Coastal systems and landscapes; Changing Places; Global systems and global governance; Contemporary Urban Environments. In addition students will complete a non-examined assessment investigation. During lessons we will be using the following text books as core text for the units covered: Unit 1

AQA Geography A Level & AS: Physical Geography Student Book

Cost: £18 at reduced rate (RRP £22)

Unit 2

AQA Geography A Level & AS: Human Geography Student Book

Cost: £18 at reduced rate (RRP £22)

Unit 3

AQA A-level Geography Student Guide 4: Geographical Skills and Fieldwork

Cost: £7.50 at reduced rate (RRP £9.99)

Copies of these books will be available for use by all pupils during lessons and on short loan from the LRC. However, we know that many of you would like to own your own copy of the text so that you can annotate it and use it at home to support your learning in lessons. Consequently, you may want to consider ordering your own copy of the text books through the school, which will be bulk ordered from the publishers and so available at a reduced price as outlined above. If you think you might be eligible for the Sixth Form bursary to help with the cost of purchasing a text book please see the bursary criteria which is published on our website or speak to Mrs Webb (Head of Sixth Form) directly. At the end of the academic year the Sixth Form team will be organising a second hand book sale where the pupils will have the opportunity to sell on books to other pupils. If you would like to order these books then please complete the form below and return it with your payment to Mrs Shephard who collects in the concourse between 8.45am and 9.15am. The deadline for the payments will be Monday 18th September 2017. Your teacher will let you know when the order has arrived. You will need to bring your receipt to the Geography department office to pick up your book. Many Thanks

Mr D. Cains Head of Geography -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Code: A-Level Geog – YR12 Student: ………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………

Form: …………………………

I would like to purchase the following books: Unit 1 £18

   

Unit 2 £18

Unit 3 £7.50

Total Payment…………………………………………

Cash Cheque (payable to Prince Henry’s High School) ParentPay Payment online - Sort Code: 16-12-21 Account 10062980 Ref: Trip Code, Surname, Reg

Signed: ………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………

Date: …………………………