endodontic treatment completed

Dear Dr. Jeff Turner, Endodontic treatment for your patient Laura Keller has been completed. Thank you for your confiden...

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Dear Dr. Jeff Turner, Endodontic treatment for your patient Laura Keller has been completed. Thank you for your confidence and referral. Tooth: Completion Date: Prognosis: Recall: Recommended Restorative:

2 9/16/2019 Fair None Crown, Bonded core

Pre Op

Post Op

Notes: #2 had a carious pulpal exposure at the ML. RCT was completed and the access was sealed with blue teflon tape and cavit. Sonendo Gentlewave was used to enhance the cleaning of the canals. I referred Ms. Keller back to you for the final restoration. The ML decay was deep and you will have to flute your prep into the M furcation. Ms. Keller was also advised pre-operatively that you might recommend crown lengthening. Thank you, Björn