F 3 Athletic Section Bylaws


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ARTICLE I Name and Central Office Section 1.

This section shall be known as the Athletic Section of the Georgia Recreation and Park Association, Inc.

Section 2.

The Central Office shall be the professional office of the Section Chairperson or unless otherwise designated by the Executive Committee of the Section.

ARTICLE II Affiliation Section 1.

The Athletic Section shall be an interest section of the Georgia Recreation and Park Association, Inc. and shall function in accordance with the Charter and By-Laws of that Association.

ARTICLE III Objectives Section 1.

The aims and objectives of the section shall be as follows: A. B. C. D. E. F. G.

To promote and maintain higher standards of athletic competition and sportsmanship in Georgia. To promote and provide better training and guidance for athletic coaches and game officials. To promote recognition of recreation sports. To improve and expand athletic participation. To provide athletic and professional fellowship. To assist in any practical way in the improvement of athletic competition throughout Georgia. To function in such a manner as will further the interest of athletic competition in Georgia and to promote the Georgia Recreation and Park Association, Inc.

ARTICLE IV Membership Section 1.

The membership classification of this section shall be the same as the membership classification of the Association.


F-15 Athletics (revised 9-2012)

Section 2.

To be eligible for membership in the Section, individuals must be members of the Georgia Recreation and Park Association, Inc.

Section 3.

Section membership shall be composed of Association members who represent individual interest or special interest groups primarily concerned with athletics or related fields as one aspect of the total recreation scheme.

ARTICLE V Officers Section 1.

The officers of the section shall consist of: Chairperson, ChairpersonElect, past Chairperson, and Secretary, all of whom shall constitute the Executive Committee of the Section.

Section 2.

The officers of the Section shall perform the duties usually performed by such officers and as described in Robert's Rules of Order (Revised), together with other such duties as shall be described in the By-Laws or by the Board of Trustees of the Georgia Recreation and Park Association, Inc.

Section 3.

The Chairperson of the Section shall act as the presiding officer for business and Executive Committee meetings of the section.

Section 4.

The Chairperson of the section shall represent the Section on the Board of Trustees of the Association.

Section 5.

The Chairperson of the Section shall keep an accurate account of expenses and income and shall make this available in his/her Annual Report.

Section 6.

The Chairperson-Elect of the Section shall acquaint himself/herself with the activities of the Section and that of the Chairperson. He/she shall act as the presiding officer in the absence of the Chairperson. He/she shall represent the Section on the Annual Conference Committee of GRPA and serve as Chairperson of the Program Committee for the Section.

Section 7.

The immediate past Chairperson shall serve as a standing member of the Executive Committee and shall perform such duties as prescribed in Article VI. He/she shall also serve as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee of the Section.

Section 8.

The Secretary of the Section shall perform the duties usually performed by such an officer. In the absence of the Secretary at any section business or Executive Business meeting, the Chairperson shall appoint a secretary to record the minutes of said meeting. 16

F-16 Athletics (revised 9-2012)

ARTICLE VI Duties of the Executive Committee Section 1.

It shall be the duty of the Executive Committee to establish policies and procedures within the scope of the By-Laws of the Athletic Section, and consistent with the Charter and By-Laws of the Georgia Recreation and Park Association, Inc.

Section 2.

The Executive Committee shall approve all expenditure of the Section.

Section 3.

The Executive Committee shall appoint committee members and approve the planned work of all committees as authorized in Article VII.

Section 4.

The Executive Committee shall handle balloting procedures of amendments to the By-Laws for the Section, as prescribed in Article VIII, Section 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Section 5.

The Executive Committee shall have the power to designate the Central Office of the Section as specified in Article I, Section 1.

ARTICLE VII Committees Section 1.

Standing committees of the Section shall be as follows: A.

The Executive Committee 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Chairperson, Chairperson-Elect, Past Chairperson and Secretary. 2. The Executive Committee shall carry out the management and official business of the Athletic Section in accordance with Article VI and has the power to fill vacancies by appointment of offices vacated between elections.


The Nominating Committee 1. The Nominating Committee shall consist of three members of the Section, none of whom shall be members of the Executive Committee, and the past Chairperson of the Section. The Nominating Committee shall be appointed by the past Chairperson of the Section with the approval of the Executive Committee. 2. The Nominating Committee provides a slate of candidates for offices of the Section to be submitted in accordance with the procedures as set forth under Article IX, Section 1, 2, 3, and 4.


F-17 Athletics (revised 9-2012)


Section 2.

The Program Committee 1.

The Program Committee shall be selected by the Chairperson-Elect of the Section with the approval of the Executive Committee.


The Program Committee shall plan the Section's meeting at the Annual Conference in accordance with the desires of the Section membership. Plans shall be submitted well in advance to the Chairperson-Elect, Athletic Section, for further presentation to the Program Committee of the Georgia Recreation and Park Association, Inc. as authorized by Article V, Section 6. The Program Committee shall conduct a minimum of one athletic workshop each year.

All Ad Hoc Committees may be appointed by the Chairperson and/or Executive Committee of the Section if the need arises.

ARTICLE VIII Voting Section 1.

Individuals who have never before been members of the Association shall be eligible to vote, provided they meet the professional membership requirements of the Association.

Section 2.

Each professional member shall have one vote, and in order to have that vote recorded at the annual meeting, the member must be present or have returned his/her absentee ballot before the above said meeting.

Section 3.

Voting on all matters with the exception of the election of officers and amendment(s) by mail shall be completed within a thirty-day period after ballots are mailed.

Section 4.

Voting on officers and amendment(s) by mail shall require a written request to the Executive Committee for the absentee ballot and the ballots shall be returned within a thirty-day period to the Chairperson and prior to an established deadline or business meeting.

Section 5.

A majority vote by the eligible members present shall decide all matters with the exception of amendments, which shall require two-thirds of all votes cast.

Section 6.

Secret ballots shall be used at the discretion of the presiding officer or Executive Committee for voting on matters of the sections.


F-18 Athletics (revised 9-2012)

Election Procedure and Term of Office Section 1.

There shall be an election held at the annual business meeting of Section for Chairperson, Chairperson-Elect, and Secretary.

Section 2.

The nominees for office shall be selected by the Nominating Committee as authorized in Article VII, Section 1 and 2 or nominated from the floor at large.

Section 3.

Offices shall be held for a one-year term.

Section 4.

Officers elected shall assume office at the Annual Conference each year.

ARTICLE X Meetings Section 1.

Meeting of the Section shall parallel those of the Association, and the annual business meeting shall be held in conjunction with the Annual Conference.

Section 2.

Additional meetings of the Section shall be called by the Chairperson or by a majority of the Section membership.

Section 3.

The Executive Committee of the Section shall hold at least one official meeting per annum, and a quorum shall be two-thirds the members.

ARTICLE XI Amendments Section 1.

Amendment(s) to the By-Laws of the section may be proposed in writing by a member of Section to the Executive Committee. The Committee shall then appoint an Ad Hoc Committee as provided for in Article VI, Section 3 if necessary to study and revise the proposed amendment(s) and to submit their finding to the Executive Committee for approval.

Section 2.

The amendment(s) shall be submitted in writing by the Executive Committee to the entire membership of the Section thirty days prior to voting.

Section 3.

The balloting on the proposed amendment(s) shall be handled by the committee as stated in Article VI, Section 4, and may be held at the Annual business meeting or by mail.

Section 4.

The two-thirds majority of all votes cast shall be necessary to affirm the proposed amendment(s) as stated in Article VIII, Section 6.


F-19 Athletics (revised 9-2012)

Section 5.

Upon approval of the amendment(s), the Executive Committee shall petition the Board of Trustees of the Georgia Recreation and Park Association, Inc. to have the By-Laws amended.

ARTICLE XII Parliamentary Reference Section 1.

Robert's Rules of Order (Revised) shall be the parliamentary reference for this section.


F-20 Athletics (revised 9-2012)